View Full Version : Tracking down my Dad...

July 17th, 2009, 05:20 AM
Well, I'm 19 years of age, turning 20 in September and I've finally decided to find my biological father.

I don't know the real story behind what happened between him and my mom but it's not really important enough to post about, so whatever. Bottom line is, I've never had any sort of contact or connection with my biological father and am now considering doing so.

My reason for writing this, beyond pissing off Rossmum becuase I'm posting real life on the internet, is to see if any of you could offer any advice?

I have his real name and that is it. I know he doesn't live in his country anymore so no idea how I'll find him or contact him but I'm going to try. I'd also like to know if any of you have ever had any experience with this sort of thing? Connecting with a parent or even a sibling after years of no contact?

July 17th, 2009, 05:24 AM
besides that sorry no further advice, good luck :)

July 17th, 2009, 05:28 AM
Tried it, he's not on Facebook, thank god. Don't want his first impression of me coming from the photos I'm tagged in.

July 17th, 2009, 05:40 AM

July 17th, 2009, 06:17 AM
As far as I know, private investigators are pretty much your only way to go. After my dad up and left about 10 years ago to the Philippines, and with a couple bills to our name after we believed he came back for a bit, those internet people search things proved useless. They basically gave you a list of publicly available names you could look through the white pages for, although a bit updated as they only come out every once and a while. Waste of money imo. Never went with the PI personally because it costed a bit too much.