View Full Version : does this game exist, or am i doomed to a miserable existence

January 23rd, 2010, 12:05 PM
i ask this because i am not too well-versed in space games, yet i would like to play more space games. so far, all i've played were star lancer, freespace 2, and eve (for 2 weeks). i also have shattered horizons but that's a shooter rather than a ship game. the former two were more than a little sick and i've heard amazing things about freelancer (the game). eve had some good points but unless you go on huge titan rapefests there's a lot of grind and the combat is more dependent on your ability to conduct complicated mathematics on the fly than anything else (but at least it was absolutely beautiful to look at).

anyway, i was wondering if you guys could suggest a game for me, if indeed this kind of game exists. normally i'd ask skiiran as he is lord god king of space games, but he doesn't post here anymore and i can't be fucked to install xfire on this lappy just on the off chance he's online sometime before i go back to edmonton. i know we have a few space enthusiasts here, so hopefully you guys can give me a hand.

what i really find myself pining for is i guess a space rts of sorts; controlling a fleet would be nice, but what would be better yet is being able to control a single cap ship's every system while still maintaining overall tactical command of the fleet. kind of like men of war. except not ww2. and in space.

pretty graphics would be a tremendous plus but not a necessity. if you guys know of any games like this, please post about them (nicely detailed ones with screens and, if possible, videos).

if no games of this type exist, i beg one of you future game dev sorts to get right on it.

please help me modacity :smith:

January 23rd, 2010, 12:08 PM
Sins of a Solar Empire

January 23rd, 2010, 12:14 PM
hey guys while you're on it can you point out a good space sim that I could run on a computer that's absolute shit for gaming?

January 23rd, 2010, 12:15 PM
Sins of a Solar Empire
i heard that this owns but can you actually do the whole direct command of a capship thing because that would be just fucking pro as shit

January 23rd, 2010, 12:17 PM
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident (I'm almost 100% sure this is an rts

January 23rd, 2010, 12:18 PM
where is the detail and the pictures i only have limited time here so i can't exactly go looking myself :(

January 23rd, 2010, 12:20 PM
where is the detail and the pictures i only have limited time here so i can't exactly go looking myself :(


Theres also, Hegemonia: Legions of Iron.
But it's not available on Steam.
Unless ordering from Amazon or something would work for you.

January 23rd, 2010, 12:33 PM
holy fucking shit

To all gamers who became dangerously aroused every time a capital ship beam cannon fired in "Freespace 2": this game is meant for you.
this game is most fucking definitely for me. carted, will buy it as soon as i get home (steam is being retarded about my billing info while i'm here).

also wow, after checking some of the reviews, g4 is literally retarded. it's like they think every single fucking game should be quake. first they slag ro off, and now this too, for being too slow (well actually probably this first and then ro). what a shit channel, good thing i don't watch it!

January 23rd, 2010, 01:45 PM
holy fucking shit

this game is most fucking definitely for me. carted, will buy it as soon as i get home (steam is being retarded about my billing info while i'm here).

also wow, after checking some of the reviews, g4 is literally retarded. it's like they think every single fucking game should be quake. first they slag ro off, and now this too, for being too slow (well actually probably this first and then ro). what a shit channel, good thing i don't watch it!

G4 being shitty?

Old news.

January 23rd, 2010, 04:06 PM
holy fucking shit

this game is most fucking definitely for me. carted, will buy it as soon as i get home (steam is being retarded about my billing info while i'm here).

You can do shit like that in Star Wars: Empire At War. The only catch is that the ground battle suck. Space stuff is great.

January 23rd, 2010, 04:55 PM
Thinking Eve is only about Titans and getting to fly one...looks like you missed out on a lot of the game bro.

Titans aren't Eve's endgame, they're just another tool for Alliance warfare and an annoyingly large responsibility to handle at that.

January 23rd, 2010, 05:12 PM
Considering there are only about 150 Titans in existence, I doubt they really play a large role in anyone's Eve experience. Maybe taking part in a battle that has a handful of Titans in it, but that is about it.

January 23rd, 2010, 06:09 PM
Thinking Eve is only about Titans and getting to fly one...looks like you missed out on a lot of the game bro.

