View Full Version : Two Years...

January 11th, 2009, 04:21 PM
... 2 years ago I started drawing designs for maps. I eventually had 20 map layouts drawn out and I began learning to make maps for Halo. 14 maps were created. 7 remain.

Low Quality: Encoder fucked this one so I don't suggest it. (http://www.xfire.com/video/62cca/)
High Quality: DivX Encoded Very Nice this one also has issues with encodeing. (http://dedi-servers.net/ftp/dmt/Antartica_Final.avi)
Uber Quality: Same file size as Divx but better quality and fixed the audio and frame rate jumps. (http://dedi-servers.net/ftp/dmt/Antartica_Final.wmv)

Amplitude - A remake of the map Lockout from halo 2. Model was ripped but a lot of parts were re-worked and the entire map was completely re-skinned.

Circle Pit - A very small map built on top of a large forerunner tower. This maps is great for 1v1 and small FFA games.

Dismal - The largest map I have made. This is a CTF map that takes some heavily modified campaign geometry and a bit of geometry from Arteens wt_Grove.

High ground- This is a map that was designed by my friend wanger. It is not a remake of high ground but it takes a similar approach to a asymmetrical game play. This map will be released with a specially modified game type for 1 sided CTF and Assault.

Hypothermia - A very open, heretical, non-linear halo map. One side of the map is a frozen lake while the other is a small forested area. The fog is to prevent long range weapons from dominating the map and it also adds the "Heavy Snow" effect.

Station Omega - A remake of the Pit from halo 3. Based on a orbital defense platform this map is obviously in outer space.

Vertigo - The only map not shown in the trailer. Mainly because the only model I have of it is a year and a half old and is fugly as hell. I need a good modeler to do the final version of it. The map is small but complex. I have a poorly modeled layout that is in game for anyone who would like to help out with this map.

Weapons have also been re-balanced also.
Assault rifle: Slightly more accurate and does a tiny bit more damage. Making it not totally useless.
Pistol: Now 4sk.
Shotgun: No changes
Sniper Rifle: Added recoil. The amount of recoil in the recent game play test was too much and it has been reduced.
Plasma rifle: More powerful, More accurate.
Plasma Pistol: A little more powerful on small shots and the large shots track a little more. Not much but a little.
Needler: Will rape you.
Rockets: Do not kill in one hit unless it is a direct hit. Will generally leave you with 2 or 3 health bars left.
Fail Rod: Removed
Frag: No changes.
Plasma Grenades: Fuse Shortened, One hit kill, Smaller Blast radius than frag.

All of these maps have come a long way and have been endlessly modified and balanced. They present a wide variety of game play and settings that are all of the highest quality I can create.

January 11th, 2009, 04:25 PM
I eventually had 20 map layouts drawn out and I began learning to make maps for Halo. 14 maps were created. 7 remain.20 map layouts
14 + 7 = 21?!

E: What's the song name?

January 11th, 2009, 04:28 PM
Looks cool, but the ground bitmap on the one map with the small beach is bleh

January 11th, 2009, 04:30 PM
Dear Me, these look great. I cant wait to dl them.

January 11th, 2009, 04:30 PM
Woah, I like this idea. It'd be nice to have a good mappack like this. It seems you put a lot of thinking into might I add.

January 11th, 2009, 04:35 PM
20 map layouts
14 + 7 = 21?!

E: What's the song name?

20 maps were designed. Not all of them were actually created. Like Suspension. It was a amazing idea but it would never work in Halo CE due to the fact that getting 16 players in a game for a big custom map is so hard. Unless its coldsnap or hugeass. Some of the maps that were created were dropped. Underground, Backslash, Costal, and a few others that were unnamed where modeled and put in game but never really played well.

@Killa I know I fail at GIMP. Anyone wanna fix my horrible texture please?

Oh and its Antarctica by the bled.

January 11th, 2009, 05:44 PM
looking very COOL.. wow so many maps out while I'm on the same one for so long lol..

January 11th, 2009, 05:53 PM
I liked circle pit.

Invader Veex
January 11th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Beta was fun. Still not sure if I like the environment in Hypothermia. But, the fog actually being there is a nice addition to the map. Donut kept going out of sight on me >:0

January 11th, 2009, 05:58 PM
Alright I now have a really nice HQ version of the video. Check that one out you can actually see some detail in the maps.

@Yoyorast, these maps are not half as convoluted as yoyorast lol.

Crap I think WMM screwed it up cause the HQ version is skipping on audio still.

January 11th, 2009, 07:49 PM
Weapons have also been re-balanced also.
Pistol: Now 4sk.
Rockets: Do not kill in one hit unless it is a direct hit. Will generally leave you with 2 or 3 health bars left.
Plasma Grenades: Fuse Shortened, One hit kill, Smaller Blast radius than frag.

Why change things that were perfect to begin with?

January 11th, 2009, 10:58 PM
Why change it to 4sk? Halo's netcode makes killing people hard enough, 3sk really isn't that bad.

Anyways, I gotta say some of that stuff looks really cool. Some of the geometry and textures in some places are :/, but you make up for that with interesting effects, lighting, and cool ideas for gameplay. I really like how that spire map thing looks, however, the gameplay looks a little imbalanced.

January 11th, 2009, 11:20 PM
Hypothermia eh?

January 11th, 2009, 11:24 PM
Your decision to modify the weapons are among the worst decisions I've ever seen made.

January 11th, 2009, 11:27 PM
Why change things that were perfect to begin with?

Lolwat? Halo is not a perfectly balanced game. In fact it is far from it. The pistol, in the hands of a experianced player, is a fucking god weapon. Rockets and Fail rod are overpowered noob weapons and the plasma grenades take so long to explode and are so obvious they are totally useless unless you get a stick or spam the shit out of them. Also in response to jngrow, below me, If your good with leading and play in 100 and below ping servers the netcode does not really effect you to much. The pistol is overpowered. This a fact. From a designers stand point weapons should not be able to dish out that much in such a small amount of time. The Br in H3 shoots slower than the H1 pistol and it's a 4sk. That makes since to me gameplay wise and it seems to play well.

Sorry about weird post I did this from my iPod.

Why change it to 4sk? Halo's netcode makes killing people hard enough, 3sk really isn't that bad.

Anyways, I gotta say some of that stuff looks really cool. Some of the geometry and textures in some places are :/, but you make up for that with interesting effects, lighting, and cool ideas for gameplay. I really like how that spire map thing looks, however, the gameplay looks a little imbalanced.

January 11th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Hypothermia eh?

Haha I talked to some guys about that already. It's either going to be renamed Frost Bite or Pipeline.

Dbl post due to posts while I was typing and no C&P on iPod.

Ok, from now on if you are going to say my game play decisions are bad back up your opinions with some reasons.

January 12th, 2009, 04:53 AM
Lolwat? Halo is not a perfectly balanced game. In fact it is far from it. The pistol, in the hands of a experianced player, is a fucking god weapon.So leave the experienced players their reward and let the bad kids face the wrath.

Rockets and Fail rod are overpowered noob weapons If you got hit by a rocket, you'd die too! The frod is fine, 2 shots to kill. Based on the map layout you may solve problems by removing these!

The plasma grenades take so long to explode and are so obvious they are totally useless unless you get a stick or spam the shit out of them.So you want to make them explode faster, making them more effective, while you complain about rockets and frod being overpowered noob tools.

