View Full Version : Just another Idea

March 1st, 2009, 07:36 PM
Alright, in my previous topic (http://modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14619) I discussed something about random face animations. This thought came to mind while I was thinking of a cool campaign.

Alright, so I was thinking of a Single Player mission thing, where you have to escort a couple of ODST's to set charges around a ship. [Truth and Reconciliation] and I was thinking, how would the ODST's carry around a bomb?

Here are a couple of questions I asked myself.

1. Can the Backpack weapon mod work for AI as well as players?

2. Could you generate a script so the AI could switch out weapons at a certain checkpoint and switch from an Assault Rifle to a C4 Charge, then switch back to the assault rifle?

3. Is it possible [if backpack weapon mod works] to make an animation for the ODST's to throw the Assault Rifle on their backs when they pull out the C4?

Thanks if you can answer these questions.

Basically where im getting at is, is there any possible way to make AI switch weapons? I don't really need the weapons to be shown, I am just wondering if you can change their weapons while they are moving.

E: The reason I do this is to find new methods of getting things to work. With a little brainwork and ideas, maybe we can end this world dominating crisis of un-syncing AI and why AI can't hold more then weapon.

March 2nd, 2009, 05:48 AM

Rob Oplawar
March 2nd, 2009, 12:12 PM
Interesting, another "this is relevant to my interests"...
Once again, this sort of behavior is planned for BCE and if nobody's figured it out yet then I'll figure it out myself. Good luck, fellow Rob.
ok now I'm creeped out

March 2nd, 2009, 01:20 PM
Once again, this sort of behavior is planned for BCE and if nobody's figured it out yet then I'll figure it out myself. Good luck, fellow Rob.
failure alert: what is BCE?

March 2nd, 2009, 03:55 PM
Upcoming(?) SP mod called "Bridge CE".

March 2nd, 2009, 04:34 PM
E: OH, nvmd

Anyways, another question came to mind to me today.

Is there a way you can make a script for someone when they get in a passenger seat of a vehicle to switch to a different weapon? I was thinking, because I know that vehicles can only have one weapon, but what about the players in the passenger seats? I was wanting to try out some of this stuff.

This was my Idea.

You get in a pelican, and the only weapons are the front nose gun and the rockets [which is secondary fire], you get in the back, and a script activates making you switch to a First Person turret or other weapon. What do you think?

But here's the catch... How do you make it so it animates the player with the weapon attached to the vehicle?

March 2nd, 2009, 04:38 PM
BCE is Bridge CE, that campaign mod that is being worked on. The one that might be using the Health Blur thing.

March 9th, 2009, 04:38 AM
I'm not quite following what you said here

E: OH, nvmd

Is there a way you can make a script for someone when they get in a passenger seat of a vehicle to switch to a different weapon? I was thinking, because I know that vehicles can only have one weapon, but what about the players in the passenger seats? I was wanting to try out some of this stuff.

This was my Idea.

You get in a pelican, and the only weapons are the front nose gun and the rockets [which is secondary fire], you get in the back, and a script activates making you switch to a First Person turret or other weapon. What do you think?

But here's the catch... How do you make it so it animates the player with the weapon attached to the vehicle?

For the original questions about AI, I'm pretty sure you can't have AI switching weapons, because if you look at the actor-variant tags, you'll see that weapons are defined there. I think your best bet would be to simply replace the actor variant when the switch needs to be done. I'll have a look at the tags to see if the death animation can be removed. Otherwise, I am guessing that there are human animations available out there, where you could take the animation file, change the death animation in such a way that the corpse just disappears, or moves below the ground like the engineer, and is instantaneously replaced by the actor you want.

March 11th, 2009, 08:55 AM
1. Can the Backpack weapon mod work for AI as well as players?

2. Could you generate a script so the AI could switch out weapons at a certain checkpoint and switch from an Assault Rifle to a C4 Charge, then switch back to the assault rifle?


3. Is it possible [if backpack weapon mod works] to make an animation for the ODST's to throw the Assault Rifle on their backs when they pull out the C4?


March 11th, 2009, 10:21 AM
if you want C4 to be visible on the biped's back, you could just make it part of the model. Maybe putting down the c4 could be done in a cutscene. I don't think its possible to make AI switch weapons, animation or not, but I couldn't say for sure.

