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teh lag
January 29th, 2009, 08:41 PM
In the past few weeks, I've noticed a frankly staggering amount of pure bullshit that has been spewing onto the forums, perpetrated by a few certain individuals (but by no means exclusively them). I don't mean funny bullshit (, I don't mean loveable bullshit (, I mean fucking bullshit that nobody wants to deal with. I've taken the time to write this up because I feel that I need to express my feelings (and the feelings of several other people that I've talked to).
Just because someone else did something earlier doesn't mean you can imitate them and expect to be met with the same kind of reception. I don't know what's going through your minds when you people do this, but there are times and places for everything and you are shitting on the forums in the wrong places at all the wrong times. You're the only ones being entertained by your attempts at humor.
There's this little thing called experience that you have to have before you can manage to act like the "big shots" and not come off as trying to waggle your cock in everyone's faces. No, I don't mean that there's some magical amount of time you need to spend before people respect you - I mean that you need to sit back and watch a bit before you can hope to have a good grasp of what is and what isn't the right time and place for something. If you already have been doing that but still can't quite seem to understand what makes something funny (or appropriate at all - this same trend has been happening related to criting work and it's just as irritating) and what doesn't maybe you should do it more. Don't expect people to react to you the same as they do to someone who's been a good part of the community for a longer time than you have. We don't care about your EPIC LULZ MUDKIPZ or how cool you think you are because Boxxy is your avatar, we don't care how long it took you to make the SUPER HIGH-RES MUDBOX SCULPT or that the picture you drew is JUST AN OUTLINE SO DONT EVEN BOTHER CRITING IT that you post in the quick-crit thread. We care about the end result, and whether it's a horribly unfunny attempt at humor or a blatant disregarding of honest criticism, it's simply irritating.
I suppose many of you think it's an e-cool thing to do because you see it at that OLOLOL SUPRA KOOL PALCE 4CHAN /B/ LO,OLLOLLLLLO, but it's just goddamn irritating when you do it wrong, and for the most part you're doing it wrong. Just because you found a picture there doesn't mean everyone will lol until they shit themselves when they see it like you did. Stuff is funny because it's funny, not because you found it on a website that you think makes everything go into SUPER INTERNET MODE. If we wanted to have threads about viral porn or combos of counting how many +1 posts there are in a row or to be randomly linked to Never Gonna Give You Up, we would spend our time there. This isn't /B/, and you're not impressing anyone by running around like a fucking 12 year old with ADHD (which, judging by your behavior, many of you seem to be). Acting like everywhere on the internet is a constant no-rules spamfest does not make you insta-cool. Yes, people can be funny by doing that, but that's because they actually know what they're doing. You're just pissing people off.
No, you are not funny.
No, you are not clever.
No, you are not making people laugh.
No, you are not making yourselves wanted here.
E : You people know who you are (or maybe you don't, which would explain why you act like you do), so don't shit up this thread too.
January 29th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Great post. :3
Seriously, quit trying so hard to be funny; it just makes you less funny. The people Bod has pointed out are pretty much the main offenders.
January 29th, 2009, 08:43 PM
You take life to seriously, you take this stupid web site to seriously... Heres a quote i like.
"why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
January 29th, 2009, 08:46 PM
Hey man, 6-1/2 years ago I was a twelve year old with ADHD.
This should be a serious forum, as it's geared towards a technical subject, not random posting and porn (ie, 4chan or any other chan).
January 29th, 2009, 08:47 PM
Ban Dark. :)
teh lag
January 29th, 2009, 08:47 PM
You take life to seriously, you take this stupid web site to seriously... Heres a quote i like.
"why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
It's a shame this isn't your personal website to act like a cock in. If you want to do that, do it where nobody will give a damn.
January 29th, 2009, 08:47 PM
I'm gay
You're one of them.
edit: holy shit 3 posts in the same minute, trill as fu
January 29th, 2009, 08:47 PM
You take life to seriously, you take this stupid web site to seriously... Heres a quote i like.
"why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
These are the kinds of shitposts he's talking about. :toughguy:
January 29th, 2009, 08:48 PM
These are the kinds of shitposts he's talking about. :toughguy:
So are you heh
January 29th, 2009, 08:49 PM
This should be a serious forum, as it's geared towards a technical subject, not random posting and porn (ie, 4chan or any other chan).
Agreed with all of the above. I've posted some random bullshit as well but got out of that.
The pure random topics that you think have a point and just sit there with mindless posts need to stop.
January 29th, 2009, 08:49 PM
k ban idc.....
January 29th, 2009, 08:50 PM
You don't have to take it seriously to hate when morons make retarded posts.
you don't mean me, do you? :(
January 29th, 2009, 08:50 PM
So are you heh
Mb i realized that fuckin up a forum where i spend alot of my time would hurt me as well as alot of other people?
January 29th, 2009, 08:50 PM
Just nitpicking now so the retards don't badger you about it later: /b/, not /B/.
Good post, it's a much needed reiteration of Teekup's post ( This is being stickied, right?
January 29th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Oh also i hate every single one of you in your own individual way. Just thought i should get that off my chest. KTNX BAI
January 29th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Mb i realized that fuckin up a forum where i spend alot of my time would hurt me as well as alot of other people?
Then why do you still do it? :confused:
January 29th, 2009, 08:51 PM
You registered December 8th, 2008 and have 454 posts, got damn.
January 29th, 2009, 08:52 PM
Meh, I come here for laughing, arguing, and for Halo stuff, but the porno pics and some other shit just isn't necessary. I hate how people emphasize so much on rep. It's just a bunch of little pictures by your name.Yeah, I've said some pretty stupid shit while I've been here, but I've learned my lesson from some of it and I've disabled my rep because I don't want people thinking I'm an absolute jackass or dropout because of it.
