View Full Version : How to set up marines (or AI, for that matter) to follow you?

August 25th, 2008, 12:37 PM
Alright, so I've went through every thread here I could find regarding the subject, and while I've definitely learned more, I never was able to make my Marines follow me through a custom SP level.

I went and looked at AotCR's .scenario, and noticed that there were multiple squads for each encounter that was set to follow you. Some of the squads actually spawned actors and had starting points for them, others, those named squad_a, squad_c, squad_e, and so on, had no actor spawn points whatsoever.

Looking at each of these squad_[letter] squads, I first noticed that they only use the odd-numbered letters of the alphabet. Is there any reason to this? Is the game programmed to migrate from squad to squad based on a letter in this place, or is it just how Bungie decided to name the squads? I noticed that squad_a is assigned firing positions A and B, A being used for all, and B for some -- Perhaps this is why the squad_[letter] bit skips B, D, F, etc.?

Now, it's clear that these squads (based on their assigned firing points) are how marines follow you throughout the map. So, I took the knowledge I learned from looking at the .scenario and from what I read here and placed multiple firing positions (A-F in my map), and then assigned firing positions to three squads I made, squad_a, squad_c, and squad_e, with A and B to squad_a, C and D to squad_c, and E and F to squad_e. Now, my marines navigated through a small canyon throughout A and B, firing positions that were also set to their default squad (the one that spawned the actors.). In a larger, open area, they maneuvered to C and D to engage enemies nearer to those firing positions. However, on the other side of the large area, there was another canyon, which went in a small ways, and took a 90+ degree left hand turn. Down that canyon was another enemy encounter. Throughout this canyon, I had placed firing positions E and F. When I ran over around this corner, the marines continued staying in the area with firing positions E and F. Even after I engaged the enemies in the area, thinking that perhaps the marines just needed to hear the sound of an engagement and would come running, they still remained at firing positions C and D.

Now, even if they had heard the engagement and had come running, there still would have been the problem of them not following me without combat ahead. So, what am I doing wrong here? Others mentioned that they were able to get Marines to follow them, but I don't dare bump age-old threads. Anyone want to throw out some suggestions, or point out some critical errors I made? :)

And, also, the two ai_migrate scripts in the HS Bible... are they relevant? It seemed that they weren't, but I threw them in the .hsc file for the map anyways. No luck with or without them. :|

August 25th, 2008, 02:12 PM
I just posted a tutorial on this hope it helps: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=11492

August 25th, 2008, 06:48 PM
Thanks a bunch, man!

Turns out that I had the firing positions all set to F, when I didn't have any F firing positions set, only E. Problem is, in Vista, for some reason, the bottom part of the text in the box is cut off, so it looked like I had F firing positions placed, when really they were E with the bottom cut off. >_<

Thanks for posting that tutorial though. Hopefully that'll help somebody out! :D