View Full Version : A Royal Coverup!

April 18th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Yes, the title says it all. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2131486/Pippa-Middleton-gun-photos-Driver-Romain-Rabillard-lawyer-advises-Heckler--Koch.html

So earlier this week a photographer was following a car in Paris that had Pippa Middleton in. Next thing the driver of the car whips out a gun and starts waving it around and pointing it directly at the photographer.


Considering last month a man went on a killing spree in Paris using guns, its a pretty bad time to be pissing around with either a real or fake weapon. In Paris if you are caught with a real gun in public you can face a prison sentence of 7 years, and 2 years if its a fake gun. This would apply to every passenger in the car.

Side note: The guy with the weapon is a lawyer for the worlds largest small arms dealer.

So clearly this is deep shit that Pippa has got herself into, French police wanted to question her about the incident.

Guess what? From 'invention from London' the case has now been given a low priority status and it will probably be dropped altogether, who else bets that the Royal lawyers swooped in and tried to cover all this up?

What gets me is how these people are somehow 'untouchable', if that was 4 regular joes in a car,they would already be in prison, or possible even shot by armed police. But no because they are rich and the sister of the heir to the thrown they get 'special treatment'.

Just imagine if the photographer had pointed a gun at them. Would be a totally different outcome.

So yeah rants over, what are your thoughts? Should they get away with it, when the rest of the public would be prosecuted? Do you think its a coverup?

April 18th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Of course it is. It happens all the time when rich/famous/influential people get involved with fuckups. What a fucking stupid thing to do, though. What was going through the guy's head?

April 18th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Of course it is. It happens all the time when rich/famous/influential people get involved with fuckups. What a fucking stupid thing to do, though. What was going through the guy's head?
Probably Diana's death.

April 18th, 2012, 01:16 PM
Of course it is. It happens all the time when rich/famous/influential people get involved with fuckups. What a fucking stupid thing to do, though. What was going through the guy's head?
Pippa Middleton's vagina.

April 18th, 2012, 06:43 PM
7 years for having a gun?

2 for having a fake one?

What a country lol.

April 18th, 2012, 07:35 PM
In public, yes.

April 18th, 2012, 07:41 PM
Well where the fuck else do you have a gun? Just in your house? What good is it then? Its a gun!

IDFK, thats just retarded. I know I'm going to get blaster by Neuro and the like, but IDFK anymore. The lack of ability to make your own personal decision in some parts of Europe is shocking. So is the lack of personal independence. They aren't even allowed to have the means to defend themselves anymore.

Now, on topic, what those pictures show is retarded, completely reckless, and jail worthy. Too bad theyre rich and it wont happen!

April 18th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Tyrant, for someone who descends from Ireland you really don't seem to know how things work across the pond do you?

Rainbow Dash
April 18th, 2012, 08:05 PM
Well where the fuck else do you have a gun? Just in your house? What good is it then? Its a gun!

IDFK, thats just retarded. I know I'm going to get blaster by Neuro and the like, but IDFK anymore. The lack of ability to make your own personal decision in some parts of Europe is shocking. So is the lack of personal independence. They aren't even allowed to have the means to defend themselves anymore.

Now, on topic, what those pictures show is retarded, completely reckless, and jail worthy. Too bad theyre rich and it wont happen!

I live in Canada and I too am glad that I've never even SEEN a gun. It's funny how the odd-one-out country is treating this like it's bizarre.

April 18th, 2012, 08:15 PM
A gun can't be used just at home for self defense? I have a gun in my drawer, but I have never used nor even thought about doing so.

April 18th, 2012, 08:27 PM
A gun isn't the only way to defend yourself.
I love how people think a gun is a be all end all for self defense, there are alternatives.

Besides, I imagine the french are far too busy with their wine and "fashion".

April 18th, 2012, 08:40 PM
Yeah, there are. That's why I have a baseball bat in my closet and a 3.5 inch pocketknife. Though at 5'7'' and 100 pounds, I'd rather not get close.
I never even implied that a gun was the only way to defend yourself. L2 read.