Rob Oplawar
March 11th, 2009, 02:29 PM
I know it's possible to use scripts to attach scenery objects to special nodes on bipeds (characters hold/manipulate objects in cinematics) and I think it may be possible to do with named weapon objects as well. But come to think of it I've only ever seen these objects attached to the right hand, which is the same hand a unit's weapon gets attached to if I'm not mistaken. It may be that a biped can only have one such special node.

I'll have to experiment with this.

March 11th, 2009, 07:46 PM
1. Can the Backpack weapon mod work for AI as well as players?

2. Could you generate a script so the AI could switch out weapons at a certain checkpoint and switch from an Assault Rifle to a C4 Charge, then switch back to the assault rifle?


3. Is it possible [if backpack weapon mod works] to make an animation for the ODST's to throw the Assault Rifle on their backs when they pull out the C4?

Do you not know shit? All of that can be done with scripts.
Edit Rob they used permutations.

March 11th, 2009, 10:56 PM
I know it's possible to use scripts to attach scenery objects to special nodes on bipeds (characters hold/manipulate objects in cinematics) and I think it may be possible to do with named weapon objects as well. But come to think of it I've only ever seen these objects attached to the right hand, which is the same hand a unit's weapon gets attached to if I'm not mistaken. It may be that a biped can only have one such special node.

I'll have to experiment with this.
You can attach the object to any marker, but I am not positive about nodes. I've attached a flood infection form biped to a cyborg head marker for kicks, and it worked.

Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 12:43 PM
Rob they used permutations.
Definitely not. The index, Keys' pipe, Cortana's Chip, and Jenkins' Helmet are all scenery objects.

e: Aha, and in the Jenkins scene in 343GS, the Chief simultaneously holds Jenkins' helmet in one hand and the recording chip in the other. So I'm gonna take that as evidence that this is definitely possible.
fake ee: Oh yeah, and there's also that marine in the intro cinematic who is holding the two light things to guide pelicans. Duh. Silly me.
real eee: Oh yeah, I always confuse nodes and markers. My bad.
more edits: *is remembering more and more now* In that same 343GS cinematic, one of the marines holds a live, animated flood infection form, like how Delta mentioned. And it would seem vehicles can be attached to markers on other vehicles (peli carrying warthog) and iirc the attached vehicle can be occupied at the time. Halo lets you attach a ton of stuff to a ton of other stuff. I'm suddenly seeing a whole new world of scripting opportunities...

March 12th, 2009, 03:34 PM
A pelican carrying another pelican carrying a tank carrying 5 marines carrying rockets that shoot pelicans!

March 12th, 2009, 05:56 PM
Thats one I would like to see!
Rob I was refering to Zteams mod, they used permutations on the Bipds each one had a different weapon

Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 09:38 PM
oic. Not to get off topic, but can you dynamically switch a biped's permutation with scripts? I thought once an object was created its permutation was fixed.

March 12th, 2009, 09:53 PM
oic. Not to get off topic, but can you dynamically switch a biped's permutation with scripts? I thought once an object was created its permutation was fixed.
Yeah, thats the whole idea behind the backpack mod, when X person as this weapon1, and is curriently weilding this other weapon2, then select weapon 1 permutation. (which would have the weap on the back)

Rob Oplawar
March 14th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Weird, I always assumed it worked the other way, with the appropriate weapon being attached to a marker on the back.

March 15th, 2009, 01:50 PM
Weird, I always assumed it worked the other way, with the appropriate weapon being attached to a marker on the back.

Unfortunately, attachments don't work so well in multiplayer. The attached object will lag behind; think of the warthogs on the pelicans in Coldsnap.

Rob Oplawar
March 15th, 2009, 04:47 PM
oic. I never did get a good game going in Coldsnap; it was always too laggy for me to get as far as observing the pelican/warthog interaction.

March 15th, 2009, 10:07 PM
coldsnap really wasn't that great.

Get a gauss hog and traverse the cliff side into the base, as long as a longsword doesn't see you, you're pretty much good. That's for blue team of course. For red team you actually had to watch out for that adorable little mythos. :awesome:

March 16th, 2009, 06:52 AM
I remember when I used to camp in that shit and call it skill :gonk:
Or how pro I felt when I worked out how to fuck their shit up with fighter jets.


March 16th, 2009, 06:52 AM
Did you sexually assault the mythos teekieeeeeeee!?! You naughty boy! You should ask me to join you next time! GOSH! Lmao! And btw.. I like coldsnap :(

March 16th, 2009, 07:09 AM
Getting a little ot guys?
http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-fuckyou.gif (http://forums.somethingawful.com/misc.php?s=&action=showsmilies)