View Full Version : sleep

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 02:51 AM
so like, I get 7 hours of sleep a night regularly these days. I'm still exhausted when I wake up, and trudge through the day feeling like I haven't got enough sleep.

Then today I doze off in my chair waiting for an app to load, and accidentally get a 15 minute powernap. Now I can't fucking sleep, and it's 2 in the morning, and I've gotta be out the door in four hours.

I hate sleep.

Should I cough up the cash to buy a new mattress? Should I just stock up on nyquil?

January 22nd, 2009, 03:41 AM
Works wonders.

but on a more serious note, Fap. Seriously it induces endorphins, makes you relaxed and your mind is never as Clear as just after you fap.

do it, for great justice.
And that is a serious post.

January 22nd, 2009, 03:44 AM
I knew somewhere down the line someone would mention that and eventually derail the entire thread, but not the second post god damn o_o. Sleep is awesome, unless you have to interrupt it for important things, like life.

January 22nd, 2009, 03:46 AM
he wants to sleep.
The shit works, trust me.

besides it's important to have his future kiddy makers Up-to-date ^__^

January 22nd, 2009, 04:38 AM
7 hours are you fucking serious?

Whingy bitch. I consider 7 hours a good morning. 8 would be ideal for me though.

I get like, 4. I go to bed at about 1 - 2am (modwork yay) and get up at 5:30 for work and have to travel an hour and a half on a bus with spastic people who jerk off in their fucking pockets.

It all makes it worthwhile though when I walk in the door and get given donuts, a caramel mocca, dick jokes, the ability to not wear shoes, Japanese lunch courtesy of the boss on fridays and the easiest fucking job ever.

Still though, I'm fucking tired.

January 22nd, 2009, 04:42 AM
7 hours a day and you're still tired? I think you need to change your diet. I'm not joking at all.

still though, the hours you sleep seems great compared to when i was in school (once every 2-4 days)

January 22nd, 2009, 04:58 AM
the problem is that he's still tired after 7 hours, not that 7 hours is enough.

theres a couple things that cause that.

you could just be a pussy
or it could be something like Glandular fever.

January 22nd, 2009, 05:40 AM
fapping doesn't make everyone sleepy zilla vOv

No but really, go see a doc. If it's insomnia then you'll get sleeping pills and be fine. If it's something more serious, then atleast you'll know.

January 22nd, 2009, 05:50 AM
Hmm, I have this same problem. Seems now matter how much -- or little sleep I get that my body is tired through the school/work day.

Llama Juice
January 22nd, 2009, 06:28 AM
I get 7 hours a night usually... and that's more than enough for me. My roommate NEEDS atleast ten hours otherwise he's useless.

Lately I've been sleepy as hell though, I passed out during a 20 minute break at school and aparently I was out so cold that it turned into a 40 minute nap and the teacher woke me up 'cause I was snoring.

Turns out I have Mono... and that destroys your ability to stay awake lol.

MetKiller Joe
January 22nd, 2009, 08:01 AM
OK. You are probably just stressed out.

I had the same problem a couple of months ago. Couldn't go to sleep, couldn't stay asleep, but every class I felt like I was going to doze off.

What solved it was a road trip in which all there was to do was sleep, which may not be the most convenient.

Now, as stupid as might sound. Do the following to relax:

1) sit on your bed or lay down, doesn't really matter
2) now breathe, a little deeper than normal and count to 10
3) if you get other thoughts, focus on nothing, and then go back to 1

It worked wonders for me. I'm waking up feeling extremely refreshed with 6-7 hours of sleep. Try it for one night, but also, just try and sleep during the weekends as much as you can. You are sleep deprived.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:31 AM
yea I usually get the same thing, cant fall asleep and cant wake up...

I like sleeping when I'm actually doing it but not falling asleep.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:40 AM
I knew somewhere down the line someone would mention that and eventually derail the entire thread, but not the second post god damn o_o. Sleep is awesome, unless you have to interrupt it for important things, like life.

He was serious lol.

Masturbation creates sleep causing shit in the brain like he said.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:19 AM
Drink it in the morning, crash at night ITS HOW I ROLL
except last night i napped from like 8-11 and then was up til 3am.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:42 AM
He was serious lol.

Masturbation creates sleep causing shit in the brain like he said.

I remember hearing that it made you tired, especially if you over-masturbate, you'll suffer from some mild form of fatigue lmao. I also remember hearing something about having sex before a game or competition gives you more confidence :cool:

E: Coffee doesn't do that for me, I get headaches and then I also can't fall asleep cuz theres still caffiene(sp?) in my system.

