View Full Version : ATTN: MEMEKIDS
March 12th, 2009, 12:30 AM
This isn't 4chan. Don't bring that shit here, because we're all sick to death of hearing the same terrible memes over and over and watching you flail about trying to make someone laugh. None of us give a fuck who likes mudkips and if you try and fight any power here you will get your shit wrecked. Although this place has been swamped with morons more than once, the people who actually drive this place forwards still hold the sway and there are only so many terrible fucking posts we can tolerate.
Here's your ultimatum: shape up, or fuck off. You can do whatever you like on other sites as long as it doesn't come here, and that applies doubly to shit like 4chan. If you absolutely must try and be funny, make a proper job of it. I can't speak for everyone but it seems that sarcasm prevails here. Straight "lol u said penis" kiddie stuff is just annoying.
March 12th, 2009, 12:32 AM
Straight "lol u said penis" kiddie stuff is just annoying.
I might also point out that Shitposting is defined as that and barred in the AUP. I would know, I wrote it.
March 12th, 2009, 12:36 AM
In short, don't be 4chan /b/tard reject memekids or your stay here won't be pleasant.
March 12th, 2009, 12:48 AM
Welp memekids, you've heard the word of the community. Now its just time for you guys to obey. Simple enough?
E: Zilla and Snaf '09
Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 01:00 AM
March 12th, 2009, 01:02 AM
Rob you're the worst
the worst
March 12th, 2009, 01:04 AM
the worst
March 12th, 2009, 01:05 AM
March 12th, 2009, 01:06 AM
March 12th, 2009, 01:07 AM
March 12th, 2009, 01:07 AM
this is the kind of quality posting i like to see !!
March 12th, 2009, 01:09 AM
wait were we supposed to post the english alphabet
whoops lol
ps we earned the right to shitpost, you scrubs haven't so you're still not allowed
March 12th, 2009, 01:13 AM
Rossmum, I'm sure the moderators are here for making people follow the rules, and the rules specify shitpoaters will get infractions. The rules also specify no backseat moderation. While I'm sure your intentions are good, you are sending a message that people can break the rules, and people need not to worry about infractions.
This probably would had best be brought to the administrations notice through private messages, as by the lack of infractions clearly shows that they are not doing their job. I mean not to insult anyone, but I do see a double standard and a lack of lazyness or uncaring from the administration.
March 12th, 2009, 01:15 AM
Rossmum, I'm sure the moderators are here for making people follow the rules, and the rules specify shitpoaters will get infractions. The rules also specify no backseat moderation. While I'm sure your intentions are good, you are sending a message that people can break the rules, and people need not to worry about infractions.
This probably would had best be brought to the administrations notice through private messages, as by the lack of infractions clearly shows that they are not doing their job. I mean not to insult anyone, but I do see a double standard and a lack of lazyness or uncaring from the administration.
bro there's a different between a complaint and an ultimatum and backseat moderating
not that the backseat moderating rule ever gets enforced
March 12th, 2009, 01:15 AM
Also, how exactly do you earn the right to be above the rules. I'm sure many would be interested to learn how as well.
Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 01:15 AM
we earned the right to shitpost, you scrubs haven't so you're still not allowed
That's right, you dirty scrubs. You'll never be friends with Dr. Cox Snaf like I am. That's why I'm so cool.
I wonder what it would be like if my life were like Scrubs?
*gazes vacantly into the distance for about 30 seconds*
Hahaha, we'd have to get such a big staple remover!
March 12th, 2009, 01:17 AM
Also, how exactly do you earn the right to be above the rules. I'm sure many would be interested to learn how as well.
dunno where you got that idea from, since right now my profile has a lovely big non-decaying 2-point infraction
March 12th, 2009, 01:19 AM
Also, how exactly do you earn the right to be above the rules. I'm sure many would be interested to learn how as well.By posting intelligently.
The people who've earned the right to be "above" the rules are only "above" them becuase when they do something questionable we (the staff) always know it was for the sake of lulz (usually promoting just that), where as the others do questionable actions and just make themselves look like try hard ass hats who deserve to be removed.
Once you've been around enough, you too can earn the right to be what you consider "above" the rules, only becuase once you've been here as long as them you'll learn that certain actions are acceptable, others are not, no one is above the rules, they've just learned the accepted norms of the community.
March 12th, 2009, 01:20 AM
By posting intelligently.
The people who've earned the right to be "above" the rules are only "above" them becuase when they do something questionable we (the staff) always know it was for the sake of lulz (usually promoting just that), where as the others do questionable actions and just make themselves look like try hard ass hats who deserve to be removed.
Once you've been around enough, you too can earn the right to be what you consider "above" the rules, only becuase once you've been here as long as them you'll learn that certain actions are acceptable, others are not, no one is above the rules, they've just learned the accepted norms of the community.
Yeah more or less this, I can troll idiots to an extent but if I straight-out flame I cop an infraction just the same as anyone else really
March 12th, 2009, 01:22 AM
That's right, you dirty scrubs. You'll never be friends with Dr. Cox Snaf like I am. That's why I'm so cool.
I wonder what it would be like if my life were like Scrubs?
*gazes vacantly into the distance for about 30 seconds*
Hahaha, we'd have to get such a big staple remover!
Jesus Christ, Barbra, for the last time, I don't want to have lunch with you, and you are not notnotnotnotnot NOT EVER allowed in my office.
:eyetwitch: :walkaway:
March 12th, 2009, 01:29 AM
what a bunch of double faggots you all are.
but seriously i think the kiddies have been a bit better behaved lately. either that or my standards have taken a nose dive.
some of them have made much better efforts which we need to appreciate at the same time.
it's nice to hear a "you did good" other then just a sea of "you fucked up" phrases parroted at them.
March 12th, 2009, 01:30 AM
Also, how exactly do you earn the right to be above the rules. I'm sure many would be interested to learn how as well.
It's a principle that applies to the real world as well. You need to earn respect and recognition in a community before you attempt behaviors that could be seen as "risky" (IE splashing paint on a canvas by the bucket instead of using a paintbrush, or shitposting in a forum where such behavior is not allowed). Without a background knowledge of a person's abilities (IE an artist's demonstration of their ability to draw well or a poster's constructive posts), "risky" behavior is just plain suicidal for a person's reputation-- we don't have the background knowledge as to whether the person is even able to act in a constructive way. Any random person can throw paint onto a canvas; it takes the knowledge that the artist truly had an intent with their creation to make random splashes into art. Same applies to forums.