Sniper Rifle: Added recoil. The amount of recoil in the recent game play test was too much and it has been reduced.This one is hilarious...

Assault rifle: Slightly more accurate and does a tiny bit more damage. Making it not totally useless.useless? or you aren't aware of its awesomeness and advantages.

The pistol is overpowered. This a fact.You're bad at this game and have little experience and spend all your time mapping and less time playing.

From a designers stand point weapons should not be able to dish out that much in such a small amount of time.ohey. refer to last comment.

That makes since to me gameplay wise and it seems to play well.makes since to me too.

I'm gonna tell you youve made an error on your whole viewpoint and balancing of weapons. Do what you want though, the majority of this community will love it. But from a competative CE standpoint, SADFACE ON YOU. SADFACE!

January 12th, 2009, 05:28 AM
As another player on the more experienced side... I would have said leave the weapons the same as well, but hey I didn't make the maps.

edit- That is if your maps are good quality to begin with and you want us to actually play them in our game nights, we play maps that have a good layout and have CLASSIC weapon set that is untouched.

January 12th, 2009, 10:25 AM
This is some good stuff :), I especially like the design of circle pit, Id like to see what would happen on that map with 16 people :), and hypothermia looks good too, but think that there is already a map called hypothermia. Your remake of the pit could use some detail modeled in and some better textures, maybe the ones from the yellow interior of the a10.

Edit: Sorry if I was supposed to post here... Thanks for moving :)

January 12th, 2009, 03:34 PM
So leave the experienced players their reward and let the bad kids face the wrath.

Oh so that's fair.

If you got hit by a rocket, you'd die too! The frod is fine, 2 shots to kill. Based on the map layout you may solve problems by removing these!

The rocket does exactly the same explosion as the frag. Frag's don't kill in 1 shot. The rockets still kill vehicles in 1 hit which is what the rocket is really meant for.

So you want to make them explode faster, making them more effective, while you complain about rockets and frod being overpowered noob tools.

Because tossing a grenade is not as easy as shooting a rocket dumb ass. Anyways like I said the damage radius is smaller. I'm literally making the H1 grenades exactly like the H3 ones.

This one is hilarious...

Why? I over did the recoil. It would almost knock the player out of view sometimes so I reduced it to about half.

useless? or you aren't aware of its awesomeness and advantages.

Its great for close range. That's it. Unless you burst (and not many people do) It's way to inaccurate for any mid range combat.

You're bad at this game and have little experience and spend all your time mapping and less time playing.

I have over 1000 hours logged Halo CE. Check my xfire profile. I win almost every game I play generally. I know this game like the back of my hand.

ohey. refer to last comment.

ohey refer to last comment

makes since to me too.

actually have no idea what you meant by that.

I'm gonna tell you youve made an error on your whole viewpoint and balancing of weapons. Do what you want though, the majority of this community will love it. But from a competative CE standpoint, SADFACE ON YOU. SADFACE!

Oh so making the game a bit more fair for newer players an a little more balanced overall is bad. Boohoo you can't 3sk with pistol and use it constantly as your only weapon. I wanted to make certain weapons more effect for certain situations and from every gameplay test I have made over the last few years it has been refined. Really the changes are not as big as you are making them out to be. It took a while for people to even notice some of them. So please stop whining.

Overall I made game play changes similar to Corrupted Immure and Solitude. All of which are great maps (if you remove the wasps) Don't see why you guys are getting so upset about this. Well actually its mainly Gannon.
If you guys want me to give out a beta version so you can see the changes that fine. I'll load the weapons on to the shitty old version of vertigo and you can see for your self.

BTW gramar kthxbai

January 12th, 2009, 04:50 PM
BTW gramar kthxbai

Don't start with this shit alright?

January 12th, 2009, 05:07 PM
I just found it funny how many red lines showed up when I quoted that. I'm no English professor but I at least try to fix my spelling and stuff.

January 12th, 2009, 05:09 PM
That beta, was like, awesome.

January 12th, 2009, 05:11 PM
Yeah I think it actually lasted 4 hours from start to finish. The CTF on high ground was fun. Can't wait to get that that hacked game type for 1-sided CTF.

January 12th, 2009, 05:33 PM
This looks very fun. Why do I never get to beta things? :(

January 12th, 2009, 05:35 PM
Ask thats how i got it.

January 12th, 2009, 05:43 PM
All you have to do is be online on xfire at the time the beta starts. I usually advertise it in my status. ;)

Video has finally been fixed. I encoded in .wmv (who would have thought?!!?) and it fixed it. The links will be updated soon.

t3h m00kz
January 12th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Added recoil to the sniper rifle?


Also, in response to Gannon, I've been playing Halo PC for about five years, so I know what's up. I'll be the first one to tell you the pistol is an overpowered mother fucker, and just about every other weapon is useless compared to it, save for the Sniper Rifle. In the hands of a good player, the Pistol is better than a shotgun. I think making the other weapons more powerful while making the pistol just a tad less powerful is a logical decision.

January 12th, 2009, 06:07 PM
Yeah. I was going for a halo 3 type recoil but halo didn't like my random rotation so I decided to do a simple up-down recoil. It's a bit broken in the videos and I'm working on getting it right.

t3h m00kz
January 12th, 2009, 06:11 PM
Yeah. I was going for a halo 3 type recoil but halo didn't like my random rotation so I decided to do a simple up-down recoil. It's a bit broken in the videos and I'm working on getting it right.

I'd say see if you can't get it like H3's recoil for all weapons. Shotgun and Rockets definitely have a shitton of temporary camera impulse.

What I did was watch a replay and tried to simulate it as close as possible. Geurilla is only capable of so much, though.

January 12th, 2009, 06:11 PM
Yeah. I was going for a halo 3 type recoil but halo didn't like my random rotation so I decided to do a simple up-down recoil. It's a bit broken in the videos and I'm working on getting it right.Because I got the beta later, I didn't get to try the sniper against people. I tried it myself and the recoil seems a bit too much to me. I think it'd be better if you just made it go up about 3/4 what you have it now, then come down about 1/4 of that. I don't like it taking about 2 seconds to go down to the place it was before you shot all by itself. That's suppose to be your job, and even if it's you bringing the sniper itself back to origin, the height of your aim shouldn't go back to the same spot also. There's my first thing I've said about the beta to you I think, some might sound strange. I just hope you get the general idea really.

January 12th, 2009, 06:15 PM
That's my exact problem with it too. That's what I'm working to fix.

New video link up. This one has no audio or frame rate jumps. Also even higher quality with a file size about the same as the Divx one.

January 12th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Lolwat? Halo is not a perfectly balanced game. In fact it is far from it. The pistol, in the hands of a experianced player, is a fucking god weapon.

None of the decent Halo players seem to have a problem with this.

Rockets and Fail rod are overpowered noob weapons and the plasma grenades take so long to explode and are so obvious they are totally useless unless you get a stick or spam the shit out of them.

Heavy weapons are used for map control. Many times people get stuck in positions were they can't move because of plasma grenades, this is helpful if you want to stall someone when you need to get to another area. Many good players can effectively use plasma grenades even without sticking a person.

Also in response to jngrow, below me, If your good with leading and play in 100 and below ping servers the netcode does not really effect you to much.