January 22nd, 2009, 10:24 AM
Fapping actually keeps me awake. My body is weird. :(

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 10:40 AM
Fap. Seriously it induces endorphins, makes you relaxed and your mind is never as Clear as just after you fap.Doesn't work for me.

7 hours are you fucking serious?No, see, the prob-

the problem is that he's still tired after 7 hours, not that 7 hours is enough.Bod said it.

7 hours a day and you're still tired? I think you need to change your diet. Changing my diet would be good for me. I should do that even if it is unrelated to my sleep, although it probably is.

No but really, go see a doc.Well, my family does have a history of sleeping disorders, and I am known to sleep walk, but only when I'm str-

OK. You are probably just stressed out.Yeah but the thing is, lol, me stressed out? I'm the most mellow guy ever. My motto is "everything will be fine". I have an easy course load this semester, and life is good. I can't figure out where stress would be entering this equation.

Works wonders.
If it's insomnia then you'll get sleeping pills and be fine.
Coffee. I have sworn off all of these mind-altering substances, even booze. I'm the type who thinks "me" is mostly my brain, and I don't like to fuck with that.

It's probably my poor diet and lack of exercise, but it could also be my shitty mattress. Diet and exercise are cheaper for me, so I suppose I should try those first.

January 22nd, 2009, 12:53 PM
i had something similar to this. my doctor said the following:
it could be due to allergies. while you ARE sleeping, you dont get enough air and instinctively move in your sleep to make breathing easier. nose spray will help that, maybe a humidifier too.
another thing is the mattress. if it is uncomfortable, you move around alot and because of that, your mind cannot go into deep, recuperative sleep

and you might try exercising or something like that.

January 22nd, 2009, 02:01 PM
Watch tim and eric awesome show, if you haven't killed yourself 3 minutes into the episode there's a good chance you're sleeping.

January 22nd, 2009, 02:59 PM
I've been having this problem recently. For me it was that i was to cold\hot.

MetKiller Joe
January 22nd, 2009, 03:05 PM
Yeah but the thing is, lol, me stressed out? I'm the most mellow guy ever. My motto is "everything will be fine".

Even if it is, don't cross stress out. Try to do something relaxing, like sitting and doing nothing for 5 minutes.

January 22nd, 2009, 04:21 PM
It's probably my poor diet and lack of exercise, but it could also be my shitty mattress. Diet and exercise are cheaper for me, so I suppose I should try those first.
you could just be a pussy
or it could be something like Glandular fever....

Seriously google that shit.

January 22nd, 2009, 04:33 PM
I have trouble sleeping sometimes as well, but it's related me being nervous or anxious...

January 22nd, 2009, 04:49 PM
I usually get bout 3-4 hours a night.

January 22nd, 2009, 04:50 PM
so like, I get 7 hours of sleep a night regularly these days. I'm still exhausted when I wake up, and trudge through the day feeling like I haven't got enough sleep.

Then today I doze off in my chair waiting for an app to load, and accidentally get a 15 minute powernap. Now I can't fucking sleep, and it's 2 in the morning, and I've gotta be out the door in four hours.

I hate sleep.

Should I cough up the cash to buy a new mattress? Should I just stock up on nyquil?

If you're still tired after seven hours of sleep you might have anemia or something bro, eat some vitamins (+ iron), got damn

January 22nd, 2009, 04:57 PM
Sleep with socks off, basketball or similar shorts and a comfortable shirt preferably a white-t. Don't make yourself too warm and try to be relaxed starting from your toes up to your forehead. If you can't sleep within 15 minutes, do a quiet activity or just stare at the wall/ceiling.

This has worked for me whenever I can't sleep.

January 22nd, 2009, 04:58 PM
go with what CN and me are saying, it could actually be a medical problem and a symptom of something else.

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 05:00 PM
Sleep with socks off, basketball or similar shorts and a comfortable shirt preferably a white-t.
I sleep in the nude.

January 22nd, 2009, 05:08 PM
6-8 Hours. 9 If I get ridiculously lucky.

January 22nd, 2009, 05:34 PM
Wow, I must have a pretty bad problem then.

I require 10 hours of sleep, otherwise I feel like shit. Right now I keep getting 6 - 8 hours and I'm feeling the consequence, I'm probably going to black out one day. I have naps in the day right now, as I feel so drained and exhausted.