Just my two cents.
March 12th, 2009, 01:32 AM
Yeah more or less this, I can troll idiots to an extent but if I straight-out flame I cop an infraction just the same as anyone else really
Well then that is a flawed system. What is the point of having rules for people to follow when people like you who are community seniors send out the impression you are free to break them.
That's probably why so many people shitpost. They see threads like this and think when they see other people do it they think it's ok.
Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 01:40 AM
Says the guy with 7 posts.
It seems the vast majority of our new members say something stupid on their first post, get called on it on their second post, and spend their next 10 or so posts criticizing the community before being banned or quitting themselves.
March 12th, 2009, 01:42 AM
It's a principle that applies to the real world as well. You need to earn respect and recognition in a community before you attempt behaviors that could be seen as "risky" (IE splashing paint on a canvas by the bucket instead of using a paintbrush, or shitposting in a forum where such behavior is not allowed). Without a background knowledge of a person's abilities (IE an artist's demonstration of their ability to draw well or a poster's constructive posts), "risky" behavior is just plain suicidal for a person's reputation-- we don't have the background knowledge as to whether the person is even able to act in a constructive way. Any random person can throw paint onto a canvas; it takes the knowledge that the artist truly had an intent with their creation to make random splashes into art. Same applies to forums.
Just my two cents.
I completely agree, but in the real world you don't troll people because you find them anoying, just because you've been there longer. That's why there are harassment laws in the workplace.
Edit: I've actually lurked these forums for a long time, I only decided to register recently.
March 12th, 2009, 01:46 AM
I completely agree, but in the real world you don't troll people because you find them anoying, just because you've been there longer. That's why there are harassment laws in the workplace.
It isn't trolling, but those who are overambitious tend to find themselves on the bottom of the pile. People don't like a showoff, and people tend not to respect those who try to skip the hard part of a job/profession/talent (IE, painting serious paintings) to go straight for the "advanced" part, which may or may not be easier to do (IE, splashing paint on a canvas and calling it art).
March 12th, 2009, 01:52 AM
Rossmum said he's allowed to troll, you were explaining how he's allowed to, weren't you?
March 12th, 2009, 01:54 AM
Rossmum said he's allowed to troll, you were explaining how he's allowed to, weren't you?
Yeah, and I still am-- He is a respected, long-standing member of the community, and has demonstrated that he has more to offer than just plain trolling.
Anyhow, it's midnight here and I have a test tomorrow. Goodnight, and if this thread isn't locked by tomorrow I might post again
Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 02:02 AM
Rossmum won the internet a while back. He gets to troll.
I'm a well established bitcher and buzzkill. I get to point out the obvious. For example:
Your post count is in the single digits. You don't have the right to complain about how the forum works until you're at least in the hundreds.
Reaper Man
March 12th, 2009, 02:03 AM
Yo dawg, I herd u don't liek memes, but I accidentally in your thread;
Seriously though, gold post ross; /r/ sticky :v:
March 12th, 2009, 02:07 AM
Well then that is a flawed system. What is the point of having rules for people to follow when people like you who are community seniors send out the impression you are free to break them.
That's probably why so many people shitpost. They see threads like this and think when they see other people do it they think it's ok.
easy baby, where not jumping down your throat specifically, you've been here 5 minutes so ya cant possibly have started something badly yet, just sorta ease ya way in and you'll be fine.
hell i'll even give ya some +rep to get ya started but ya dont want to send off the wrong impression, i've seen your other posts and you seem to be on the right track so far so ya might just want to let this thread slide :)
just a hint ;)
March 12th, 2009, 02:18 AM
March 12th, 2009, 02:31 AM
Older members want the right to troll and do what they want and hate new members, new members don't like the old members. Who to ban....? (I'm generalizing). The only group keeping this place really active is the new members.
March 12th, 2009, 03:42 AM
What is wrong with memes? Most of them are funny.
March 12th, 2009, 03:44 AM
No, they're not. Some might have been the first two or three times, but we've heard them all before and bloody well don't want to hear them again.
March 12th, 2009, 04:02 AM
No, they're not. Some might have been the first two or three times, but we've heard them all before and bloody well don't want to hear them again.
The Firin Lazer guy is getting old.
March 12th, 2009, 04:37 AM
ITT: oldfags wave their e-peens in newfags faces telling them to suck it up until they can do it too.
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 04:52 AM
Usually, in a Halo community this is why we have a random pictures section, or cafe section, or something of the like. Then we have an art studio, where none of that happens.
If you are expecting college level maturity, then kick out all of the new members and all of the ones that post annoying memes. The population of the forum will suffer, and you'll get your just deserts, so to speak.
This is a great forum. It is fun to be here. Sometimes, as a person who I will not mention here said to me, "there is just a bit too much drama". This is the only forum I visit where I actually have to worry about politics when I post.
Rossmum, if it really bothers you that much, make this thread a poll and see how many people would like to get rid of the random pictures threads and stricter moderation on random memes as well. I really could care less because these days I just try to ignore these threads and move on to what is meaningful to me. This way, the newer guys can have what they want, be happy, and I can have what I want, and be happy.
March 12th, 2009, 05:07 AM
There's nothing wrong with random pics/quotes/etc. threads, what is wrong is members (and it's always the same ones) treating this like it's /b/.
March 12th, 2009, 05:12 AM
Have you ever fucking been to /b/??
A sprinkling of 4chan memes does not a /b/ make.
March 12th, 2009, 05:21 AM
Yes I have, but only for as long as it took for me to physically remove my /b/tard friend from my chair and close the window
Anyway it's a shit place and shit memes come from it
March 12th, 2009, 05:29 AM
March 12th, 2009, 05:40 AM
well oddly enough some of us don't enjoy being bombarded with photos of people's cocks on the off chance someone might post something that's funny once or twice
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 05:46 AM
well oddly enough some of us don't enjoy being bombarded with photos of people's cocks on the off chance someone might post something that's funny once or twice
Then use your supposed senior privileges and report them to the moderator.
