View Full Version : [APP] Bluestreak JMS Exporter w/Region Support (MaxScript)
July 1st, 2008, 01:58 AM
First and foremost, permission was given by TheGhost.
I had this sitting on my hard drive for a while, but never got around to releasing it. Most people won't have a use for it, but for more advanced modders who require it, this edited version of TheGhost's Bluestreak JMS exporter fully supports regions. For those who already have experience using regions, they are still set up the same as per
Please post any bugs/problems here.
July 1st, 2008, 05:23 AM
Please post any bugs/problems here.
Found a bug: the zteam mod isn't finished, only showing a head shot atm :-/
Invader Veex
July 1st, 2008, 09:47 AM
Needs less smile on my face.I was going to do something with regions today anyways :v:
July 1st, 2008, 09:38 PM
Found a bug: the zteam mod isn't finished, only showing a head shot atm :-/
OMFG LOL :lmao:
July 2nd, 2008, 01:36 PM
July 5th, 2008, 12:54 AM
heh this is cool... though I don't normally use regions, actually I'm not sure what they do, the only time I've delt with these annoying things is when they'd made setting up sky models extremely long and tedious annoying work because regions specify the order in which stuff is seen in sky models, other then that idk... I'll probably end up using this the next time I put together a sky. Nice job.
o btw... ur website is insulting me
July 5th, 2008, 02:56 PM
woah omg thanks CAD! :D
Choking Victim
December 21st, 2008, 11:01 AM
I found an error with this maxscript.
for markers, it doesn't take the radius and export it to the jms, it simply sets it as 2.0 by default. For models this isn't such a problem, but if you're trying to create physics then the radius of all your mass points will be 2.0. I took the liberty of fixing the problem and uploading it to our server.
I felt this was bump-worthy. :)
PS: I believe this is also a problem with TheGhosts first version of the script.
December 21st, 2008, 11:30 AM
Nice fix, Will come in handy to most modelers.
February 24th, 2009, 02:11 AM
[2 month bump] Sory, had to share
this edited version of TheGhost's Bluestreak JMS exporter fully supports regions
No, actually it only supports face selection sets. I'm preferring SelectionSetArrays ("whole object" level), because they're still there after the topology is changed.
This here code sets up face selections from object selections
edit- added condition to check if named selection sets exist, and removed the format statement which i think caused Advancebo's broblem (see next post)
if ssc>0 then
for ssi=1 to ssc do
ssic=getNamedSelSetItemCount ssi
for oi=1 to ssic do
o=getNamedSelSetItem ssi oi
if (classof o.baseObject==Editable_mesh) then -- removed bug here
o.faces[getNamedSelSetName ssi]=o.faces
)It's like a bandaid. Better would be if the script checked for both - not that I don't apreciate you're making it possible for 3ds9 users like me to export regions. Happy belated +rep, btw :)
I made a button of it by drag/dropping it from a new maxscript window to the toolbar, but it could also be pasted into the top of the exporter.
maybe if the exporter gets another update, this or something that checks for both could be incorporated. I got some other minor improvements to add if that happens, like storing the filepath for quick re-exporting[/2 month bump]
February 24th, 2009, 09:05 PM
I tried exporting regions using this, but it didnt show up on the gbxmodel or collision model.
May 20th, 2009, 12:55 PM
I've found a way to speed up streaming to listener, for gmax users. Turns out a jms file doesn't need as many newline characters as were being exported. I replaced them with tabs, except the ones which finish loops, and tool accepts this, which makes for a much faster streaming to the listener window, particularly with large exports. The only difference 3ds users will see is an edit box for checksum. (;13781968;/fileinfo.html) :D
to write 2376 faces, it takes
before: 2.75 seconds to file, 87s to listener (31.63 times as long)
after: 2.75 seconds to file, 5.1s to listener (1.85 times as long)
Question: Is that vertex weights button really needed? Is there a case when you'd want to export something skinned without weights? I don't see it's use, when the script already checks to see if a skin modifier is present.
edit: New link (, new script. I remade it, since I lost the 103b version, and can't find a working link. Exports regions (face selection sets), marker radius, and reduced newline usage for faster streaming to listener for gMax users. And I tweaked it a wee bit more for kicks. Not necisarily done yet eather. We'lll see
MetKiller Joe
May 28th, 2009, 11:52 AM
Mirror ( net/
Speed of blitzkrieg with the portability of BlueStreak. +rep
June 17th, 2009, 07:34 PM
Thank you so much! I absolutly hate waiting for gmax to finaly export, this sovles so many problems. I just exported a BSP in one minute. With the old exporter it would have taken half an hour, Thanks!
June 20th, 2009, 12:31 AM
Something seems to be wrong. Whenever I enter the node checksum into the dialog box, and then export, for some reason it doesn't change what I've changed in 3ds. For one of my bipeds, I keep adjusting the right hand marker the gun fits well into the hand, so I'm just overwriting the previous jms\gbxmodel. When I use v3, it doesn't seem to change to what was exported, so I tried it with v2, and it did change the marker position\rotation. Each time I used v3 I changed the node checksum, so I haven't tried using v3 while keeping the checksum at 3251.
June 21st, 2009, 12:54 AM
The checksum box was a last minute addition, so i'm not surprised (much) somethings wrong with it
[edit] oh yeah - well, I guess I'm not looking into it :P. pm me into it if you must
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