April 18th, 2012, 08:41 PM
A gun can't be used just at home for self defense? I have a gun in my drawer, but I have never used nor even thought about doing so.
If someone breaks into my house now, threatens my family (with a gun/knife). If I stab him and he dies, it is very likely that I'd go to jail for murder.

They are trying to bring the law to a decent level of protecting yourself, but its still absolutely shocking about how little power you have to defend yourself/property.

April 18th, 2012, 08:46 PM
Lol your justice system is broken. Actually.... which one isn't?

April 18th, 2012, 09:22 PM
Holy shit it's a gun.

I prefer using a Katana, but Britain has laws against carrying those as self-defense too.

@Limited: Is that how it works in Britain? I know in the U.S. it's considered self-defense because they trespassed, threatened other individuals, and only because you stabbed once. Now if you stabbed the guy like 5 times after he's obviously incapacitated, then it's considered murder.

April 18th, 2012, 11:49 PM
If someone breaks into my house now, threatens my family (with a gun/knife). If I stab him and he dies, it is very likely that I'd go to jail for murder.

They are trying to bring the law to a decent level of protecting yourself, but its still absolutely shocking about how little power you have to defend yourself/property.
Very true, self-defence is super murky though. I'm a great proponent of actually being able to defend yourself and your family, the problem is that in most situations where people would employ it you basically have to take their word for what happened. It'd be pretty easy to mask a deliberate killing as self-defence or even just skip every step up to "lethal" in the escalation of force. A lot of people are irresponsible, have very poor judgement, and/or are idiots. There are also no shortage of overly emotional, unstable people out there who I wouldn't want to trust with the right to go about in public while armed; on the other hand double standards aren't cool and if you disallow one group, you end up having to eventually do it to everyone anyway.

I really strongly dislike that some states in the US have no duty to retreat, as well. I can understand that within your own home or car perhaps, but out on the street? No, even drawing a weapon should be your last resort, let alone discharging it. A lot of people are either very poorly-informed about weapons and think absolutely nobody should have them ever as if they're some kind of possessive, demonic death totem, and a similar number are just plain blasé about it and don't seem to fully grasp the gravity of deadly force.

To get back to the topic itself, waving a gun around like that is a no-no. It is just about everywhere, even the US; brandishing is a felony in most states if I recall correctly. I don't see anything wrong with that. It might seem like a joke to those involved, but to those who can't tell between a toy or a real gun (which is like 99.9% of the population from what I've seen), it's terrifying. It's like why you can't whip your cock out in the middle of the street, people are fucking terrified about your intent and fear for their lives and/or anal virginity. Carrying a gun, in places where it's legal, is just fine. Taking it out within a suitable context is fine. Pulling it out and waving it around like an idiot, then breaking THE most important safety rule by pointing it directly at another person, is absolutely fucking unacceptable, toy or not.

April 18th, 2012, 11:53 PM
Now if you stabbed the guy like 5 times after he's obviously incapacitated, then it's considered murder.

Who else was there to see it? Just say that he didn't go down until the 5th.

April 18th, 2012, 11:59 PM
Who else was there to see it? Just say that he didn't go down until the 5th.
Yeah this is basically my point entirely.

April 19th, 2012, 01:32 AM
do you guys not have police in america

like in canada we can dial this number "911" and have police come over to our house if somebody breaks in and we feel threatened idk maybe something you should think about introducing over there?

April 19th, 2012, 06:16 AM
7 years for having a gun?

2 for having a fake one?

What a country lol.

you know how many violent crimes and school shootings happen in france?

what a country lol.