I also hate how the atheists of this forum lack the decency to keep their opinions to themselves in most cases, like posting some pictures that I find stereotypically stupid. You are not really being funny by posting that either. You just look more like a jackass. I also hate how some atheists here think they know everything about religion and Chrisitianity and shit. Yeah, there are a few educated ones out there, like Jelly, but half of what they say is IMO absolutely unnecessary and has its own level of cocky-assness to it. I express my beliefs and you go into a gang bang of how you think I'm wrong. Fuck off. You don't see me calling you an idiot for being an Atheist or any of that do you? With the exception of this post, no, not really.
Selentic: Ban Dark
What did I do selentic? I thought we were friends?!!! :gonk: lolz.jk.
January 29th, 2009, 08:52 PM
Oh also i hate every single one of you in your own individual way. Just thought i should get that off my chest. KTNX BAI
Byeee :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
January 29th, 2009, 08:52 PM
No reason to get upset these forums are moderate as to what goes on compared to other places. You are however, obviously entitled to your opinion about it.
January 29th, 2009, 08:52 PM
actually my real join date is in October i think...
January 29th, 2009, 08:53 PM
Then why do you still do it? :confused:
Most of the time I try not too. Its just the way I talk. Sometimes however ther purposeful shitposts like most of the political threads. I'll just start toning down my posts.
Also this thread deserves a sticky
January 29th, 2009, 08:54 PM
ok im bored OK BYE FAG! WUT IS THIS FEELING I HAVE INSIDE? it feels strange, like nothing ive feeled befor... ITS FREEDOM :D!
January 29th, 2009, 08:55 PM
I would quote one of dark's posts, but he won't stop fucking posting.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
January 29th, 2009, 08:55 PM
actually my real join date is in October i think...
Oh that's right, your alternate username onotix ( which you originally registered under needs to leave too. :)
January 29th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Oh also i hate every single one of you in your own individual way. Just thought i should get that off my chest. KTNX BAI
Hey Grow up. People don't agree with you or think of you as a liked individual because you do this... Accept it, move on.
January 29th, 2009, 08:56 PM
This is actually well said, I have been noticing it not just here but at halomaps, and especially the HIV forum...
Yeah they might think it's joking but in reality acting like this gets nothing done and only strays many new people away. Also it clutters up the forum with useless stuff, modacity is already have server problems (or was anyways)
Nice post Teh Lag it's about time someone spoke up.
January 29th, 2009, 08:58 PM
shut up ur not my mommi and i dont have to listen to u its the internet for gods saek gosh SHUT UP SHUT UP -rep
January 29th, 2009, 08:59 PM
Oh that's right, your alternate username onotix ( which you originally registered under needs to leave too. :)
That so doesn't surprise me..
I can see why your so bent out of shape over this lag. As a donor to this site's upkeep you should definitely have your say. To be honest, this is long overdue. Shitposting isn't the only problem that this site has though. The "conspiracy forums" bullshit needs to be chopped down as well if you ask me. What are you talking about when you say porn though? The last "porno" I saw was the furry stuff dane posted.
January 29th, 2009, 09:00 PM
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] onotix episode 4!: "why take life seriously, no one makes it out alive."
[21:56] This user has been blocked
January 29th, 2009, 09:00 PM
I think a link i posted that could be considered porn...
also seln just means less work for me
January 29th, 2009, 09:01 PM
What are you talking about when you say porn though? The last "porno" I saw was the furry stuff dane posted.
You obviously never saw the sticky.
I think the problem runs a lot deeper than just a few semi-invalid members imitating senior members.
"Monkey see, monkey do..."
January 29th, 2009, 09:01 PM
That so doesn't surprise me..
I can see why your so bent out of shape over this lag. As a donor to this site's upkeep you should definitely have your say. To be honest, this is long overdue. Shitposting isn't the only problem that this site has though. The "conspiracy forums" bullshit needs to be chopped down as well if you ask me. What are you talking about when you say porn though? The last "porno" I saw was the furry stuff dane posted.
I think the thread got deleted; it was called, "Lol." Dark made it, and it was basically a porno pyramid scheme, where he got others to click a link so that he could see more pictures of this girl.
January 29th, 2009, 09:02 PM
That was the bullshit lag may have been talking about. It's pointless and takes up space that could be used for something thats not mind numbing.
January 29th, 2009, 09:03 PM
I think a link i posted that could be considered porn...
also seln just means less work for me
It also means I don't need to listen to your mindless drivel anymore :)
January 29th, 2009, 09:04 PM
Make it stop. :gonk:
January 29th, 2009, 09:05 PM
I think the thread got deleted; it was called, "Lol." Dark made it, and it was basically a porno pyramid scheme, where he got others to click a link so that he could see more pictures of this girl.
Ohh someone sent me that over xfire. I cbf to send the link out. Yeah I'd say thats pretty inappropriate for the forums. When it comes to lower members immitating higher members, I think that that is bullshit. There doesn't need to be any social hierarchy if everyone could just be dignified.
January 29th, 2009, 09:06 PM
Ohh someone sent me that over xfire. I cbf to send the link out. Yeah I'd say thats pretty inappropriate for the forums. When it comes to lower members immitating higher members, I think that that is bullshit. There doesn't need to be any social hierarchy if everyone could just be dignified.
Sometimes that doesn't work... Everyone wants to be the top of the food chain.
January 29th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Well who gives a right for higher members to act like that. I don't think lag was just talking about the lower members but ALL the members as a whole, just because you were here longer or did more doesn't mean you can act like a dick and others can't. if you want it to change and you noticed that they copy the older members maybe it's the older members fault for acting so irresponsibly and that they should act civil so the copy the civil attitude.
