View Full Version : [10.12.2009] halo CE

October 12th, 2009, 11:46 AM
You've accumulated 10 infraction points, and have been automatically detained for two weeks; less if you're willing to cooperate with us, or more if you make a big deal out of it.

I've said it before, Sam. We appreciate the energy and the fact that you're trying to contribute; I wish more of our members showed this enthusiasm. You've run good CE servers, and are a respectable player.

However, you're on our turf now. Your posts have been of abysmal quality. The post that landed you in here was quoting annihilation's post in the "Funny Pictures" thread with the joke SWAT hand signals and calling out Timo on putting his name on a bunch of pictures. Seriously dude, wtf, the only way that could have been any more off-topic is if you posted it on another forum.

This isn't about spelling or grammar, it's post content. Lurk a bit and see how others fit into the flow of things.

halo CE
October 12th, 2009, 02:39 PM
You have disrespected me for the last time. i will never post on this forum again. My post was a little far out, but so what.

The sigs timo has made or accumulated might be more timeless without his name on them. but thats just my opinion and i m entitled to it.

i you would refrain from banning users you might get to the truth without losing contributors to the site.

i will accept a hasty unban my the site owners as an alternative.

October 12th, 2009, 02:47 PM
I'd consider unbanning you if you ran your posts through Microsoft Word before posting.

October 12th, 2009, 03:02 PM
You have disrespected me for the last time. i will never post on this forum again. My post was a little far out, but so what.

The sigs timo has made or accumulated might be more timeless without his name on them. but thats just my opinion and i m entitled to it.

i you would refrain from banning users you might get to the truth without losing contributors to the site.

i will accept a hasty unban my the site owners as an alternative.
I'm going to need a fucking nuclear bunker for this dramabomb.

Your comment on Timo's sig should have been reserved for a PM. It had no relevance to the thread. You got an infraction for that reason. That infraction pushed you to the 10 point limit, and that's why you are here. You're not in here for your opinion. You are here for your disregard of the rules (and although p0lar says otherwise, for your illegible posts).

Also, to defend Timo, it doesn't matter that his name is on his sig. It is his post's signiture that he put on the images. It would be the same as typing "~Timo" at the end of each post, but to reduce effort, he just put it on the image. It's just a standard practice when it comes to sigs.

halo CE
October 12th, 2009, 03:24 PM
this is unacceptable.

teh lag
October 12th, 2009, 03:30 PM
How so? How are our actions to enforce our rules unacceptable? We've given you repeated warnings that your posting style doesn't fit what we expect from our users.

Please explain.

October 12th, 2009, 03:38 PM
The only thing that is unacceptable is your behavior.

October 12th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Sam, when someone joins your servers and disrupts how things go, you warn them about it and ban them if the continue, correct? It doesn't matter who they are and what they do, it's your server, and you have the final say in what happens to them. If you don't like how they're acting, you get rid of them.

You're on the opposite end of the stick here, buddy. This is our forum. THIS IS ARE FORAM. Ghostie runs the show, yes, but jcap and I also are in on it; there is a reason we're both administrators alongside Ghost.We're privately owned and run, and while we welcome suggestions from our users on how to improve things around here, we don't take orders from them, and if we feel that a suggestion is worthless/pointless, we don't bother considering it.

What you need to learn is that things are done differently around here than what you're used to. You don't go into threads and make posts that are entirely unrelated to the overall thread topic or the topic at hand. You don't use our forums as a blog to encourage other users to hate on other clans just because of a personal vendetta. And most importantly, you do NOT ignore the staff when they're all telling you that you're in the wrong.

When we're on your servers or site, we'll abide by your rules and expectations. When you're on our site, we expect you to abide by our rules and expectations.

halo CE
October 12th, 2009, 04:29 PM
If jcap can somehow see through this garbage and unbans me that will be fine. people should go where they are appreciated not just tolerated. I cant say much more than that.

halo CE
October 12th, 2009, 04:30 PM
i meant theGhost

teh lag
October 12th, 2009, 04:32 PM
Yes, what absolute garbage for us to uphold our standards! What garbage for us to enforce our rules!

October 12th, 2009, 04:52 PM
The only garbage is your posting habits. Do you not get that you're the one who has to change? The purpose of this forum isn't to accommodate your bad habits.

October 12th, 2009, 04:57 PM
It seems like sam is only here to cause problems and bring down the quality of the forums.

Seeing as he has no interest to talk to us, I'm leaning towards a permaban.

October 12th, 2009, 05:03 PM
We've told you time and time again to improve your posting, and all you does is act like you're above the rules. Maybe you're doing this on purpose, or maybe you actually think you're entitled to our respect, but we don't need people with that attitude here.

You had your chance. I second the permaban.

October 12th, 2009, 05:13 PM
I think what troubles me most is that you are actually behaving like you are above the rules. You are basically demanding us to unban you, as if you have more authority than us. We aren't the ones at error - you are.

October 12th, 2009, 06:10 PM
halo CE, since you so desperately seek a response from me, here you go:

I don't read every post on this forum and I barely know 10% of our members. I rely significantly on our staff to help out on large projects and also the day to day (there are 2 other admins and 6 super moderators). That being said, I only know very little about you and your posting habit, but I trust that some of my staff will have much greater perspective on situations like these. As such, they are better equipped to deal with you.

I will say that, based on your reputation and the posts I have seen, I see no reason to stick up for you or defend you. There is a general consensus that you are a problematic member, and you are here on your own accord. I suggest that if you can not get along with other members or post in accordance to our guidelines, you stick by your word and "never post on this forum again."

October 12th, 2009, 08:20 PM
If jcap can somehow see through this garbage and unbans me that will be fine. people should go where they are appreciated not just tolerated. I cant say much more than that.

If you'd step back and take a look at your posting habits compared to the posting habits of other members, and the content you contribute vs. the content others contribute, you would find out just where the garbage lies, and why you're being tolerated and not appreciated.


You are not above the rules. You have no power over other members here whatsoever. You cannot tell us what is right or wrong. If you had actually read the registration agreement and rules/AUP on registering, you would have noticed that it says that this is not a democracy, this is a privately owned site and the staff can run it however we damn well please.

Your choices are:
Listen to what the entirety of the staff is telling you and shape up.
Keep ignoring us and go back to your servers and forums.

We're not going to change how we operate because you tell us to. Feel free to threaten to ban us from your forums and servers; not many of us still play or have much interest in CE anymore, and when we do, we're under alias. Good luck finding us.

halo CE
October 12th, 2009, 10:37 PM
I m 30 years old. Few of you rival my age or real world experience i suspect.

There is nothing wrong with my posting habits. Or attitude toward the entirety of halo as members of a community with an equal voice ; whether they use it or not.

I m sorry that theghost is forced to rely on a limited pool of moderatros on his site and heeds their "insight".

We re all gonna be on similar nets for a while and you guys are being very, very lame. Your contempt and disregard for me as an honest user/ player is obvious. You make me sick.


teh lag
October 13th, 2009, 11:05 AM
There is nothing wrong with my posting habits.

You see, that's where the problem is. There is something wrong with your posting habits. We have our own set of standards that we hold people to. If you cannot follow those standards then you do not belong on this website. That isn't just the consensus of the "limited" pool of support Ghost has, it's the consensus of all of us.

halo CE
October 13th, 2009, 02:35 PM
normally i would fill this thread up with the coolest stuff on the interent. but you think i m gonna do it for judegmental clown people like that?


any of you have facebook?