People often complain when people create threads complaining about something like people do some such thing when the problem could be solved by talking to somebody with power.
If you think they are immature, how is telling them "STOP THAT!" going to do anything? They'll just say piss off, its the internet or whatever excuse they come up with. Arrogance does not win hearts and minds.
March 12th, 2009, 05:56 AM
the problem could be solved by talking to somebody with power.
not with these lackey absentee cunts.
March 12th, 2009, 06:35 AM
Think of it this way. If the staff actually enforced the rules consistently and fairly, there wouldn't even be a third of the regulars we currently have.
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 06:46 AM
not with these lackey absentee cunts.
I just loled. We've got a bipartisan party here! The conservative forum members who want everything their way, and the people in power who are going "Ahhh! This'll solve itself!" Or am I missing something here? /jk
Create your own forum, with your own rules, and moderate yourself. I don't mean invite Timo or Teh Lag to moderate I mean you two, Snaf and ross (and possibly anybody who feels the same way). Maybe you'll be happier that way.
You can't really overthrow the moderation.. e-coup d'etat; lol. So, not really sure what else you could do.
March 12th, 2009, 07:07 AM
Just cut out the 4chan shit, some of it is kinda funny on rare occasions, but don't come out here as a full fledged 4faggot. Make an effort to get along :S
March 12th, 2009, 07:20 AM
This isn't 4chan. Don't bring that shit here, because we're all sick to death of hearing the same terrible memes over and over and watching you flail about trying to make someone laugh. None of us give a fuck who likes mudkips and if you try and fight any power here you will get your shit wrecked. Although this place has been swamped with morons more than once, the people who actually drive this place forwards still hold the sway and there are only so many terrible fucking posts we can tolerate.
Here's your ultimatum: shape up, or fuck off. You can do whatever you like on other sites as long as it doesn't come here, and that applies doubly to shit like 4chan. If you absolutely must try and be funny, make a proper job of it. I can't speak for everyone but it seems that sarcasm prevails here. Straight "lol u said penis" kiddie stuff is just annoying.
You know they have this little button that looks like that if you click it you can send a little message to the mods saying "Infract this little shithead please"
March 12th, 2009, 07:28 AM
Then use your supposed senior privileges and report them to the moderator.
People often complain when people create threads complaining about something like people do some such thing when the problem could be solved by talking to somebody with power.
If you think they are immature, how is telling them "STOP THAT!" going to do anything? They'll just say piss off, its the internet or whatever excuse they come up with. Arrogance does not win hearts and minds.
You know they have this little button that looks like that if you click it you can send a little message to the mods saying "Infract this little shithead please"
you both realise there are only so many hours in a day and that's assuming anyone even does anything?
yes let's report every single shitpost on the forums to mods who aren't even there half the time and hope the problem fixes itself this is surely a good course of action rather than directly confronting those responsible and reminding them that they are in fact not on 4chan!
e/ i love also how every time someone (usually me) complains about the standards of these forums they're suddenly a horrible elitist cunt who doubles as the fun police and wants to destroy the community, like idiot kids spouting 4chan memes in every post aren't doing it five times as fast? ugh
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 07:54 AM
you both realise there are only so many hours in a day and that's assuming anyone even does anything?
yes let's report every single shitpost on the forums to mods who aren't even there half the time and hope the problem fixes itself this is surely a good course of action rather than directly confronting those responsible and reminding them that they are in fact not on 4chan!
e/ i love also how every time someone (usually me) complains about the standards of these forums they're suddenly a horrible elitist cunt who doubles as the fun police and wants to destroy the community, like idiot kids spouting 4chan memes in every post aren't doing it five times as fast? ugh
Have you tried the warning system? I have tried reporting it?
Dude, who the hell cares about the "elitist" mindset. Obviously it bothers you, but unless people stop saying stuff like "I'm an old guy with experience, you "newfags" need to sit back and watch the show," don't you think that'd piss people off? I mean, even if you are that, you should try to be more humble about it.
Still, let's keep politics out of it. Please, for one complaint thread?
March 12th, 2009, 08:07 AM
I have reported it. I think you're forgetting that the original members came over as a mass exodus from Gearbox and later Halomods, and we're constantly talking to the mods. The issue was brought up in a private conversation and from what I gather, most of the mods won't do anything about it for whatever reasons, and those who actually care about properly enforcing the rules won't do it if the other staff don't even support them. If they can't even work together on these things, what then would be the point of reporting the offending posts? The mods know who the troublemakers are, they know what the rules are, but nothing's been done. To date the only member I can distinctly remember being banned outright for continual memes and so on was Emmzee, and I would rather have him around than a lot of his replacements.
As for the elitist thing, plainly some members care about it, because every time some supposedly downtrodden newcomer feels like they want to fight the power they immediately single us out and then proceed to carry on like babies, claiming all manners of abuse from people they don't even know while carrying out the exact actions they're describing themselves. Thankfully the worst offenders have since been banned or have wisened up a little, but I personally don't see any justification at all. I don't go around bitching at people because they're new, I bitch at people because they act like complete twats. In fact I seem to remember helping a new member at Halomods despite long since having decided the place was headed for the shitter, for the life of me I can't seem to recall their name...
The point is, I don't care who you are. This is Modacity, not 4chan. We appreciate a good laugh but we don't appreciate the same tired bullshit we've heard every day for the last five years and nor do we appreciate terrible attemptes at jokes where they're completely inappropriate. Anyone who posts here should at least be old enough to realise this and take some fucking responsibility for their actions, instead of whine and throw tantrums and claim we're terrible when they - and only they - start copping shit from the 'oldfags'. I don't see any of us wailing on new members who actually contribute to the community, do you?
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 08:25 AM
The issue was brought up in a private conversation and from what I gather, most of the mods won't do anything about it for whatever reasons
So, what are they? If you can't tell me them, then who can?
Let's address the excuses, and get stuff done.
March 12th, 2009, 08:31 AM
You'd have to ask them, but as far as I could see it was a case of 'can't be bothered'
March 12th, 2009, 09:40 AM
lol forum drama....oh wait no one gives two shits?....yeah...
also hi ross.