January 22nd, 2009, 05:37 PM
I'm an odd sleeper too, If I get 8+ hours, I feel like shit in the morning, but can go all day once I'm fully awake, If I get less I feel really good and refreshed in the morning, but end up crashing later in the day.

I usually always have trouble falling asleep, I'm either too hot or cold, and there's never an in between. I've sat in bed for over 3 hours before, just trying to sleep. and of course there's never any Tylenol PM.

January 22nd, 2009, 06:04 PM
It always takes me over 20 minutes to fall asleep. I have trouble getting out of bed. I shoot to get 8 hours every night, but I never get that much. Most days i'm just completely out of it. I need to start using my gym membership again...

Rob, try to wake up at the exact same time every day. That usually helps me more than getting a set number of hours of sleep.

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 06:53 PM
I have a brain overactivity problem when trying to sleep. I get stuck in the sort-of-but-not-really-asleep mode, where you could say I'm dreaming, or maybe sort of daydreaming, but still vaguely aware of my surroundings to the point that I snap out of it about once every ten minutes. It takes me no less than an hour of that before I actually fall asleep, often more. Some nights sleep is just impossible.

Waking up is a similar story. Once I do fall asleep, I am the heaviest sleeper you have ever seen. I slept through the 1994 San Fransisco Earthquake, when I lived just outside Pasadena- admittedly I was 7 at the time, but still. In the morning when my alarm goes off, no matter what I do, it doesn't actually wake me up; instead it puts me in that sleepwalking aware-of-my-surroundings-but-still-dreaming state, so I know that my alarm is going off but I don't know what it means. I usually interpret it as something having to do with math, probably because of the numbers on the clock. For example, when my alarm went off this morning, first I thought it meant I needed to write some sort of algorithm to do something or other, so I hit snooze indicating my intention to do so. The second and third times it went off, it was part of the algorithm, and I had to hit the button as part of a certain sequence. The fourth time was time for action; it was time to manipulate the numbers on the face of the clock. I started trying to fidget with the flat LED display, and was confused as to why I couldn't do anything, until my confusion led my brain to become active enough to figure out what was really going on.

I swear, this happens to me every morning, and it takes me about an hour to actually respond properly to my alarm, so I always set it an hour early. I count that hour and the time it takes me to fall asleep as part of the time I spend asleep, so maybe it would be more accurate for me to instead say that I get 4-6 hours of actual sleep a night. :/

January 22nd, 2009, 07:11 PM
I have a brain overactivity problem when trying to sleep. I get stuck in the sort-of-but-not-really-asleep mode, where you could say I'm dreaming, or maybe sort of daydreaming, but still vaguely aware of my surroundings to the point that I snap out of it about once every ten minutes. It takes me no less than an hour of that before I actually fall asleep, often more. Some nights sleep is just impossible.
The same thing happens to me those times that I'm nervous/anxious, it's quite strange really...I hate it though, quite a lot.

January 22nd, 2009, 07:17 PM
I have a brain overactivity problem when trying to sleep. I get stuck in the sort-of-but-not-really-asleep mode, where you could say I'm dreaming, or maybe sort of daydreaming, but still vaguely aware of my surroundings to the point that I snap out of it about once every ten minutes. It takes me no less than an hour of that before I actually fall asleep, often more. Some nights sleep is just impossible.

Waking up is a similar story. Once I do fall asleep, I am the heaviest sleeper you have ever seen. I slept through the 1994 San Fransisco Earthquake, when I lived just outside Pasadena- admittedly I was 7 at the time, but still. In the morning when my alarm goes off, no matter what I do, it doesn't actually wake me up; instead it puts me in that sleepwalking aware-of-my-surroundings-but-still-dreaming state, so I know that my alarm is going off but I don't know what it means. I usually interpret it as something having to do with math, probably because of the numbers on the clock. For example, when my alarm went off this morning, first I thought it meant I needed to write some sort of algorithm to do something or other, so I hit snooze indicating my intention to do so. The second and third times it went off, it was part of the algorithm, and I had to hit the button as part of a certain sequence. The fourth time was time for action; it was time to manipulate the numbers on the face of the clock. I started trying to fidget with the flat LED display, and was confused as to why I couldn't do anything, until my confusion led my brain to become active enough to figure out what was really going on.