With a game like Halo PC you'll have choices, but with CE I'll often have to play in servers were I get 167-300 ping if I want to play on decent maps. Most of the people who will play your maps will be below average players, so you're only making it that much harder for the people who want to get better at the game.

I have over 1000 hours logged Halo CE. Check my xfire profile. I win almost every game I play generally. I know this game like the back of my hand.

I've seen the videos you have made, you're not a good player. The only reason you're winning is because you're playing with below average people. I don't intend to sound cocky because I'm not the best player either, but when you have posted videos you always made it seem like the terrible kills in them were total ownage.

The pistol is overpowered. This a fact. From a designers stand point weapons should not be able to dish out that much in such a small amount of time. The Br in H3 shoots slower than the H1 pistol and it's a 4sk. That makes since to me gameplay wise and it seems to play well.

It seemed fine when the game was made that way and it still seems fine 7 years later when people still play Halo 1 and love it. It seems that you're just trying to apply the rules from Halo 3 into Halo 1. I'd be fine with that in a Halo 3 map or a map made to look like it was from Halo 3.

But whatever, it's your map anyway. Plus your recent maps have been geared towards alternative/below average players. I find it funny that you ripped on Ganon for his grammar when you made several mistakes in the post I'm quoting.

January 12th, 2009, 10:02 PM
If you gonna add recoil to some guns, please make assault rifle recoil powerful. Would be cool to aim like in Counter-Strike.

And I'm K with the gameplay changes, those changes would be even better if there wasn't that lead shit in the game, though.

January 12th, 2009, 11:07 PM
The maps look really great! I must say though Im a bit dissapointed about some of the weapon changes. I guarantee if you keep them that way your maps will not be played for more than a weekend. Thats just the way things go around here. :\

You know you could probably keep all the weapon changes except the pistol and sniper. Once you mess with those, especially the pistol, you most likely lose 90% of the player base. That leaves you with like 12 people, mb 2 online at a given time to play your maps. Id just hate to see all your hard work and some really good looking maps go to waste. It wouldnt be the first time. :)

January 12th, 2009, 11:11 PM
Okay...while I am against all this "Change it back" gobbledygook, cheefa up there has a really good point.

January 13th, 2009, 12:15 AM
Honestly, Halo 1 is boring now. Me and my friends are all pretty damn good with the pistol, and it just isn't fun. We usually take off pistol or add some damage resistance or something. This is on Xbox. On PC, it really is fine. People rarely get 3sks outside of killing someone who is running perpendicular to them, and in those cases the extra 4th shot needed won't matter anyways.

Pretty much listen to Cheefa though, if you really want it the way it is keep it.

But you know what?

To everybody else:get off his back, because in the end it's HIS map, and he can do what he wants with it. You can say people will play it less, and it's his loss, but who cares? If mapping is your hobby, and you aren't intending on getting famous or some shit, considering the time it goes into making a map, you damn well are gonna make it to your liking.

And Elmo, please never defend Ganon again. Never.

January 13th, 2009, 12:35 AM
And Elmo, please never defend Ganon again. Never.

He's entitled to say whatever he wants to, elmo has similar views as I do, so what. If you guys don't know me I'm cia.ganon ingame, one of the top 3 best ce players. I really could care less for this map, but when I do play ce, I love scrimmaging on custom maps or having a gamenight with friends. So figure you best have the input from an experienced competative player that could pwn the living shit out of you, than none at all. Do what you want, but I promise you that if you follow through with it, cheefa's exact words will come true. Consider yourself lucky that I even share my input at all. /ego

January 13th, 2009, 06:58 AM
Bottom line, its his maps so he does what ever the hell he wants with them and theirs not a damn thing you can do to stop him. I for one like the changes and think it will help shake up the gameplay a little bit and make the maps a little more fun. If you don't like the change stop complaining and don't download them.

January 13th, 2009, 10:39 AM
So leave the experienced players their reward and let the bad kids face the wrath.

If you got hit by a rocket, you'd die too! The frod is fine, 2 shots to kill. Based on the map layout you may solve problems by removing these!

So you want to make them explode faster, making them more effective, while you complain about rockets and frod being overpowered noob tools.

This one is hilarious...

useless? or you aren't aware of its awesomeness and advantages.

You're bad at this game and have little experience and spend all your time mapping and less time playing.

ohey. refer to last comment.

makes since to me too.

I'm gonna tell you youve made an error on your whole viewpoint and balancing of weapons. Do what you want though, the majority of this community will love it. But from a competative CE standpoint, SADFACE ON YOU. SADFACE!

Wow, seriously shut the fuck up. He's tweaking the game based on what flaws he sees, and your just being an ass on the basis you like halo 1's poor game play as it is.

January 13th, 2009, 10:57 AM
If you don't like his changes...then don't play the goddamn map. Christ you kids are insatiable.

January 13th, 2009, 11:04 AM
Cheefa is 100% right, lol. The only maps with modded weapons that ever get played are CMT maps and thats only because the scrubs can't afford 360s to play the terrible game on there. If you tweak the weapons your maps will be thrown away after a few days.

Sorry to say, but its true. Been playing this game for fucking ever.

January 13th, 2009, 11:49 AM
modded weapons = fail.

January 13th, 2009, 12:17 PM
Cheefa is 100% right, lol. The only maps with modded weapons that ever get played are CMT maps and thats only because the scrubs can't afford 360s to play the terrible game on there. If you tweak the weapons your maps will be thrown away after a few days.

Sorry to say, but its true. Been playing this game for fucking ever.

You forgot coldsnap :downs:

January 13th, 2009, 02:24 PM
You forgot coldsnap :downs:
Sorry I retract my previous post :shake:

January 13th, 2009, 02:26 PM
You forgot coldsnap :downs:
and portent

Alwin Roth
January 13th, 2009, 03:53 PM
this is awesome,
i like how you plan to make the pit in a space station

January 13th, 2009, 04:20 PM
Ok, while it is true these are my maps. They are just as much mine as the community's and it seems the community is a bit divided. Some of you say keep it and some say change it back.

So here's the plan.

Pistol goes back to its god state along with sniper. Rockets also go back to their noob tool state.

BUT, all other weapons will keep their minor improvements. And please trust me when I say minor. Assault rifles accuracy has been changed from 6.5 to 5. 1.5 does not make much of a difference. The needler has added a little more tracking and a bit more ROF. Also not to much of a deal. The rest of the improvements are basically the same type of thing.

I was going to write a 5 page essay on all my thoughts about this and my theory of good game play but I'm to fucking lazy right now after school.

You may continue your drama now.

Oh and I'd like to address my videos I've made. I have made 2 montages. The first one "Invincible" was edited from 3 and a half recorded games and when recording my frame rate stutters occasionally so I don't always catch my greatest moments. My second montage "How I could just kill a man" was edited from seven games. Most of which were really short. That's not much footage to make montages from. If I had 5 weeks to just play record and play and record I could make one of those epic montages of just head shots and 3sk's and shit but I have a life and I have projects to work on so I can't make that kind of shit. I make videos for fun and show them off because some of them are pretty good and fun to watch.

edit 2-
One last thought. If you even think about trying to defend the fail rod as a balanced weapon your a idiot.

January 13th, 2009, 05:10 PM
Very nice.

January 13th, 2009, 05:12 PM
By the way, Halo is very balanced.
Everyone starts with the best weapon in the game. Sup?

