View Full Version : HCE Halo 1 Xbox restoration mod by Stuntman

t3h m00kz
May 4th, 2016, 12:07 PM
THREAD ON TEAMBEYOND (http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/11775-current-state-of-halo-pc-the-xbox-experience/page-1)

I felt this could use some exposure.

stunt_man and his crew are working on a modification to restore Halo 1 Xbox multiplayer, fixing bugs and discrepancies that exist in between PC and Xbox.

- Discrepant map geometry (fixed, smaller fixes in progress)
- H1.5 Xbox maps added
- Empty Weapon Despawn (fixed)
- Weapons/Equipment Spawn Times: Unpredictability (fixed)
- Weapons/Equipment Spawn Times: Notifications (fixed)
- Disable Hit Sound for All Players (fixed)
- Active Camouflage Shader (fixed)
- Starting Grenade Count (fixed)
- Restored FX (shield pop, death sounds) (partially fixed, still in progress)
- Hud discrepancies (partially fixed, still in progress)
- Controller Movement (fixed, requires configuration)
- Controller Aiming (fixed, requires configuration)
- Shot Lead & Registration improvements (improved, still in progress)
- Rubberbanding/Warping & Network Consistency (in progress)
- Scope stretching (in progress)

He's running 3 servers hosting the current public release of this mod. They include server-side and client-side scripts and fixes.




Video by Lateski:


October 16th, 2016, 01:02 PM
Here's the full thread:
