View Full Version : Underage girls Dance in lingerie to beyonce. they dance well but.........

May 13th, 2010, 07:24 AM

What the fuck is this.

i'm 12 and what is this

May 13th, 2010, 07:35 AM
I question your commitment to Sparkle Motion!

May 13th, 2010, 07:54 AM
Jailbait just got some salt and pepper added to it

If that's what the girls want to do, then let them. Yes, there are pervs out there, just like there are murderers, drugs, backstabbers, etc. Why punish children from doing activities they want to do because it attracts bad people? There will always be a north and south end to a pole.

Were they wearing "too little" of clothing? Sure, by the social norm they were. It's not typical for girls of their age (in most modern societies) to be wearing that everyday. But they were performing. It was an act. It's not like this is their everyday outfit.

What about the music? Are people going to attack the music that they listen to which has sexual themes? If it wasn't this song, it would just be some other. All the censorship really does it try to hide the truth in life. Truth that people deserve to know. The correct action to this kind of performance is not to go "ohhhhh noooo! someone call pedobear!" but instead to educate the children about the consequences this has the possibility of bringing. A protected child is a dead child. Teach the kids so they know how to survive. Don't do the work for them. They're only as young and defenseless as you let them be.

As for the title: "underage" for what? Clothes don't come with an age gate, and neither does dancing :p

May 13th, 2010, 08:33 AM
Yeah, so I saw that a while ago. I thought that they were just 16 year old jap girls.

May 13th, 2010, 08:33 AM
Whoever was in charge of it must have some sick fetish.

May 13th, 2010, 10:42 AM
Yeah, so I saw that a while ago. I thought that they were just 16 year old jap girls.
The quality of the video kinda makes them blurry. How old are they actually?

May 13th, 2010, 10:57 AM
They are 7-8, from the thread on another forum I saw.

This is absolutely horrid. The girls are very talented dancers and will probably live happy lives slutting around and being backup dancers for even bigger slut singers. Their parents should be shot in the face for allowing them to do this at any age, let alone prepubescent.

Also, this just because the #1 watched video by pedophiles. :barf:

May 13th, 2010, 11:01 AM
This thread should PROBABLY be moved to the debate forum.

If that's what the girls want to do, then let them. Yes, there are pervs out there, just like there are murderers, drugs, backstabbers, etc. Why punish children from doing activities they want to do because it attracts bad people? There will always be a north and south end to a pole.

No one is telling these little girls NOT to dance. But when you put them pretty much in lingerie and make them do some pretty provocative dance moves, what kind of message is that sending? It's sexualizing SEVEN YEAR OLDS. Girls that haven't even gone through puberty.

This just encourages OLDER MEN to perceive young girls as being sexually mature when they aren't. Those girls probably have not even had "the birds and the bees" talk yet, they shouldn't even really know what sex is. And yet we're putting them in frilly panties, throwing them on stage, and making them pretty much hump the air like they're well-seasoned hookers.

Were they wearing "too little" of clothing? Sure, by the social norm they were. It's not typical for girls of their age (in most modern societies) to be wearing that everyday. But they were performing. It was an act. It's not like this is their everyday outfit.

Some pedophile down the road won't think it's an act when he kidnaps her on her walk home from school (http://www.twirlit.com/2009/10/22/body-of-7-year-old-somer-thompson-found-dead/), rapes her repeatedly (http://www.trentonian.com/articles/2010/03/31/news/doc4bb27f30d1eb1589203516.txt), then leaves her body in a ditch (http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/13824914/detail.html).

As for the title: "underage" for what? Clothes don't come with an age gate, and neither does dancing :p

Okay, how about I buy my 5-year-old cousin a stripper pole? Or teach her how to give a lap dance? Perhaps I'll get her a garter belt and some assless chaps for her birthday next year. Does that even sound REMOTELY okay to you??

If it does:

Yes, there IS an appropriate age for certain types of clothing and dances. And these girls were too young to be wearing those outfits and dancing that way.

May 13th, 2010, 11:27 AM
I agree with Aerowyn, this is pretty messed up.

They were very talented yes, but they should not have been doing that song and wearing that little clothing. Girls that young should not be dancing provocatively like that and wearing that little clothing. Like the video said yeah sure they are having a blast and its all good fun, but your subjecting these little girls to things they probably have no idea what they are. They should worn at least some thing like those gymnastic outfit thingys.

You might say "yeah well they wear stuff like this at the beach", yeah, but they are wearing that to go swimming, plus they arent dancing like that.