January 29th, 2009, 09:09 PM
The reason so-called "senior" members tend to be respected more is that (generally) their good judgement and excellent posting prompts the community to accept and praise them, encouraging them to stay around (or at least not get banned.) Conversely, people who act like dicks tend to leave sooner due to inacceptance or, as stated previously, get banned.
Also good thread, earns my approval. Someone needed to say it.
January 29th, 2009, 09:09 PM
yeah and its unfortunate. However, higher members tend to be perfect cocks once they get widely considered "higher members". Not naming any names some of them seem like they want to keep other members down. There are of course very good helpful and knowledgeable "higher members", and they are the ones I respect. Those who push around their imaginary authority can kiss the filthiest part of my body.
January 29th, 2009, 09:10 PM
Well who gives a right for higher members to act like that. I don't think lag was just talking about the lower members but ALL the members as a whole, just because you were here longer or did more doesn't mean you can act like a dick and others can't. if you want it to change and you noticed that they copy the older members maybe it's the older members fault for acting so irresponsibly and that they should act civil so the copy the civil attitude.
I second this post. But that's how it sort of is when entering any place where people talk. It's like being a freshmen among a high school full of seniors; seniority always takes charge I guess.
January 29th, 2009, 09:10 PM
4chan memes aren't funny you guys.
January 29th, 2009, 09:12 PM
I agree with legionaire.. "Monkey see, Monkey do."
They see someone be a dick and throw some witty comment out to be funny. They do it as well, except it doesn't have the same impact.
January 29th, 2009, 09:16 PM
The reason so-called "senior" members tend to be respected more is that (generally) their good judgement and excellent posting prompts the community to accept and praise them, encouraging them to stay around (or at least not get banned.) Conversely, people who act like dicks tend to leave sooner due to inacceptance or, as stated previously, get banned.
Also good thread, earns my approval. Someone needed to say it.Yes that may be correct but personally not all of them have good judgement anymore, I have noticed many of them just post demeaning posts or posts that don't help out what the topic is about but instead troll or flame on something that happened in the past.
Yes Senior members have the experience but as of the summer, most of them have either just brought up past arguements and started them all over or just became total dicks and just post crap to try to "fit in" with the so-called "in crowd"
Mr Buckshot
January 29th, 2009, 09:20 PM
I'd start making more "electronics review" threads if they didn't keep getting flames.
January 29th, 2009, 09:20 PM
As well that most trollers and flamers get the most respect because most people don't want to stand up to them.
Grant it, There really knowledgable and they help out but sometimes they can be assholes.
Yes Senior members have the experience but as of the summer, most of them have either just brought up past arguements and started them all over or just became total dicks and just post crap to try to "fit in" with the so-called "in crowd"
That's not going to happen... You can't stop the inevitable.
January 29th, 2009, 09:21 PM
This website is fucked up in many ways.
January 29th, 2009, 09:22 PM
Sour grapes.
January 29th, 2009, 09:22 PM
This website is fucked up in many ways.
Shut your fucking trap!
You're opinion can go fall in a ditch... It's only messed up because people like you get all pissy and start crying about the fact people are mad at you. Seriously you don't need to critisize the site because of user actions.
January 29th, 2009, 09:24 PM
This website is fucked up in many ways.
much like ur posting
January 29th, 2009, 09:25 PM
Somehow I sense an oldfag vs newfag war coming on between the members and I don't feel like dealing with people getting butt hurt. I'm locking this thread to avoid any problems, if an Admin wants to re-open, go ahead.
January 30th, 2009, 03:29 AM
dark57 and onotix have been banned upon request of the original user (both the same guy).
This should be a serious forum, as it's geared towards a technical subject, not random posting and porn (ie, 4chan or any other chan).Yes, I would love to make this site a more serious in what we hope to achieve. However, at the same time, I don't want it to become a srsbzns-only site where humor leads to a permaban. Yet then again, it's hard to exactly put a foot down on what we want and don't want due to the differing points of view here.
"...I solve problems. But not problems like 'what is beauty,' as that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy." -TF2 Engineer, Meet the Engineer
This again leads me to bringing up my personal eternal struggle for a balance between quality and quantity. It's hard when many cultures clash; goons, /b/tards, pricks, toughguys, artists, morons, etc, at least in our current state. We're a modding website, yet I look around and not a lot is being done. Our most active section is Halo CE (due to the fact that the forums were founded by a Gearbox Forums userbase). All of the other sections don't seem to get as much attention, namely, the Orange Box forum. TF2 is obviously a favorite of most users here, yet this community has only spat out two maps since we launched, and both were made by jahrain, who is now inactive.
In order to achieve our goal, we need YOU to help and contribute. Yes, YOU. The users. Each staff member only knows so much about any given topic if anything at all, and there's a lot of untapped potential in this userbase. Granted, we are missing some tools to help the userbase along (e.g. an article system), and I realize that.
I'd start making more "electronics review" threads if they didn't keep getting flames.
In all honesty, Buckshot, for some reason your electronics review threads seem to come off as useless and a bit condescending. In fact, your general posting style comes off as condescending. Whenever I see a post of yours, you usually manage to compare the subject at hand to your own personal life, as if you're living the dream and everything else is garbage compared to it, especially the topic. I'm not the only one who feels this way; a number of my friends and a couple other staff members also share this opinion.
yeah and its unfortunate. However, higher members tend to be perfect cocks once they get widely considered "higher members". Not naming any names some of them seem like they want to keep other members down. There are of course very good helpful and knowledgeable "higher members", and they are the ones I respect. Those who push around their imaginary authority can kiss the filthiest part of my body.
