View Full Version : Bungie Publications

PwN Lone
April 18th, 2009, 02:19 PM
Recently when I started the Flood campaign, I was lost for ideas on how to implement things, how to get everything feeling right in the maps, so I decided to do some browsing and I came across this:


Bungie Publications, now, no doubt, some of you maybe already be aware of this and its capabilities, but none-the-less I thought I'd share the link to see what you guys could do with it.

What is the Bungie Publications?

The Bungie Publications are essentially basic tutoriasl for the Halo games, no not walkthroughs, but how they did everything, Lighting, Level Design, Ai implementaton, you name it.

What is offered?

A complete list of what files are there, along with a short description would be:

Halo 3 Flood Alien Level Autopsy:

Author: Vic DeLeon (Environment Artist)

This session examines Flood biology, the creation of Flood environments and discusses the artistic iteration on Flood-infected visuals which were prototyped during Halo 2's development and realized during Halo 3.

Enviroment Design in Halo3:

Author: Mike Zak (Lead Environmental Artist)

This session will describe the mission development pipeline and process for HALO 3. It will show how roles and responsibilities were delineated, give an overview of some of Bungie's thinking about space design as it relates to gameplay, and demonstrate the iterative process for making a game environment beautiful.

Blowing S#!t up the Bungie way:

Author: Steve Scott (Effects Lead)

Bungie's Effects Art Lead Steve Scott shows and tells about the role effects played in Halo 3's development.

Modular Procedular Rigging:

Author: David Hunt (Character Rigger)

This session focuses on strategies for character rigging in a large production setting. It offers an in-depth look at the architecture of the Modular Procedural Rigging system developed at Bungie. These techniques allow riggers to quickly iterate on character development while neighboring departments continue to work at full speed.

Audio Post-Mortem HALO3:

Author: C. Paul Johnson, Marty O'Donnell, Jay Weinland

Marty O’Donnell, C. Paul Johnson and Jay Weinland discuss HALO 3 audio.

The Illusion of Intelligence: The integration of AI and Level Design in Halo:

Author: Jaime Griesemer (Design Lead) and Chris Butcher (Engineering Lead)

An investigation of the intersection between design and code as it relates to combat behavior in Halo: Combat Evolved.

Life on the Bungie Farm: Fun Things to Do with 180 Servers

Author: Luis Villegas (Engineer), Sean Shypula (Engineer)

Bungie presents the tools that were developed to address its increasingly complex content creation pipeline. In particular the talk will discuss Bungie's in-house distributed system which is used for binary, shader, and content builds, as well as for lightmap rendering and other more generic workflows. This system has evolved over several years and Bungie will discuss each iteration.

E Pluribus Unum: Matchmaking in HALO 3

Author: Chris Butcher (Engineering Lead)

The algorithms behind the peer-to-peer matchmaking model of HALO 3, and its implementation over Xbox Live. The impact of matchmaking on the HALO online community, and techniques for shaping the player experience and discouraging cheaters. The tradeoffs of an automatic matchmaking system compared to traditional multiplayer game browsers, and some results from the first months of HALO 3's operation.

New Dog, Old Tricks: Running Halo 3 Without a Hard Drive

Author: Mat Noguchi (Engineer, Bungie Studios)

With multiple Xbox 360 SKUs without hard-drives, Halo 3, a game optimized for a hard drive, has to run off a DVD. Fortunately, it does. This session will cover the design and implementation of that work, from a high level approach to understanding content usage to how designers can create levels that run off a DVD effectively to the low level details of a high performance I/O engine.

Halo AI Retrospective: 8 Years of Work on 30 Seconds of Fun

Author: Damian Isla (AI Engineering Lead)

Isla examines the iterative changes made in the Halo trilogy’s AI. From Halo: Combat Evolved’s Elites, to the ferocious Brutes of Halo 3’s and a look what must improve in our AI looking forward.

Lightmap Compression in HALO 3

Author: Yaohua Hu (Engineer, Bungie Studios)

The lecture first gives an overview of HALO 3's irradiance lightmaps concept and its challenges. Then, the philosophy of its compression scheme is proposed. It is separated into signal based compression and data based compression.

Lighting and Material of HALO 3

Author: Hao Chen (Engineering Lead)

An overview of HALO 3's unique lighting and material system and its main components. Key innovations in the following areas: spherical harmonics lightmap generation, compression and rendering; rendering complex materials under area light sources; HDR rendering and postprocessing. Lastly, the implementation details, practical problems and solutions, and key lessons learned in the process.

Evolving Halo 3's Behavior Tree AI

Author: Max Dyckhoff (AI Engineer)

An analysis of the improvements to the behavior tree AI system from Halo 2 to Halo 3. Presented as part of a three-part session at GDC ’07 in collaboration with developers on EA’s Spore.

The Technology of Halo 2

Author: Chris Butcher (Engineering Lead)

At its heart, the Halo engine is a world simulation engine. Engineering Lead Chris Butcher describes the evolution of the “Halo” engine from its traceable origins in Pathways into Darkness and to its present state in Halo 2.

Building a Better Battle: HALO 3 AI Objectives

Author: Damian Isla (AI Lead, Bungie Studios)

The HALO 3 AI Objectives System turns the techniques used in previous HALO games on their head: rather than a designer ordering groups of NPCs to certain physical areas and then transitioning them to other areas as the battle progresses, H3O allows the designer to specify a set of tasks in the environment and then comes up with an optimal distribution of squads across those tasks.

Decision Making and Knowledge Representation in Halo 3

Author: Max Dyckhoff (AI Engineer)

Dyckhoff exposes the major representations used in Halo 3’s AI systems, and the algorithms behind the complex decision making which drives the industry leading AI.

The HALO 3 Cinematic Process

Author: CJ Cowan (Cinematic Lead)

Bungie’s cinematics creation process was re-worked for HALO 3 to reduce iteration time. Improvements to Maya allow us to layout and iterate on our cinematics with ease. A demonstration of our new in-house cinematic tag system that auto-generates our cinematic scripts on the fly, and allows us to make changes via a custom GUI. New in-engine tools to examine our work as we make changes in real-time.

Building Your Airplane While Flying: Production at Bungie

Author: Allen Murray (Producer)

This session takes a brutally honest look at the evolution of production at Bungie from HALO 1 to HALO 3 and shares the failures and successes of the production staff.

So, yes thats it, you can find all that stuff in the link provided. Have fun with it.


This is from my original post on halomaps, I thought if I posted there, I'd post here aswell.

April 18th, 2009, 03:39 PM
Old. Still kinda cool though.

April 18th, 2009, 04:09 PM
e: nvm lol

April 23rd, 2009, 10:42 PM

April 24th, 2009, 01:31 AM
Old, and btw. One of these was given to my class last year