View Full Version : 3dsmax Script Help

September 16th, 2008, 05:32 PM
So this biped in 3dsmax has the ValveBiped.Bip01 prefix for its bone names. Obviously extracted from HL2, its a combine soldier. This poses a problem because Jms Exporter and CAD's Anim Exporter wont export the bones because of their names. I am going to use HL2 Animations btw.

Easy Way:

But I learned some maxscript and edited the Jms Exporter so it also exports models with the prefix ValveBiped.Bip01. Unfortunately CAD's Animation Exporter script is encrypted. All I ask for is an unencrypted version of the Animation Exporter. Thanks in advance.

Hard Way:

I could rename all the bones so they dont have the ValveBiped.Bip01 prefix, but because the only way to import HL2 anims in max is if the bone has the ValveBiped.Bip01 prefix, I would have to rename all the bones (around 43) to Bip01 blah blah blah..., for each animation that I want to import. VERY time consuming if you ask me.

P.S. Either its just me, or the model node limit is not 40, because i compiled the combine solder with 43 bones, with no errors in the default tool. (not tool_pro or tool star.)

September 16th, 2008, 05:52 PM
lastPath = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Halo Custom Edition\\data\\"
saveDir = undefined

frameCount = 0
nodeListChecksum = 0
nodeNames = #()
nodeArray = #()
nodeArraySorted = #()
nodeChildIndices = #()
nodeFirstChildIndices = #()
nodeNextSiblingIndices = #()
rootSceneNode = undefined

rollout animExporter "Animation Exporter" width:400 height:343
activeXControl animExportQueue "MSComctlLib.ListViewCtrl.2" pos:[7,7] width:386 height:155
dropDownList animType "" pos:[7,168] width:193 height:21 items:#("JMA (base; dx,dy)", "JMO (overlay; none)", "JMR (replacement; none)", "JMM (base; none)", "JMT (base; dx,dy,dyaw)", "JMZ (base; dx,dy,dz,dyaw)", "JMW (base; none; world-relative)") selection:1
button animRemoveUnchecked "- Unchecked" pos:[318,168] width:75 height:20
button animAddFile "+ File" pos:[206,168] width:50 height:20
button animAddFolder "+ Folder" pos:[262,168] width:50 height:20

groupBox groupSave "Save Parameters" pos:[7,191] width:386 height:77
radioButtons saveMethod "" pos:[16,206] width:220 height:32 labels:#("Save Exported Files to Original Directories", "Save Exported Files to...") columns:1
button saveDirPick "Pick" pos:[15,241] width:35 height:19 enabled:false
button saveDirClear "Clear" pos:[54,241] width:35 height:19 enabled:false
editText saveDirText "" pos:[89,241] width:296 height:19 enabled:false

groupBox groupExecute "Execute" pos:[7,270] width:386 height:53
button exportAnim "Export Animation" pos:[125,287] width:150 height:25

label credits "Zteam - CtrlAltDestroy" pos:[8,326] width:103 height:13 enabled:false

fn calcNodeListChecksum =
/* not consistent! */
nodeListCheck = 0
for i = 1 to nodeArraySorted.count do
nodeCheck = 0
for j = 1 to nodeArraySorted[i].name.count do (nodeCheck += bit.charAsInt nodeArraySorted[i].name[j])
nodeCheck *= (nodeArraySorted.count * (nodeFirstChildIndices[i] + nodeNextSiblingIndices[i]))
nodeListCheck += nodeCheck
return nodeListCheck

fn flushInstances =
frameCount = 0
nodeListChecksum = 0
nodeNames = #()
nodeArray = #()
nodeArraySorted = #()
nodeChildIndices = #()
nodeFirstChildIndices = #()
nodeNextSiblingIndices = #()
rootSceneNode = undefined

fn indexNodes =
failed = false

nodeArray = (($'frame*' as array) + ($'bip01*' as array))
nodeArray = for i in nodeArray where (not i.isHidden) collect i
for w = 1 to nodeArray.count do
if (nodeArray[w].parent != undefined) then
if (((substring nodeArray[w].parent.name 1 5 as name) != ("frame" as name)) and ((substring nodeArray[w].parent.name 1 5 as name) != ("bip01" as name))) then
failed = true
if not failed then
for i = 1 to nodeArray.count do
if (nodeArray[i].parent == undefined) then
if (rootSceneNode != undefined) then
failed = true
rootSceneNode = nodeArray[i]
nodeArray[i].name = ("01" + nodeArray[i].name)
tempParentNode = nodeArray[i].parent
n = 1
tempRootSceneNode = tempParentNode
tempParentNode = tempParentNode.parent
n += 1
while (tempParentNode != undefined)

