View Full Version : Yeah I know I start to many projects

June 29th, 2009, 05:50 PM
But I got some serious inspiration to do this and it's going to be 100% script based so it won't take that long to do.

Basically a sandbox SP map based on the "cops and robbers" theme. You play a robber who is being let out of jail for someone mysterious unknown crime. You are let out into a city that will have plenty of little "jobs" and what not that will make you money and help you build reputation. And you also will be getting revenge on the cops that put you in jail.

All the missions will be open as soon as you start the game but you will have to find them in they city (talking to other robbers) and a lot of the missions will be too hard at first.

As you progress you will earn money like I said. You can spend this on weapons, vehicles, upgrades to your armour and shields and all kinds of other things.

That's the idea at least.
But I have a few problems.

1. I need a way to either make the cops attack you if you shoot one of them or a civilian OR I need a way to make them attack you if they see the player with a weapon readied. I could probably do the second thing with (objects_can_see_object <object_list> <object> <real>) and then script the q key to make the player "put away" his guns. But I don't know if (objects_can_see_object <object_list> <object> <real>) works on ai encounters/squads.

2. Pathing AI to patrol areas is a issue because... well they are stupid. They don't path find around most objects and end up walking into walls a lot of the time. If anyone knows a good way to have them do this please help me out.

3. Ai driving around the city needs to be done to make it feel like the city is truly living. I know that there is a script to make ai's follow command lists while in vehicles but... well It will be a bitch to script 10 or 20 vehicles driving around and NOT cause any wrecks lol.

4. Car jacking. I want to make it so that the player can jack a car off a civilian. I'm pretty sure a modified boarding script could do the trick.

5. I need a good system to show menus of text. How do I script menus like this one.


Also for you people about to ask if I've even done anything yet.
Here is a video of the test map I'm doing. This is just to test the credit system (buying weapons) and to test ai patrols and cop behavior.

http://video.xfire.com/e1cf8-4.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/video/e1cf8/)

Almost forgot to include the script I've written so far.

(global short "credits" 5)
(global boolean "fugitive" false)

(script continuous "fugitive check"
(if (= fugitive 1)
(begin (ai_allegiance_remove human player) )
(begin (ai_allegiance human player) )

(script startup "load city"
(ai_place city_section_1_patrols)

(script startup "display credits bottom_left"
(hud_set_timer_position -50 0 bottom_right)
(script continuous "display credits"
(cinematic_set_title money_sign)
(hud_set_timer_time 0 (+ 1 credits) )

(script startup "boris talk"
(sleep 60)
(show_hud_help_text false)
(hud_set_help_text boris_talk)


(script continuous "boris shop"
(if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_pistol) 1 ) ( <= 1 credits) )
(begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_pistol 0) (device_set_power buy_pistol 0)
(set credits (- credits 1) )
(object_create_anew pistol)
(sleep_until ( = (volume_test_object boris_trigger pistol) 0 ) )
) (begin (if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_pistol) 1 ) ( > 1 credits) ) (begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_pistol

0) ) ) )

(if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_arifle) 1 ) ( <= 2 credits) )
(begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_arifle 0) (device_set_power buy_arifle 0)
(set credits (- credits 2) )
(object_create_anew arifle)
(sleep_until ( = (volume_test_object boris_trigger arifle) 0 ) )
) (begin (if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_arifle) 1 ) ( > 2 credits) ) (begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_arifle

0) ) ) )

(if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_shotgun) 1 ) ( <= 4 credits) )
(begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_shotgun 0) (device_set_power buy_shotgun 0)
(set credits (- credits 4) )
(object_create_anew shotgun)
(sleep_until ( = (volume_test_object boris_trigger shotgun) 0 ) )
) (begin (if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_shotgun) 1 ) ( > 4 credits) ) (begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_shotgun

0) ) ) )

(if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_srifle) 1 ) ( <= 6 credits) )
(begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_srifle 0) (device_set_power buy_srifle 0)
(set credits (- credits 6) )
(object_create_anew srifle)
(sleep_until ( = (volume_test_object boris_trigger srifle) 0 ) )
) (begin (if ( and ( = (device_get_position buy_srifle) 1 ) ( > 6 credits) ) (begin (device_set_position_immediate buy_srifle

0) ) ) )


MetKiller Joe
June 29th, 2009, 06:00 PM
I'm really sorry to say this, but this just looks too big and not all that original.

June 29th, 2009, 06:04 PM
I'm really sorry to say this, but this just looks too big and not all that original.
well you can buy some pretty interesting shit:

sever lag/sevlag: welll ima cheat
sever lag/sevlag: :D
sever lag/sevlag: and hax yo SP map so i can have mythos
sever lag/sevlag: what now
sever lag/sevlag: xD
Winferno: yeah you can buy a mythos
sever lag/sevlag: xD
sever lag/sevlag: no shit?
sever lag/sevlag: how will you buy stuff
sever lag/sevlag: with BJs?

June 29th, 2009, 06:08 PM
Too big? It's just going a big ass script and a bunch of new AI variants. Also a lot of new dialogue bits for the characters.

I was joking sev lol.

June 29th, 2009, 06:24 PM
Too big? It's just going a big ass script and a bunch of new AI variants. Also a lot of new dialogue bits for the characters.

I was joking sev lol.
would be cool :rolleyes:

June 29th, 2009, 06:49 PM
Well I figured out how to check if a encounter can see a player but now I need to figure out how to remove all weapons from a player and store them somewhere. And then restore the weapons on a player.

June 30th, 2009, 03:31 AM

For the help boxes. I remember bookmarking the thread a while ago.

June 30th, 2009, 04:34 AM
This seems actually pretty badass.

This would be hella different.