Titans aren't Eve's endgame, they're just another tool for Alliance warfare and an annoyingly large responsibility to handle at that.
that's not what i mean about eve. the thing with eve is that a lot of things are handled by the pre-existing values set, and when it comes to fighting the winner is usually decided by who is better at memorising all kinds of values and then doing the maths on the fly. i want a game which feels like it should during combat.

eve was only really fun to me when a few guys and i went stomping together, but when it comes down to you being on your own, or taking on easy targets, or grinding for dear life, it's not what i'm looking for. i'm patient, but i'm not that patient.

January 24th, 2010, 04:34 AM
Homeworld 2.
It's pretty, even if it's old as fuck and the required micro of everything from mothership subsystems to fleet movements gives me a fucking headache (in your case, that probably translates to a boner).

It's SoaSE's granddaddy from what I hear too. I picked my copy up for like $10 in a bin at Hardly Normal's (so it'd probably be $5 anywhere else).

January 24th, 2010, 07:57 AM
SOASE is only 20 bucks in stores now.

January 24th, 2010, 09:40 AM
Shattered Horizon maybe?

January 24th, 2010, 10:57 AM
Shattered Horizon maybe?
Did you skip the entire first post? I have it. It's a shooter. It matches neither the criteria of me not having it, nor being an RTS based on large ships.

January 24th, 2010, 12:32 PM
SOASE does what you are looking for.. in every thing except being able to manually control the ships. buy it now plz.

January 24th, 2010, 01:08 PM
Spore! :neckbeard:

January 24th, 2010, 01:22 PM
Spore! :neckbeard:

Mediocre game + Gigantic Cock of a DRM = Not a good choice.

January 24th, 2010, 02:36 PM
Not suggesting it... because I haven't played it... but I heard a few good things about



Wondering why no-one suggested it yet >.>

January 24th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Not suggesting it... because I haven't played it... but I heard a few good things about



Wondering why no-one suggested it yet >.>

Whoa, holy shit. I'd heard about X2 and X3, but never really card to check it out.

January 24th, 2010, 03:34 PM
I should mention that it goes on sale every once in a while on Steam...

January 24th, 2010, 03:46 PM
Did you skip the entire first post? I have it. It's a shooter. It matches neither the criteria of me not having it, nor being an RTS based on large ships.
Eh sorry, I quickly skimmed since I had to go somewhere. And everybody else said the games that have large space ships and such.

January 24th, 2010, 04:04 PM
Be careful. I too bought X3 anticipating a stellar space game. I was right. It's just too bad I could never figure it out well enough to play it. It might be the most complicated game I've ever seen in my life. EVE doesn't even come close because I mastered that in a few months but X3 is just...hurts.

But yeah, I totally forgot I had it and forgot to mention that it's probably the EXACT game you're looking for. Hugely in-depth, beautiful graphics, and supposedly addicting gameplay with a billion things to do. Just hope you have the patience I didn't have.


Think of it pretty much as EVE+Freespace.

January 24th, 2010, 07:18 PM
Mediocre game + Gigantic Cock of a DRM = Not a good choice.
not to mention the gigantic cocks ingame! :allears:

X3 always looked interesting to me but I never really had the time to look into it. It looks fucking gorgeous. Regarding the patience required, I used to be able to spend five hours at a time doing nothing but observing other players, waiting for a target to show up, and then waiting for the perfect shot once they did. In that time I'd chat to mates and plan and stuff, but I wouldn't let myself get too distracted from the task at hand. Reckon I should be able to handle it?

January 24th, 2010, 07:24 PM
not to mention the gigantic cocks ingame! :allears:

X3 always looked interesting to me but I never really had the time to look into it. It looks fucking gorgeous. Regarding the patience required, I used to be able to spend five hours at a time doing nothing but observing other players, waiting for a target to show up, and then waiting for the perfect shot once they did. In that time I'd chat to mates and plan and stuff, but I wouldn't let myself get too distracted from the task at hand. Reckon I should be able to handle it?
Probably. I hear it's worth it if you have the patience. Once I literally find that I have a day with nothing else worth doing I'll figure it out cause it looks like huge fun.

January 24th, 2010, 11:25 PM

not really an rts, but it's full of players in space ships. you have defend bases, capture flags, kill everyone you see etc.

a stop gap maybe, until you find something better?

