View Full Version : Animation help

July 3rd, 2009, 12:22 AM
I know my way around animating things, but I decided to look up a tutorial on how to use IK solvers in 3ds Max, so I could animate with bones easier. I'm working on a custom animation for a biped unit, and I used IK Limb solvers when I made the animation. After animating part of it, I decided to see what it it looked like after deleting the IK Limb solvers, (obviously would undo after checking) but when I played the animation, the only bone that moved was the pelvis, even though I made keyframes for all of the bones. Normally I would use the max file with the biped system available on Halomaps (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1938), but since this was a custom biped, and I wanted to make sure it looked good, so I had to use bones. I'll probably end up having to redo it, but is there anyway to save what its animated now? Or does just hiding the solvers from the scene and exporting save all the keyframe data?