If this was 20 years ago I'd say yeah, we werent so cautious about these kinds of things, but for it to happen now is just shocking.

May 13th, 2010, 11:44 AM
fucked up shit.

May 13th, 2010, 11:46 AM
Well if you want to look at it as just a sexually oriented dance/performance than sure. However, just as there is some serious uses for drugs like morphine, there are serious performances. And just like there are some absuive uses for the results of morphine and like drugs, there are abuses for sexually related themes.

There are more ways than one to educate someone. Sex ed isn't taught by pairing two sexes up and giving them a condom. Branching from that point, it also isn't taught by labeling women as sexual objects for men to gander at while they work a metal pole. However, if that's the only image you use to baseline a child's mindset, then yes, there will be negative results.

Education requires a full spectrum analysis. The good, the bad, and the middle grounds that separate them. If you want to just highlight how sexually minded people can be perverted in the social norm then you're just going to saturate an idea with the bad spectrum while leaving any other information out as a means to information cleansing.

You can teach a child about weapons. How they can be used for protection and for destruction. You provide them with the required inputs needed to be rational and logical judgments, even if their brains haven't fully developed in such areas. It's our jobs as adults to properly teach younger generations and not skew information in ways we think protects them from themselves.

Not saying that I would want to watch one of these performances (and from bod's post I was under the assumption they were 12). However, people's first response to gasp in shock is ridiculous and evidence of how single minded education has been towards sex. Performances are done today which highlight our period of "witch" hunting and killing, something people of the past (of all ages) did so easily and blindly based on half truths. I have no doubt in my mind that future generations will put a spotlight on us and how we "held the pussy on a pedestal".

Don't put down a child's ability to learn right from wrong when we're the ones who fail to set the right examples and educate.

fake e:

You might say "yeah well they wear stuff like this at the beach", yeah, but they are wearing that to go swimming, plus they arent dancing like that.
And these girls are just performing. Perverts are everywhere, including the beach. It's their mindset and actions which makes us go "omg, think of the children!". They'll just as easily visit the beach to stare at little children at the beach as they would here.

May 13th, 2010, 11:54 AM
I'm not trying to make it sound like I support little kinds of performances. People will advocate free speech, even when it comes down to extremist related content, because there should be no censorship. One for all, and all for one. With that being said, education deserves the same respect. We shouldn't try to skew information in manners which we think will fit a child's mind. Calling it the "birds and the bees" just makes it sound like a joke and dumbs it down, but in an age where most people will just sit their children in front a TV where they watch baby talk programs meant to try and educate them while we pay them no attention, I can't say I'm surprise we still use it.

You wouldn't want some politician to baby talk you into supporting a war or other efforts. "These men are bad because they have some technology which can be used for destruction. They need to be put out of office!". You're not getting the full story, and as history shows, not even the truth sometimes.

May 13th, 2010, 12:22 PM
the kids aren't the problem, pedophiles are. using the idea that pedos will find this seductive only leads down a road to things like "don't let dad's bathe their kids, because some dads are pedos." more of that "for the kids" bullshit. more politically correct ass-backwards approach to solving society's problems that only restricts the freedoms of the honest instead of the criminals.

personally my problem isn't the 'sexuality' of this but rather, in the same way pageants are run, why don't they just let them be kids? why dress them up like adults, learn complicated routines, and practice their asses off when they should be playing kickball and learning to write in cursive?


May 13th, 2010, 12:32 PM
The ending very much comes to mind...


May 13th, 2010, 12:59 PM
it pisses me off how there has to be so much controversy over this, just because of that small percentage (heathen) who will actually jerk it to this, and the even smaller percentage of those people who would actually act on those feelings and possibly hurt one of the dancers (maybe heathen).

On a different level from that, this is kind of more suggestive than I would allow my daughter (if she would ever be born, which she will not) to partake in. Little girls have their whole adolescence to be slutty, tbh.

May 13th, 2010, 01:02 PM
it pisses me off how there has to be so much controversy over this, just because of that small percentage (heathen) who will actually jerk it to this, and the even smaller percentage of those people who would actually act on those feelings and possibly hurt one of the dancers (maybe heathen).

On a different level from that, this is kind of more suggestive than I would allow my daughter (if she would ever be born, which she will not) to partake in. Little girls have their whole adolescence to be slutty, tbh.
you forgot annihilation, im surprised he isnt here...