I agree that there has been a bit too much elitism and newbie bashing around here lately. This is another moral dilemma I'm faced with. While I'm all for a community that helps one another out, I can't help but feel that sometimes, people need to know when they're screwing with is, and screw with them right back, and it's mostly in part due to my working in retail for the past 3 years (:gonk:). It's unprofessional, yes, but this is a situation where I feel complete professionalism is too far. Look at Bungie. Frankie (when he was there) and Lukems regularly poke fun at the userbase, occasionally singling out users or groups who did something completely and totally wrong (think of the Waahhmbulance Matchmaking ban updates with the e-mail excerpts). That said, one of these days I would like to sit down with other staff members, revise the AUP and discipline system, and make it clear on what flavor of bashing is acceptable (mint or strawberry, idk). Yeah, yeah, we should have no bashing period, but you have to admit, sometimes making someone realize that they're running around with their fly open and sack sticking out in the brashest, loudest way possible is just what the doctor ordered.
(DISCLAIMER: What I just said are my own personal views. I realize that I do not own this site and have no right to go and change things on a whim, or enforce my own set of ideals if they conflict with anything the staff has going. If needed, I will change up my methods to better suit the site.)
January 30th, 2009, 03:45 AM
Thread reopened for the time being. If shit gets hot, someone please lock it.
Try to avoid starting a newfag vs oldfag flamewar. Please.
January 30th, 2009, 04:45 AM
One thing that consistently gets on my nerves, and has recently calmed down, is the way that members tend to agree with long-standing artists in the community that have years of experience.
First, we sound harsh because often times, it's not the ego-stroking congrats that the new people want to hear, but then, it's taken even less seriously because of the fucking squawking parrots that want to back up our opinions in the nastiest, rudest way possible.
I'm already viewed as an asshole, I don't need help, thanks. If you're not a seasoned artist that knows the terminology and the work flow, I don't need you to quote me and say, "YEAH U FUKIN NOOB, GIVE UP", because that's not what I'm saying.
Then, there's the way people take crit.
Type 2) it doesn't matter i'm not finishing this anyways idk what u say you're wrong
1) Find some maturity, tutorials, patience, and return later. Stop posting until you accomplish this
2) Stop posting your work. If you don't give a damn about your work, why should we?
Also, rep babies. "OMG U NEG'D ME UR A DICKHEAD". No, maybe you got neg'd because YOU'RE a dickhead and you constantly make DICKHEAD POSTS.
Not forgetting :conspiracy: theorists about the :conspiracy:
Stop crying about it. Stop crying that you don't have access. Stop crying that you think that it's used for some opression plots. You have no clue about it.
January 30th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Oh for Christ sake, I'm sorry about the aids thing, alright?
January 30th, 2009, 10:37 AM
There's only so far you can ask people to shut up or stop being meme whores, it's helpful if people do take in what has been said, but the moderation can easily handle failure posts..
January 30th, 2009, 11:40 AM
The fact that a second thread concerning this topic has been made should be proof enough to all of you of the issues here. Seriously. Try and clean up your act kids.
January 30th, 2009, 11:42 AM
This all reminds me of a guy named Cheez tbh.
January 30th, 2009, 12:16 PM
This is why I should be mod.
I don't take no bullshit.
January 30th, 2009, 01:19 PM
whoa this is liike
the first time Ive ever seen atty do moderation stuff
January 30th, 2009, 02:22 PM
whoa this is liike
the first time Ive ever seen atty do moderation stuff
That's part of the problem.
January 30th, 2009, 03:08 PM
fuck why won't your sig load.
Also agree with Lag
January 30th, 2009, 03:09 PM
There are several members here who I think should be moderators, and some mods who I think should not be.
January 30th, 2009, 03:11 PM
flying stone has the right idea in his profile thing!
January 30th, 2009, 03:12 PM
January 30th, 2009, 03:13 PM
You realize Sel, your post is exactly what the type of stuff Lag is talking about?
teh lag
January 30th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Some people seem to be misunderstanding what I was getting at. I'm not worried about the rep system or social classes (though there are some problems there that I think need to be adressed). I'm worried about two main problems branching from the fact that new members see other people doing stuff and then (A) assume that it's how they should always act and end up shitting on everything they touch, followed by (B) them getting massively butthurt when people call them out on it. This applies to both off-topic (which is what finally set me off to make this) and criticsm of work that is posted.
The pure random topics that you think have a point and just sit there with mindless posts need to stop.
This is what really set me off. It's one thing to have the occasional shitpost as long as it's entertaining. Unless you're a complete tightass, I think everyone likes it when there's an informal atmosphere and people feel like they can have fun. It's quite another thing when you repeatedly make bad posts with out-of-context content or, as I said in the first post, irritatingly unfunny attempts at humor.
Sometimes people are funny with shitposts, but sometimes is just sometimes.
Well who gives a right for higher members to act like that. I don't think lag was just talking about the lower members but ALL the members as a whole, just because you were here longer or did more doesn't mean you can act like a dick and others can't. if you want it to change and you noticed that they copy the older members maybe it's the older members fault for acting so irresponsibly and that they should act civil so the copy the civil attitude.
...but personally not all of them have good judgement anymore, I have noticed many of them just post demeaning posts or posts that don't help out what the topic is about but instead troll or flame on something that happened in the past.
Yes Senior members have the experience but as of the summer, most of them have either just brought up past arguements and started them all over or just became total dicks and just post crap to try to "fit in" with the so-called "in crowd"
You have a point, but I don't entirely agree with you. It's not cool when people blindly follow others. It's not cool when people are dicks to each other for no reason other than to be dicks.