I swear, this happens to me every morning, and it takes me about an hour to actually respond properly to my alarm, so I always set it an hour early. I count that hour and the time it takes me to fall asleep as part of the time I spend asleep, so maybe it would be more accurate for me to instead say that I get 4-6 hours of actual sleep a night. :/
Have you tried putting your alarm clock at the other side of the room, facing the opposite way? That's what I do.

I also sleep for 7-8 hours-- any more or less, and I feel like shit the rest of the day.

Also, don't do anything too engaging for half an hour (or more) before going to bed. Any computer game, anything physically demanding, or anything mentally demanding. Just relax and try to zone out for the last half hour of the day. Wander a bit online if you need to, just calm yourself down.

If I'm not relaxed by the time I enter the bed, I won't relax enough in the bed to sleep comfortably.

January 22nd, 2009, 07:19 PM
I have probably the most scrambled sleep schedule due to my job and class hours...

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 07:25 PM
Have you tried putting your alarm clock at the other side of the room, facing the opposite way?

It is on the other side of the room. I said sleepwalking, remember? I can perform alarmingly complex tasks in my sleep. I'm known to dress myself, rearrange my closet, turn on (although thankfully not log in to) my computer, and even attempt to read and write, although when I write it's only scribbles and I suspect that when I "read" I'm just looking at the paper and inventing my own words.

January 22nd, 2009, 07:33 PM
It is on the other side of the room. I said sleepwalking, remember? I can perform alarmingly complex tasks in my sleep. I'm known to dress myself, rearrange my closet, turn on (although thankfully not log in to) my computer, and even attempt to read and write, although when I write it's only scribbles and I suspect that when I "read" I'm just looking at the paper and inventing my own words.
I'd see a sleep specialist if you're really worried about this-- They know a lot more about this sort of thing than (I suspect) anyone on this forum does. If sleep problems run in your family, then it is very likely not just behavioral, and may need some sort of drug. You can ask your doctor about the side effects, and decide from there-- but don't simply rule them out because you're afraid of losing your identity, or altering your identity.

January 22nd, 2009, 07:41 PM
I have a brain overactivity problem when trying to sleep. I get stuck in the sort-of-but-not-really-asleep mode, where you could say I'm dreaming, or maybe sort of daydreaming, but still vaguely aware of my surroundings to the point that I snap out of it about once every ten minutes. It takes me no less than an hour

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 08:05 PM
I'm not worried about the sleep walking at all. I'd just like to be able to get the amount of rest i need

January 22nd, 2009, 08:09 PM
don't do anything too engaging for half an hour (or more) before going to bed. Any computer game, anything physically demanding, or anything mentally demanding. Just relax and try to zone out for the last half hour of the day. Wander a bit online if you need to, just calm yourself down.

If I'm not relaxed by the time I enter the bed, I won't relax enough in the bed to sleep comfortably.Do you do this?

January 22nd, 2009, 08:26 PM
I have a brain overactivity problem when trying to sleep. I get stuck in the sort-of-but-not-really-asleep mode, where you could say I'm dreaming, or maybe sort of daydreaming, but still vaguely aware of my surroundings to the point that I snap out of it about once every ten minutes. It takes me no less than an hour of that before I actually fall asleep, often more. Some nights sleep is just impossible.I get this every once in a while. Sometimes I think I'm playing a video game, or using my computer, chatting with someone, even though I'm in bed, my eyes are still half open and I'm still awake. I often think i'm holding something when I wake up, then I close my hand and realize it doesn't exist. sometimes I search around my bed to see if I'd dropped it, just to be sure it doesn't exist.

January 22nd, 2009, 11:18 PM
I used to have just about every problem that's been mentioned in this thread.

I smoke pot everyday before I go to bed now, and it has turned my mornings around. I used to fall asleep in the shower, pour my coffee on the counter next to my cup, ect...

Now I pop out of bed and I'm actually developing the ability to wake up naturally 15 minutes before my alarm goes off--and I think everyone knows you wake up more rested if you wake up without assistance.

I give myself 8 hours to sleep, by the way. I think Zilla was half joking when he said booze...I'm not. You don't get hungover on pot, you get the opposite.

January 22nd, 2009, 11:32 PM
lol yeah.

get say 500 ml's of bourboon into ya and your out for a fair while :p

Rob Oplawar
January 22nd, 2009, 11:40 PM
That's like getting liposuction instead of going to the gym.
I'm gonna take the high road and try to eat healthier.