March 12th, 2009, 09:59 AM
This is the most pathetic attempt at an ultimatum ever. If you want to make a point, at the very least stay serious in your thread, and don't use double standards like "I'm allowed to shitpost because I been here longer". The rules should apply to everyone equally at all times, even if you are more knowledgeable and more recognized around here.
Ross for mod --- never
Mr Buckshot
March 12th, 2009, 01:05 PM
i liek t3h mudkipz.
Well think about it. This is the "off topic" section, it's natural for new guys to think it's appropriate to bring that stuff to this section, and they probably have as much chance of reading the rules or this thread as I do of reading the "readme" or "EULA" when I install new software.
Personally I don't particularly take much notice to these memetards as you call them (my ignore list ensures that what I see is clean, I think that is the reason why all forums have such a feature), I mean it's not like anyone's actually being affected right? No need to be so petulant on the internet. Yeah it can get a bit annoying to see the same old lame joke that you've heard a thousand times, but it's not flaming you or anyone else, it's not truly violating any established rules (not classified as inappropriate content), hence why feel offended? If you respond to their lame jokes with flames, all you do is make them flame back and so on and you basically compound the problem, not solve it.
Here's what deserves more concern: People who post for the sake of trolling or who directly flame others who refute them, maybe they post flamebaits in threads or something, they actually want to start flamewars. Like Vern125 for instance.
just my $0.02, no one has to agree, but all I saw in ross's first post on this thread was that he hates users who're just making lame jokes, which to me is as much of a problem as seeing some guy picking his nose on the bus. Yeah it's not a nice sight, but as long as he doesn't try to interact with you, why bother?
you can accuse me of trolling, but hey it's just a peaceful opinion, if you want to flame me use the PMs for the sake of keeping the peace.
March 12th, 2009, 01:05 PM
The issue was brought up in a private conversation and from what I gather, most of the mods won't do anything about it for whatever reasons
Personally, I like to watch all you idiots bicker. It's funny.
March 12th, 2009, 01:13 PM
Words. Words. Words. Drama. More words.
Everybody, shut the fuck up. That means everybody.
March 12th, 2009, 01:19 PM
No u
Rob Oplawar
March 12th, 2009, 01:50 PM
I'm enjoying this thread. Please continue.
I'll get you started off:
The mods on this site are (adjective) (plural noun) and couldn't (verb) to save their lives!
If you don't like (noun) then you can go (verb) your (noun) with a (adjective) (small animal) in your (body part) .
teh lag
March 12th, 2009, 01:53 PM
This topic is rapidly degenerating - if you people can't stay focused I'm locking it. I'm not against discussing these issues, but there's shit swirling around in the water here and it needs to stop.
Now, as I said in my rant about pretty much this exact same problem almost exactly a month ago, we've got two problems here.
First, newfag kids who don't get what shit flies and what shit doesn't. They need to get it in their heads that humor is only appropriate at certain times and certain places; it's not ok to send off 100 shit attempts at humor in hopes that one of them succeeds. In that respect, I fully believe that the community as a whole has a responsibility to tell them that they're doing it wrong, and hopefully mold them into more useful members (And trust me, there's more than enough examples of people who've had that happen and ended up turning out just fine afterwards). I have no problem with people telling other people that they need to clean their act up, as that's something that the entire community benefits from.
Ex : Hunter is now a fairly respectable member despite his past; I certainly think we're better off having him as a productive member than without him at all. Chains too has made steps in the right direction. Telling people that they're being idiots/unfunny/jackasses has its merits - it's the job of everyone in the community to insure that new people get to know what's cool and what isn't.
And second, there are limits. There have been instances where old members have taken this way too far (I'm sure you can all think of a few). It's one thing to tell a blithering idiot that they're a blithering idiot, but quite another to openly antagonize someone just because you don't like them. If someone is on the road to bannage, you don't need to help them; they're perfectly capable of digging themselves into a hole. In all honesty much of the drama around here comes from the oldfags bashing the newfags - as I said above it's sometimes necessary, but there's a line and they should damn well know where it is.
On a related note, oldfags do get away with what they do not because they are oldfags but because when they do it it's more often than not justified. It's not a license to shitpost or flame, but rather that when they do it it's usually well-executed and makes people laugh or makes a point that needs to be made. I love this site because we're (usually) not a bunch of tightasses who smack down any attempt at humor; I'd hate to see us become that.
-Mech, I know you're trying to be funny, but this was neither the time nor place. Serious thread in here.
-Llama, while it's certainly in your right to say that you think everyone's just causing drama, it's not your place to tell everyone in a thread to "shut the fuck up." If you cannot, at the very least, provide a cohesive argument for that, then don't bother posting it. Not to mention that up until now the mods have decided to leave it open (though with the direction it's headed in that won't be for much longer) - this would be a case where reporting posts would be better.
March 12th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I know I've stepped out of line quite a few times. I would like to apologize for that. :(
But I sincerely wish more people would have read my thread in the gallery section. It not only applied to modeling but also towards general behavior.
March 12th, 2009, 02:29 PM
I know I've stepped out of line quite a few times. I would like to apologize for that. :(
Same here.
I had a red bar for the longest time. I pissed so many people off in these forums. But for the fear of not being able to be a part of this great community I pulled myself together and started to respect the older members, and respect their opinions.
We are all human, so we do have the tendency to be stupid and get on here and act like we are bigger than one another. But I honestly believe that the rep system is great. It gives you a way to... I don't really know how to say it, but it just helps with keeping respect in order. You can look up to someone, or down to them. But as said in lag's post. It's uncalled for to take your hate for someone out on them through these forums. It's not what it's for. We are all here as a community and should act as such.
I think it's great when I can come to Modacity and see people's work, or look through the funny pictures thread. Not to mention that it's just about the only place I can talk 'nerd' to anyone. :rolleyes:
Modacity is a great community. The members need to be respected. And the members need to show respect.
One last thing. Meme's are only funny if they are pulled off correctly. And that's rather rare as lag said.
March 12th, 2009, 03:32 PM
My non-shitpost: The dramas created by ross are more annoying than the newfags. IMO of course. Dramas used to be funny, now they just suck.
