View Full Version : Completely remove users posts that are on your ignore list!
August 17th, 2009, 01:40 AM
I've got a few people on my ignore list now, but seeing the little section that says "This message is hidden because So&So is on your ignore list (" really messes up the forum layout. Get rid of those messages, I put them on my ignore list so I don't need to see their pointless and irrelevant comments.
August 17th, 2009, 02:35 AM
take that huge gif out of your signature
needs input from other users with ignore lists (what a bunch of losers i bet they break sig rules too)
this might not even be possible btw
August 17th, 2009, 02:46 AM
Surely seeing two lines of text is better than seeing a terrible persons post (ps I hope you can read this!)
August 17th, 2009, 02:48 AM
Someone tell me what Timo said please... ;)
I agree that seeing the two lines of text is better than the whole post, but it's distracting, I'd much rather not even know the person(s) in question exist.
@ Conscars: It's possible, just might not be very easy.
August 17th, 2009, 03:33 AM
When I had a few people on my ignore list (who've since gotten a little more tollerable), it pissed me off too.
I don't want to see the, that's why I :ignore:
August 17th, 2009, 11:23 AM
Surely seeing two lines of text is better than seeing a terrible persons post.
Get used to it.
August 17th, 2009, 12:06 PM
whats the problem doctor
August 17th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Maybe you should turn on your own ignore feature.
August 17th, 2009, 05:57 PM
it has to be possible because we don't see anything from people on global ignore... unless they just don't post.
August 17th, 2009, 06:06 PM
i understand the point of ignore, but its kind of important that you know they posted, since they might say something useful that you miss. you ever see somebody ask a question that had already been answered on here? the ignore list might have something to do with that :lolugh:
August 17th, 2009, 08:52 PM
the sheer irony of this thread should be lost on nobody
by the way fuck ignore lists they remove an important part of the forum experience!!! (and make you post shit that was posted less than five minutes ago, because you didn't see it)
August 17th, 2009, 09:15 PM
or you could use some oldtech to ignore them.
Your brain.
August 17th, 2009, 09:53 PM
Fuck ignore lists. Don't be a coward. You have to deal with people in life that have opinions, personalities, backgrounds, and morals that differ from your own. This site shouldn't be an exception. You don't grow from just ignoring something just because it's different or not what you want. Suck it up and talk it out with the person if they're doing something that really upsets you. I've had some very good discussions with some members here where we've both had a differing opinions, voiced our reasoning behind the aforementioned opinions, and eventually came to a resolution. It isn't all that hard to do, and you might grow a bit from it.
Remember, however, that this is an anonymous online forum - you're most likely never going to deeply interact with most of the members here, so don't take everything so seriously. I only regularly talk with four members, but I'll willingly call someone out when they're doing something I really don't agree with. Most of the time they act actually quite mature, and we can come to an understanding, even if nothing actually changes.
You still shouldn't let most of the mundane stuff get to you, because usually, it doesn't even mean a thing. This is just the internet after all.
August 17th, 2009, 09:57 PM
Putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LAHLAHLAH" isn't the preferred choice of action my mature and competent adults.
But that's asking for a lot >.>
August 17th, 2009, 10:34 PM
Putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LAHLAHLAH" isn't the preferred choice of action by mature and competent adults.That's the thing - most of the members here don't even fall anywhere near that category, and that's expected. A recent poll even showed that our member base is mostly older teenagers. That's why it's important for them to not have pathetic conversational skills. I'm guessing that many people here want to go into some kind of game design, or another similar field. I've got news for them - it's all about communication and compromising. Hell, EVERY job is about that. Ignoring other coworkers doesn't let you do everything your own way - it gets you fired and replaced. I've even seen it hapen at my job, and I work at a moving company.
I say get as much practice in as you can now - before you know it, you'll have these abilities required of you by your profession.
August 17th, 2009, 10:42 PM
while were at it why dont we have the forum autonomously choose 4 or 5 random posts every day and just make them go away. would achieve about the same effect as making ignored user posts go away
August 18th, 2009, 12:03 AM
why dont we just play company of heroes instead
August 18th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Putting your fingers in your ears and saying "LAHLAHLAH" isn't the preferred choice of action my mature and competent adults.
please don't quote people on my ignore list ok thanks
well, cya
August 22nd, 2009, 06:35 PM
I have like two people on my ignore list, and the reason they're there is because EVERYTHING about them annoys me. Trust me, I'm not one for ignore lists either because of the many obvious reasons already posted. But I'm not going to even bother trying to talk shit out with some people. Surely you understand that.
