View Full Version : Need Certain Script

February 5th, 2009, 08:23 PM
I am looking for a script that:

When you reach a certain point, a cutscene starts showing an AI entering a vehicle (Wraith). When the AI enters it, the camera zooms around to the front, and the screen blurs out to the player FP. Then after the wraith reaches a certain amount of health, the AI and vehicle is switched to an AI with different statistics, and the same vehicle that fires something differently. Then after the unit runs out of health, and the boss is destroyed, it goes to another cutscene where there is a pelican flying in, and picks up the player.

Rob Oplawar
February 5th, 2009, 11:11 PM


February 6th, 2009, 06:35 AM
I tried, dont really understand the scripting language
And I cant script :V


February 6th, 2009, 04:15 PM
It's really simple. I learned to script when I was like 13.
Just play around with it.

February 6th, 2009, 05:04 PM
(script continuous wraith_spawn
(sleep_until (volume_test_object wraith_spawn (list_get (players) 0))
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(ai_place wraith_driver_boss_1)
(object_create_anew boss_wraith)
(unit boss_wraith)
(ai_command_list wraith_driver_boss_1/boss1_part1 boss_pattern1)
(fade_in 1 1 1 15)
(camera_control true)
(cinematic_show_letterbox true)
(camera_set cam_boss 30)
(camera_set cam_flyto_player 30)
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(camera_control false)
(cinematic_show_letterbox false)
(fade_in 1 1 1 15)

(script continuous wraith_boss_2)
(unit boss_wraith)
(sleep_until (unit_get_health boss_wraith 50))
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(ai_kill wraith_driver_boss_1)
(camera_control true)
(cinematic_show_letterbox true)
(ai_place wraith_driver_boss_2)
(object_teleport boss_wraith boss_2_spawn)
(fade_in 1 1 1 15)
(ai_command_list wraith_driver_boss_2/boss1_part2 boss_pattern2)
(camera_set cam_boss2 30)
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(camera_control false)
(cinematic_show_letterbox false)
(fade_in 1 1 1 15)
(sleep_until (unit_get_health boss_wraith 0))
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(camera_control true)
(cinematic_show_letterbox true)
(fade_in 1 1 1 15)
(camera_set cam_boss_defeat 30)
(object_create_anew pelican_win)
(object_create_anew pelcian_driver)
(unit pelican_win)
(unit pelican_driver)
(unit_enter_vehicle chief pelican_win "W-driver")
(sleep_until (= (vehicle_test_seat_list pelican_win "W-driver" pelican_driver) true) 5)
(ai_attach pelican_driver pelican/driver_fly)
(ai_command_list pelican/driver_fly fly_pelican)
(camera_set cam_pelican 30)
(ai_place chief)
(ai_command_list chief/chief_pelican walkto_pelican)
(fade_out 1 1 1 15)
(camera_control false)
(cinematic_show_letterbox false)
I am not sure if that works, but hey, I guess its all that you wanted.

February 7th, 2009, 03:05 PM
oh, thanks :D