January 13th, 2009, 05:25 PM
That's what I don't like about it really. I like it when all the weapons are equally powerful but are more useful in specific situations. That's why I'm trying to make the unused weapons (Like the PR and Needy) more powerful.

January 13th, 2009, 05:35 PM
Ok, while it is true these are my maps. They are just as much mine as the community's and it seems the community is a bit divided. Some of you say keep it and some say change it back.

So here's the plan.

Pistol goes back to its god state along with sniper. Rockets also go back to their noob tool state.

BUT, all other weapons will keep their minor improvements. And please trust me when I say minor. Assault rifles accuracy has been changed from 6.5 to 5. 1.5 does not make much of a difference. The needler has added a little more tracking and a bit more ROF. Also not to much of a deal. The rest of the improvements are basically the same type of thing.

I was going to write a 5 page essay on all my thoughts about this and my theory of good game play but I'm to fucking lazy right now after school.

You may continue your drama now.

Oh and I'd like to address my videos I've made. I have made 2 montages. The first one "Invincible" was edited from 3 and a half recorded games and when recording my frame rate stutters occasionally so I don't always catch my greatest moments. My second montage "How I could just kill a man" was edited from seven games. Most of which were really short. That's not much footage to make montages from. If I had 5 weeks to just play record and play and record I could make one of those epic montages of just head shots and 3sk's and shit but I have a life and I have projects to work on so I can't make that kind of shit. I make videos for fun and show them off because some of them are pretty good and fun to watch.

edit 2-
One last thought. If you even think about trying to defend the fail rod as a balanced weapon your a idiot.Please consider changing the pistol back to 4sk. What people don't seem to get is that even at 4sk, the halo 1 pistol is a BR on fucking crack. Bottom line if you leave the pistol the same, the other weapons on the maps will hardly ever be picked up (with the exception of the sniper, rocket launcher, and fail rod) and even if they are, they will still be used as a backup weapon to the pistol. The pistol is supposed to be just that, a pistol, not the accidental child of an assault rifle and a sniper.

January 13th, 2009, 05:39 PM
The pistol is supposed to be just that, a pistol, not the accidental child of an assault rifle and a sniper.
I actually like the way you worded that.

But really the halo 1 pistol is a lot like the desert eagle and if CoD4 has taught me anything its this: The Desert Eagle is fucking god. I've won matches just using that.

And like I said the other weapons are going to be improved to match the pistol.

January 13th, 2009, 05:43 PM
Just wanna say from personal experience. Going through many beta phases, if inferno had not mentioned these weapon changes, I can bet at least 90% of people that play halo would not have noticed. I liked the weapon changes because of the balance it created. I'd basically pick up any weapon and use it instead of being selective. Everyone will develop favourites to suit their style of play but really, there isn't much harm.

I mean killing someone with 4 bullets is still mind boggling. And the fact that the pistol is "a sidearm".

@ ganon: Being competitive is cool and all that but most of us play for fun. And like I said the average halo player won't even really notice the difference.

Finally, great job on all this. Sad that some maps had to get stripped but kudos for making this happen!

And like I said the other weapons are going to be improved to match the pistol.

Sincerely hope this doesn't happen. We're gonna have like 3 second firefights then. >.>

January 13th, 2009, 05:45 PM
Overall I made game play changes similar to Corrupted Immure and Solitude. All of which are great maps (if you remove the wasps) Don't see why you guys are getting so upset about this. Well actually its mainly Gannon.
If you guys want me to give out a beta version so you can see the changes that fine. I'll load the weapons on to the shitty old version of vertigo and you can see for your self.

BTW gramar kthxbai
Both corrupted and immure2 have 3sk and 1 rocket kill to my knowledge. I just read through the entire thread and saw you changed most back.

Your hours logged comment means nothing lol. I have 1600 but someone with very little could be better than me, depending on the person.

January 13th, 2009, 05:58 PM
When it comes down to it, if you keep the pistol the same, people are just gonna play it safe and stick to the classic tactics (blasting the pistol in the general direction of the continent the enemy is standing on and still get the kill.) If you weaken the pistol, it no longer makes it a uber power weapon and will force people to give it up more frequently. 4sk means, more chance for the enemy to react to the threat and give some what of a retaliation, more chance for the enemy to get in cover, and faster bullet consumption per kill (meaning you can't get 20 kills in a row without running out of ammo.) By making that change, and maybe tuning down the rate of fire, you have changed the pistol from a "use in any situation, all the time, every time" weapon, into a all around side arm that is ok in most situations but can be beaten in others.

January 13th, 2009, 06:02 PM
When it comes down to it, if you keep the pistol the same, people are just gonna play it safe and stick to the classic tactics (blasting the pistol in the general direction of the continent the enemy is standing on and still get the kill.) If you weaken the pistol, it no longer makes it a uber power weapon and will force people to give it up more frequently. 4sk means, more chance for the enemy to react to the threat and give some what of a retaliation, more chance for the enemy to get in cover, and faster bullet consumption per kill (meaning you can't get 20 kills in a row without running out of ammo.) By making that change, and maybe tuning down the rate of fire, you have changed the pistol from a "use in any situation, all the time, every time" weapon, into a all around side arm that is ok in most situations but can be beaten in others.
I'm still amazed you didn't understand by the first 3 pages changing the weapons will drop the user base significantly.

January 13th, 2009, 06:04 PM
Hehe don't worry I'm not a noob.


That was a game from Sunday night. Probably one of my best games in a while.

January 13th, 2009, 06:12 PM
My best game in a while was 3 days ago. 6 players on BG I won in 3 minutes. Now granted it was a lan game at highschool, but I was pretty jazz considering they teamed up about half way through the game. Guess what weapon I used ALL GAME, the pistol. If that doesn't tell you something, I dont know what does.

January 13th, 2009, 06:17 PM
My best game ever probably this. (http://www.xfire.com/video/eb74/)

Just skip to the end score. This was before I knew how to edit xfire videos before I uploaded them.

January 13th, 2009, 06:22 PM
I'm still amazed you didn't understand by the first 3 pages changing the weapons will drop the user base significantly.

Just wanna say from personal experience. Going through many beta phases, if inferno had not mentioned these weapon changes, I can bet at least 90% of people that play halo would not have noticed.


January 13th, 2009, 06:34 PM
Hehe don't worry I'm not a noob.


That was a game from Sunday night. Probably one of my best games in a while.
Not saying anything bad about ya but for real, add me on xfire and i'll message you when we do a 3v3 or 4v4.

January 13th, 2009, 06:38 PM
add me and remind me who you are when you talk to me because I have like 100 friends and I get people mixed up because their name in halo and forum name are sometimes not their nickname.

January 13th, 2009, 06:52 PM
Ok, while it is true these are my maps. They are just as much mine as the community's and it seems the community is a bit divided. Some of you say keep it and some say change it back.

So here's the plan.

Pistol goes back to its god state along with sniper. Rockets also go back to their noob tool state.

BUT, all other weapons will keep their minor improvements. And please trust me when I say minor. Assault rifles accuracy has been changed from 6.5 to 5. 1.5 does not make much of a difference. The needler has added a little more tracking and a bit more ROF. Also not to much of a deal. The rest of the improvements are basically the same type of thing.

Thank you. We're all totally fine with the Needler, AR, PP and PR being tweaked.