May 13th, 2010, 01:36 PM
These girls are too young to know what they are really doing.
Unless they are well aware of how sexy they're being I don't find anything wrong with it.(I can't think of a way to say it without sounding pedophillic.)
I'd like to think they think they're innocently dancing and not servicing others.

May 13th, 2010, 02:37 PM
Agreeing with the guy in the video, if they had more clothing on I don't think I'd be so worried about it.

May 13th, 2010, 03:48 PM
These girls are too young to know what they are really doing.
Unless they are well aware of how sexy they're being I don't find anything wrong with it.(I can't think of a way to say it without sounding pedophillic.)
I'd like to think they think they're innocently dancing and not servicing others.
classic rob everyone^

May 13th, 2010, 04:04 PM
It's not about the pedophiles, but i know i was extremely uncomfortable watching this.

i mean :ugh:

May 13th, 2010, 04:24 PM
"Oh my god, think about the pedophiles!"

This has nothing to do with pedophiles. Pedophiles are going to be attracted to children regardless of how they're or acting, or how they're dressed. What worries me about this video is the fact these girls are being taught - at such a young age - that the objectification of their bodies is acceptable. Society sexualises women enough, and these children are already being taught that is ok at what? The age of 8? It's fucking dumb. At this rate, sexual equality is never going to happen.

Alwin Roth
May 13th, 2010, 07:21 PM
This is bad....

May 13th, 2010, 08:14 PM
This made me go :smithfrog:

What in the hell.


May 14th, 2010, 06:28 AM
And these girls are just performing. Perverts are everywhere, including the beach. It's their mindset and actions which makes us go "omg, think of the children!". They'll just as easily visit the beach to stare at little children at the beach as they would here.

So you're saying it's perfectly fine to encourage this type of behavior since it's the pervert's mindset? Dude, that's exactly why, among other things, this type of behavior shouldn't be encouraged!

May 14th, 2010, 06:32 AM
I can almost guarantee if pedophiles didn't exist almost no one would make a big deal of it.

May 14th, 2010, 06:39 AM
you mean this doesnt make you feel uncomfortable in the slightest?

It's Burlesque dancing.
ya know, adult, sexualised entertainment.

and they've got 7-8 year olds doing it.

If they where wearing more clothes i'd be fine with it, they're allowed to do this, the only thing is i'm concerned about their parents that would allow their daughters to do this.

May 14th, 2010, 07:11 AM
The point I'm trying to make is that you're (not you sepcificly, Bod) veiwing this from a sexual standpoint when it's just dancing.
It's like people thinking that breast are sexual objects when they aren't.

May 14th, 2010, 08:19 AM
The point I'm trying to make is that you're (not you sepcificly, Bod) veiwing this from a sexual standpoint when it's just dancing.
It's like people thinking that breast are sexual objects when they aren't.

I think you'd feel a little differently about it if it was YOUR daughter up there doing that.

May 14th, 2010, 08:36 AM
I think you'd feel a little differently about it if it was YOUR daughter up there doing that.
this is rob we're talking about, the dude goes to a few places that would make a normal person shudder

but in all seriousness, no parent saw this beforehand or no one thought this was bad before it went public...makes ya question people's thought process

May 14th, 2010, 09:58 AM
no one thought this was bad before it went public
In the context of pageants and talent shows in general it's completely normal.

May 14th, 2010, 11:24 AM
These girls are just the same garbage mirrors we've always had through our many generations of madonna and whoever the fuck, now it's just a little more out in the open, less cutesy Spice Girls and much more serious now. Products to move, shelves to clear, demand to create and meet. Competition in a massive market.

The marketting machine spins much faster and harder than it used to. The catch 22 of marketting is that, the amping up of advertising since the late 80's has made us desensitized to it. Now, they have to infiltrate their marketing into the shit people DO pay attention to. Shitty pop idols and stupid fucking tv shows. And, the holy grail, the internet marketing, as I so know so well.

I've changed my mind, again, actually. It's the parents.


See, they let their bastard soon-to-be-harpies listen to, and watch that cuntfarting bullshit music, they should expect this shit to be reflected onto their children. Unhappy with your children? Surround their environment with inspiration and opportunity, creativity and CHOICE, rather than empty soulless demigod worship of the only thing they're presented with. Put some fucking beatles on at home, and play some primus in the car. Kids these days have no idea about the choices they have. They think GaGa is it. The tippy top, and that, parents, is fucked.