August 22nd, 2009, 10:22 PM
I usually find that ignoring someone causes more problems then it solves.
August 23rd, 2009, 12:05 AM
Sever, theres a reason people created the ignore list online forums. Because it is possible to ignore people. Thats the fantastic thing about online stuff.
I only recently put someone on my ignore list, not that "enough was enough" I just completely forgot about the list.
Sever, me having someone on the ignore list makes it better for all users. I have completely removed the chance of me getting in a flame war with the person because I cannot see their posts. Therefore everyone is a winner. "Suck it up"? Its not that I find their post offending, they just bug the hell out of me, why would I want to subject myself to it, if I can easily remove it?
I can put up with the "You can not read this beacause they are on ignore list", what does bug me is when you can see their quoted posts.
Btw, +rep to anyone who has me on their ignore list :D
Mr Buckshot
August 23rd, 2009, 08:32 PM
Sever, theres a reason people created the ignore list online forums. Because it is possible to ignore people. Thats the fantastic thing about online stuff.
I only recently put someone on my ignore list, not that "enough was enough" I just completely forgot about the list.
Sever, me having someone on the ignore list makes it better for all users. I have completely removed the chance of me getting in a flame war with the person because I cannot see their posts. Therefore everyone is a winner. "Suck it up"? Its not that I find their post offending, they just bug the hell out of me, why would I want to subject myself to it, if I can easily remove it?
I can put up with the "You can not read this beacause they are on ignore list", what does bug me is when you can see their quoted posts.
Btw, +rep to anyone who has me on their ignore list :D
Although, who says you can't ignore a post without having to actually use the ignore list? You can read a bad post and choose not to respond to it. Or you can see that the post is written by someone you don't like, then just scroll past it. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to respond to every post you read. It's all about self control. Freelancer, you yourself said that to me once, you should know too.
August 25th, 2009, 05:19 AM
I've just noticed, if you have someone on your ignore list you cannot see if they have added or deducted rep in the user CP unless you take them back off the ignore list.
Im just wondering what if you added the user to the ignore list in the first place because their a troll, how would you know if their continuing trolling you through user notes and such?
August 25th, 2009, 12:50 PM
I've just noticed, if you have someone on your ignore list you cannot see if they have added or deducted rep in the user CP unless you take them back off the ignore list.
Im just wondering what if you added the user to the ignore list in the first place because their a troll, how would you know if their continuing trolling you through user notes and such?
It still shows that they've posted in your user notes, you just click on "show post" or you just delete them right off the bat (the better option). I tried using the ignore list a long time ago but it got kinda pointless.
August 25th, 2009, 06:41 PM
It's all about self control. Freelancer, you yourself said that to me once, you should know too.
As I did, but I'll take some luxuries that the internet offer every now and then as well.
August 25th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Sever, theres a reason people created the ignore list online forums. Because it is possible to ignore people. Thats the fantastic thing about online stuff.
I only recently put someone on my ignore list, not that "enough was enough" I just completely forgot about the list.
Sever, me having someone on the ignore list makes it better for all users. I have completely removed the chance of me getting in a flame war with the person because I cannot see their posts. Therefore everyone is a winner. "Suck it up"? Its not that I find their post offending, they just bug the hell out of me, why would I want to subject myself to it, if I can easily remove it?
I can put up with the "You can not read this beacause they are on ignore list", what does bug me is when you can see their quoted posts.
Btw, +rep to anyone who has me on their ignore list :D
I know who that person is. ;) (I'd lol if he actually opened this and read it.)
English Mobster
August 26th, 2009, 05:11 PM
There are a few people I've considered putting on my currently-empty ignore list, but, in the end, I didn't do it, nor will I put anyone on my ignore list.
Truth be told, I like to hear what people have to say. Even if they are ignorant as fuck, or don't contribute a single thing to the forums except bullshitting everywhere, forgetting what a period is, etc. etc., I'm not going to outright ignore them, on the off chance that they make a good point or they change their ways.
August 26th, 2009, 05:56 PM
I won't ever *ignore* on a forums, I can skim over posts but I can't stand a notification that they're ignored, it's worse than the post I may be trying to ignore in my opinon.
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