March 12th, 2009, 03:33 PM
The Firin Lazer guy is getting old.
thats been old.
March 12th, 2009, 03:49 PM
IMO, all that stuff got old after the first time.
Boo Diddly
March 12th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Personally, I like to watch all you idiots bicker. It's funny.
I really need to start posting more. Its true that memes get old fast, and they are plain retarded when used too much, incorrectly, and/or executed improperly. There is the rare occasion when one is good awsome, but those are rare.
I'll get you started off:
The mods on this site are (loving) (bunnies) and couldn't (kill) to save their lives!
If you don't like (bunnies) then you can go (pet) your (dog) with a (white) (mouse) in your (pocket) .
Old memes are old.
March 12th, 2009, 05:18 PM
yes let's report every single shitpost on the forums to mods who aren't even there half the time and hope the problem fixes itself this is surely a good course of action
I'm glad you agree. I mean shit ross...what do you want them to do to the shitposters? Ban them? Well damn, I bet thats what would happen if the same member's posts got reported over and over and over.
My point is, why cry and whine like a baby over shitty posts? Making baby whining threads and telling them "I am an important old member at these here forums >:U" wont do anything. They dont even respect the forums, what makes you think they will respect you? Why cant you just report them like I do? Who cares if the mods dont reply IMMEDIATELY.
March 12th, 2009, 05:20 PM
because, like we said, the mods and admins tend to say "oh we'll discuss it in the moderator section, i want to see what everyone else thinks before i act because someone else may feel differently"
AKA, they need to grow a pair and realize their mod powers aren't democratic. They're supposed to be like officers, and act, and enforce the rules. Stop being a goddam jury and just do the fucking job.
March 12th, 2009, 05:24 PM
Yet another epic Snaf-Post.
In any event, I do agree with what Ross is saying in this case. While meme's are occasionally entertaining (see Snaf's "Yo Dawg" ( post ), they're generally overused and called "memes" for a reason.
March 12th, 2009, 05:39 PM
well I can understand that snaf, but then talk to the mods about it at least, dont shitpost about shitposts.
Dont get me wrong, I understand why and what you are doing here, I just think it could have been avoided.
March 12th, 2009, 05:40 PM
We have talked to them about it over and over again and they agree, and we get told, "post about it".
We're in the right, sorry bru.
March 12th, 2009, 05:45 PM
n b4 :lock:
March 12th, 2009, 05:48 PM
PS: mods that i have seen do their jobs: teh lag and conscars
March 12th, 2009, 05:55 PM
We have talked to them about it over and over again and they agree, and we get told, "post about it".
We're in the right, sorry bru.
My bad brosef.
I still think its their job.
And yeah, cons, and especially lag.
tbh I wouldn't mind seeing ross as a mod.
E: or snaf for that matter.
MetKiller Joe
March 12th, 2009, 05:58 PM
ross as a mod.
Anybody who has spoken "We are better then them," will not be objective.
English Mobster
March 12th, 2009, 06:01 PM
4chan memes are like a bad joke (coming from an enlightened /b/tard).
They might funny once, maybe twice, but they get old fast, and then they just aren't funny. Such as: Q: Why didn't the chicken cross the road to get back home?
A: Because he said Candlejack and got kidnappe
It's just not funny anymor
March 12th, 2009, 06:07 PM
What is wrong with memes? Most of them are not funny.
because they arnt. especially since any one of them that people dub "really" funny end up in mainstream society (terms such as "leet", "owned" and "fail"), at which point i just stop trying.
E: ^ and "why did the <animal here> cross the road?" 'jokes' were never funny.
March 12th, 2009, 06:15 PM
because they arnt. especially since any one of them that people dub "really" funny end up in mainstream society (terms such as "leet", "owned" and "fail"), at which point i just stop trying.
E: ^ and "why did the <animal here> cross the road?" 'jokes' were never funny.
The bad news is that you cannot escape. The internet was formed off of 4chan. Every forum you go to will have someone who is either a minor /b/tard or a major /b/tard. It is everywhere.
March 12th, 2009, 06:16 PM
The bad news is that you cannot escape. The internet was formed off of 4chan. Every forum you go to will have someone who is either a minor /b/tard or a major /b/tard. It is everywhere.
No the internet was formed off of a bunch of nerdy guys with fucking huge beards, get your facts straight.
March 12th, 2009, 06:17 PM
4chan memes are like a bad joke (coming from an enlightened /b/tard).
They might funny once, maybe twice, but they get old fast, and then they just aren't funny. Such as: Q: Why didn't the chicken cross the road to get back home?
A: Because he said Candlejack and got kidnappe
It's just not funny anymor
you know what is funny though
dead sisters
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 12th, 2009, 06:18 PM
No the internet was formed off of a bunch of nerdy guys with fucking huge beards, get your facts straight.
No, the internet was made by Al-Gore :downs:
March 12th, 2009, 06:18 PM
The internet was formed off of 4chan.
lol, no
E: How the fuck did this get to the next page so fast?
teh lag
March 12th, 2009, 06:18 PM
The bad news is that you cannot escape. The internet was formed off of 4chan. Every forum you go to will have someone who is either a minor /b/tard or a major /b/tard. It is everywhere.
The point is not (or shouldn't be) that memes or stuff to do with the *chans is bad. The point is that people need to understand that the shitty behavior that goes on there (which may I add is just as irritating there as it is here) is not ok here. There's nothing wrong with a well-placed reference or joke, but when people are spouting it every other post it's a problem.
March 12th, 2009, 06:20 PM
lol, no
I chose the wrong word. What i meant was the internet is comprised partially of 4chan.
March 12th, 2009, 06:21 PM
I chose the wrong word. What i meant was the internet is comprised partially of 4chan.
No shit...
The internet is also partially comprised of this site.
Mr Buckshot
March 12th, 2009, 06:21 PM
There have been instances where old members have taken this way too far (I'm sure you can all think of a few). It's one thing to tell a blithering idiot that they're a blithering idiot, but quite another to openly antagonize someone just because you don't like them. If someone is on the road to bannage, you don't need to help them; they're perfectly capable of digging themselves into a hole. In all honesty much of the drama around here comes from the oldfags bashing the newfags - as I said above it's sometimes necessary, but there's a line and they should damn well know where it is.