... I just realized that for the past 3 days I've had hot dogs for lunch and buffalo wings for dinner. No wonder I'm fucked up right now. :facepalm:

Hey guys, give me some suggestions for groceries to buy next week. I'm inexperienced at buying anything that takes less than 30 seconds to prepare (buffalo wings excluded).

January 22nd, 2009, 11:58 PM
make yourself some nice salads; put poultry in them.
shit be delicious.

January 23rd, 2009, 12:08 AM
Also, start exercising regularly.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:07 AM


ADD LOTS OF TOMATO SAUCE (what kind of a pretentious name is "ketchup"?)


January 23rd, 2009, 01:12 AM
5-6 hours every day for the past year.

I'm a mental wreck :D

January 23rd, 2009, 05:07 AM
I can stay up pretty damn late; actually ended up staying up for more than 24 hours on a couple occasions when I'd forget what day it is and have a morning shift. %-) If I don't get enough sleep (4-6 hours), I drag ass out of bed, function for most of the day (albeit a bit retardedly), and crash sometime before my shift ends at work. If I get enough, everything's fine. If I oversleep, I end up lazy for the whole day. :saddowns:

Hey guys, give me some suggestions for groceries to buy next week. I'm inexperienced at buying anything that takes less than 30 seconds to prepare (buffalo wings excluded).

For breakfasts, do bagels and cream cheese, OJ, cereal, and perhaps buy some multivitamins, you may be malnourished.

For lunches, at least get good hot dogs (Ballpark beef franks are my personal favorite), then some bread and lunch meats, and something snackable to go with it (i.e. bag of chips).

For dinners, you might be SOL in the quick department. Buy materials to make good meals (tacos, burgers, chicken, etc), but for nights when you really can't be arsed to make something decent, try those SmartOnes microwaveable things; I heard those things are good considering they're "diet" food.

Also, cut soda out of your diet if you can and drink more water. In addition to malnutrition, you might also be dehydrated. Go buy a Pur faucet filter or pitcher or something.

January 23rd, 2009, 07:04 AM
Do you Americans have a weet-bix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weetbix) equivalent?
I've been having 6 of those bitches with a huge bowl of milk and 2.5 spoonfuls of sugar almost every morning for years. Awesome stuff.

Also buy eggs. You can poach them, boil them, scramble them, or drink them raw, I don't care but get them. Awesome for easy breakfast/dinner (and make some fucking omelettes you lazy bastard!). Even I can cook that shit.

Also 1 banana + several scoops of ice cream + honey = THE DESERT OF WINNERS

January 23rd, 2009, 07:11 AM
Woke up this morning at 3:30 to some awesome diarrhea.


January 23rd, 2009, 10:30 AM
Really that was me just now Heathen.

I prefer a good 9-10 hours of sleep.

E: Listen to p0lar, I stopped drinking soda and lost damn near 12 pounds...

January 23rd, 2009, 11:28 AM
I can stay up pretty damn late; actually ended up staying up for more than 24 hours on a couple occasions when I'd forget what day it is and have a morning shift.
I've stayed up for 42 hours before...was fun. :)

Rob Oplawar
January 23rd, 2009, 02:18 PM
I may not be as bad off as I thought.

For breakfasts, do bagels and cream cheese, OJ, cereal, and perhaps buy some multivitamins, you may be malnourished.

I get bagels every time I go shopping, I drink juice regularly (from concentrate, however), I eat Cheerios

For lunches, at least get good hot dogs (Ballpark beef franks are my personal favorite),

Mine too! o/

then some bread and lunch meats, and something snackable to go with it (i.e. bag of chips).

I usually go with roast beef and swiss from the deli

For dinners, you might be SOL in the quick department. Buy materials to make good meals (tacos, burgers, chicken, etc), but for nights when you really can't be arsed to make something decent, try those SmartOnes microwaveable things; I heard those things are good considering they're "diet" food.

This is where I fail. For dinner it's always mac and cheese, hamburger helper, ramen noodles, grits, mashed potatoes... anything that comes in a box, has flavor, and takes minimal involvement to prepare.

Also, cut soda out of your diet if you can and drink more water. In addition to malnutrition, you might also be dehydrated. Go buy a Pur faucet filter or pitcher or something.

I stopped drinking soda in 2006. Lately I've been drinking a ton of water. Good times.

So, I guess I'm looking for dinner suggestions other than stuff that comes in a box.

e: also, I have to start exercising. But the gym is so far away and it's so cold outside! :(
Yeah, I'm a martial artist, I know about 500 exercises I can do in my apartment with no equipment. I'm just lazy. :U

January 23rd, 2009, 02:58 PM
For breakfasts, do bagels and cream cheese, OJ, cereal, and perhaps buy some multivitamins, you may be malnourished.