April 19th, 2012, 08:16 AM
@Limited: Is that how it works in Britain? I know in the U.S. it's considered self-defense because they trespassed, threatened other individuals, and only because you stabbed once. Now if you stabbed the guy like 5 times after he's obviously incapacitated, then it's considered murder.
What limited said Isn't how it works.
He's probably thinking back to the farmer who was originally charged for shooting two people who broke into his home.
The way the law system works here is not whether you can defend your home but how much damage you inflict.
If I was at home and someone broke into my house I could give them a warning to back off and failing that I could beat the shit out of them until they left the home but I must Not block them from leaving or hold them captive.
You can either scare them off with a beating or do what's known as a citizens arrest which you ensure both yourself and the other person/s safety whilst calling the police.

In short it's the same principle as giving first aid, if you know what you're doing go then ahead but if you don't then don't fucking try because you'll make things worse.

E: Also Limited's from Dorset, no one ever bothers listening to people from Dorset.

April 19th, 2012, 09:53 AM
you know how many violent crimes and school shootings happen in france?

what a country lol.
At least I can make my own decisions about my life here. And I'm not some raving maniac who would ever hurt anyone. Unless its to prevent harm to my family there isn't much point in waving a gun about in the first place. Until they make you not have another solution you should always seek another one. Anyone with a brain knows that.

As far as crime rates, when your government has control over every damn decision you make I'm certain your going to be more likely to make slightly less dangerous ones. But your giving up freedom for security.

WarLord, we've had this discussion many times. You know how I feel and I know how you feel. We don't need to retread it.

April 19th, 2012, 03:53 PM
Who else was there to see it? Just say that he didn't go down until the 5th.
You'd be surprised how an autopsy (at least in the U.S., not sure about elsewhere) can show in what manner the man died. Of course, you do have a point and you could just lie, but I believe this scenario is actually more geared towards guns/bullets.

you know how many violent crimes and school shootings happen in france?

what a country lol.


If someone wants a gun, they'll find one, especially if the gunmen don't plan past their shooting. What would they have to lose if their plan was to die in their malicious act?

April 19th, 2012, 04:07 PM
You'd be surprised how an autopsy (at least in the U.S., not sure about elsewhere) can show in what manner the man died. Of course, you do have a point and you could just lie, but I believe this scenario is actually more geared towards guns/bullets.

Actually, yeah, you're right. I'm studying forensics and learned something similar in one of my courses. Heh...oh god, time to choose a new major since I'm shit at this.

you know how many violent crimes and school shootings happen in france?

what a country lol.

No wonder it's pretty much a police state lol.

April 19th, 2012, 09:21 PM
do you guys not have police in america

like in canada we can dial this number "911" and have police come over to our house if somebody breaks in and we feel threatened idk maybe something you should think about introducing over there?
presumably their police are under-staffed, under-funded, and covering too large an area to be effective. the stupid adherence to county lines as well as state doesn't help; here we have state police and federal police, that's it. even here though the cops can take some time to respond to calls, if someone corners you with the intent of killing you then hard luck, you're pretty much guaranteed dead. this is always what i perceived carry as being for, as well as the prevention or at least deterrence of home invasions, but people are idiots and insist on resorting to lethal force when it's not necessary or even excusable

April 19th, 2012, 10:42 PM
Never had a problem with police or with them not coming when my family has called. Then again we had some big dogs for a long time which i know for certain bit a man once (blood trail leading from inside garage door to out the back gate). Guns aren't neccessarily about self defense though. There may come a time when we will have to usurp the throne that our government is becoming. At that time we will have the tools to do so, if not the unity.

April 20th, 2012, 12:34 AM
Police are usually only hated around Georgia for traffic related incidents or wayward/random brutality (as in, the brutality was done for a weird/random reason). But generally speaking, the cops I've at least come into contact with have cared for my well-being. Once, a cop pulled my brother and I over because I was wearing my seat belt wrong and then proceeded to lecture me about how dangerous it was: basically he said a crash would have resulted in my being paralyzed from the waste down, which the whole situation and his tenacity in speech freaked my feeble high school Freshman brain out. He didn't give us a ticket when he clearly (and they usually do in a school zone) could have. If there's anyone in the state to actually dislike and be wary of law-wise, it's the FBI sector here: they are over accusatory and try to pry the answers they want out of you. It's easy to see which side they're on in a case.

