View Full Version : Accentuate the positive, Challenge yourself, achieve something.

July 26th, 2010, 06:31 AM
How'ya goin' Mate,

now with that over with your probably wondering what the fuck my thread title is about.

Now a few of you guys know that i've suffered from depression, and it comes back to say hello every now and then, so i've decided to try something just a bit different with my life and i'm gunna see how it goes.
Now "EnRique" as i like to call my depression is a persistent fucker, but i swear to god he's the most boring Split personality you'll ever meet.

let me explain.
Now the single biggest thing that feeds him has got to be, the loop
..stuck in a loop
or the routine.

heres an average day for me:
Wake up at the same time
have a shower at the same time for the same length of time
eat the same shit for breakfast
drive to work at the same time
work for the same cockheads i hate
till i have my break at the same time
when i eat the same shit for lunch
so i can drive back to work at the same time
to work again at the same time
to drive home at the same time
to eat dinner at the same time
to sleep at the same time

so i get to do it all again the next day!! ??

Now tell me people, does any of this sound familiar to you?


Fuck the routine!

So how do we fix this charade of a life? how do we stick EnRique in his dark hole and leave him?

well it's quiet simple really.
Do something productive.

"you mean like surf the forums??"


I swear to god if i have to one more time i'll urhgasgjnnerdsomfg.....:maddowns:

Something actually productive.
Now it's pretty simple really, what's an idea, a task, a hobby, a women??? you've been putting off lately, or you've thought of doing something? hell even a pipe dream?
Go out an do it.:iamafag:

Look now it doesn't have to be about saving the world, or the whales or the beaches from ugly people, it can be anything.

"why do this at all? whats the point?"
Well apart from the obvious of getting shit done this is primarily a mental exercise to change a path of focus for yourself and your outlook on life. To be blunt, the routine will kill you eventually, A person is just not ment to be a cog in the machine or a slave to work, or obligations for their entire life.
We're just not capable of doing that shit.
A person has to have diversity, goals ambitions, desire, motivation! in order to live properly, and it all starts with you.
A sense of accomplishment would have to be one of the staples of a sane state of mind. So go out and accomplish something GOD!

As for me?

Quiet simple really, i've started doing other shit, my goal now is to achieve something small each day, so that it will be what i have accomplished that i'll be able to point to as a reason for my existence.
not the machine nature of the routine.

i went to a Pimps and hoes party for my girlfriends 18th, and took a cane for my outfit. i borrowed the costume off my neighbour, however the cane broke while i was using it.
real bummer tbh, it was a gift to her for her 50th birthday (even if it was a cheap piece of shit from our china)
so i decided to make a new one for her.
So i went to the back of the shed, found some offcuts of wood, reassembled the lathe machine (wood turner) cleaned some chisels and got to work. I made a cool little design for it, gave it some racing stripes, used red cedar for the shaft, and a silky oak handle.
cut the shit together and joined it.
I just finished shaping, carving, staining and lacquer it and it looks a million dollars, and i bet she'll appreciate it more then just a piece of shit flown over in tonnes from china.

and this was only a few hours work tops.
but even better then that, now i can point to something and say that i achieved something.

I challenge you,
one good deed, task, accomplishment per day, and lets see if we can start something.

July 26th, 2010, 08:04 AM
I agree with this. I recently (yesterday) decided to build a dresser for my girlfriend. We went to pick up one she had in storage for a long time and turns out it's a piece of shit. She was really disappointed so now i'm going to build her a solid oak dresser/vanity.

oh shit, it's 9:02 am. I'm 2 minutes late for my "step outside the office and have my second cig of the day" :gonk:

July 26th, 2010, 11:45 AM
Your depression is in no way liked to a daily routine, in fact a daily routine helps to reduce depression.

However I like your idea of doing new things, spicing up life and adding flare.

Today I spent 6 hours putting together a wardrobe, tomorrow I plan to walk through the fields for 3 miles, hit the pub have a cooked meal and a pint and walk back.

If it rains I'll design some stuff perhaps do some drawing.

July 26th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Your depression is in no way liked to a daily routine, in fact a daily routine helps to reduce depression.

I think its foolish to outright say that someone else's depression is or is not based in an aspect of their lives. Depression grips different people for different reasons. Regardless of what you may have read or studied, the field of psychology is too deep to merit universal truths.

I've discovered that adventure is necessary for my life. If you're going to spend your entire life in front of your computer, you may as well be a keyboard. The way I sustain my thirst for adventure is through hiking and biking. When I've explored every hill and ravine in my town, I will find someplace else to explore.