For lunches, at least get good hot dogs (Ballpark beef franks are my personal favorite), then some bread and lunch meats, and something snackable to go with it (i.e. bag of chips).

For dinners, you might be SOL in the quick department. Buy materials to make good meals (tacos, burgers, chicken, etc), but for nights when you really can't be arsed to make something decent, try those SmartOnes microwaveable things; I heard those things are good considering they're "diet" food.

Also, cut soda out of your diet if you can and drink more water. In addition to malnutrition, you might also be dehydrated. Go buy a Pur faucet filter or pitcher or something.
Lol my "diet" is far from being anything like that.

90% of the time no breakfest.

Sometimes eat school lunch depending on what is served that day. A lunch you could consider is at about 3:30 when I get home, find some random stuff to eat... canned soup, ravioli, etc.

Dinner is usually hamburger helper, leftover pizza from work, or canned beef stew. :eyesroll:

January 23rd, 2009, 05:06 PM
Mashed potatoes... in a box?

You are beyond redemption. :smithicide:

January 23rd, 2009, 05:14 PM
Do you Americans have a weet-bix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weetbix) equivalent?
I've been having 6 of those bitches with a huge bowl of milk and 2.5 spoonfuls of sugar almost every morning for years. Awesome stuff.Some store somewhere probably sells a clone, but there's no major brand for them here, and I've never seen them in any store here. I guess nobody here is into pressed cereal bricks :downs:

E: Actually, I guess Shredded Wheat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shredded_Wheat) cereal is the closest thing we have to your Weet-Bix. It's bite sized, sometimes comes frosted on one side :v:

January 23rd, 2009, 07:44 PM
Mashed potatoes... in a box?

You are beyond redemption. :smithicide:
heh, thats actually pretty common here. I usually have them as a side dish though, not the main course.:(

E: Actually, I guess Shredded Wheat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shredded_Wheat) cereal is the closest thing we have to your Weet-Bix. It's bite sized, sometimes comes frosted on one side :v:

Yar, frosted mini-wheats are sorta like that, except not as healthy.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:33 PM
Do you Americans have a weet-bix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weetbix) equivalent?
I've been having 6 of those bitches with a huge bowl of milk and 2.5 spoonfuls of sugar almost every morning for years. Awesome stuff.
Jeez, thats like half a box :O

I have a pretty good diet, I always eat breakfast, usually whole weat. If its an early start at uni (9am lol) then its coffee but if its my 11am lesson I drink OJ.

Lunch is usually at different times, on monday its 5pm.

Baked beans on toast has the same amount of energy than a roast dinner has. So it doesnt need to be elaborate.

I try to eat lots of fruit, and drink water, but drink like 2 bottles of coke a week. Sometimes you just gotta give yourself a boost with the good ol' coke.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:48 PM
Do you Americans have a weet-bix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weetbix) equivalent?
I've been having 6 of those bitches with a huge bowl of milk and 2.5 spoonfuls of sugar almost every morning for years. Awesome stuff.

Also buy eggs. You can poach them, boil them, scramble them, or drink them raw, I don't care but get them. Awesome for easy breakfast/dinner (and make some fucking omelettes you lazy bastard!). Even I can cook that shit.

Also 1 banana + several scoops of ice cream + honey = THE DESERT OF WINNERS
They sell weetabix here in california. Shit be delicious.

E: And expensive.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:49 PM
My diet is usually something like this:

Bacon and Egg Sandwich and a Hot Chocolate
- OR -
2 pieces of toast/bagel, a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with 2% Milk, and a glass of fruit juice.

A can of either Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup or Beef Stew, and a Hot Dog (all beef).

Lots of variety here. Sometimes steak with steamed vegetables, spaghetti with meat sauce, slow cooked roast beef with steamed vegetables, the list goes on.

I usually only have fast food around 2-4 times a month, but I should also note that I usually have a pop with both my lunch and dinner. I also take multivitamin/mineral supplement (once a day), plus Calcium and Vitamin D supplements (2 a day).

Oh, and also, I'm 15, 5'4" in height, and weigh only ~90 lbs. WTF.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:52 PM
7 hours is a lot of sleep?