if (tempRootSceneNode != rootSceneNode) then
failed = true
if n < 10 then (nodeArray[i].name = ("0" + (n as string) + nodeArray[i].name))
else (nodeArray[i].name = ((n as string) + nodeArray[i].name))
if not failed then
nodeNames = for j in nodeArray collect j.name
sort nodeNames
for k = 1 to nodeArray.count do (nodeArraySorted[k] = getNodeByName nodeNames[k])
for h = 1 to nodeArray.count do (nodeArray[h].name = (substring nodeArray[h].name 3 -1))
nodeNames = for j in nodeArray collect j.name

for b = 1 to nodeArraySorted.count do
tempNodeChildIndices = #()
for c = 1 to nodeArraySorted[b].children.count do
tempNodeChild = nodeArraySorted[b].children[c]
if (tempNodeChild != undefined) then
tempChildIndex = findItem nodeArraySorted tempNodeChild
if (tempChildIndex != 0) then (append tempNodeChildIndices tempChildIndex)
nodeChildIndices[b] = tempNodeChildIndices
if (nodeChildIndices[b].count == 0) then (nodeFirstChildIndices[b] = 0)
sort nodeChildIndices[b]
nodeFirstChildIndices[b] = nodeChildIndices[b][1]

nodeNextSiblingIndices[1] = 0
for s = 1 to nodeChildIndices.count do
if ((nodeChildIndices[s].count < 2) and (nodeChildIndices[s][1] != undefined)) then (nodeNextSiblingIndices[nodeChildIndices[s][1]] = 0)
for f = 1 to nodeChildIndices[s].count do
if (f == nodeChildIndices[s].count) then (nodeNextSiblingIndices[nodeChildIndices[s][f]] = 0)
else (nodeNextSiblingIndices[nodeChildIndices[s][f]] = nodeChildIndices[s][f + 1])
if failed then
for i in nodeArray do
if (((substring i.name 1 5 as name) != ("frame" as name)) and ((substring i.name 1 5 as name) != ("bip01" as name))) then (i.name = (substring i.name 3 -1))
nodeNames = #()
nodeArraySorted = #()

failed = true

return failed

fn writeAnim target =
frameCount = ((animationRange.end - animationRange.start) as integer/160) + 1
nodeListChecksum = calcNodeListChecksum()

format "%\n" 16392 to:target
format "%\n" frameCount to:target
format "%\n" frameRate to:target
format "%\n" 1 to:target
format "%\n" "unnamedActor" to:target
format "%\n" nodeArraySorted.count to:target
format "%\n" nodeListChecksum to:target

for i = 1 to nodeArraySorted.count do
format "%\n" nodeArraySorted[i].name to:target
format "%\n" (nodeFirstChildIndices[i] - 1) to:target
format "%\n" (nodeNextSiblingIndices[i] - 1) to:target

tempNodes = #()
for a = 1 to nodeArraySorted.count do
tempNode = Box length:0.5 width:0.5 height:0.5
tempNode.name = ("temp__" + nodeArraySorted[a].name)
tempNode.wirecolor = color 255 0 0
tempNodes[a] = tempNode
for b = 1 to tempNodes.count do
try (tempNodes[b].parent = tempNodes[(findItem nodeArraySorted nodeArraySorted[b].parent)])
catch ()

max tool animmode
set animate on

sliderTime = animationRange.start
for j = 1 to frameCount do
for d = 1 to tempNodes.count do (tempNodes[d].transform = nodeArraySorted[d].transform)
for k = 1 to nodeArraySorted.count do
in coordsys parent nodePosition = tempNodes[k].pos
in coordsys parent tempNodeRotation = tempNodes[k].rotation
nodeRotation = quat -tempNodeRotation.x -tempNodeRotation.y -tempNodeRotation.z tempNodeRotation.w
in coordsys parent nodeScale = (tempNodes[k].scale.x + tempNodes[k].scale.y + tempNodes[k].scale.z)/3

format "%\t%\t%\n" nodePosition.x nodePosition.y nodePosition.z to:target
format "%\t%\t%\t%\n" nodeRotation.x nodeRotation.y nodeRotation.z nodeRotation.w to:target
format "%\n" nodeScale to:target
if (j != (animationRange.start + frameCount)) do (sliderTime += 1)
format "\n// exported with zteam animation exporter\n\n" to:target