July 26th, 2010, 03:39 PM
I actually needed some motivation today and god damn it if you didn't give me some Bod :)

*gets to work on design*

July 26th, 2010, 03:41 PM
Being adventurous and trying new things in life really does help improve the quality of life. The past few years I have been really inactive in my workout routine, due to circumstances with my weight set and friends.

So I haven't been using my car for 3 months. I walk everywhere and if it's too far to walk,i use the bus. That's a great time to take in my surroundings and brainstorm. I can honestly say I'm doing a lot better now.

July 26th, 2010, 03:50 PM
Snaf, I think I remember that you had a DSLR, have you considered taking it with you to places?

July 27th, 2010, 02:24 AM
so it's been nearly a day since i posted that

i got another 2 coats of laquer on the cane
What has everyone else accomplished?

English Mobster
July 27th, 2010, 02:43 AM
Well, within the last day, I've written a grand total of 10,000 words (or 1/7.5th of a novel). Made me feel really fucking accomplished, considering I normally write less than 3,000, if that.
It helps that I was doing it to get paid (~4,000 was a total rewrite of one of the chapters in my novel, ~6,000 was for various freelance writing jobs I've picked up).

July 27th, 2010, 07:40 AM

July 27th, 2010, 07:52 AM
got the garage (aka woodshop) straightened up and freed up the planers and table saws and such. Made a trip to the hardware store to help her pick out stains and pulls. she said she wanted to paint it so I was like "holy fuck no i'm not making it solid oak if you don't want stain". Luckily she found a nice stain and we've got a solid plan now, unfortunately I was somehow coaxed into giving my number to this crazy woman who will probably call me now for cabinetry advice...or maybe it won't be so bad - she seemed nice enough and will probably need some help here and there.

July 27th, 2010, 07:56 AM
Good stuff.

had a Great game of indoor cricket with the boys, kicked ass, won by 100 runs
put another couple coats on the walking stick, should be ready tomorrow :)

July 27th, 2010, 08:08 AM
Lifeā„¢ Apparently, it's being discovered everyday.

Honestly, quit telling yourself it's allrite. Your in a hole, it sucks, get the fuck out of it. Theres your "spontaneous". Why are you preaching the mantra of making the hole prettier to live in.

It can't be forced out of necessity. You have to take on a role and a path otherwise the "creativity" itself becomes a routine.


Also, heres something spontaneous:

VISIT ME FFS BODIE. You keep saying you will, you keep messaging me and such going YEAH!! but where the fuck is it. It's been a full year and you still haven't been to my new place.

I'm beginning to think you like the rut. This to me is like your way of dealing with your lack of enthusiasm. You've been out of the game for so long, one good deed for someone feels like your fucking superman and outgoing. Honestly, you could be doing way more.


July 27th, 2010, 08:44 AM
Well I'm not THAT religous of a person but I went on a church mission trip with some friends that go to church. We painted the church and a house, rebuilt a wall and a roof on one house that had almost fallen, Landscaped the entire church by removing trees and taking out cactuses ( fucking axes are so much funer than chainsaws) and then had a party thing for the whole community to come and have free food and let there children play. and while as usual I only learned more about religion for me to disagree and think what a croc it is most of the time, I had a lot of fun and the community was very nice to us.

July 27th, 2010, 02:55 PM
Snaf, I think I remember that you had a DSLR, have you considered taking it with you to places?
i take my camera, sketchpad and cellphone (3.2 mp) with me just about everywhere. not to mention rendering markers and the like.

aside from that i'm getting my own personal design style fleshed out that i've been wanting to for a while. woop.

July 27th, 2010, 04:10 PM
the only reason i havn't come round dane is because everytime i talk to you about it or tee something up, bam the next 3 weekends get booked out for things like ruby's 18th, racheals 21st, dylan coming home, mums birthday..... just shit comes in waves and by the time it's over and i get a break for the weekend... i have to have it.

also dont pull that shit with me, not after the years of trouble i had getting you away from rosie for one night.
"hey man i havn't seen you in like 8 months, lets have a link up or a piss up or something"
"i havn't seen rosie in 5 days so i'm gunna spend the weekend with her."

"........... >_>"

July 28th, 2010, 02:46 PM
man-projects own, everyone should build a treehouse.

July 28th, 2010, 03:12 PM

July 28th, 2010, 04:45 PM
So plant one, like a man.

July 29th, 2010, 07:53 AM
So plant one go find one dig it up with a shovel and pick-axe, put it in your yard and command it to grow, like a man.

tree houses are great projects