I usually take 8-10 :S

January 23rd, 2009, 10:17 PM
Truth be told Rob, my diet outline isn't the best and most likely doesn't provide you with everything needed, but it's what I eat (usually), and I'm in fairly decent health as far as I know (except that I'm overweight, and usually dehydrated since I can't drop soda. Yeah, yeah, hypocrite, I know.) Actually, I think you eat healthier than I do, save for dinners.

Also, try doing more things that will without a doubt wear you down during the day. My job requires me to be on my feet for all but (at most) an hour, do heavy lifting, running around, lots of thinking and talking, etc. By the time I come home, I'm wiped out and can't to much besides sit here and troll... err, administrate these forums.

January 23rd, 2009, 11:44 PM
My problem probably boils down to sleep apnea. Most of my family on the dads side have it and fox tells me I'll randomly stop breathing in the middle of the night sometimes...

January 24th, 2009, 12:17 AM
I have a friend who has sleep apnea, he was unconsciously waking up over 70 times a night, and it was wreaking havoc on his day.

Rob Oplawar
January 24th, 2009, 01:09 AM
My mom has that. She seldom sleeps past 3:30 a.m. :(

January 24th, 2009, 12:50 PM
If you're still tired after seven hours of sleep you might have anemia or something bro, eat some vitamins (+ iron), got damn
Adult Males can recycle 100% of their iron, no supplements needed.

Watch tim and eric awesome show, if you haven't killed yourself 3 minutes into the episode there's a good chance you're sleeping.
That show is INCREDIBLE.

Also Rob, try going to bed when you're tired, not when you feel like you're supposed to sleep. You might be able to survive on short naps instead of a full night's sleep. I remember one of my teachers ages ago only slept for two hours every night.

January 24th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Now I can't fucking sleep, and it's 2 in the morning, and I've gotta be out the door in four hours.

Whenever I eat eggs and toast I get sleepy. Right before I took a nap in the day or went to bed I would fry up some eggs. I've done that so much now that my body begins to feel tired every time I have them, no matter what time of day. Maybe you could trick your body with a habit like that?

January 24th, 2009, 02:50 PM
It may also be that you're used to sleeping late at night so if you try to sleep earlier, you may be prone to begin to sleep away at the time you usually doze off...

I used to sleep at 10PM and now I sleep at midnight. Whenever I try to sleep at 10, it takes awhile for me to knock myself out, that's if I'm not extremely tired; a different story. Try getting used to sleeping earlier? Worth a try and extra half hours, sometimes.

January 24th, 2009, 05:06 PM
Take your alarm and set it to Radio.

If you have an ipod and speakers, set your ipod alarm every night as well.

If you can sleep with your computer on download a computer alarm so it'll play your favorite songs, just lock your computer so you can't log on and turn it off until you're 100% awake.

I get MUCH better days waking up to ambience/instrumentals/voice than I get when I wake up to the ERR ERR ERR ERR of my alarm clock.

For some reason i wake up faster when the local radio talk shows come on. Something about listening to normal voices changes the way I wake up.

As for your diet, Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches - White Wheat or whatever they call it kinds of bread.

Try to cut down on the sugar from candies etc. And last, get some fiber bars. They don't replace your meal but they are VERY healthy.

My family will occasionally buy the Target brand Fiber bars.

January 24th, 2009, 07:43 PM
Strange, I'm 12 and fine with only 6-8 hours of sleep.

Try drinking some tea, that might help (especially warm black tea with not too much sugar)

January 24th, 2009, 07:56 PM
Strange, I'm 12 and fine with only 6-8 hours of sleep.

Try drinking some tea, that might help (especially warm black tea with not too much sugar)
Black tea contains caffeine. If you have ADHD (you're twelve, hey it's possible) then (from what i've heard fro people with it) caffeine has the opposite effect on you.

January 24th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Black tea contains caffeine. If you have ADHD (you're twelve, hey it's possible) then (from what i've heard fro people with it) caffeine has the opposite effect on you.

Na, I don't have ADHD (I don't show over-hyperness..at least not yet =D). Tazo black tea, even though it has caffeine, actually helped me sleep. You can get decaf black tea to (tazo brand too, it's a tad more expensive though). Interesting fact though exam, I'll make sure to offer my neighbors some tea :haw:

Also, by "fine" with 6-8 hours of sleep, I mean a tad sluggish but awake enough to be functional.

January 24th, 2009, 11:58 PM
Strange, I'm 12 and fine with only 6-8 hours of sleep.

