View Full Version : Lens buying help

February 20th, 2010, 04:36 PM
I am looking for a second lens for my Canon T1i, looking for something with decent zoom for maybe around $500 - $700 Canadian.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

February 21st, 2010, 10:31 PM
I've got this 55-250mm lens (http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/canon-canon-ef-s-55-250mm-f-4-5-6-is-lens-ef-s-55-250-is/10093802.aspx?path=b8d863352f20e7563ed89953f46b41d den02) for my T1i and it seems to work fine. Was considering this 75-300mm (http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/canon-ef-75-300mm-f-4-0-5-6-iii-usm-lens/10009174.aspx?path=1c625e86be3803a7652889a9a069d04 6en02) for the second lens as well.

February 22nd, 2010, 01:02 PM
Thanks, i was looking at the 55-250 IS after deciding the 70-300mm IS USM was too expensive (also i am very much an amateur and that lens would be wasted on me im sure).
I wont miss the gap in 55-70 or 75, so i am wondering what would be recommended between the 55-250 IS and the 75-300 non IS USM

February 22nd, 2010, 01:06 PM
IS will let you take photos at least one stop higher than you normally would. It's definitely worth it for a telephoto lens. USM is also great, but at the end of the day a stable lens > a fast focusing lens

February 22nd, 2010, 01:09 PM
Thanks very much Timo, thats exactly the info i was looking for.

February 22nd, 2010, 03:30 PM
I mislabeled it, 255 should be 250. Works great.

February 23rd, 2010, 04:46 PM
Those were taken with MrBig's T1i and 18-55/55-250 btw, so it's the exact same setup you'd be looking at.

Reaper Man
February 24th, 2010, 09:28 AM
Well, if you didn't want a zoom, hands down I'd get the 50mm f/1.8.

It's cheap and sharp as fuck. The only downside is it feels plasticy... but you're using a plastic body with plastic lenses anyway vOv