But some people are simply in a better position to hand out criticism than others - especially people like Snaf and Dane who actually have jobs. Yes, it can be painful, but also remind yourself of why they feel a need to be so harsh. Too often, people (by no means you, you're pretty cool) will simply not respond to criticism unless it's like that and they need to either get with it or get out. Yes, it's not ideal and sets a bad example, but that's also where the responsibilty of the new members comes in. That's the thing about being new - you can't act like you have all the experience of an industry veteran, because you don't. They speak with years of experince, so if they tell you you suck, chances are you really do suck (either in work or in attitude).
Of course, it's not right to be an ass without reason... but a lot of the time I think there's a pretty good reason. Some people just don't get it unless you yell at them. Personal grudges and outright trolling for the sake of trolling without a good reason are another matter, which would fall under more "general" forum bullshit. I hate drama like that as much as anyone else.
I second this post. But that's how it sort of is when entering any place where people talk. It's like being a freshmen among a high school full of seniors; seniority always takes charge I guess.
It's not quite like that either. Some people joined many years ago (and have even been around since gearbox) but are still "lower class" because they constantly fuck up. I said it before and I'll say it again - experience isn't some magical amount of time - as you make it out to be with your high school analogy - but a measure of how much you "get it." Look at someone like Terror - he's been in this branch of the community for far longer than some people here, but he just doesn't seem to understand how we work. Hence, he has a very bad reputation (and by a related note, a very low rep).
Meh, I come here for laughing, arguing, and for Halo stuff, but the porno pics and some other shit just isn't necessary. I hate how people emphasize so much on rep. It's just a bunch of little pictures by your name.Yeah, I've said some pretty stupid shit while I've been here, but I've learned my lesson from some of it and I've disabled my rep because I don't want people thinking I'm an absolute jackass or dropout because of it.
I don't want to get yelled at for being too supportive of an imperfect system, but the same is pretty much true of rep as well. For the record, I'm not talking about that system at all in my first post. I'd say that a good amount of rep is deserved; see Snaf's ( post for a pretty good summation of my opinions regarding it if you don't want to read me basically retype what he said. If you make good, intelligent, or genuinely funny posts, you can expect good rep, and if you make illogical, irritating, or unfunny posts you can expect bad rep. If you say you don't care about it then don't care about it. If you've learned your lesson, then show us. "Stupid shit" is what I'm pissed off about after all - just do shit that isn't stupid and you'll see your rep climb.
Something that really does irritate me about peoples use of it is that they need to keep in mind that it's a general reflection of peoples' opinions of you. You can argue that it's given out unfairly and whatnot, but that still boils down to being an indicator of how well-liked you are. Yes, that's ultimately about popularity, but that's exactly what rep is. Popularity. There have been countless well-thought-out posts on the subject that I think need to be dug up again, because they say this far more eloquently than I am right now. I won't deny the biases of the system, but reputation is NOT the major problem that it's made out to be.
All in all, Ifafudafi said it best.
The reason so-called "senior" members tend to be respected more is that (generally) their good judgement and excellent posting prompts the community to accept and praise them, encouraging them to stay around (or at least not get banned.) Conversely, people who act like dicks tend to leave sooner due to inacceptance or, as stated previously, get banned.
People with high rep and/or status usually have it for a reason. Ditto for those with low rep and/or status.
And now I'm seriously going off on a tangent, but I think it's something that also deserves being talked about.
I also hate how the atheists of this forum lack the decency to keep their opinions to themselves in most cases, like posting some pictures that I find stereotypically stupid. You are not really being funny by posting that either. You just look more like a jackass. I also hate how some atheists here think they know everything about religion and Chrisitianity and shit. Yeah, there are a few educated ones out there, like Jelly, but half of what they say is IMO absolutely unnecessary and has its own level of cocky-assness to it. I express my beliefs and you go into a gang bang of how you think I'm wrong. Fuck off. You don't see me calling you an idiot for being an Atheist or any of that do you? With the exception of this post, no, not really.
If you don't want shit to get started, then don't start it. This doesn't just apply to your particular side of this particular argument, so don't think I'm singling you out (especially since my last 3 responses have been to you :p). I'm sick of people who bring up arguments only to whine about them when it's over. If you want to debate people over religion or world conflicts or whatever, be sure that you're prepared to (A) lose that argument and (B) take it somewhere else if it gets out-of-hand. Also, I don't mean this in an intentionally demeaning way, but keep in mind that the minority opinion is always going to have trouble when it's surrounded by the oposition. If it really offends you then you have every right to bring it up... but remember that most people on the site aren't put off by much of that stuff. This isn't a country - it's a forum.
I sincerely urge you all to look long and hard at Snaf's (, P0lar's (, and Teekup's ( posts. We're all saying the same stuff.
January 30th, 2009, 04:03 PM
I think its more that people that join aren't used to the tone you guys have.
It comes off dickish but they dont see the constructive criticism in it, they just see
wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. and not
wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.
Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this.
I also agree that the way that people who dont know shit (like me) will tend to agree with the guy with more reputation_pos.gif's or the older join date.
You will see me voice my opinion regardless what Lag, Snaf, Dane etc. say. I think what I want to think and not what the community wants me to think.
Its not about what you think you should think, its about what you think.
Its like the freshman in highschool talking something he knows nothing about, agreeing his ass off with the upper classmen. He doesn't think that..he is just agreeing to avoid "GARBLEGARBLE FUCKING IDIOT GARBLEGARBLE."
If these new members would grow some balls and stand up (not be little uppity cunts...just hold their own opinion) to the wills of the upper classmen of this forum then the whole place would flow better.
And if your here for lulz only.... :fail:
you aren't funny
Meh, I come here for laughing, arguing, and for Halo stuff, but the porno pics and some other shit just isn't necessary. I hate how people emphasize so much on rep. It's just a bunch of little pictures by your name.Yeah, I've said some pretty stupid shit while I've been here, but I've learned my lesson from some of it and I've disabled my rep because I don't want people thinking I'm an absolute jackass or dropout because of it.