^this man speaks the truth. I can instantly think of three old members right now who fit that description perfectly. Get a grip, guys, you don't even know the newfags outside the internet, it's just a waste of time to openly antagonize them imho. If you really feel the need to make vicious comebacks, the -rep and PM tools do exist.
I used to do this stuff (oldfag bashing newfag) when CMT's sub-forum was still active, but I stopped because I felt what teh lag is saying right now.
tbqh though, it's not as bad as ross portrays it.
March 12th, 2009, 06:21 PM
and for dramatic effect:
Posted by some douche-bag at some point in time
LUL GYS I GOTZ A NEW CAR TODAY!!!!!11!!!1!its ok, we understand that you dont know how to use caps lock and that you still haven't figured out that holding down a key will cause it to repeat.
...and that you still dont know how to express your ideas without sounding like a 6 year old :downs: having an epileptic fit
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 12th, 2009, 06:22 PM
No shit...
The internet is also partially comprised of this site.
And every other website that exists.
And, like said above, meme's shouldn't be used in every other post, if at all, and when used, should be used at a time where it makes the post funny and/or is relevant.
March 12th, 2009, 06:24 PM
OKAY! i will try this again. Most of the stuff you see on the internet forum is from 4chan.
March 12th, 2009, 06:25 PM
OKAY! i will try this again. Most of the stuff you see on the internet forum is from 4chan.
March 12th, 2009, 06:29 PM
teh lag
March 12th, 2009, 06:33 PM
You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper, man.
I get that what you meant to say was that a substantial part of internet culture is connected to 4chan, but you're dragging it out to the point of irrelevance.
Unless this page shows me improvement in the quality of discussion going on, the thread is locked. My warning about off-topic posts receiving insubordination infractions stands.
March 12th, 2009, 06:38 PM could the discussion improve when its about the terrible overuse of meme's?
Battery, I get you but thats not true. 4chan is the idiocy of the internet and its only the people that dont belong on the internet that revel in that mess. I make a memejoke and whatnot here and there but some are consistently shitposting. Thats what they dont want.
March 12th, 2009, 06:44 PM
I would like to describe 4chan as the internet equivalent of Junior High. We all remember what Junior High was like and we prefer not to re-live it.
I guess you could say that when someone leaves 4chan they really need to grow up. Those who's first internet experience wasn't 4chan seem a lot better off.
March 12th, 2009, 06:44 PM
Yessir, cap'n.
Memes are merely the internet's version of a poorly repeated joke or over-quoted phrase. While they're funny for a while, their humorous nature degrades in a direct parallel to their usage. The only reason memes are such a widespread plague, if you will, is because (more often than not) people simply can't be funny on their own, and have to default to using tired old knock-knock jokes of the internet to get noticed.
Now I'm not above dropping an over9000 once in a while, but only on very rare occasions and only when relevant. Proper meme usage (can't believe I'm saying that) is like proper quote usage. Once in a while and varied.
As for newfags, well, they're newfags. They're not going away any time soon. Same with oldfags; the only advice I can give is to not feed the trolls. Sure, if there's a massive faggotrybomb, it's okay to swoop down, but don't overdo it.
March 12th, 2009, 06:50 PM
Tbh, I wouldn't mind seeing Rob or Hotrod as a mod, they seem like they'd be unbiased and actually do the job.
March 12th, 2009, 07:02 PM
Rob would make a good mod too but idk if he wouldn't just be another absentee.
March 12th, 2009, 07:15 PM
Memes are only good if someone sets up an envirorment that the meme can thrive in (kind of like setting up a good joke). Even then, the timing has to be appropriate. And even if the timing is good, memes only work for so long. They are like milk left in the open. They go bad after awhile.
March 12th, 2009, 07:36 PM
Memes are only good if someone sets up an envirorment that the meme can thrive in (kind of like setting up a good joke). Even then, the timing has to be appropriate. And even if the timing is good, memes only work for so long. They are like milk left in the open. They go bad after awhile.
Thank you for saying what just about everyone else has said. :neckbeard:
March 12th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Thank you for saying what just about everyone else has said. :neckbeard:
teh lag
March 12th, 2009, 07:51 PM
This doesn't seem to be going anywhere anymore.
If one of the other mods wants to reopen it go ahead, but I think this topic is at its end.
E : Reopened at Ross' request. Don't make me regret this.
All of my previous warnings stand. Battery's post was not off-topic per se as it was still "relevant", but I'm still holding on to what I said.
March 12th, 2009, 08:01 PM
This is the most pathetic attempt at an ultimatum ever. If you want to make a point, at the very least stay serious in your thread, and don't use double standards like "I'm allowed to shitpost because I been here longer". The rules should apply to everyone equally at all times, even if you are more knowledgeable and more recognized around here.
Ross for mod --- never
Good. I wouldn't accept it, I know I'd be a terrible mod.
Funnily enough I seem to remember creating a troll alt just to expose how deeply those double-standards ran, and also reporting a number of my own posts where I overstepped the mark. Some were infracted, some weren't. The point is, I don't consider myself superior to new members. I consider myself more experienced with the community, perhaps, but not above them. Shitposters, on the other hand...
I had Lag reopen this for a reason, namely so I can try and re-rail the thread. This thread isn't for whining about me whining, pulling up conjecture about the origin of internet culture, saying who you think would make a good or bad mod, or any of that other shit. This thread is a simple statement that if you post unfunny jokes at inappropriate times, you are not contributing. If you post the same memes over and over, you are not contributing. If you do virtually nothing but this - and I think you all know who you are - then you are contributing sweet fuck all to this site and have no reason to be here.
If you're one of the aforementioned and you want to stay here, smarten up and start using proper humour in appropriate situations. Otherwise, stop posting.
How fucking hard is that to understand?
March 12th, 2009, 08:04 PM
Who are you to tell me how to live my life??
March 12th, 2009, 08:15 PM
You'd have to ask them, but as far as I could see it was a case of 'can't be bothered'
because, like we said, the mods and admins tend to say "oh we'll discuss it in the moderator section, i want to see what everyone else thinks before i act because someone else may feel differently"
AKA, they need to grow a pair and realize their mod powers aren't democratic. They're supposed to be like officers, and act, and enforce the rules. Stop being a goddam jury and just do the fucking job.
