View Full Version : Weapon Sounds?

English Mobster
December 29th, 2008, 11:33 PM
I don't do much modding for HCE, so I would have no idea what to do here.
I decided to make some new sounds for weapons and whatnot. In this case, I borrowed the sound for the shotgun from DOOM. I had added some new marine death sounds, just for the hell of it, and those worked fine.
However, here's my problem: I now have a silenced shotgun. No firing noises whatsoever. I'm pretty sure I've imported everything right, I've replaced any reference to the old sound, and it plays in Guerilla... So what's the issue here? Why doesn't it play ingame?

December 29th, 2008, 11:35 PM
I had this problem once with a music file. Lower the file to PCM 22.something 16 bit mono and use the tool command tool sounds blah\blahblah\blah ogg 0.1

You could also have a problem with the references but if the sound is just NOT playing in game then this will most likely fix it.

English Mobster
December 29th, 2008, 11:39 PM
I had this problem once with a music file. Lower the file to PCM 22.something 16 bit mono and use the tool command tool sounds blah\blahblah\blah ogg 0.1

You could also have a problem with the references but if the sound is just NOT playing in game then this will most likely fix it.
Thanks for the fast response.
Curious: Would tool sounds_by_type directory\name weapon_fire yes work? Or does it have to be the sounds command?

E: Odd... It IS in the right format... I'll re-export and then make sure I'm referencing it everywhere.

EE: tool sounds blah\blahblah\blah ogg 0.1 Didn't work. I got this:
12.29.08 21:47:55 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
12.29.08 21:47:55 reference function: _write_to_error_file
12.29.08 21:47:55 reference address: 42ca20
12.29.08 21:47:55 EAX: 0xBFF2CB50
12.29.08 21:47:55 EBX: 0x00330000
12.29.08 21:47:55 ECX: 0x3FF1C733
12.29.08 21:47:55 EDX: 0x00334B18
12.29.08 21:47:55 EDI: 0x00000005
12.29.08 21:47:55 ESI: 0x00334B10
12.29.08 21:47:55 EBP: 0x0012E470
12.29.08 21:47:55 ESP: 0x0012E250
12.29.08 21:47:55 EIP: 0x7C91142E, 8B 39 3B 78 ?????
12.29.08 21:47:55 004511A1 ?????
12.29.08 21:47:55 012F6BDD ?????
12.29.08 21:47:55 77C2C42E ?????
12.29.08 21:47:55 77C2C3E7 ?????
12.29.08 21:47:55 77C2C3C9 ?????

12.29.08 21:47:55 EXCEPTION (that's all I know!)

December 30th, 2008, 12:07 AM
Delete the old .sound tag, and try to recompile...
It's been ages, but I'm pretty sure it should compile a BRAND new tag..
if that fails, try taking a pre-existant tag, renaming and replacing your sound tag you wana use, then recompile the sound again..

English Mobster
December 30th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Also, another sound-related question: Why do some of my sounds sound "fast-forwarded" in Guerilla?

teh lag
December 30th, 2008, 08:25 AM
I had this problem once with a music file. Lower the file to PCM 22.something 16 bit mono and use the tool command tool sounds blah\blahblah\blah ogg 0.1

You could also have a problem with the references but if the sound is just NOT playing in game then this will most likely fix it.


Never EVER compile anything as ogg that isn't (A) dialog or (B) background sound/music. It plays hell with the engine. Also, why you would ever compile with a quality other than 1 is beyond me.


I wrote a tutorial on this a while back.

December 30th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Didn't know that. The reason for less that 1 quality is it stops that weird exceptions you sometimes get.

December 30th, 2008, 01:14 PM
shouldn't the exceptions you sometimes get be a sign your doing something wrong? XD
I've always used the xbox command personally...

December 30th, 2008, 01:24 PM
Well in tutorials I've seen they've always said OGG OGG OGG OGG. So I just went ahead and used OGG every time.

El Lobo
December 30th, 2008, 01:25 PM
I've always used the xbox command personally... Sameeeeee. Wait, are we talking about HMT? Just put the plasma grenades in place of the shotgun ammo.