I also hate how the atheists of this forum lack the decency to keep their opinions to themselves in most cases, like posting some pictures that I find stereotypically stupid. You are not really being funny by posting that either. You just look more like a jackass. I also hate how some atheists here think they know everything about religion and Christianity and shit. Yeah, there are a few educated ones out there, like Jelly, but half of what they say is IMO absolutely unnecessary and has its own level of cocky-assness to it. I express my beliefs and you go into a gang bang of how you think I'm wrong. Fuck off. You don't see me calling you an idiot for being an Atheist or any of that do you? With the exception of this post, no, not really.
Okay dark. I know I wasn't targeted but I know I am one of these.
Thing is..I don't go after you unless you do first. I am not one of those "Your an idiot because of your beliefs" atheist. I think you are entitled to your own beliefs and expression of it.
With that said, I know a good majority of the posters here are atheist or can take a joke. Any time I got on your balls about religion I was just razzing your berries. I think religion is great if its for you. Its not for me.
When I post an atheistic picture its for the rest of the community to lul at, not to be an insult to you.
I never meant to offend you but I may have so I want to say that it was never my intention.
January 30th, 2009, 04:17 PM
In all honesty, I'm surprised that I have yet to be singled out for that tuna fish topic...
January 30th, 2009, 04:18 PM
If these new members would grow some balls and stand up (not be little uppity cunts...just hold their own opinion) to the wills of the upper classmen of this forum then the whole place would flow better.
So you want the new members to stand up to veteran artists and ignore the crit? If anything, they need to grow some balls and learn that this is not a site for congratulating every attempt at 3d or 2d work. Grow some balls and learn when you're not as great as you thought you were. Grow some balls and accept that if you're being told what's wrong with your work, you need to learn how to rectify it if you're serious about it.
January 30th, 2009, 04:26 PM
I believe I have come with a very fitting solution to this problem..
January 30th, 2009, 04:26 PM
The problem is lately people assume anything random is funny. Its not. I agree with you lag, last month or do the quality of posts has been shocking. I dont understand all the /b/ shit, but frankly it should be left at /b/.
Even in RL, I've noticed people in my class acting like dicks, laughing at the most stupidiest random shit and its just not fucking funny anymore.
I hate asslickers, and new people who pretend to be like other people.
About crit. Personally older members know more about their subjects and I take their crit into account more, if I post a model and Snaf replies saying pfft its basically shit. I'll be like "well its a tad harsh but snaf knows his stuff, hes been doing it ages and hes probably right." If some guy whos only been a week here replies with exactly the same, I'll probably bitch at him and ignore his crit.
Sometimes its not what you say, its who is saying it.
I bet if I made this very thread, a ton of people would be bitching at the opinon. Mainly because alot of people who have replied saying they also agree are the ones we are talking about.
January 30th, 2009, 04:37 PM
So you want the new members to stand up to veteran artists and ignore the crit? If anything, they need to grow some balls and learn that this is not a site for congratulating every attempt at 3d or 2d work. Grow some balls and learn when you're not as great as you thought you were. Grow some balls and accept that if you're being told what's wrong with your work, you need to learn how to rectify it if you're serious about it.
With the ball growing part I meant more to stop bending to the opinions of others and hold your own opinions.
I will see someone say they dont like something, I will say its great, and then they will IM me saying they really liked it but didn't want to say so.
Thats a damn shame.
But yes you are right, but thats less growing balls and more maturing....unless your speaking literally about growing balls. That IS connected to maturity.
January 30th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Who exactly did that Heathen?
January 30th, 2009, 04:40 PM
TBH, I've always been on the opposite end of people beliving crit is important.
The majority of people who come to this forum want to show what they've done and what they're doing with it. They don't care about the quality, as long as they are having fun doing it. Personally, I fall into that category of people (although I am no artist), but I enjoy making something of high quality, and I have fun doing it. I had fun working on everything else I did, and I have no regrets about the final product even though it can be considered mediocre.
If someone wants crit, they'll ask for it. If they want to make a crummy BR model because they enjoy the process of getting something in game or are just trying to get a general feel of the work flow, that's fine too.
Not to single out Snaf and Dano, but not every poster really cares or even should care about your opinions as a professional. They'll ask for it if they want it. Leet does this, you'll never see someone mistake his crit as a bash or being an asshole, because he only gives it to people who ask, or imply they're wanting to improve.
Let's take both Leet, Dano, and Lag as examples. None of their skills came from the crit most people on the forums receive. There wasn't one weapon, where they revised and tweeked until it was perfect. Their skills came as an evolution of their self evaluations.
The biggest jump in quality of Dano's skills (IMO), was through things he learned from his own expierence and exploration. Take a look at the pictures of the Ma5k compared to brute shot, or brute shot to spiker.
Take a look at Lag's animation's from his flashbang video to what he had in SPv1, to Mpv1, to MPv2. As far as I can remember, no forum crit was required there. The same goes to Leet as well.
Tbh, forum crit is garbage and anti productive unless someone asks for it. If someone has a block model of a pistol, unless you specifically tell them what tools and stratagies to use on how to remake the model, or make it better, don't post.
The rule of thumb I use on the forums is not "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it," but rather "If you don't have anything productive to say, don't post it."
Most people don't care about being a pro, like me, and if I don't, why would you expect any regular member to?
January 30th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Who exactly did that Heathen?
Well, that dark kid for one. Whoever he was...
Its happened before but idk who it was.
January 30th, 2009, 05:04 PM
Heh, its funny in an unfortunate way to see how much spam and poor members this forum attracts. Its a shame to see this going on and unfortunately this will probably happen again, but I feel the truly intelligent members of the community will shine through no matter what happens. An example of this is pretty much every thread like this.