Oh and I'd like to address my videos I've made. I have made 2 montages. The first one "Invincible" was edited from 3 and a half recorded games and when recording my frame rate stutters occasionally so I don't always catch my greatest moments. My second montage "How I could just kill a man" was edited from seven games. Most of which were really short. That's not much footage to make montages from. If I had 5 weeks to just play record and play and record I could make one of those epic montages of just head shots and 3sk's and shit but I have a life and I have projects to work on so I can't make that kind of shit. I make videos for fun and show them off because some of them are pretty good and fun to watch.

You can't use lack of games and time as an excuse though, if you want to make decent/good videos you can't make excuses. However talking about your videos is irrelevant to this discussion of the maps themselves so I'll drop the issue.

Your ideas for maps can be pretty creative and I hope you make more. Thanks for considering the other side of the story and I look forward to playing your creations.

January 13th, 2009, 07:16 PM
That's not the excuse its the reason. Most of my good videos are not game play related anyway. The highest rated of my videos is the machinima short "The Cheater"

t3h m00kz
January 13th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Now they must suffer the Rofl Launcher.

Also, yeah I think the only thing people are bitching about is the downgrading of their precious pistol and sniper. Just upgrade everything else like the fucking useless plasma to something reasonably powerful.

I'm not sure if you've played the Halo 2: Combat Evolved mod for the XBox, but they had a bunch of weapons that pwned hardcore, and the Pistol wasn't ridiculously overpowered compared to them. It was a four-shot kill, though.

I'd prefer it if the pistol in this map pack were a 4 shot kill and the sniper had a little bit of kickback.

I'm up for testing your maps if you're game.

January 14th, 2009, 04:58 PM
The next beta test (which will probably be the last beta I do before release) will probably end up being on vertigo and any other map that's needs a bit more tweaking. Also could never get that map pack to work although I used to mod halo 2 DLC on my 360. Good times.

By the way I'm still in need of someone to model vertigo... Hunter? Snaf? Anybody?

I found the WIP for this map pack from oh so very long ago. Check it out. (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6198&highlight=wanksta+map+pack) I've come a long ass way since then.

January 15th, 2009, 09:41 AM
Jesus fucking christ this thread. Can none of you whiny old fags adapt to any change at all? It's not like any of you are going to play these maps anyway, maybe you'll play them once then go back to jerking off your pistols all over Blood Gulch. You all disgust me.

January 15th, 2009, 01:28 PM
a competative CE standpointAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH.




wanksta, do whatever you like. Tbh, you should have made the changes and not said anything. It doesn't matter anyway, since your maps have no gimmicks in them, none of the newfags on CE are going to play them anyway.

Once you mess with those, especially the pistol, you most likely lose 90% of the player base.No, he lost 90% of the userbase by using stock weapons, vehicles, and characters.

Honestly, look at all of the well crafted maps we have already. They go unappreciated and unplayed due to the fact that they don't have gimmick shit vehicles like mechs, jets, longswords, and pelicans, and one-hit-kill snipers, nukes, bombs, halo 3 weapons, etc.

Face the facts: Halo's userbase is 99.9% comprised of stupid kids. Kids who either prefer gimmicks over gameplay, or profags who aren't good enough at Counter-Strike and need a game where they don't die in the first shot. Anyone else who appreciates level design and tweaks to gameplay have left for games without a retarded userbase.

January 15th, 2009, 01:35 PM
If it isn't big and boring, noone plays it. That's how CE seems to be these days.

I say that no matter what you are going to do, it is inevitable that noone is going to play the map, because "y shud i play ur map wen i hav nuces in etiction roflrofllmao1!1!". That is unfortanatly the mindset of 95% of the poeple who play CE. It's sad, I know, but that's life. You should make the changes you wanted to. It's your map, go crazy.

January 15th, 2009, 03:21 PM
Well it is true the user base sucks and if you want to play a map that's not dick snap you have to get a group of people (like my clan) into a chat and set up a dedi. But usually its worth it to play quality maps (corrupted solitude portent seclusion etc) Also these will be good for LAN games since they are smaller than average maps. I design small for a small user base if you know what I mean.

January 16th, 2009, 09:29 AM
Face the facts: Halo's userbase is 99.9% comprised of stupid kids. Kids who either prefer gimmicks over gameplay, or profags who aren't good enough at Counter-Strike and need a game where they don't die in the first shot. Anyone else who appreciates level design and tweaks to gameplay have left for games without a retarded userbase.
hahahaha have i mentioned i love you p00?
Except you're wrong about one thing, alot more kids are playing stock blood gulch lately. So I'm thinking he lost around 60% of the userbase by going stock.

p.s. I don't just use the pistol, it gets boring. I usually cycle between the other guns except Needler, PR and PP because they're useless. And I severely doubt that if you hadn't mentioned the weapon changes then nobody would have noticed. People have been playing this game for far too long to not notice having to shoot the guy an extra 1-3 times with the pistol.

Oh, and that screen cap was just terrible.. seeing as you had 2 extra players, one of the other teams guys was AFK, their best ratio was 2-3.. the list goes on. Getting 25-1 in a game with stacked teams does not constitute a good game by any means. Not trying to bash you, I'm just saying, lol.

If your maps are good enough, then they'll get played sparsely. If they have some huge gimmick, then they'll get played regularly by the scrubs who seem to be flourishing in this game. They look to be pretty well designed, so I'm hoping its the former. I hope you tweaked the other weapons in SOME way so that they're not terribly useless.

Oh and get out Pooky. You clearly have no idea how this game works.

January 16th, 2009, 03:16 PM
hahahaha have i mentioned i love you p00?
Except you're wrong about one thing, alot more kids are playing stock blood gulch lately. So I'm thinking he lost around 60% of the userbase by going stock.

p.s. I don't just use the pistol, it gets boring. I usually cycle between the other guns except Needler, PR and PP because they're useless. And I severely doubt that if you hadn't mentioned the weapon changes then nobody would have noticed. People have been playing this game for far too long to not notice having to shoot the guy an extra 1-3 times with the pistol.

Oh, and that screen cap was just terrible.. seeing as you had 2 extra players, one of the other teams guys was AFK, their best ratio was 2-3.. the list goes on. Getting 25-1 in a game with stacked teams does not constitute a good game by any means. Not trying to bash you, I'm just saying, lol.

If your maps are good enough, then they'll get played sparsely. If they have some huge gimmick, then they'll get played regularly by the scrubs who seem to be flourishing in this game. They look to be pretty well designed, so I'm hoping its the former. I hope you tweaked the other weapons in SOME way so that they're not terribly useless.

Oh and get out Pooky. You clearly have no idea how this game works.
The only reason people play bloodgulch is because they either
A: came from halo trial and thats what they know how to play best
or B: think they are "pro" for playing "1337 classuc wepns 0n B10dglch

So what your saying is, you want them to stay useless?

Stop trying to bring a clearly experienced map maker's skill into this discussion. At least hes got the brains to know that pistol A PISTOL is not supposed to be the most versatile and powerful weapon in ANY GAME. Hell, while hes at it, remove the 2x scope at least then you wont be able to 3 shot enemies from half the length of the map.

SCRUBS? SCRUBS? by gimmicks please tell me you mean SUPAR 1337 MAGA SNIPUR THAT KILLS ANYTHING CUZ I SO PRO!!!111 because then you would be right, but if you mean custom content or something to make gameplay interesting, then you sir are the scrub.

i loled

January 16th, 2009, 03:18 PM
or profags who aren't good enough at Counter-Strike and need a game where they don't die in the first shot.

