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June 3rd, 2009, 12:53 AM
The MP3 Experiment

http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2009/05/28/technology/personaltech/28fddp.480.jpgKatie Sokoler
Most people consider me a gadget reviewer. But in my heart, I consider my specialty to be the intersection of technology and culture. The real fun always begins at the clash of online and offline.

There was no greater proof than the events of last Saturday on Roosevelt Island, a skinny strip in the East River next to Manhattan.

You may not have heard of Improv Everywhere, but you’ve probably seen some of this group’s public stunts on YouTube. Remember the one where everyone in Grand Central Terminal froze simultaneously, baffling passersby?

Or the immortal Food Court Musical

Well, last Saturday, the group staged its sixth annual MP3 Experiment, and it was open to anyone who wanted to play along. My son and I did. We joined a couple of other sixth graders and parents.

We followed the Web site’s instructions: (1) Wear a blue, red, yellow or green T-shirt with a white T-shirt underneath. (2) Download the MP3 Experiment audio file and load it onto our iPods–but do not listen to it. (3) Go to Roosevelt Island. At precisely 4 p.m., press Play.

The fun began long before we got to the island; you could identify participants by their double T-shirts and iPods on the commuter train from Connecticut, in Grand Central and on the subways. Nobody knew what to expect, which was all part of the experience.

My little group of six settled down on a grassy slope by the river. Participants were everywhere, all over the island–probably 3,000 of us altogether. We waited until 4:00 exactly. We hit Play.

A male voice, slowed down and processed to sound boomy and authoritative, said: “My name is Steve, and I’ll be your omnipotent voice today.” As happy, cool, electronic music played, he began giving us instructions. Wave to Steve in the sky. Do some warmup stretches. High-five each other. Square-dance with each other. Find a normal person who’s not a participant, and form a single-file line behind him as he walks. Fall to the ground for a “15-second power nap.”

Through all of this, you couldn’t stop laughing. Part of it was the weirdness of seeing 3,000 people acting in perfect unison, even though externally, there wasn’t a sound. Part of it was the cleverness of the script, and Steve’s complete irreverence. (”Did you know that the art of square dancing was invented right here on Roosevelt Island? It probably wasn’t, but we’re going to square dance anyway.”)

Eventually, we were told to walk to the huge grassy field on the southern tip of the island. While we marched, we heard a recitation of a bizarre fractured fairy tale called “Peters and the Wolves.” We also played a game of “Steve Says,” which is just like Simon Says except–well, you get it. (”Steve Says, hop on one foot. Steve says, wink at someone you find cute. Now go grab that person’s rear end. Hey now–Steve didn’t SAY to grab that person’s rear end! I hope nobody got groped!”)

Once on the field, we played freeze tag. (”Yellow shirts, you’re it!”) We told secrets. (”If you’re wearing a red or yellow shirt, please take off your headphones. I’m going to tell a secret to the other group.”) Eventually, we were issued inflatable baseball bats and sledgehammers and pitted against each other in a huge war–no hitting heads or below the belt. (Well, some of us were; there were only 1400 inflatable weapons, not nearly enough for everyone.)

Then, the best part. In the middle of the war, Steve said: “Wait, wait–stop the music! Stop! Everyone–what are we doing? Why must we hit each other with inflatable objects every MP3 Experiment? Why can’t we work together? Why are we fighting amongst ourselves? It’s time to unite! Everyone–remove your colored shirt to reveal your white T-shirt underneath. We are all on the same team!”

The wolf–one of Improv Everywhere’s founders dressed in a head-to-toe furry costume–burst onto the field. This, Steve said, was “our common enemy.” He directed us to bludgeon HIM to death instead.

Then, as triumphant music played, Steve announced: “We’ve done it! We’ve put our T-shirt colors aside, and worked together for the common good! Congratulations, everyone! Now, let’s all celebrate together in the best way possible: in slow motion!”

Everyone high-fived, jumped up and down, and back-slapped–in slow motion, as “Chariots of Fire”-ish music played. It was hilarious.

The weather was absolutely perfect, the crowd was young and fun, and the whole thing was orchestrated, planned and written exceptionally well. (And Tyler Walker’s score was fantastic–47 solid minutes of cool music.)
Cameramen were visible here and there; a video will be up in “a few weeks.” That YouTube element, of course, is what makes Improv Everywhere possible to begin with.

But the video will only be a pale imitation of the real thing. What a totally, totally cool idea: part mass hypnosis, part party, part comedy club…like a political rally, but with more to do. If there’s a seventh MP3 Experiment next year, find a way to be part of it.
That sounds...INCREDIBLE.

June 3rd, 2009, 12:57 AM
ho-ly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


June 3rd, 2009, 01:00 AM

June 3rd, 2009, 01:01 AM
That does indeed sound awesome; it'd be pretty cool if someone started it off out here.

June 3rd, 2009, 01:08 AM
I bet some looked like the scout with the red or blue shirts, head phones, and hammers.

June 3rd, 2009, 02:16 AM
Ha ha, that actually sounds kind of neat.

Llama Juice
June 3rd, 2009, 06:49 AM
That does indeed sound awesome; it'd be pretty cool if someone started it off out here.

There are chapters everywhere who do this type of stuff. Improv Everywhere has a website to see where local chapters are and where other groups similar to them are.

I was involved with the Orlando one last year, we did a group freeze at Universal Studios. We were going to do something else at Disney a few weeks later, but Disney found out beforehand and stopped us at our meetup place.

http://improveverywhere.ning.com/ <-- to find local groups and see what they're up to.

June 3rd, 2009, 10:29 AM
This is quite possibly the greatest idea ever... Abso-fucking-lutely amazing.

e: me.postCount == 1337

June 3rd, 2009, 10:51 AM
am i the only one who thinks this is stupid?


June 3rd, 2009, 01:28 PM
am i the only one who thinks this is stupid?


Yes. :slap:

June 3rd, 2009, 03:49 PM
do want.

June 3rd, 2009, 05:47 PM
am i the only one who thinks this is stupid?


June 3rd, 2009, 05:49 PM
E:wrong thread.

June 3rd, 2009, 10:19 PM
What the fuck, I could've participated in this =/