View Full Version : So I just bought a netbook.

May 27th, 2009, 08:32 PM
I saw this article earlier today


and for 400$, I said why the hell not. My dad and I are splitting the bill, since we're going to share it so I'm only going to have to pay 200$. I configured it with 16 gigs of SDD storage and 2 gigs of ram. It's coming with Ubuntu but I'm going to throw OSX on it soon as I figure out what the deal with Snow Leopard is and the bootloader I need to use to install OSX. The total cost should be 330$ for me and 530$ overall.

May 27th, 2009, 10:54 PM
The Dell Mini 10 is out. Have you checked that out? I'm not sure on the prices for the Mini 10, though. You're doing exactly what I would do if I was to buy a netbook, so kudos.

May 27th, 2009, 11:00 PM
Moi aussi...

+rep for Hackintoshes.

May 28th, 2009, 12:54 AM
The Dell Mini 10 is out. Have you checked that out? I'm not sure on the prices for the Mini 10, though. You're doing exactly what I would do if I was to buy a netbook, so kudos.

I was thinking of the 10, but the 9 works fully with OSX. Everything down to the FN keys will work. :)

Mr Buckshot
May 28th, 2009, 01:04 AM
Netbooks can be quite awesome, I have a first gen ASUS EEE, and its portability makes it very helpful for school presentations (fits easily in backpack, has a port to connect to projector, better compatibility with my stuff than the shit classroom PCs).

The only disadvantage is the lack of an optical drive on most models, but that can be remedied by sharing another PC's optical drive over a local area network.

also, get some old school games on it and use it as a portable gaming system. Already loaded mine with Project 64 and all my favorite roms. Halo 1 does run playably, just don't try to run Fraps at the same time.

e: nice, 16 gigs of SSD storage? I only have four gigs on mine, but I recently got a 16 GB Duracell USB flash drive on sale which solves a lot of problems. Of course I don't install the OS onto the flash drive but I store movies/music/games onto that while school files are on internal memory.

out of curiosity, what benefits do you see in making your netbook into a Hackintosh? (other than the "oh cool I can do it" feeling)

May 28th, 2009, 01:17 AM
it's going to die masterz you are a computer killer we know whats going to happen already!

Reaper Man
May 28th, 2009, 01:19 AM
For installing OSX check out this: http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

May 28th, 2009, 01:36 AM
Netbooks can be quite awesome, I have a first gen ASUS EEE, and its portability makes it very helpful for school presentations (fits easily in backpack, has a port to connect to projector, better compatibility with my stuff than the shit classroom PCs).

The only disadvantage is the lack of an optical drive on most models, but that can be remedied by sharing another PC's optical drive over a local area network.

also, get some old school games on it and use it as a portable gaming system. Already loaded mine with Project 64 and all my favorite roms. Halo 1 does run playably, just don't try to run Fraps at the same time.

e: nice, 16 gigs of SSD storage? I only have four gigs on mine, but I recently got a 16 GB Duracell USB flash drive on sale which solves a lot of problems. Of course I don't install the OS onto the flash drive but I store movies/music/games onto that while school files are on internal memory.

out of curiosity, what benefits do you see in making your netbook into a Hackintosh? (other than the "oh cool I can do it" feeling)

I'm planning on using my HD DVD drive for my xbox360 as an external DVD drive, but if it doesn't work I can just go to Radioshack or Best Buy and get one. I plan to use the new iPhone for extra storage (I doubt I'll use all 32 gigs) and for 3G internet (7.2 MBS :hellyeah:)

I want to put OSX on it since I really like using them at school. I also work right next to the Apple store in my mall and I'm always dropping by and am impressed by them. Plus I can get some software for it through my Dad's company (already got MS office for 25$). Plus since I live 5 minutes away from the Apple Store, I can always go there for help unlike ubuntu ( I know, Apple doesn't support the hackintosh's but I've seen people go in there with them before and they get help with the software as long as it isn't something that seems to require it to go on record.

@reaper: That's a pretty cool site, I'll check it out in detail tommarow, got to hit the hay since I'm working in the morning.

@Con: Don't you dare jinx it :p.

Reaper Man
May 28th, 2009, 02:59 AM
It's so easy to get support for Ubuntu, all the problems I've had, I could solve with a quick google search.