Sorry, had to express my feelings there.

January 16th, 2009, 03:28 PM
Oh and get out Pooky. You clearly have no idea how this game works.

That doesn't really hurt much coming from you :eyesroll:

January 16th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Lol, the reason the teams were unbalanced it was a stalemate till I came in and raped the red team till most of them quit.

And as already stated I will leave the Sniper Pistol and Rockets alone and improve the other weapons so they are just as useful.

January 16th, 2009, 03:36 PM
Lol, the reason the teams were unbalanced it was a stalemate till I came in and raped the red team till most of them quit.

And as already stated I will leave the Sniper Pistol and Rockets alone and improve the other weapons so they are just as useful.I was sort of ok with the other ones, but this is too much. That thing has to be toned down, you and I both know that.

January 16th, 2009, 03:42 PM
I guess. Anyone want to bitch about it first though?

January 16th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Maek a supr awsom rapidfir pistol with laserz.

Joking. You should tone down the power of the Pistol and the Rocket Launcher, and should slow down the rate the sniper rifle fires at (making it bolt action would be nice, but just a slower ROF would be okay).

January 16th, 2009, 04:29 PM
The only reason people play bloodgulch is because they either
A: came from halo trial and thats what they know how to play best
or B: think they are "pro" for playing "1337 classuc wepns 0n B10dglch

So what your saying is, you want them to stay useless?

Stop trying to bring a clearly experienced map maker's skill into this discussion. At least hes got the brains to know that pistol A PISTOL is not supposed to be the most versatile and powerful weapon in ANY GAME. Hell, while hes at it, remove the 2x scope at least then you wont be able to 3 shot enemies from half the length of the map.

SCRUBS? SCRUBS? by gimmicks please tell me you mean SUPAR 1337 MAGA SNIPUR THAT KILLS ANYTHING CUZ I SO PRO!!!111 because then you would be right, but if you mean custom content or something to make gameplay interesting, then you sir are the scrub.

i loled

The only reason people play blood gulch is because its the most well known and its just horribly horribly overplayed.

Later in the post I said that he SHOULD tweak the other weapons, learn to read.

Why isn't the pistol supposed to be the best gun? I mean.. Bungie CLEARLY couldn't have overlooked the fact of how powerful the gun is. Its not even really the best gun, its just the easiest to use. Anyways, someone else brought his skill into it and he was the one who gave the screenshot. I've never seen him play, I was just judging him based on that one game. Becasue thats how I roll.

By scrubs I meant the lil baddies who can't seem to get enough of their Coldsnap and Hugeass! And the gameplay on those maps don't make the game interesting. It only makes it easier to play for the kids who aren't good at the game normally and need gimmicky weapons and nukes to win.

Seriously, lmao. Come off it. I'd like to see you 3 shot kill people regularly from halfway across a map all the while pulling headshots left and right.
xfire: tpblind Try me?

p.s. Pooky, don't start lol. I've been playing far longer than you. I know the game better than you.

OH and actually about the map.
I think you should keep the rockets how they are, but slow their respawn time?

January 16th, 2009, 04:37 PM
It's already at 500 second respawn on most maps. But I hate any gun that gets a cheap 1 shot kill. Especially if it has a large blast radius too.

January 16th, 2009, 04:42 PM
It's already at 500 second respawn on most maps. But I hate any gun that gets a cheap 1 shot kill. Especially if it has a large blast radius too.
Well making it less powerful changes the gameplay completely.
If anything I think you should make the respawn even longer, and maybe just make it so every rocket only carries 2 every time they respawn.

January 16th, 2009, 04:42 PM
It's already at 500 second respawn on most maps. But I hate any gun that gets a cheap 1 shot kill. Especially if it has a large blast radius too.

There goes my super awesome long range flamethrower of doom (with lasers) idea.

But on a serious note: Get rid of tanks, rocket hogs, and maybe banshees. Once you take these out a weaker Rocket Launcher is going to be more accepted.

January 16th, 2009, 05:02 PM
The only vehicles used are Ghost Rhog and regular Hog.

January 16th, 2009, 05:10 PM
It's already at 500 second respawn on most maps. But I hate any gun that gets a cheap 1 shot kill. Especially if it has a large blast radius too.

But it is a rocket after all. It's just unrealistic to survive. Maybe just decrease the radius if possible.

January 16th, 2009, 05:12 PM
For those of you bitches who didn't know the frag grenade and rocket use the same damn ASPLOZION!!! So they should use the same damn DMAGE!!!


January 16th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Pro tip:
Listen to Blind.

January 16th, 2009, 11:12 PM
But it is a rocket after all. It's just unrealistic to survive. Maybe just decrease the radius if possible.

Realistic in MY halo?

January 17th, 2009, 03:05 AM
Oh you want to have a realistic debate about halo? Continue with what you were about to say if you want my paragraph. ;)

January 17th, 2009, 05:09 AM
@ the Ganon originated fights.

What was that "dont feed the troll" thing?

January 17th, 2009, 10:45 AM
The only realistic thing is reality. You can make ideas that are canon with Halo though...ideas like the wasp and kestrel (Kestrel already exists though) as well as weapons listed in the book and a cross between Halo and reality are canon ideas.

Still, being original and unique is just as good. After all, we play for entertainment.

If you don't like explosive weapons, seeing that they're real cheap, I suggest you remove them and replace them with something else. Heck, for the grenades you could use a bubble shield or a gravlift instead.

January 17th, 2009, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by SR114
If you don't like explosive weapons, seeing that they're real cheap, I suggest you remove them and replace them with something else. Heck, for the grenades you could use a bubble shield or a gravlift instead.If you don't like explosive weapons, seeing that they're real cheap, I suggest you remove them and replace them with something else. Heck, for the grenades you could use a bubble shield or a gravlift instead.

Keeping explosives is definitely a good idea, but if you want to make the map much more challenging, make all one hit kill weapons slightly modified. Not in damage or blast radius, however, how easy it is to aim the weapon. Take what Bungie did with the Spartan Laser, for example. Hardly any "casual players" can aim it and actually hit something besides the wall in front of him or her. High Recoil, charged blasts, low projectile speeds, could all help to make it more challenging without ditching the human joy in blowing the hell out of something. Or someone for that matter.

January 17th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Realistic in MY halo?

Well...you have gone to certain lengths to make the game a tad more realistic :p

January 18th, 2009, 07:30 AM
i always used the AR in conjunction with my pistol. it wasnt as bad a weapon as you might think if you used it correctly.

burst fire ftw.
plus when yo all up in thar grill thar all like FUCK HE"S UP IN MAH GRILL!

January 18th, 2009, 10:05 AM
Well I decided to increase the accuracy so that you could actually use it at a bit more range. You still have to burst its not like I made it that much more accurate.

I usually carry a shotty and a sniper when I play. That is my favriote combo cause I can snipe fuckers from a mile away or blast their ass right up in my house.

January 18th, 2009, 12:41 PM
Well I decided to increase the accuracy so that you could actually use it at a bit more range. You still have to burst its not like I made it that much more accurate.

I usually carry a shotty and a sniper when I play. That is my favriote combo cause I can snipe fuckers from a mile away or blast their ass right up in my house.
Sniper/pistol or pistol/FRG ;)

January 18th, 2009, 03:52 PM
I feel like a noob just by touching the fail rod.

