View Full Version : I want to start my own radio station

April 5th, 2009, 07:49 PM
Where do I start? Its been my dream since I was a kid. Either that or a talk show host, but I am aiming for Radio Station...

Anyone know of any good software to start out with that is user friendly? I want to get this up and running :)

April 5th, 2009, 07:50 PM
Where are you?
You need to contact the local radio transmission authority, ie, in the US, the FCC.

Or you can take the cheap route and just start an Internet Radio Station...

April 5th, 2009, 07:53 PM
Where are you?
You need to contact the local radio transmission authority, ie, in the US, the FCC.

Or you can take the cheap route and just start an Internet Radio Station...
That's where I was going to start, then I was going to get my own studio.

Right now, I live in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

April 5th, 2009, 08:18 PM
Google is your friend. (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=starting+an+internet+radio+station)

April 6th, 2009, 08:27 PM
SHOUTHcast ftw....You can set it up on your home server, people view it via media player/winamp.


If you need any help let me know, I know a friend whos had one running for 7 years.

April 7th, 2009, 12:13 PM
Google is your friend indeed:
FM radio station
Assuming that you have all the equipment, knowledge of how transmissions work, remote equipment;

How to:
Step 1:
Get a license. It isn't difficult to obtain a license to run a radio station. You just need to be smart and tell the officials that you are planning something that is completely new. They will issue the license and then you can do whatever you want and claim you had financial problems with the concept. They will not take the license back.
Step 2:
Figure out what you want to do on your radio station. It can be as simple as playing oldies to playing the top hits, but you need a plan. You can also do a talk radio show but this can become expensive since you must have a person there all the time. You are better off sticking with the music because you may be able to get away with not having a DJ at all, thereby eliminating this expense.

Step 3:
Pick out a name for your radio station. You want something catchy that will be remembered by people when they are looking for a channel to listen to. You can always use a letter with your frequency if you can't think up anything that isn't taken.

Step 4:
Obtain the necessary equipment that you will need to run your radio station and install it so it can be used. You will need to find where you can get the equipment and the cost to be sure you have budgeted enough money for starting your radio station.

Step 5:
Hire the DJs for your radio shows. Remember if you are stuck for money, you could play the music without a DJ. Continuous music is always a plus.

Step 6:
Seek sponsors for your radio sponsors. Although advertising cuts down on your listening audience, it is necessary to keep a radio station afloat. Make sure you find advertising that can appeal to your listening public.

Step 7:
Find a way to keep the listeners once you have them. You need to have some gimmicks that will keep listeners coming back. Things like contests where people can win prizes or money will keep them coming back. Also, people love quizzes, especially if they win something for their answer.

Step 8:
Let people call in and request songs. This is a sure way to keep listeners, since everyone wants to hear their requested song. Assure them that the music will be played.http://www.themulcher.com/
Internet Radio station:

Step 1:
Find an Internet radio provider. One of the most popular is Live365.com. Sign up for an individual or pro account, which start at $9.95 a month. With a pro account, you can make money via revenue.

Step 2:
Download radio software. For instance, Live365 uses the software Studio365—-a user-friendly interface that allows for mp3s, AAC and Wav files. Most importantly, these files will upload to Live365’s server, so you won’t have to set up a separate server for hosting audio files. The advantage of Live365 is they have the right to host copyrighted songs, so you avoid legal issues.

Step 3:
If you don’t use a service like Live365, you will have to pay licensing fees out of your own pocket. Determine if a song has been licensed by ASCAP, SESAC or BMI. Contact each of these entities for licensing rights to songs. If you broadcast copyrighted material independently, you’ll need to pay for the right to do so—-usually a few hundred dollars for each license. This is one of the reasons people pay a monthly fee to a place like Live365—-to avoid these costs. However, Liver365 can look more generic.

Step 4:
Next, you need to file a "Notice of Use of Sound Recordings under Statutory License" with the United States Copyright Office. This will allow you to play songs for a set fee per song. Note: This fee could go up in the near future (see Warning below). This new fee will apply to Live365 users as well.

Step 5:
If you’re setting up an independent station, get a program like the SAM Broadcaster. Similar features to the Live365 program. It’s a bit more powerful, with better EQ features, info screens (album cover, other info), as well as statistics about the number of listeners. Check out spacialaudio.com for more details.

Step 6:
If you’re uploading songs to your own server, you’re going to need a program like Shoutcast (Shoutcast.com). Unlike Live365, you host the show on your own server. Keep in mind that as a radio show grows in popularity, you may need to get additional server space. For some, this won’t ever be a problem if the demographic is small. Download Shoutcast’s Shoutcast Server application, which allows you to stream online via Shoutcast.

Step 7:
If you’re only broadcasting your own songs or running a talk show, you won’t have to worry about copyright issues. However, you’re still going to want a fully-featured software package to run the show. For talk radio, it’s important to have live broadcast capability, so you can take calls and do interviews online. Live365 and SAM can both handle live broadcasting. Icecast is another server option, good for live broadcasting.

Step 8:
Get yourself a good microphone and USB interface if your computer doesn’t have a decent soundcard for inputting a mic. You can then use Winamp, Live365 or other program to record your radio program. You can also use programs like Audacity or GarageBand to edit together a podcast.

April 7th, 2009, 12:38 PM
Honestly, I don't see why anyone would pay to run an Internet Radio station when you can have a live Internet TV station with acceptable audio quality for free, but whatever...