April 20th, 2012, 04:29 AM
olololol thread :iamafag:

today is hitlers birthday, i look foreign and live in an active neonazi region. maybe i shouldn't even leave the house today

April 20th, 2012, 05:11 AM
Wait, seriously? I thought you got jail time for that kinda shit.

April 20th, 2012, 12:39 PM
You should know by now that is a completely ineffective deterrent, dude.

April 20th, 2012, 01:33 PM
What limited said Isn't how it works.
He's probably thinking back to the farmer who was originally charged for shooting two people who broke into his home.
The way the law system works here is not whether you can defend your home but how much damage you inflict.
If I was at home and someone broke into my house I could give them a warning to back off and failing that I could beat the shit out of them until they left the home but I must Not block them from leaving or hold them captive.
You can either scare them off with a beating or do what's known as a citizens arrest which you ensure both yourself and the other person/s safety whilst calling the police.

In short it's the same principle as giving first aid, if you know what you're doing go then ahead but if you don't then don't fucking try because you'll make things worse.

E: Also Limited's from Dorset, no one ever bothers listening to people from Dorset.

You must have missed the whole Myleene Class fiasco then (although I do recall mentioning it previously).

Myleene Class (celebrity) was inside her house with her baby/young daughter. Some thieves tried to break open her French doors and they were holding baseball bats and acting in an aggressiveness manner. Myleene was in the kitchen, picked up a knife and basically waved it around a bit to try and scare off the bugalers.

They ran off and she called the police and explained the situation. They gave her a warning because she brandished an offensive weapon.


( (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8451369.stm)They did actually give her a warning, they tried to back peddle with PR).

There is no way whatsoever you can spin that Warlord. Anyone here would have done the exact same thing as she did.

Yes I was thinking of that farmer case, he did shoot both of them, who which by the way both had guns.

April 20th, 2012, 01:45 PM
You must have missed the whole Myleene Class fiasco then (although I do recall mentioning it previously).
I've seen it, You need realize that people spend more time complaining than they do making appraisals.
My family had some trouble years back and the person who was harassing the people in the car a relative was driving dived onto the bonet whilst the vehicle was idle, when it was reported the officer asked why the relative didn't hold the pedal down because it would have saved them paper work and would be considered self defense.

They ran off and she called the police and explained the situation. They gave her a warning because she brandished an offensive weapon.

Again, different districts, you can't condemn the entire police force because of one district.

There is no way whatsoever you can spin that Warlord. Anyone here would have done the exact same thing as she did.

I've not spun anything.

Yes I was thinking of that farmer case, he did shoot both of them, who which by the way both had guns.
Which by the way the case against the farmer was dropped.

You seem to think I'm not aware of these things.
you also seem to think because these things come up, it must be the norm, You're forgetting these aren't the norm, the very reason they're news worthy is because they're an exception to the norm.

April 20th, 2012, 02:59 PM
Wait, seriously? I thought you got jail time for that kinda shit.
For pointing a gun at people or having a gun?

Pointing a gun at someone, yes.

Also if that is a real gun it has a really, really narrow bore. Do they make .25 ACPs at H&K?

April 20th, 2012, 05:21 PM
Warlord, the case was not dropped, hes still in prison...


April 20th, 2012, 05:48 PM
On 28 July 2003, Martin was released after serving three years of his five-year sentence,[5] the maximum period for which he could be held following good behaviour.

No he isn't >_>

April 20th, 2012, 06:56 PM
True :D Still he served 3 years.

Only because they are newsworthy? A guy in my town was arrested and taken to court 32 times on assault charges, and it took the 33th time to get a conviction and jail time.

Judge Roger Jarvis heard that McCrystal had a history of offending and had appeared 33 times at different courts including several appearances for assault.

People are getting away with 'serious' things all the damn time Warlord, it is common. Or if they do get convicted, they get let out ridiculously early.

April 20th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Served three years for protecting himself? Against people who HAD guns?

Jesus God -_-