The reason I bring things up in the mod forum is because I don't want to act on something to have no support from any other mods/admins. Back in January when older members were complaining about this, I posted this in the mod forum:
I think we need to bump the community in the right direction again with all these new threads popping up like blog posts
<links to ten page one threads, three page two>
Some aren't that bad but quality is definitely degrading. I don't know whether it'd be better to refer them to a sticky, say what's wrong with each thread, or let the threads die on their own. I think a sticky would be best, so we can invite everyone to post their opinions on the matter.Got the response of "Off Topic is for a discussion of anything" "Keeps discussion up", etc. Why should I go out on a limb and act on what I think is needed when nobody else thinks the same way? I'd look like an idiot.
I think the forum was gotten better relative to what it was then. Sure there are more new members outweighing the older members with posts but that doesn't make this a horrible forum. Saying we're "lackey absentee cunts" is just stupid. I'm here most days, in between lectures and study. I don't read every single thread made here but read all reported posts and their threads, and try and make an effort to make sure things are going the right way. I don't want to see this forum just dominated by older members picking on the new ones until they all leave except for a few harder nuts that stick it out and join the club, which is what it seems you guys want it to become.
March 12th, 2009, 08:33 PM
PS: mods that i have seen do their jobs: teh lag and conscars
Timo's pretty good man
March 12th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Hotrod for mod
ottawa brothas unite
(even if you are a frenchie)
March 12th, 2009, 08:37 PM
tbqh though, it's not as bad as ross portrays it.
i agree tbh.
i've seen a significant improvement over the last couple of weeks, as opposed to how fucking terrible it was at the start of the year.
it'd just be the one or 2 brand spanking new members that ross is talking about.
people keep saying "you know who you are" when i actually believe they dont, because if they thought they where fucking up they wouldnt do it in the first place, but on the same token i aint in on a name and shame campaign.
a pm would be a better option.
March 12th, 2009, 08:40 PM
Me too. I think this thread could've waited a few more weeks, when it will (based on the current cycle) be needed.
March 12th, 2009, 08:45 PM
Good. I wouldn't accept it, I know I'd be a terrible mod.
Funnily enough I seem to remember creating a troll alt just to expose how deeply those double-standards ran, and also reporting a number of my own posts where I overstepped the mark. Some were infracted, some weren't. The point is, I don't consider myself superior to new members. I consider myself more experienced with the community, perhaps, but not above them. Shitposters, on the other hand...
I had Lag reopen this for a reason, namely so I can try and re-rail the thread. This thread isn't for whining about me whining, pulling up conjecture about the origin of internet culture, saying who you think would make a good or bad mod, or any of that other shit. This thread is a simple statement that if you post unfunny jokes at inappropriate times, you are not contributing. If you post the same memes over and over, you are not contributing. If you do virtually nothing but this - and I think you all know who you are - then you are contributing sweet fuck all to this site and have no reason to be here.
If you're one of the aforementioned and you want to stay here, smarten up and start using proper humour in appropriate situations. Otherwise, stop posting.
How fucking hard is that to understand?
Ross, I understand completely what you were saying and I agree. Just ftr, I wasn't disagreeing or dissing you. Just reading over my posts and I did sound kind of against you.
Mr Buckshot
March 12th, 2009, 09:46 PM
Ross, it's just an internet forum, chill out. If you hate the meme posts so much, don't look at them. I understand you find it annoying, I feel the same way when I see those lame crap, but I don't feel a need to speak out so strongly against it. It's not like these noobs are making 20 threads a day in 4chan-esque posting styles, are they?
No offence, you're a cool user, but right now you're sounding more petulant than my grandmother and my history teacher combined. There's no need to get all worked up over this, it's just the internet. Also, this is a public place, not one of those specifically-for-members-of-a-clan type of forum...hint hint. Not trying to flame you, just that it's not a serious issue.
And at the very least, give some credit to the fact that the other sections are significantly cleaner than on, say, Halomods. No nooblets getting all impressed over 3D work that Strider could do with his eyes closed. No newfags begging mod teams to put lame ideas in the next update.
March 12th, 2009, 09:58 PM
I'll fess up: I was probably the worst staff member when it came to favoritism here. I'm good friends with many of the long-standing regulars here, and whenever someone like, say, Ross posted something risque or rule-breaking, I saw it as justified in some way, e.g. trolling a moron? The guy can't even be assed to spell out "you"! I value my friendships and working relationships, and I can see that it blinded me to the very standards I set out to enforce.
Even though I was bad at discipline, I still spearheaded tasks to keep the site running, sugh as board upgrades, fixes and improvements to various bits and pieces, and I had a lot of features planned to add.
I'll reiterate why I stepped down: I'm going through a rough time right now, and I feel that I'm in no way in the right mindset to be in an authorative position. I'm under a lot of stress (don't bother preaching to me, everyone handles stress differently, and given some of my naivety off the internet, I'm not that great at it), and need time to get my priorities straight. During this hiatus, I'm going to try to disassociate myself with my views of other members, good or bad, and come back as neutral as I can.
March 12th, 2009, 10:02 PM
I'll fess up: I was probably the worst staff member when it came to favoritism here. I'm good friends with many of the long-standing regulars here, and whenever someone like, say, Ross posted something risque or rule-breaking, I saw it as justified in some way, e.g. trolling a moron? The guy can't even be assed to spell out "you"! I value my friendships and working relationships, and I can see that it blinded me to the very standards I set out to enforce.
Even though I was bad at discipline, I still spearheaded tasks to keep the site running, sugh as board upgrades, fixes and improvements to various bits and pieces, and I had a lot of features planned to add.
I'll reiterate why I stepped down: I'm going through a rough time right now, and I feel that I'm in no way in the right mindset to be in an authorative position. I'm under a lot of stress (don't bother preaching to me, everyone handles stress differently, and given some of my naivety off the internet, I'm not that great at it), and need time to get my priorities straight. During this hiatus, I'm going to try to disassociate myself with my views of other members, good or bad, and come back as neutral as I can.