January 30th, 2009, 05:06 PM
Their's like 4 of these threads atm.
January 30th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Not to be a douche, but I really don't think this thread will change anything. I have seen similar situations like this on alot of sites I go on and it never works out. If it does thats awesome, but It's just hard to completely change someones personality by one thread.
*Waits for -REP because people don't agree with me...*
January 30th, 2009, 05:16 PM
*Ahem* (
Click it yo.
January 30th, 2009, 05:16 PM
Not to be a douche, but I really don't think this thread will change anything. I have seen similar situations like this on alot of sites I go on and it never works out. If it does thats awesome, but It's just hard to completely change someones personality by one thread.
*Waits for -REP because people don't agree with me...*
You're right. It might or might not work, but it doesn't hurt to try.
English Mobster
January 30th, 2009, 05:25 PM
I know that in Lag's original post, I have a feeling half the references were to me.
I'm sorry about my shitposts and /b/ shit I've posted since I got here. As you can see from my more recent posts (After I got the name change), I've decided to stop.
My first trip here was to a link in the Off-topic section, to a random post of Bod's, to be exact. I registered and copied his (and Noob's) style, hoping to get a laugh or two out of it.
But because of Lag here, I've decided to stop doing that shit and actually try to say things that are productive rather than things which I pulled out of my ass. Thanks.
(For those who don't recognize me after the name change, I used to be Mudkipz.)
January 30th, 2009, 05:35 PM
You're right. It might or might not work, but it doesn't hurt to try.
True.. It never hurts to try.
January 30th, 2009, 05:42 PM
I believe I have come with a very fitting solution to this problem..
no mods no masters
viva la revolucion
January 30th, 2009, 05:51 PM
While I agree with your original post lag, I must say all it is doing is showing the trolls that their antics make you angry.
You are in fact feeding the trolls.
January 30th, 2009, 05:59 PM
These little kids aren't really trolls. They're just idiots trying to look cool on the internet. If you think they're trolls, you don't know what a troll is.
January 30th, 2009, 06:03 PM
These little kids aren't really trolls. They're just idiots trying to look cool on the internet. If you think they're trolls, you don't know what a troll is.
It was partially trolling
January 30th, 2009, 06:04 PM
These little kids aren't really trolls. They're just idiots trying to look cool on the internet. If you think they're trolls, you don't know what a troll is.
Troll or not, they still shit up the forums.
January 30th, 2009, 06:06 PM
Troll or not, they still shit up the forums.
I thought that was obvious.
January 30th, 2009, 06:12 PM
To the trolls they dont. They believe life can go on without useful posts.
Some one said theres been 4 topics about this issue, which means it needs addressing, admins and staff hopefully will see this and agree that its a problem that needs to be addressed and dealt with.
Bit OT....does any one here think I'm a troll?
English Mobster
January 30th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I don't think so Limited. Your posts, while they do conflict with my viewpoint on occasion, are pretty relevant to the topic most of the time.
January 30th, 2009, 06:35 PM
While these spammers may not be trolls, they should still be treated like trolls. Aka, other then moderators/admins deleting threads and banning them, pay no attention to these spammers.
Don't feed the trolls.
January 30th, 2009, 06:43 PM
I don't think your idea is any solution at all because while they may not be entertaining us, they're entertaining each other, so moderation needs to happen.
January 30th, 2009, 06:54 PM
Which I said it does (aka the part about deleting and editing). But until mods can act, you must not post in their threads, send them angry PM's, or even acknowledge them. If you do, they will see that their thrives for attention have paid off and are working.
Trolls: Want to create conflict in a community.
Spammers: Want attention.
Both require acknowledgement to meet their ends. Take acknowledgment (not including banning or deleting, those are needed to solve the issue) out of the equation and they get bored.
January 30th, 2009, 07:00 PM
It's not even that they're trolls or spammers, dude, they're just immature members who thought acting like a bunch of 4chan/ /b/ tard memefags was a good way to get lol's. We're making it clear that it's not.
What you're saying is irrelevant.
January 30th, 2009, 07:02 PM
Even though, if you take out our reactions, they have less to lol about.
Us getting angry causes them to lol.
January 30th, 2009, 07:47 PM
You're missing the point. Most of the kids we're talking about aren't trying to get laughs (for themselves), they're trying to get us to think they're cool by acting like a bunch of idiots.
January 30th, 2009, 08:16 PM
Bit OT....does any one here think I'm a troll?
nope. just a bigot. :(
January 30th, 2009, 08:21 PM
Bit OT....does any one here think I'm a troll?
no <3
January 30th, 2009, 08:25 PM
But some people are simply in a better position to hand out criticism than others - especially people like Snaf and Dane who actually have jobs. Yes, it can be painful, but also remind yourself of why they feel a need to be so harsh. Too often, people (by no means you, you're pretty cool) will simply not respond to criticism unless it's like that and they need to either get with it or get out. Yes, it's not ideal and sets a bad example, but that's also where the responsibilty of the new members comes in. That's the thing about being new - you can't act like you have all the experience of an industry veteran, because you don't. They speak with years of experince, so if they tell you you suck, chances are you really do suck (either in work or in attitude).