I think you cna do it actually.
YOu do some neat shit.

June 30th, 2009, 04:54 AM
Very interesting indeed. Nice work so far.

English Mobster
June 30th, 2009, 05:19 AM
So it's like GTA... For Halo?

June 30th, 2009, 08:05 AM
Wow this'l be really cool once you've learnt how to add new UI screens :D

Talk to 'Eclipse' i think it is, who is working on the really well thought out Firefight mode on Portent.

Also If you're serious about this i'd love to model like legit cop models and stuff.

June 30th, 2009, 02:34 PM
I'm actually going for a bit of a "arcade" feel. If you've ever watched the CaR series or played Cops and Robbers in h2 or h1. You'll know what I'm talking about.

Something very important though I NEED TO MAKE WARTHOGS DRIVABLE BY AI!


I can use this script but it won't work on warthogs as stated in the thread.

English Mobster
June 30th, 2009, 02:43 PM
You can make the drivers of the 'Hog think they're flying, that'll get them to drive.

Unless that's what that thread is about, I'm dead tired and I don't want to click on anything anymore, lol.

June 30th, 2009, 03:18 PM
Killa FTW is helping me out with this.

Now I need to find a way to make it so when you hit Q your weapons are "toggled".

You guys got any ideas?

June 30th, 2009, 03:40 PM
Erm when Flashlight is activated you do that set seat command and then put in the animation name for idle and weaponless like in a10?

E: By the way I thought of doing something like this, but in Halo 2 modded (however h2core is fucked up so I can't really use scripts). Other ideas I thought of using, which I think you should also, are weapons like the Tazer (charges to shoot a small, electrical bolt at no more than 5 metres - causes 10 second stun). This could be used by police when you commit minor crimes, like assaulting civilians/police, car theft, and brandishing a weapon. This could also cause you to lose like 5 credits as a fine (depending on the level of the crime, where the amount fined changes also), and if you don't have enough, you will be arrested GTA style within 10 seconds, unless you escape or have criminal allies to disrupt this.

This will however set your status as 'wanted', where the police will now use tazers and weapons to have you arrested. If you kill cops, you become 'Most Wanted' where cops, and swat (odsts) now do what they can to take you down any way possible. I have other ideas which I think is quite possible (at least I know it is in Halo 2, not so sure with CE) if you're interested.

June 30th, 2009, 04:02 PM
I can't control the AI enough to force them to use specific weapons in certain situations so when you are (= fugitive true) they will kill you. Things that will cause you to be killed are
- brandishing a weapon (they will tell you to put it away for 5 seconds then they will attack you.)
- stealing cars (obvious)
- murder (obvious)
- theft (in some of the "jobs" that you will do you will rob ATMs and civilians)
- breaking into certain buildings (also a part of doing "jobs")

June 30th, 2009, 04:07 PM
I was sure you could when editing their actor varient. Someone posted a list of AI variables, one being a special event which triggers them to use a weapon's secondary fire (and if you recall in CMT SPV1, battle rifle is an example of this). You could simply include the tazer as the primary fire of the pistol, and the actual bullets fired as the secondary fire. This would be better for them, as they would mainly attempt to taze you, but in some situations, will use extreme force to bring you down.

June 30th, 2009, 04:10 PM
That would break grenades though. And I like my cops who use grenades lol. There also set up to beat the shit out of you at close range so I think that's enough.

Another thing. The secondary fire is meant to be "randomly activated in combat" I don't think I can control it with scripts.

Alwin Roth
June 30th, 2009, 04:21 PM
This look really interesting, will there be a GTA styled "stars" which shows how much wanted you are?

oh, and every time i join a cops and robbers servers no one tells you how to play,

So, how do you play cops and robbers?

June 30th, 2009, 04:54 PM
Cops patrol. The robbers plot. And at some point the robbers attack the cops and if the robbers kill all the cops then they win. If the robbers get killed they go to jail for a while.

Or at least that's how I played it.

June 30th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Could you not somehow make it more tactful like the robbers plot, pull it off and the police are none the wiser?

Can you script it so "(= fugitive true) if in view radius or some shit" ?

June 30th, 2009, 07:01 PM
Yeah. Unfortunately halo has very few commands related to AI awareness of the player.

June 30th, 2009, 07:05 PM
Poo bags. You want a custom cop model or you living it Halo 2 naustagia style?

June 30th, 2009, 07:24 PM
Blue Spartans ftw.

June 30th, 2009, 07:30 PM
I'd snipe cops on the roof.

June 30th, 2009, 08:28 PM
Don't worry they will retaliate properly to sniper fire. Unlike the standard bungie AI's.

June 30th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Yo ask for UI advice of this guy : [ulr]http://www.xfire.com/video/e2aea/[/url]

looks hot shit.

June 30th, 2009, 08:41 PM
Poo bags. You want a custom cop model or you living it Halo 2 naustagia (http://www.google.com/search?q=naustagia&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t) style?
is that what you meant?

June 30th, 2009, 08:54 PM
No, I thought i'd make a completely irrelevant post about someones spelling mistake.

but yeh thats what I meant, thank you for correcting me.

June 30th, 2009, 09:23 PM
Need some help? I'm coming back and finishing overdose. I actually have friends in real life who give me support for this kind of stuff. Finally.

June 30th, 2009, 10:26 PM


Now that I'm out of shock. I figured out how to perfectly path AI's in warthogs. Now its just a matter of me making 8 or 9 different paths for warthogs and scripting them all.

edit 2-

(script startup "beta"
(sleep 30)
(display_scenario_help 8)

My 8th string in the help text is


(scoundral beta)

I extracted the UI folder from a10 so I should have the menu files and bitmaps.

edit tres-

Anyone up to helping out? I need someone to make minor changes to the model.