No actually, zomg pedophiles zomg. Lock up the internet so pedophiles can't watch the video we put on the net of our tarty brats flailing their domesticated image around to an audience of people who aren't at all living in a sexual world.

May 14th, 2010, 11:31 AM
"Oh my god, think about the pedophiles!"

This has nothing to do with pedophiles. Pedophiles are going to be attracted to children regardless of how they're or acting, or how they're dressed. What worries me about this video is the fact these girls are being taught - at such a young age - that the objectification of their bodies is acceptable. Society sexualises women enough, and these children are already being taught that is ok at what? The age of 8? It's fucking dumb. At this rate, sexual equality is never going to happen.

Pretty much fucking this. Even if there were no pedophiles, they're still teaching little girls to objectify themselves.

May 14th, 2010, 12:04 PM
Eleven said it pretty well. That fact aside, for their age that was impressive.

May 14th, 2010, 11:44 PM
I've changed my mind, again, actually. It's the parents.


All for a fast buck, no? Maybe.

May 14th, 2010, 11:47 PM
What a ridiculous argument.

May 15th, 2010, 12:03 AM
just another reason not to listen to beyonce i guess.

in all seriousness though, i get mad when my sister puts on too much makeup. i would disown her if she did this

May 15th, 2010, 08:53 AM
I would explode if my sister was one of the dancers.

May 15th, 2010, 03:49 PM
i honestly think it was a publicity stunt, because let's be honest, no parent saw the costumes before hand or noone doing the rehersals though "gee is what we're doing wrong and/or perverted in any way shape or form?"

and I agree with tex's second argument that its the parent's fault...make the kids listen to actual music, not that shit

May 15th, 2010, 04:58 PM

Seriously, these parents suck.

May 15th, 2010, 05:05 PM
I wonder what their parent's jobs are.

May 15th, 2010, 08:17 PM
I wonder what their parent's jobs are.

Ruining their kid's futures.

May 15th, 2010, 08:42 PM
"Cory Miller, the father of one of the girls, told U.S. television show Good Morning America: 'This is taken completely out of context.
'The girls weren't meant to be viewed by millions of people.'"

"She also commented on the outfit choices, insisting: 'Single Ladies is one of the most popular songs probably of the decade.

'The costumes are designed for movement, unrestricted movement and to show body lines.'"

Why on earth do little 8 year old girls need to show fucking body lines?
Also single ladies isnt really that good.

May 16th, 2010, 05:47 AM
actually single ladies is a piece of shit :monocle:

One of the best songs and most popular songs of teh decade has to be Knights of Cydonia by Muse.
It won tripple J's Hottest 100 hundred which is voted around australia on probably the biggest non biased (it's not commercialised) Radio stations in the world.
Now that is a good song.

Also the parents need to commit suicide.
Just saying.

May 7th, 2013, 08:38 AM
This thread should PROBABLY be moved to the debate forum.

No one is telling these little girls NOT to dance. But when you put them pretty much in cheap lingerie (http://www.robustbuy.com/womens-clothes-lingerie-sets-c-1083_1085_1088.html) and make them do some pretty provocative dance moves, what kind of message is that sending? It's sexualizing SEVEN YEAR OLDS. Girls that haven't even gone through puberty.

This just encourages OLDER MEN to perceive young girls as being sexually mature when they aren't. Those girls probably have not even had "the birds and the bees" talk yet, they shouldn't even really know what sex is. And yet we're putting them in frilly panties, throwing them on stage, and making them pretty much hump the air like they're well-seasoned hookers.

Some pedophile down the road won't think it's an act when he

Okay, how about I buy my 5-year-old cousin a stripper pole? Or teach her how to give a lap dance? Perhaps I'll get her a garter belt and some assless chaps for her birthday next year. Does that even sound REMOTELY okay to you??

If it does:

Yes, there IS an appropriate age for certain types of clothing and dances. And these girls were too young to be wearing those outfits and dancing that way.

it is just ridiculous stuff. These small girls must not be introduced to lingerie or other mature clothing. I have two girl child and I am so worried about latest clothing trends. Such clothing induce wrong habits in small girls

May 7th, 2013, 12:22 PM
I'm expecting some quality spam.

May 7th, 2013, 06:07 PM
I have two girl child


i blame jcap

god bless

May 7th, 2013, 10:57 PM

i blame jcap

god bless

Almost all your posts have something to do with jcap these days.

May 8th, 2013, 08:15 PM
I have two girl child
scariest thing i've ever heard from a modacityer