Of course, it's not right to be an ass without reason... but a lot of the time I think there's a pretty good reason. Some people just don't get it unless you yell at them. Personal grudges and outright trolling for the sake of trolling without a good reason are another matter, which would fall under more "general" forum bullshit. I hate drama like that as much as anyone else.Well I read snaf's post and yeah I understand the point of view when some of the members post crit but when they post it. But just because the newbie doesn't respond to casual crit doesn't mean that the critiques should go ahead and bash them just to get their point accross, I think there is a better way to handel this situation and there is, if the critique points out what's wrong and the creator does not listen or is being stubborn then A) It's not worth helping him/her because he/she does not understand what critisism is and how it is helpful for their whole experience in modding. and B) the critiquer should either repost or if they don't feel like it's worth it or just cannot stand the user, ignore them. That's why there is an ignore list. I'm just saying that you cannot entirely blame this on the newbies because they learn from the experienced and if the experienced don't treat them with respect how are they going to have any respect for the experienced. Now I know many of you might be like who is this guy talking he hasn't created a thing (yes I agree) but I still see what's going on and I really would like to help fix this issue. And yes I do take blame for the random nonsense posting because I too did do that but I realized back in october that it was wrong.
January 30th, 2009, 09:33 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to teh lag again.
and yes that was the first thing i tried to do after reading your post
January 30th, 2009, 10:44 PM
I had been entertaining the idea of adding in a "Badge" system to identify members here and their purposes, to better filter out what causes all of this drama surrounding the professional artists on our forum. I got mixed reponses from the people I ran it by.
I see things from Masterz's point of view, and from Snaf's point of view. We want people to produce quality content, but if they can't do it or don't want to get serious with it, then honestly I don't want them to be forced to do it. I would have new members select their purpose for coming here upon registration; e.g. are you a player, coder, or artist? Are you a newbie (know little to nothing), casual (dabbled in it for fun), independent (I do my own thing and it works), or professional (I follow industry standards to produce content)? Do you want to be a newbie, casual, independent, or professional? What game engine(s) do you specialize in?
And the IDs would evolve as they stay based on direct edits by the staff, and feedback from members. e.g., NewUser123 came here and chose that he was a casual coder, and he wants to work towards being a professional. As he works, he builds on himself from criticism from other professional coders on the forum. Eventually, he produces a good amount of great stuff, and his status is changed to professional. TotalDick321 joins and claims to be a professional modeler. He posts his work, which looks like garbage, and when other professionals call out on it, he throws some hissy fits. Just short of being banned, it's clear that he is not professional, and his status is changed to a newbie modeler who is aspiring to be nothing more than a newbie. CoolDude456 joins as a newbie modeler and wants to go indie. Casuals, professionals, and other indies throw him ideas, tips, and techniques to get him started. He gets going and makes up his own concepts and techniques to make something different. He has a blast doing it, and people enjoy the work done, regardless of whether or not it's perfectly made or conforming to standards.
This is all prototype and example. I'm sure there would be much more to it, but I do think we need a way to ID people around here so shit stops flying.
January 30th, 2009, 10:49 PM
P0lar that's a perfect idea. I would support that anyway I can.
January 30th, 2009, 10:54 PM
That really sounds like a good idea.
January 30th, 2009, 10:55 PM
Sounds neat. 'Cept I don't think I qualify as anything... =_=
January 30th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Sounds awesome p0lar.
E: However, now that I think about it, you may want to have a few more badges than what you mentioned. This isn't necessary, but lets say someone does something for the community, and you want to recognize it. Give them a "contributer" badge. Let's say...someone wins Snaf's contest, or does an exceptional piece of work, you have "Snaf's Seal of Approval" and "Artist" badges.
These are just examples of course, but there are definitely more categories possible than just "coder, player, artist."
January 30th, 2009, 11:05 PM
I had been entertaining the idea of adding in a "Badge" system to identify members here and their purposes, to better filter out what causes all of this drama surrounding the professional artists on our forum. I got mixed reponses from the people I ran it by.
Halomods had this, I think. It worked out pretty well, except some people that I saw with nifty badges turned out to be total buttholes.
At least you didn't single out the asshole aspect =D
January 30th, 2009, 11:10 PM gives you a little Medal or gold star when you win a modeling or texturing competition.
I really like this idea though. I'd definitely like to have "Independent Modeler" under my name.
January 30th, 2009, 11:16 PM
P0lar that's a perfect idea. I would support that anyway I can.
January 30th, 2009, 11:38 PM
I like the idea Pbear.
I probably wont get any though lol, I dont post most of my work here, mainly because this a mostly art developing forum, theres tons of artists here and only a few programmers. People probably assume I do nothing :P
January 30th, 2009, 11:45 PM
Good idea p00!
(or my idea..vvvvv)
January 31st, 2009, 12:04 AM
January 31st, 2009, 12:06 AM
lets put this into perspective will we.
during the last 2 or 3 weeks when shits been out of control from the newfagz and there utter determination to run everything into the ground i didnt give out a single bit of negative rep.
you all earnt it but i gave yas a chance seeing as your already targeted so much for your stupid behavior.
Theres a time, a place and a saturation point where yas need to tone it down and go back to talking about real things.
take me for example, i do little dick jokes and play around the forum as much or more then alot of people but when it comes to a serious topic such as about religion, the school system, internet censorship or guns i drop that and break out my +13 philosophers hat and give an honest well thought out opinion.
sometimes i'm wrong i'll admit it, and for the most part i cop it on the chin when i am without complaint, but praise.
Snaf is the same, if you negative rep snaf for a genuinely good reason he will respond with a +rep thanking you for showing he was wrong and the discussion will continue.
he's done it with me.
this aint /b/ and it'll never be it either so ya's need to learn the when it's ok, acceptable or just wrong to joke around.
January 31st, 2009, 12:23 AM
I know that in Lag's original post, I have a feeling half the references were to me.
I'm sorry about my shitposts and /b/ shit I've posted since I got here. As you can see from my more recent posts (After I got the name change), I've decided to stop.
My first trip here was to a link in the Off-topic section, to a random post of Bod's, to be exact. I registered and copied his (and Noob's) style, hoping to get a laugh or two out of it.
what post was it?
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