View Full Version : crazy dorm floor

October 21st, 2011, 05:36 PM
i guess every friday night my floor's RA takes off or something, because every friday around this time a bunch of people on my floor chuck frisbees up and down the narrow hall. they are doing this as i type this. now, i dont give a shit about them denting the walls and ceiling and murdering hundreds of frisbees (that they have been stealing from the frat downstairs, i think), but they have hit the fire sprinklers on the ceiling more than a couple times, and the fire alarm pull switch thing itself. they havent set off an alarm yet, but thats what im concerned about. i and a couple other people have mentioned it more than once, but they dont seem to give a shit.

so, any suggestions? im being told i should dress up like artyom from metro 2033, wait for the frisbee to land outside my door, then quickly step out, take it, and retreat back into my room. although seeing as they massacre like 20 frisbees a night, i cant imagine this will be too effective. i dont want to be that asshole that reports people for having fun, but im seriously concerned about the fire alarm getting set off because of the sprinklers. i dont want my shit getting destroyed because some dipshit cant aim. also, i hate alarms. with a passion.

October 21st, 2011, 05:45 PM
If they're traditional fire sprinklers, setting off the alarm won't do shit. Fire sprinklers work by having a low temperature metal plug blocking the water outlet. When it gets too hot, the metal melts, and the water jet is unblocked. Some sprinklers use an alcohol filled glass capsule that bursts when it gets too hot instead of a metal plug.
Maybe the most setting off the alarm will do is pressurize the system, but unless you have a bonfire in your room nothing's gonna happen.

Movies and TV always get fire sprinklers wrong lol.

October 21st, 2011, 06:01 PM
they have set off fire alarms and sprinklers enough times around campus for it to be a legitimate concern. also, one kid a few buildings away broke a sprinkler by pulling something he was hanging off of it (i know...) and he flooded not only his room, but the rooms surrounding his as the water seeped under the door, and the rooms below his. i didnt see it myself, but i heard you could see water pouring down the inside of his room's window and all the other windows below his.

also, there are types of fire sprinklers that are under air pressure. when one is activated, the pressure in the pipes goes down and a valve opens sending the water through. even if that doesnt set the sprinkler in my room off, they play around basically right out side my door, and theres a sprinkler right out there.

also, as i was typing that, somebody threw a frisbee that bounced off a wall into someone's room and broke his bowl. theyre all pissed off now. its getting a little out of control.

October 21st, 2011, 06:09 PM
In that case, invest in a case of air-horns.
Or like, hang a sheet outside blocking the hallway or something, I dunno.

Broke his bowl? Like.. toilet bowl?

October 21st, 2011, 06:19 PM
Where do you go to college? I would hate to live there.

October 21st, 2011, 06:22 PM
by bowl, i mean a dish. like something you eat food out of. and i go to RIT, and i dont think its this bad normally. its just a couple people on my floor. i mean you have those dip shits who blast music too and cant cook popcorn, and thats normally why fire alarms go off.

im pretty sure the frisbee thing is local to the 6 or 7 people doing it on my floor.

El Lobo
October 21st, 2011, 08:04 PM
Ah man, I want to live in a dorm again.


October 21st, 2011, 09:07 PM
Reminds me of the shit I dealt with last year. So glad I got off campus (miss the internet connection though D: )

October 30th, 2011, 03:15 PM
Wow really?

I would totally be "that guy" who reported them.

Also, don't you have doors to your rooms? lol.

October 30th, 2011, 06:37 PM
I would join them.

October 30th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Wow really?

I would totally be "that guy" who reported them.

Also, don't you have doors to your rooms? lol.
yeah we do. mine was shut. theyve calmed down a bit since i posted this. as far as i know, only one frisbee was destroyed last friday. i think the new game is throwing empty plastic bottles at each other now, which is pretty amusing since theres a lot lower of a chance of them setting off any sprinklers and a lot higher chance of them hurting each other. i guess bottles are easier to come across than frisbees.

im finding as i make friends with and get to know these people, their craziness becomes a lot more bearable. theyre all just really wound all the time and blow off steam when the RAs take off. to be honest i was just really pissed off when i first posted this thread. i mean, the fire sprinkler thing was and still is a legitimate concern, but this stuff is kind of funny now that frisbees arnt sailing into people's rooms and breaking shit.

im still at odds with the guy next door who likes to keep his subwoofer against my wall, but i can usually ask him to turn down the bass dial when shit starts vibrating off my desk. thats probably better than duct taping my speakers facing the wall and isolating the 1k to 2k frequencies of mariachi music at full volume.

i still keep my shoes, pants, and jacket ready to go in case some drunk fuck comes back at 3 am and fails miserably at cooking popcorn, setting off the alarms. im pretty sure that almost happened last night.
E: that DID happen in the building next door on friday.

October 30th, 2011, 09:14 PM
My dorm was interesting. After renovation, it was split down the middle. On one end of the hall guys lived with girls on the other end. Only thing that separated the two were a set of double doors that were "locked". Not sure if it was awesome RAs or just oversight.

November 1st, 2011, 09:30 PM
lol freshmen.

November 1st, 2011, 09:51 PM
lol freshmen.

i worked out some arrangements with a friend of mine. we're moving into an apartment just off campus come second year, so these things should HOPEFULLY not be quite so much of a problem.

although im sure apartments are just a whole separate load of bullshit. but its cheaper than the dorms, i dont have to sleep on a slab of cement any more, and ill probably probably have control over my heat so i can turn it on when its 40 FUCKING DEGREES OUTSIDE instead of being at the mercy of whoever decides its ok for the dorm heater master switch to be turned on (and this guy apparently has quite a tolerance for cold because my room is freezing and the hall is even worse. seriously, i could OC my computer and cool it effectively just from the ambient temperature in here).

dark navi
November 1st, 2011, 11:28 PM

i worked out some arrangements with a friend of mine. we're moving into an apartment just off campus come second year, so these things should HOPEFULLY not be quite so much of a problem.

although im sure apartments are just a whole separate load of bullshit. but its cheaper than the dorms, i dont have to sleep on a slab of cement any more, and ill probably probably have control over my heat so i can turn it on when its 40 FUCKING DEGREES OUTSIDE instead of being at the mercy of whoever decides its ok for the dorm heater master switch to be turned on (and this guy apparently has quite a tolerance for cold because my room is freezing and the hall is even worse. seriously, i could OC my computer and cool it effectively just from the ambient temperature in here).

Plasma TVs for heating...