December 30th, 2008, 02:30 PM
OGG is only for music and dialogue.

Get the xbox ADPCM codec.

Make sure you resample your sound in goldwave to 22050 hz.
Save as PCM 16-bit MONO, not stereo. Stereo will overload (according to leet) and cause the sound to be heard full volume across the map.


tool sounds weapons\urmom\lawl xbox 1

December 30th, 2008, 05:48 PM
I've always used the xbox command personally...

January 1st, 2009, 01:07 PM
What lag said. All CMT members (esp. Masterz) should know by now the correct format for impulse sound effects, after I crammed it down their throats every time they got it wrong. :lol:

Also, check Halomaps for the updated OGG encoder; the one supplied with the HEK is out of date.

English Mobster
September 19th, 2009, 06:22 PM
Bumping an old thread of mine with some new info.

I was having issues with Windows 7 and P0lar's DLL fix.
They've JUST updated the OGG encoder on that site on September 3rd, meaning the Halomaps one is out of date.

I downloaded the new one, and the exception I was getting totally disappeared. Recommend someone upload the new codec to Halomaps (preferably P0lar).

t3h m00kz
September 19th, 2009, 06:59 PM
OGG is only for music and dialogue.

Get the xbox ADPCM codec.

Make sure you resample your sound in goldwave to 22050 hz.
Save as PCM 16-bit MONO, not stereo. Stereo will overload (according to leet) and cause the sound to be heard full volume across the map.


tool sounds weapons\urmom\lawl xbox 1

where can one find said codec?

September 19th, 2009, 07:18 PM
Google search.

t3h m00kz
September 19th, 2009, 07:20 PM
Yeah and I got a site that had a link that was hidden because I wasn't a member of the site.

also :effort:

September 19th, 2009, 07:28 PM
Yeah and I got a site that had a link that was hidden because I wasn't a member of the site.

also :effort:

http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/~xbox/xbox-scene/tools/drivers/xb_adpcm_codec.rar (http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/%7Exbox/xbox-scene/tools/drivers/xb_adpcm_codec.rar)

September 20th, 2009, 11:20 AM
I'm going to reinstate this again because I've toyed with it and figured it out.

Make sure you save weapon firing,reloading, and such sounds as 22khz MONO. If you save as either mono or 44khz, every time you play that sound, it will overload the sound engine, cause all the background/ambient/other sounds to stop, and will be heard full volume across the map.

September 20th, 2009, 01:51 PM
I encountered this before with making Hillbilly Mudbog and Tusken Raid. All violent death sounds were custom and loud, and they worked just fine, but I also had a few custom weapon sounds, and once in a while I would get the same problem - silence. Later, I read somewhere that netgame sounds (multiplayer) and other game sounds that were modified caused this problem. The solution was editing the path to the game sounds to a custom path. I did this, and never encountered the issue again. I did not save my debug file to compare to yours - but this might help (?).

Also, if you are using tool created by {TLS} Udie, that by itself will cause crashes/exceptions , and if your xbox codecs "are" updated, tool will compile the map, guerilla will correctly play the sound, but the compiled map will exception, or you will get ghostly silences.

English Mobster
September 21st, 2009, 05:56 PM
This time around I was using it for music.
tool sounds sound\music\8bit\loops ogg 0.1 (using ogg 1 gives me EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.)
Had the music set to 16 bit stereo, everything compiled correctly once I managed to split the sound up into permutations, sounded great ingame. I got Pyong to make several positive comments about it, and Nexus found my other music (this one more hidden).

Really, I think the only problem was that the OGG codec has trouble in Windows 7, and it says the file is unable to be accessed. The updated version of the codec works great, I think the sounds sound slightly better as well, so I decided to bump this old thread and keep it relevant.

September 21st, 2009, 06:20 PM
16 bit Mono. Stereo will overload the game engine and make it go on the fritz.

English Mobster
September 21st, 2009, 09:14 PM
Stereo will overload the game for GUNS.
Music, stereo is recommended, and works great.