View Full Version : Which One?

June 30th, 2010, 05:26 PM
This one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152193&Tpk=MSI%20X350), this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220717&cm_re=asus_laptop-_-34-220-717-_-Product), or this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220696). Replacing my desktop with a laptop for college. I've narrowed it down to these 3. I know the asus i7 is the fastest, but I hear that quad cores are not as big of a leap faster than you'd think because of the lack of software supporting 4 cores. The most CPU intensive thing I do is rip DVD's to Xvid, and probably the most intensive games I'd play would be Source games. For college I'd be running CAD software, and of course I will be using 3ds Max. I put portability/battery life very high on my list which is the only major negative I have for the asus i7. What would you think the best deal is? Any other models that are good that I've overlooked? I'd like it to fit nicely in a backpack and go for at-least 3-4 hours without charge.

June 30th, 2010, 07:43 PM
Another option:

June 30th, 2010, 07:53 PM
I'd go for the other asus, theres no way you can get battery life like that with an i7.

June 30th, 2010, 08:16 PM
The U30 (the 2nd one on your link) is actually not that great for gaming, it's more for portability (it should last awhile on battery). The N61 is decent (the notebooks that start with a G in the model series are the gaming notebooks you should get, if you're going to play intensive games).

The MSI is also not great for gaming (see1.30 ghz core?)

July 1st, 2010, 10:45 AM
I'm supposed to hate dell (stupid backwards motherboards), but that alien-ware is sexy, and small. Looking into it now. As for that MSI x350 I pretty much marked it off because they're coming out with an x360 that is supposed to have an i5 which will be 10x better than 350's processor.

Edit: Wow you can put an i7 into that 11" alienware!!!

July 1st, 2010, 10:45 PM
You can, however the reason I didn't configure it that way is because it generates LOTS of heat and sucks battery life.

July 2nd, 2010, 09:53 AM
Dadgum! Its so hard to decide lol. I'm leaning towards the Asus U30JC, the alienware looks really cool, but I just don't know about dell. I found a config for the alienware that comes with the new i5 520UM which is one of the new lower power consumtion/cooler variations of the i series chips. $950 for the ASUS $1200 for the alienware. If I go Asus I get sacrifice the i5 for an i3, and the Geforce GT 335 for the GT 310, but in return I get an acceptably larger 13" screen, DVD Burner, Gigabit ethernet, esata, and probably longer battery life. If I get the alienware I wont get optical drive, but I do get i5 and the 335 and it is smaller...... Crap now I want the Alienware again. Still cant decide lol.

Edit: as of now I'm not a heavy PC Gamer. Lets just say Portal will probably be the most intensive thing I play. I play my games on an xbox, develop my crap on the PC.

July 2nd, 2010, 11:34 AM
I was looking at ibuypower's multitouch gaming laptop and it was actually fairly cheap for what you could put in it

July 2nd, 2010, 02:20 PM
The M11x should come a combo USB/eSATA port like my M15x, I'd have to check.

E: Nope you're right, no eSATA. I thought it would of come with Gigabit Ethernet, but I suppose you'll just be connecting through wireless anyways. Only time I used the Gigabit on my M11x was a direct crossover cable connection to my desktop to transfer some 720p video files.

July 2nd, 2010, 02:27 PM
Also look through this

July 3rd, 2010, 10:29 AM
Yeah gigabit is pretty High on my list as I've just migrated my home network to gigabit and would like to utilize it. There is firewire, so I could use any compatible external drive full speed (USB external drives bottleneck) I'm still upset about carrying around an optical drive. What the heck the laptop does look pretty sweet. Think I'm going to get it.