January 19th, 2009, 08:12 AM
Fail Rod is useless for any legit purposes. Remove it.

January 19th, 2009, 09:00 AM
Map control? :S
Vehicles? :S

I admit a lot of people abuse it (danger canyon) but so what, it adds a whole new level to gameplay. I know some of the proz use it a ton (luck), OH NO I get 5 more deaths than usually get :(

January 19th, 2009, 11:54 AM
The fail rod is overpowered as hell. And if you have to use a overpowered noob weapon to control the map then you suck dick.

Seriously though:
- High ROF
- Long battery Life
- High damage
- Large Blast Radius
- Can fire a ton of shots before overheating
- Decently long range (if you can arc it properly)
- Fast Projectile

Noob tool much?

January 19th, 2009, 12:07 PM
This is why I don't like "competitive" matches if you can even call it that. Just about everything is labeled as a noob weapon or can be labeled as a noob weapon. My god you kids are annoying.

January 19th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Maybe because the fail rod IS overpowered. Gearbox was stupid to put that weapon in the game. It has way to many advantages and almost no dis-advantages. Simple game play design. For every good thing there should be a bad thing to counter it. Like rockets are really powerful but you only have 2 shots in a clip and it shoots slow. And the sniper is really powerful but its hard to aim and it has a small clip. The AR is powerful and has a large clip but is really inaccurate so it is only useful in close range. Understand?

January 19th, 2009, 12:41 PM
You don't need to explain that to me, I've been playing this game almost as long as blind. It's just stupid to complain about something like that.

Ok so you have some twat with a Fuel rod gun. What do you do?

I don't know...snipe the bastard, use some goddamn tactics, ambush him with plasma grenades, or blow his face off with the shotgun.

It isn't as hard as you people are making it out to be.

January 19th, 2009, 12:47 PM
And if you don't have a sniper and you not far enough away your fucked. FRG beats everything in close and mid range. It's annoying.

January 19th, 2009, 12:48 PM
And if you don't have a sniper and you not far enough away your fucked. FRG beats everything in close and mid range. It's annoying.


Shotgun,Pistol,PR,AR,PP+frag > FRG

Oh and a rocket, the FRG is a lag gun and if someone is just spraying it even if it hits you it's probably not going to do any damage.

January 19th, 2009, 12:49 PM
And if you don't have a sniper and you not far enough away your fucked. FRG beats everything in close and mid range. It's annoying.

You're an idiot.

January 19th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inferno :

Maybe because the fail rod IS overpowered. Gearbox was stupid to put that weapon in the game. It has way to many advantages and almost no dis-advantages. Simple game play design. For every good thing there should be a bad thing to counter it. Like rockets are really powerful but you only have 2 shots in a clip and it shoots slow. And the sniper is really powerful but its hard to aim and it has a small clip. The AR is powerful and has a large clip but is really inaccurate so it is only useful in close range. Understand?

Gearbox made the right decision to put the fuel rod gun into the game. To not do so would anger those who actually care about using weapons that exist in the Halo Universe, whether they are extremely destructive or not.

Saying the FRG should not be in Halo is like saying the Prophets told their Elite soldiers to dumb down the weapons on their ships to make glassing human colonies "more of a challenge".

January 19th, 2009, 01:34 PM
I guess this is what I get for playing nox...
I don't expect anyone to under stand that by the way.

January 19th, 2009, 02:19 PM
And if you don't have a sniper and you not far enough away your fucked. FRG beats everything in close and mid range. It's annoying.
Not at all.
If you get up close to a skilled player while they're using it, they'll hesitate to shoot you which is where you AR or shotgun his skull. If they're bad at the game, they'll blow themselves half to shit trying to kill you.

Evolve your Combat.

January 19th, 2009, 03:03 PM
Or they just jump backward and shoot slightly behind you so that the blast radius catches you but misses them.

January 19th, 2009, 03:27 PM
Or they just jump backward and shoot slightly behind you so that the blast radius catches you but misses them.
lol, maybe on LAN.

January 19th, 2009, 03:28 PM
I usually play in servers with 90 below ping, preferably 60, so yeah they do that.

January 19th, 2009, 04:41 PM
Stay close? I've never really had a problem with people FRGing me, except on Danger Canyon the gun is basically useless.

January 19th, 2009, 04:50 PM
If you are that close, why don't you just stick them with a plasma grenade. So that way, if they do get you with a FRG blast, they will die with you.

And Inferno, I think I understood that.

January 19th, 2009, 04:52 PM
If you are that close, why don't you just stick them with a plasma grenade. So that way, if they do get you with a FRG blast, they will die with you.

And Inferno, I think I understood that.
I don't care who you are, every plasma nade will not stick.

January 19th, 2009, 04:55 PM
That's why you throw all of them including the frags and run around like hell hoping none of the blasts will hit you. Sounds like a sensible strategy to me.

January 19th, 2009, 05:01 PM
I don't care who you are, every plasma nade will not stick.

You haven't heard of The Butcher have you? He could make everyone of his plasma's count.

January 19th, 2009, 08:14 PM
I don't care who you are, every plasma nade will not stick.

I always thought that was strange. If a vehicle travels far enough or a person walks far enough, the nade will just slip off of them and onto the ground. Nades go through some parts of the shoulders and leg/thigh area too.

January 19th, 2009, 08:31 PM
If you are that close, why don't you just stick them with a plasma grenade. So that way, if they do get you with a FRG blast, they will die with you.

And Inferno, I think I understood that.

You played nox death match back when the servers where still up? That game was the definition of balanced. It wasn't a shooter though.

January 19th, 2009, 08:38 PM
I always thought that was strange. If a vehicle travels far enough or a person walks far enough, the nade will just slip off of them and onto the ground. Nades go through some parts of the shoulders and leg/thigh area too.
No, he just meant some people suck.

January 20th, 2009, 01:40 AM
p.s. Pooky, don't start lol. I've been playing far longer than you. I know the game better than you.

I got Halo Xbox and Halo PC on their release days, so I doubt that :eyesroll:

January 20th, 2009, 08:59 AM
I got Halo Xbox and Halo PC on their release days, so I doubt that :eyesroll:
CE, ami.

doubt it!

January 20th, 2009, 09:28 AM
doubt it!

Did someone say my name? :dance:

January 20th, 2009, 09:31 AM
CE, ami.

doubt it!

So, what's the dramatic difference?

January 20th, 2009, 10:48 AM
wru rox rox rox servers.

Besides, if you REALLY knew anything about this game you'd realize that if he did that to his maps they would not be played. Unless its a COMPLETE gimmick map, but I really doubt it is.

January 20th, 2009, 05:55 PM
Exactly. That is why Hugeass and Extinction are so successful. Most people enjoying using extremely destructive weapons/equipment. That's why I have set out to design the Havok Nuke, which is in the megaton range.

So, simply put, more explosives equal more downloads. It is that simple. I still stand on the idea of keeping explosives but making it harder to use them. That's enough for me, personally.

January 20th, 2009, 06:18 PM
Exactly. That is why Hugeass and Extinction are so successful. Most people enjoying using extremely destructive weapons/equipment. That's why I have set out to design the Havok Nuke, which is in the megaton range.