Try drinking some tea, that might help (especially warm black tea with not too much sugar)

January 25th, 2009, 12:17 AM
Strange, I'm 12 and fine with only 6-8 hours of sleep.

Try drinking some tea, that might help (especially warm black tea with not too much sugar)
Black tea is good for you as long as you dont have sugar :)

January 25th, 2009, 07:20 AM
you dont want to do what i did.

last night i went to bed and dreamt i had a bizarre type rare cancer that cause multiple dicks to grow under my skin and burst through when i got a boner. (as in they all got boners.)
i had 2 on the sides of my stomach, one on my thigh, another on my abodomen.

woke up in a cold sweat.
even thinking bout that shit gives me fucking chills.
seriously not cool.

Bourbon is off the list of possible choices. i dont want to be an manga fan-fic.
hold me.

January 25th, 2009, 07:44 AM

Idgi, what's so funny about my post? I know it has caffeine, but it does help.

January 25th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Hmm...this is interesting. Just stumbled across this:

Alcohol helps you sleep better
Alcohol is not an effective sleep aid. Its sedative effect may make you fall asleep faster, but it has a harmful effect on sleep quality that far outweighs this benefit. When alcohol is in your body, you get less of the deep sleep you need to wake up feeling refreshed, you're more likely to wake up during the night, and you're more likely to snore and experience other nocturnal breathing problems.
Snoring is annoying but harmless
There's no doubt that snoring is annoying. In some cases it is harmless, but in others it's a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (http://www.canadianliving.com/CanadianLiving/client/en/Health/SpecialDetailNews.asp?idNews=230789&idsm=420&special=1&pg=), a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing that prevent air from flowing into or out of a sleeping person's airways. Sleep apnea increases a person's risk of heart disease and causes severe daytime sleepiness. Snorers who temporarily stop breathing during the night or experience severe daytime sleepiness should consult a physician.
Napping is a bad habit
Napping is a complex issue -- depending on the situation, a nap can be either helpful or harmful. The major factor to consider is what effect a nap will have on your main sleep block. If it's likely to curtail it, then napping is inadvisable, since ideally you want the main sleep period to be as long as possible. If a nap is unlikely to affect the main sleep block, then it's perfectly okay.
"Bad" naps come up most often in the context of people with chronic insomnia. These people often get less than six hours of sleep at night, leading them to feel sleepy during the day. Giving in and taking a nap--especially a long one--only perpetuates the cycle of nighttime insomnia and daytime sleepiness. In such cases, the individual needs to pinpoint the source of the insomnia and address it (see Chapters 8 and 9).
The timing of a nap can also affect its desirability. If you keep traditional hours, it's generally a bad idea to nap in the evening, since this makes it harder to fall asleep at night. Unless your safety is in danger and you need the nap to stay awake for the next few hours, you're usually better off toughing it out until your regular bedtime.
In most other situations, though, naps are beneficial. For example, if you don't have insomnia but experience an occasional night of short sleep (from work stress, noisy neighbours, child care demands, and so on), then a nap is a great way to replace your lost sleep. Many people whose sleep is curtailed by the morning alarm clock routinely squeeze in a short afternoon nap, and this is healthy. Naps are also a lifesaver for shift workers, due to the sleep deprivation that frequently accompanies working at night (see Chapter 16).

Source (http://healthandfitness.sympatico.msn.ca/HealthyLiving/ContentPosting_CL?newsitemid=5645&feedname=TRANS-CANADIAN-LIVING&show=False&number=0&showbyline=True&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc&date=False)
Source (http://www.canadianliving.com/health/prevention/sleep_myths_and_facts_3.php)

Rob Oplawar
January 25th, 2009, 03:31 PM


e: oh also, last night I slept in a sleeping bag on top of a thin foam pad on top of a tarp on top of 3 feet of ice. I went to sleep at 8:00 and woke up at 8:00. My back is sore and my toes got frostbite, but other than that it was fantastic.

I love backpacking in the winter. There's something extremely comforting about the soft patter of snow landing on a tent, dimly fading as the snow piles higher and higher... :D

January 25th, 2009, 07:30 PM
Hey, remember that Wikipedia article I linked you the other day?

January 25th, 2009, 09:10 PM
Idgi, what's so funny about my post? I know it has caffeine, but it does help.
He is just being an asshat because you said you're 12. You are fine, you use grammar and everything...

January 25th, 2009, 09:11 PM
Hey, remember that Wikipedia article I linked you the other day?
far q