max tool animmode
set animate off
try (delete tempNodes)
catch ()
tempNodes = #()

sliderTime = animationRange.start

fn exportSingleAnim target =
outputFile = createFile target
flushInstances ()
failed = indexNodes ()
if not failed then (writeAnim outputFile)
flushInstances ()
try (close outputFile)
catch ()

fn exportAllAnims =
messageStream = stringStream ""
format "%" "Done." to:messageStream
for i in animExportQueue.listItems where i.checked do
if (i.index != 1) then (valid = loadMaxFile i.tag quiet:true)
else (valid = true)
if valid then
if (saveMethod.state == 1) then
if (maxFilePath == "") then (dirPart = trimRight (getDir #scene) "\\")
else (dirPart = trimRight maxFilePath "\\")
else (dirPart = trimRight saveDir "\\")
if (maxFileName == "") then (namePart = "z_scene_animation")
else (namePart = getFilenameFile maxFileName)
typePart = i.listSubItems[1].text

if ((getFiles (dirPart + "\\" + namePart + "." + typePart)).count < 1) then (savePath = (dirPart + "\\" + namePart + "." + typePart))
suffix = 0
while ((getFiles (dirPart + "\\" + namePart + suffix as string + "." + typePart)).count > 0) do (suffix += 1)
savePath = (dirPart + "\\" + namePart + suffix as string + "." + typePart)

format "\n\nAnimation #% had a conflicting filename.\n" i.index to:messageStream
format "It was saved as %" (filenameFromPath savePath) to:messageStream

if ((maxFilePath == "") and (maxFileName == "")) then
if (saveMethod.state == 1) then
format "\n\nAnimation #% did not have an initial filepath.\n" i.index to:messageStream
format "It was saved as % in %" (filenameFromPath savePath) (getFilenamePath savePath) to:messageStream
format "\n\nAnimation #% did not have an initial filename.\n" i.index to:messageStream
format "It was saved as %" (filenameFromPath savePath) to:messageStream

exportSingleAnim savePath
messageBox (messageStream as string) title:"Done"
catch (messageBox "Export failed." title:"Failed")

fn adjustQueue =
if (animExportQueue.listItems.count > 8) then (animExportQueue.columnHeaders[1].width = 8750)
else (animExportQueue.columnHeaders[1].width = 9175)
checkedCount = 0
for i in animExportQueue.listItems do
if i.checked then
checkedCount += 1
i.text = (checkedCount as string + ". " + getFilenameFile i.tag)
else (i.text = getFilenameFile i.tag)
if (checkedCount > 1) then (exportAnim.caption = "Export Animations")
exportAnim.caption = "Export Animation"
if (checkedCount < 1) then (exportAnim.enabled = false)
else (exportAnim.enabled = true)

fn addQueueItem scenePath =
animExportQueue.listItems.add ()
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].tag = scenePath
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].text = getFilenameFile scenePath
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].checked = true
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].listSubItems.add ()
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].listSubItems[1].text = (substring animType.selected 1 3)
animExportQueue.listItems[animExportQueue.listItems.count].listSubItems[1].tag = animType.selection
adjustQueue ()

fn removeQueueItemsUnchecked =
for i in animExportQueue.listItems where (not i.checked and (i.index != 1)) do (animExportQueue.listItems.remove i.index)
adjustQueue ()

fn addFile =
scenePath = getOpenFileName caption:"Add MAX Scene" \
filename:lastPath \
types:"MAX Scene (*.MAX)|*.MAX|"
if (scenePath != undefined) then (addQueueItem scenePath)

fn addDir =
sceneDir = getSavePath caption:"Add MAX Scenes from Directroy" initialDir:lastPath
if (sceneDir != undefined) then
scenePaths = getFiles (sceneDir + "\\*.MAX")
for i in scenePaths do (addQueueItem i)

fn clearSaveDir =
saveDir = undefined
saveDirText.text = ""
saveDirClear.enabled = false

fn pickSaveDir =
clearSaveDir ()
saveDir = getSavePath caption:"Pick Output File Directory" initialDir:lastPath
if (saveDir != undefined) then
saveDirText.text = saveDir
saveDirClear.enabled = true
else (clearSaveDir ())

