View Full Version : Wanting to Buy: Sound Card

February 1st, 2010, 04:35 PM
Hey Modacity,
I have no clue where to start or what to look for, for a sound card. A good one at least. I was hoping one with the regular mini-jack (i.e. The ones used for your iPod, regular headphones, etc.) The reason I am getting one is because I keep hearing feedback/static from my current one which is integrated into the motherboard. The feedback noise is relative to the amount of frames per second my Graphics card is rendering for a game or such. It seems whenever I have any sort of program that requires the graphics card to work, it makes that feedback noise. It's not too annoying but it's not too ignorable either as when there is silence during a game it ruins any type of mood and gets pretty annoying.

Thanks for any help,

P.S. For price ranges I'm willing to spend up to $120 USD.

February 1st, 2010, 05:00 PM
If you go into the land of Creative, here's a list to go by:

- X-Fi XtremeMusic
- X-Fi Platinum/Platinum Fata1ity
- X-Fi Elite Pro, Product ID SB0550

- Any Audigy (as if I need to mention this around here)
- Any X-Fi Titanium
- X-Fi Elite Pro, Product ID SB055A

The ones listed in "do not try" have multiple features removed and are bundled with shit software. I could also go on about PCI-e audio, but that's just a personal preference.

I've also heard that the Auzuntech X-Fi cards are very good.

February 1st, 2010, 08:20 PM
Auzentech X-Fi is probably the king of X-Fi cards as far as third party versions are concerned. If you hate CreAtive, try:

ASUS Xonar (the newest ones)
HT Omega Striker 7.1
HT Omega Claro
HT Omega Claro+