English Mobster
January 24th, 2010, 11:51 PM
Empire at War is fun, but it doesn't satisfy the last bit of Ross' request. I wish it did, it would be fun as hell. :smith:

For those of you who have it, go to empireatwar.filefront.com and look up "Absolute Enhancement Mod 4.5". I just installed that, and the game is fun as hell again. Bunch of units from the expanded universe, a Super Star Destroyer which functions like a Super Star Destroyer... It's fun.
If you can code in XML (very easy to learn), you can tweak the mod itself to your liking (for instance, my SSD now comes with a fleet of 6 Star Destroyers when I call it in, in addition to a shitload of fighters).
Sorry for the bit of off-topicness, but I just want people who have EAW installed to look at some of the mods available for it, they're fun as shit.

January 25th, 2010, 12:42 AM
lol Super Star Destroyers are pathetic, get an Eclipse Star Destroyer:

It's got everything a Super Star Destroyer has, plus a slightly less powerful version of the Death Star laser cannon and interdiction capabilities!

@ Rossmum: Get SoaSE, it's an awesome game and when I see it for sale on Impulse (Stardocks version of Steam) I'm going to pick it up!

January 25th, 2010, 02:19 PM
lol Super Star Destroyers are pathetic, get an Eclipse Star Destroyer:

It's got everything a Super Star Destroyer has, plus a slightly less powerful version of the Death Star laser cannon and interdiction capabilities!

@ Rossmum: Get SoaSE, it's an awesome game and when I see it for sale on Impulse (Stardocks version of Steam) I'm going to pick it up!

Uh, the Eclipse is a Super Star Destroyer.

January 25th, 2010, 08:11 PM

not really an rts, but it's full of players in space ships. you have defend bases, capture flags, kill everyone you see etc.

a stop gap maybe, until you find something better?

Continuum is really easy to get into and can be fun, plus it's free. I can vouch for this as a stop gap, too.

January 25th, 2010, 09:18 PM
i ask this because i am not too well-versed in space games, yet i would like to play more space games. so far, all i've played were star lancer, freespace 2, and eve (for 2 weeks). i also have shattered horizons but that's a shooter rather than a ship game. the former two were more than a little sick and i've heard amazing things about freelancer (the game). eve had some good points but unless you go on huge titan rapefests there's a lot of grind and the combat is more dependent on your ability to conduct complicated mathematics on the fly than anything else (but at least it was absolutely beautiful to look at).

anyway, i was wondering if you guys could suggest a game for me, if indeed this kind of game exists. normally i'd ask skiiran as he is lord god king of space games, but he doesn't post here anymore and i can't be fucked to install xfire on this lappy just on the off chance he's online sometime before i go back to edmonton. i know we have a few space enthusiasts here, so hopefully you guys can give me a hand.

what i really find myself pining for is i guess a space rts of sorts; controlling a fleet would be nice, but what would be better yet is being able to control a single cap ship's every system while still maintaining overall tactical command of the fleet. kind of like men of war. except not ww2. and in space.

pretty graphics would be a tremendous plus but not a necessity. if you guys know of any games like this, please post about them (nicely detailed ones with screens and, if possible, videos).

if no games of this type exist, i beg one of you future game dev sorts to get right on it.

please help me modacity :smith:

Shit, just put my computer back together and I saw this thread. Skii and I are good buddies and have been for a long time. He and I together are the Lords of Space Opera. :realsmug:

If you want a space RTS, I would suggest Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. It's challenging, looks decent, and is damn fun to play once you get the mechanics down. Only downsides are the fact that it's more of an RTT than an RTS and that it has a few bugs.

I would also suggest Sins of a Solar Empire (which I actually prefer). It's not as combat-intensive as Nexus, since it's an empire builder (4x). However, it's a shining example of what can happen when a game is polished to a mirror shine before release, and it has a couple of expansion packs to add. Be prepared for games lasting many, many hours though. Only drawback is that you have to use Stardock's Impulse to download the latest updates and play online.

Now, X3. Not an RTS. But not just a combat space sim either. You can build a large corporate empire for yourself and rake in billions of credits to buy a fleet of ships, guns, shields, other goodies. Basically, it's almost like a single player version of EVE with none of that leveling up shit. It is indeed beautiful on the graphics front. The learning curve is rather steep. It's one of the few space combat games where you don't have afterburners, which makes combat with larger groups or more powerful enemy ships a lot more difficult since you can't just hightail it out of there in a couple seconds. I have it. I recommend it. It's very moddable, so you can expand it with user-made content (I have BSG stuff in mine :-3). The key to getting good at X3 is actually something so monotonous it hurts. Just ignore the story and trade in goods for a long time (I do mean a long time). Eventually you'll get enough money to buy a cargo ship. Commandeer it so you can carry larger amounts of goods. Eventually you can build a station, buy more cargo ships, buy upgrades for them, and set them on automatic routes. Once you get rolling, you'll be rich in no time. It's not really hard, it just takes patience. Combat isn't hard either once you get a decent ship with decent guns. Protip: Impulse Ray emitters suck ass at any level under Gamma...resist the temptation to use them even if they sound and look really cool.