fn populateQueue =
animExportQueue.checkboxes = true
animExportQueue.fullRowSelect = true
animExportQueue.gridLines = true
animExportQueue.appearance = #ccFlat
animExportQueue.view = #lvwReport
animExportQueue.labelEdit = #lvwManual
animExportQueue.columnHeaders.add ()
animExportQueue.columnHeaders[1].text = "Queue"
animExportQueue.columnHeaders[1].width = 9175
animExportQueue.columnHeaders.add ()
animExportQueue.columnHeaders[2].text = "Type"
animExportQueue.columnHeaders[2].width = 1000
addQueueItem "Current Scene Animation"

on animExporter open do
populateQueue ()
on animRemoveUnchecked pressed do (removeQueueItemsUnchecked ())
on animAddFile pressed do (addFile ())
on animAddFolder pressed do (addDir ())
on animExportQueue itemClick item do (animType.selection = item.listSubItems[1].tag)
on animExportQueue itemCheck item do (adjustQueue ())
on animType selected element do
animExporter.animExportQueue.selectedItem.listSubI tems[1].text = (substring animType.selected 1 3)
animExporter.animExportQueue.selectedItem.listSubI tems[1].tag = element
on saveMethod changed state do
if (state == 1) then
saveDirPick.enabled = false
saveDirClear.enabled = false
saveDirPick.enabled = true
saveDirClear.enabled = (saveDir != undefined)
on saveDirPick pressed do (pickSaveDir ())
on saveDirClear pressed do (clearSaveDir ())
on exportAnim pressed do (exportAllAnims ())

createDialog animExporter


September 16th, 2008, 06:01 PM
You.........are.........awesome. +rep

September 16th, 2008, 06:07 PM
Also, if you did want to rename all the nodes:

nodePrfx = "ValveBiped.Bip01" -- we define the node prefix we wish to replace
nodePrfxRplc = "frame" -- we define the string we wish to replace the prefix with

execute ("select $'" + nodePrfx + "*'") -- we can use the execute method to select every instance of a node with the prefix
nodeArray = $selection as array -- we take the node selection and store it as an array
for i = 1 to nodeArray.count do -- we loop through the array we created
tempname = nodeArray[i].name -- we store the node name we're going to use
namePostfix = substring tempname (nodePrfx.count + 1) -1 -- we get the part of the node name that is after the prefix, including the whitespace between
newName = nodePrfxRplc + namePostfix -- we construct the new node name based on the specified new prefix and postfix from above
nodeArray[i].name = newName -- we assign the new name back to the node

Commented for easy understanding. :)

September 16th, 2008, 06:34 PM
Did you just take the time to write that or did you just copy/paste it from somewhere?

September 16th, 2008, 06:38 PM
Yeah, cus holy shit if so.

September 16th, 2008, 06:45 PM
If youre talking about the first script, it's simply the source to a script i released a few months ago.

September 16th, 2008, 06:51 PM
Question: I just realized that the bones have underscores (_) instead of spaces, would this affect anything? By this I mean the bones are ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Upperarm, instead of ValveBiped.Bip01 L Upperarm.

September 16th, 2008, 06:58 PM
It shouldn't affect anything.

September 16th, 2008, 07:35 PM
I must've done something wrong, whenever i extract the animations it saves the jma with 0 KB, obviously I edited the script wrong.

September 16th, 2008, 07:43 PM
I would get rid of the try()catch() statements for debugging.

September 16th, 2008, 08:52 PM

September 18th, 2008, 02:40 PM

September 18th, 2008, 04:13 PM

Choking Victim
September 18th, 2008, 04:27 PM
Post one more time, I don't understand.

September 18th, 2008, 07:24 PM
Wow im sorry, every time I came to the topic it said the last message was the first time I said it. I didnt mean to post that many times. My bad.

I would get rid of the try()catch() statements for debugging.

Ok I'll try that.

September 19th, 2008, 07:48 PM
Darn, it didn't even play the animation in the viewport upon extraction this time, just says Done, then saves the jma with 0 kb.

September 19th, 2008, 07:53 PM
Yeah, cus holy shit if so.

No, not really. If you know scripting, it's easy to spit out. I was just going to be surprised he just put it up in quote tags instead of just linking a source file or something.

September 21st, 2008, 04:07 PM
My friend told me just changing the bip01 names in the Max Script to ValveBiped.Bip01 would make 3dsmax extract whatever with that name. I guess that didn't work because like I said:

just says Done, then saves the jma with 0 kb.

So is there anything else I have to change other than swapping bip01 with ValveBiped.Bip01?