The first step...
Also, holy shit polar isn't a mod anymore?
Also, Polar was the one that infracted me the most but he was justified most of the times and the ones that were mere misunderstandings, he was logical when I explained it to him. Thats why polar was my favourite mod...authoritatively speaking. I think I like conscars or timo most personalitywise.
March 13th, 2009, 12:01 AM
You weren't bad with favoritism, all of the topics you kept going for lols were great. You were by far my favorite in every category; you were responsible, but funny, etc.
oh ps rossmum take a chill pill
specifically a prescription
you need help.
March 13th, 2009, 02:21 AM
OKAY! i will try this again. Most of the stuff you see on the internet forum is from 4chan.
look how dumb you are
Boo Diddly
March 13th, 2009, 04:06 AM
*Raises hand*
Dumb question... why was this reopened? Really all this thread is about is how shitposting is annoying and unwanted in almost all cases. The first page clearly stated that, and basically the whole discussion has either been agreement about shitposting is shit, bickering, or the random post.
Could this not have been more useful if the first post was a bit more, shall we say, nicely worded and stickied?
March 13th, 2009, 04:18 AM
PS: mods that i have seen do their jobs: teh lag and conscars
hey i do my job quite well i am a good moderator fuck you -rep
March 13th, 2009, 04:42 AM
oh go put out a match with your watershots -rep
March 13th, 2009, 05:52 AM
I think rossmum is pretty cool guy. eh posts 'n trolls and doesn't afraid of anything.
Lets see if I'm "above" the law, heh :smug:
Honestly though, there shouldn't be any reason for the amount of shitposting that some of the senior members get away with. And :conspiracy: was pretty gay while it lasted, all it was, was a place for "senior" members to flaunt their e-peens and bash noobs.
March 13th, 2009, 08:58 AM
I think rossmum is pretty cool guy. eh posts 'n trolls and doesn't afraid of anything.
Lets see if I'm "above" the law, heh :smug:
Honestly though, there shouldn't be any reason for the amount of shitposting that some of the senior members get away with. And :conspiracy: was pretty gay while it lasted, all it was, was a place for "senior" members to flaunt their e-peens and bash noobs.
you people seriously need to just relax about all that conspiracy bullshit, just relax. it's not, nor has it been anything you've ever thought it was, we've been through this before people :/
and it doesnt even really exist.
March 13th, 2009, 10:16 AM
you people seriously need to just relax about all that conspiracy bullshit, just relax. it's not, nor has it been anything you've ever thought it was, we've been through this before people :/
and it doesnt even really exist.
I was in it you idiot, before they deleted it. D:
English Mobster
March 13th, 2009, 05:53 PM
Is THAT how all the senior members seemed to simultaneously mobilize on a noob thread?
I noticed it happen a couple times, all the senior members came in one after another and started to bring the guy down, followed by everyone else in the community who took their side.
March 13th, 2009, 06:03 PM
poking fun is not the same as HE"S TRYING TO DESTROY ME!!
just relax.
March 13th, 2009, 06:33 PM
~fake conspiracy hivemind reportin in~
March 13th, 2009, 06:52 PM
~fake conspiracy hivemind reportin in~
quotin' dis cuz i'm down.
March 13th, 2009, 07:05 PM
I know what you're trying to aim at here: the prevention of modacity's fall.
I've read the last few (actually all of the) pages and I do see the problem with memes as well.
I myself have never been to 4chan and intend to stay as far away from the source of all those idiotic phrases, pictures, etc... they are a cancer to forums that don't care for the stuff, I've seen it happen.
as to the moderating, yes it seems sometimes the mods DO neglect to do things because of fear of not having the proper backing and whatnot but that is bunk. if modacity is to continue being a decent online community forum, it needs to show more crack down on memekiddies.
I am was oldfag at a now "overrun-by-small-children" site, this happened because the moderators and admin never enforced the rules and they slowly lost because none of them backed one another in how to keep the shitposters in line. the site continued to backslide till 98% of those with brains decided to bail and never look back.
the need to crack down on pointless memes is a must, but ganging up on newfags because you don't like their username or whatnot, is stupid.
I know I haven't been around that long here, nor have I actually contributed, and I acknolwedge my mistakes...but from what I'm seeinbg, the two newbies that I've spotted in this thread need to just take the punch and if someone says "you made a mistake" they should accept it and move on, don't "fight the power".
thats my 2 cents and it pertains to most of what I've seen from other people in this thread regarding "MEMEKIDS"
March 13th, 2009, 07:35 PM
I know I haven't been around that long here, nor have I actually contributed, and I acknowledge my mistakes...but from what I'm seeinbg, the two newbies that I've spotted in this thread need to just take the punch and if someone says "you made a mistake" they should accept it and move on, don't "fight the power".
thats my 2 cents and it pertains to most of what I've seen from other people in this thread regarding "MEMEKIDS"
Every person needs to read this post several times, because he's dead fucking right.
March 13th, 2009, 07:39 PM
quotin' dis cuz i'm down.
i believe this is a shitpost mr teh_lag. Prove you're not a shitty moderator and do your job :)
March 13th, 2009, 07:43 PM
i believe this is a shitpost mr teh_lag. Prove your not a shitty moderator and do your job :)
Champ I think you will find the correct term is "you're!!"
March 13th, 2009, 07:45 PM
no u r
March 13th, 2009, 07:46 PM
Champ I think you will find the correct term is "you're!!"
Oops, pardon my ignorance. You caught me, plus points for you. I'd rep you but I cannot :embarrassed:
March 13th, 2009, 07:47 PM
i believe this is a shitpost mr teh_lag. Prove you're not a shitty moderator and do your job :)
You do realize the irony in using a shitpost to call out a shitpost right?
but yeah, sevlag has got the idea.
March 13th, 2009, 07:49 PM
You do realize the irony in using a shitpost to call out a shitpost right?
but yeah, sevlag has got the idea.
Why no, no i did not. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. I don't know what people would do without you. :awesome:
March 13th, 2009, 07:53 PM
I do believe this thread has served it's purpose. Some of you seem to enjoy digging a hole in the chest of the community when the rest of us show concern and try and heal it.
Frankly I find your lack of faith disturbing.
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