So, simply put, more explosives equal more downloads. It is that simple. I still stand on the idea of keeping explosives but making it harder to use them. That's enough for me, personally.
Most people love the OMG c4 and OMG SNIPAR and OMG MECHS AND JETS AND BLABLABLA.

These maps are terrible and the way you are using them as precedents for good maps is laughable. They are what you should NOT make. Gigantic maps with overpowered weapons and vehicles. No.

January 20th, 2009, 06:33 PM
Coldsnap and Hugeass were Tag testbeds and nothing more. Tiamat released them for that sake and for the sake of their novelty. He never even regarded them as being good traditional halo gameplay maps.

Coldsnap opened our eyes with what could be done tag wise, I.E. the drop pelican and the Nirvash Mech.

January 20th, 2009, 06:39 PM
It wasn't supposed to be a halo game play map. Coldsnap was not balance but it was fun in its own way.

January 20th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Didn't I just say that?

January 20th, 2009, 06:48 PM
I said it in a different way.

January 20th, 2009, 06:59 PM
The Nirvash was cool though.

Shame no other good mech's were ever made.

January 20th, 2009, 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Heathen :

These maps are terrible and the way you are using them as precedents for good maps is laughable. They are what you should NOT make. Gigantic maps with overpowered weapons and vehicles. No.

Well, let's see in the actual Halo Universe battles are
ON human colonies, so it is actually more realistic to make the map larger (you know, because the battle is on an entire planet) . Also, if you know the actual Halo storyline, you would know that all the Nukes, Covenant Plasma glassing weapons are significantly more powerful than those in the normal Halo games. And why the hell wouldn't they be? Would the US military decide to only give troops 9mm's because they thought the current technology was giving them too much of an advantage over the Iraqis? Forget about it. So, I would rather stick to what is really Halo anyday.

January 20th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Halo Combat Evolved: Custom Edition does not have nukes nor does it need them.

Fall of Reach
The Flood
First Strike
Contact Harvest
Ghosts of Onyx

Are books. Not games. Games have game play. Books have story's.

January 20th, 2009, 07:37 PM
There are CE maps with nukes and in fact I am making CE versions of those novels FYI.

Games also have "storys". There is a campaign on Halo, remember. And I prefer my games and novels as well as anything else to be realistic rather than unrealistic.

BTW, you forgot the Cole Protocol.

January 20th, 2009, 07:43 PM
Well, let's see in the actual Halo Universe battles are
ON human colonies, so it is actually more realistic to make the map larger (you know, because the battle is on an entire planet) . Also, if you know the actual Halo storyline, you would know that all the Nukes, Covenant Plasma glassing weapons are significantly more powerful than those in the normal Halo games. And why the hell wouldn't they be? Would the US military decide to only give troops 9mm's because they thought the current technology was giving them too much of an advantage over the Iraqis? Forget about it. So, I would rather stick to what is really Halo anyday.
But did these "wars" usually less than 16 people?

I didn't think so.

Sit down and shut up.
The big maps like this should be left to games like RTS's....if only halo were an RTS. :haw:

January 20th, 2009, 07:51 PM
The MP maps are not exclusively meant to model the entire size of the battle. Playing with just 16 players should give you a feel of what the battle was really like.

I would prefer a touch of the real Halo, no matter how minute it is over non-Halo crap anyday.

Also, wasn't Halo Wars originally going to be set in real-time?

January 20th, 2009, 07:52 PM
You people are wanting something like Battlefield Bad Company.

FPS sandbox gameplay where the field is littered with buildings and structures that you can theoretically use/capture/defend etc. By all means create that, it might work.

But a giant open field where the only building is a massive bridge and your arsenal includes everything on an Assault Carrier is NOT GOOD GAMEPLAY.

The FPS Sandbox maps can have your novelty AND gameplay if you do it right.

Just don't stash a nuke in every bloody building.

January 20th, 2009, 08:05 PM
The MP maps are not exclusively meant to model the entire size of the battle. Playing with just 16 players should give you a feel of what the battle was really like.

I would prefer a touch of the real Halo, no matter how minute it is over non-Halo crap anyday.

Also, wasn't Halo Wars originally going to be set in real-time?
And when and where did the idea of "Real" halo come from?
Whats more real halo than the games the goddamn books are based on?
Lets take your idea to a hypothetical state shall we?

You are in a big battle.
You have a big nuke.
You nuke the baddies.
Game over, go return it to best buy.

The reason they balance gameplay is so its FUN, not so its realistic.

The point is to create a game people can actually play. Why would anyone wanna play a game with nukes and giant weapons everywhere?

People want a game where the individual counts so they have fun. Thats the whole basis of the Master Chief character. There isn't ever a one man army like in the games. Sorry to tell you.

Chess isn't like a war but people still play it for the strategy and skill involved.
Not nukenukeoverpoweredbomb-ness.

January 20th, 2009, 09:58 PM
Drama thread is being nominated for a academy award. Category: unbelievable offtopicness.

January 20th, 2009, 10:18 PM
You people are wanting something like Battlefield Bad Company.

FPS sandbox gameplay where the field is littered with buildings and structures that you can theoretically use/capture/defend etc. By all means create that, it might work.

But a giant open field where the only building is a massive bridge and your arsenal includes everything on an Assault Carrier is NOT GOOD GAMEPLAY.

The FPS Sandbox maps can have your novelty AND gameplay if you do it right.

Just don't stash a nuke in every bloody building.
I... I think I love you?

January 21st, 2009, 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by TeeKup :

You people are wanting something like Battlefield Bad Company.

FPS sandbox gameplay where the field is littered with buildings and structures that you can theoretically use/capture/defend etc. By all means create that, it might work.

But a giant open field where the only building is a massive bridge and your arsenal includes everything on an Assault Carrier is NOT GOOD GAMEPLAY.

The FPS Sandbox maps can have your novelty AND gameplay if you do it right.

Just don't stash a nuke in every bloody building.

I agree entirely. Look, guys, I do admit that having absolutely nothing but crappy looking hills + flying around in a pelican that takes about 5 mins to reach someone = crap. But as TeeKup mentioned, if the map is effectively balanced, a great mod can be created. Obviously, you would only have one or two nukes on a map intended for the gimmick of the explosions in the first place, which some people tend to enjoy.

Ok, now that is settled, is anyone ready to get back on topic?

January 21st, 2009, 10:07 PM
People staying on topic... Pssh! Like that will ever happen.

January 21st, 2009, 10:11 PM
Great maps....how about an update to stay on topic?

January 21st, 2009, 10:13 PM
Great maps....how about an update to stay on topic?
He has been working on Yoyorast Island V2, so I doubt there will be an update anytime soon.

January 21st, 2009, 10:24 PM
Yoyorast is like a slave driver I get 1 meal a day and 3 hours to sleep. Halp!

Some one tell snaf or hunter or teek or lag or someone to model vertigo while I'm working on yoyorast. Then I can ingame it and this thread can get itself together.

January 21st, 2009, 11:30 PM
Yoyorast is like a slave driver I get 1 meal a day and 3 hours to sleep. Halp!

Some one tell snaf or hunter or teek or lag or someone to model vertigo while I'm working on yoyorast. Then I can ingame it and this thread can get itself together.
I can model.

January 22nd, 2009, 03:19 PM
Previous work?

February 20th, 2009, 09:56 PM

February 20th, 2009, 09:58 PM
Uh Jesse. Bumping a month old topic is not a good way to join the forums.