Another good game is Tachyon: The Fringe. It's an older and more arcadey space combat sim with decent graphics for the genre. It is however very fun to play.

January 26th, 2010, 02:17 AM
Shit, just put my computer back together and I saw this thread. Skii and I are good buddies and have been for a long time. He and I together are the Lords of Space Opera. :realsmug:

If you want a space RTS, I would suggest Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. It's challenging, looks decent, and is damn fun to play once you get the mechanics down. Only downsides are the fact that it's more of an RTT than an RTS and that it has a few bugs.

I would also suggest Sins of a Solar Empire (which I actually prefer). It's not as combat-intensive as Nexus, since it's an empire builder (4x). However, it's a shining example of what can happen when a game is polished to a mirror shine before release, and it has a couple of expansion packs to add. Be prepared for games lasting many, many hours though. Only drawback is that you have to use Stardock's Impulse to download the latest updates and play online.

Now, X3. Not an RTS. But not just a combat space sim either. You can build a large corporate empire for yourself and rake in billions of credits to buy a fleet of ships, guns, shields, other goodies. Basically, it's almost like a single player version of EVE with none of that leveling up shit. It is indeed beautiful on the graphics front. The learning curve is rather steep. It's one of the few space combat games where you don't have afterburners, which makes combat with larger groups or more powerful enemy ships a lot more difficult since you can't just hightail it out of there in a couple seconds. I have it. I recommend it. It's very moddable, so you can expand it with user-made content (I have BSG stuff in mine :-3). The key to getting good at X3 is actually something so monotonous it hurts. Just ignore the story and trade in goods for a long time (I do mean a long time). Eventually you'll get enough money to buy a cargo ship. Commandeer it so you can carry larger amounts of goods. Eventually you can build a station, buy more cargo ships, buy upgrades for them, and set them on automatic routes. Once you get rolling, you'll be rich in no time. It's not really hard, it just takes patience. Combat isn't hard either once you get a decent ship with decent guns. Protip: Impulse Ray emitters suck ass at any level under Gamma...resist the temptation to use them even if they sound and look really cool.

Another good game is Tachyon: The Fringe. It's an older and more arcadey space combat sim with decent graphics for the genre. It is however very fun to play.Please direct me to the guide of guides for X3 or tell me yourself. I have X3 and I play EVE and although I love EVE to death it's drained me for a bit and I can't afford the subscription at the moment...plus my Alliance is somewhat dragging it's ass in nullsec and our only enemies are fucking RA and shit and they're dead pretty much anyway.

Soooo I want to get into X3 but fuck, I tried again yesterday to understand it and I gave up and just killed the good guy ships at the beginning till I got shot down. Controls suck ass (Or I just don't get them) and I do just have a mouse and keyboard. Direct me to a good joystick (cheap) if it's really that necessary. I got through Freespace 2 easy without one though...

January 26th, 2010, 08:51 AM

one of the BEST turn based space games out there...


that's a freeware version based loosely on the original...

Master of Orion 1, 2, and 3, are ALL amazing. Totally slipped my mind.

January 26th, 2010, 03:56 PM
Please direct me to the guide of guides for X3 or tell me yourself. I have X3 and I play EVE and although I love EVE to death it's drained me for a bit and I can't afford the subscription at the moment...plus my Alliance is somewhat dragging it's ass in nullsec and our only enemies are fucking RA and shit and they're dead pretty much anyway.

Soooo I want to get into X3 but fuck, I tried again yesterday to understand it and I gave up and just killed the good guy ships at the beginning till I got shot down. Controls suck ass (Or I just don't get them) and I do just have a mouse and keyboard. Direct me to a good joystick (cheap) if it's really that necessary. I got through Freespace 2 easy without one though...

You do need a joystick. Anything by Saitek is decent and will run you about $30-$50. I used a Microsoft Sidewinder 2 for awhile and recently bought the Saitek AV8R-1 (has dual throttles, which is great for flight sims).

Bare Minimum (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826102505)

What I Have (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826102002)

Good Compromise (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826102203)