View Full Version : H2V players make me laugh

June 4th, 2007, 01:18 PM
Ok im posting this because i joined a game and was promptly hit with "You fucking suck" and "your a fucking noob". now that just reminded me of Halo 2 for the X-box.....That just furthers my theory that Halo2 turns even the Happiest of people into Enraged Assholes (myself included) I never thought this would happen because PC gamers tend to be more "friendly". also i havent played 1 good H2V player yet. I mean honestly, am i the only H2X Pro thats also a PC gamer?.....i feel so alone....its so cold here.

June 4th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Are you retarded?

June 4th, 2007, 01:27 PM
Are you retarded?
+rep 4 u, also yeah your idea is jsut plain dumb so Halo 2 makes people angry.

Neuro Guro
June 4th, 2007, 01:28 PM
Are you retarded?

lol, I love retorical questions.

MetKiller Joe
June 4th, 2007, 01:58 PM
Just don't go into rooms that say:

"W3 Pwn f*cking n00Bs!:P!"

Also, if you don't know or care who is in the room, just unplug your mike and just set so that you cannot hear anybody.

Problem solved.

June 4th, 2007, 01:58 PM
idk what your talking about.....Halo 1 was much much worse.....H2V has a very small amount of little kids and it seems that there is a lot less trash talk.

June 4th, 2007, 02:11 PM
How many other games have you played besides Halo?

Oh, none? That explains things ;p

June 4th, 2007, 02:26 PM
You better hope I dont get H2v and find my mic. I love talking trash, shouting at some 11 year old noobs making them cry, oh the joy :D:D

June 4th, 2007, 03:57 PM
LOL, have you never joined a room where people didn't say that? I know I have. That means it's not the game that turns us into people such as your self, it's the people that use the game's voice chat to mess with your head. Of course you should never heed what people say in a video game but it seems you take it too seriously, HMReaper. Why is this rant in General Discussion? We already have other threads like it, and they're officially accepted.

June 4th, 2007, 05:28 PM
You better hope I dont get H2v and find my mic. I love talking trash, shouting at some 11 year old noobs making them cry, oh the joy :D:D

Would would we not hope that you don't get it for that =D

I would WANT you to bash on them (as long as I'm there). The only thing I would want to hope for is them filing a complaint >.>

June 4th, 2007, 05:40 PM
I laugh at people who care if incompetent people suffering from disinhibition talk trash at them.

I also laugh at the incompetent people suffering from disinhibition.

June 4th, 2007, 05:43 PM
"The only thing I would want to hope for is them filing a complaint >.>"
You can actually file a complaint for some one upsetting you/shouting at you?

Bahha thats fucking ridiculous. I'm so getting this game just to have bungie email me/however they contact you to be like "Hello, We have recieved some complaints from users that you are mistreating them" or some shit.

I'd be teabagging someone and be shouting "suck ma balls bitch" down the mic, hahah gotta love it.

June 4th, 2007, 06:17 PM
"The only thing I would want to hope for is them filing a complaint >.>"
You can actually file a complaint for some one upsetting you/shouting at you?

Bahha thats fucking ridiculous. I'm so getting this game just to have bungie email me/however they contact you to be like "Hello, We have recieved some complaints from users that you are mistreating them" or some shit.

I'd be teabagging someone and be shouting "suck ma balls bitch" down the mic, hahah gotta love it.

lol ill have to get your gamer tag....you sound like you'd be a riot to play with

June 4th, 2007, 06:44 PM
that brings up a question...can you have multiple profiles in H2V?

June 4th, 2007, 06:59 PM
Not thread worthy imo.

June 4th, 2007, 06:59 PM
I was called a hacker today. Not my fault you can't hit an Elite you terrible noob.:lol:

June 4th, 2007, 07:07 PM
Hmm haven't noticed any of that yet. Then again i play in my clans ded and i have admin rights and they know it.

June 4th, 2007, 07:09 PM
I honestly haven't come across a lot of trash-talk yet. Thank goodness.

June 5th, 2007, 03:13 AM
I was called a hacker today. Not my fault you can't hit an Elite you terrible noob.:lol:

It's true Elite body ftw.

I've only met a few players that are pretty decent but there hasn't been enough good team games that I've been in. Being called a noob is just part of the game whether you kick ass or blow ass.

June 5th, 2007, 05:10 AM
I mean honestly, am i the only H2X Pro thats also a PC gamer?.....i feel so alone....its so cold here.


June 5th, 2007, 10:16 AM
I think thrash-talking is one of the joys with Halo 2 and it's even funnier if the dude takes the trash seriously and start bitching: "omg shut up you little n00b omg i can pwn uuuu!!!111" =)

June 5th, 2007, 01:31 PM
I have yet to play a person that can use mic and say crap. All the people that have used mics so far are people that have only "played halo 2 at friend's houses" or just "wanted" it bad enough to buy it.

So in all honesty, I feel as though my three years since the release date of Halo 2 for Xbox has passed over a great wealth of knowledge, and skills.

It's not the best set of knowledge, but to be honest, if someone makes a bad statement, just file complaint. I'm sure you won't be the only one.

June 5th, 2007, 08:48 PM
The people in this game are more retarded than any other game I've played, including Halo 1...example quote from the other day.

me"uh, if you're not 12...then what are you?"

And I haven't been in a single game where at least one person doesn't have a squeaky voice yelling "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING NOOB" complaining that everything wrong that happens to him is someone else's fault. So yeah, no mic ftw.

June 5th, 2007, 08:54 PM
That is FUNNY!

Elite Killa
June 5th, 2007, 09:08 PM
Maybe you should learn to suck it up! There's thousands, upon thousands of people out there looking for trouble. It's not that hard to find people who like to talk trash (hey, I do that every day :lol: ). Or, if you're going to be the little complainer that you are, just disable talking to people (somehow [I don't have H2V yet])so you don't have to go crying to your mom saying "MOMMY! THAT MEANIE CALLED ME UBER FAIL!!!! WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!"

June 5th, 2007, 09:38 PM
Wait.. you can actually hear people talking? All I hear is "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

June 5th, 2007, 10:04 PM
I don't get annoyed by this, i just uber pwn them with my skillz, and they stop talking. :cool:

Reaper Man
June 5th, 2007, 10:35 PM
<_< Fucking squeakers. Thank god I don't plan on getting H2V any time soon.

June 6th, 2007, 07:13 AM
Ok im posting this because i joined a game and was promptly hit with "You fucking suck" and "your a fucking noob". now that just reminded me of Halo 2 for the X-box.....That just furthers my theory that Halo2 turns even the Happiest of people into Enraged Assholes (myself included) I never thought this would happen because PC gamers tend to be more "friendly". also i havent played 1 good H2V player yet. I mean honestly, am i the only H2X Pro thats also a PC gamer?.....i feel so alone....its so cold here.

Okay, a couple of things.

First off, you're retarded. Halo 2 is not some magical hater-maker.

Second, don't criticize H2V at all. Ever. The people here religious zealots, and of course, you don't ever think when religion is involved. In other words, the people here are too stupid to recognize the flaws in this game, and instead think that all those who can't see that H2V is an orgasmic piece of awesome are retarded.

June 6th, 2007, 04:38 PM
Halo 2 is poorly optimized for the PC.

That's a valid and agreeable criticism.

And at you reaper, the chance of meeting a "good" H2V player is not a certain 1/1 probability.

June 7th, 2007, 12:21 AM
Okay, a couple of things.

First off, you're retarded. Halo 2 is not some magical hater-maker.

Second, don't criticize H2V at all. Ever. The people here religious zealots, and of course, you don't ever think when religion is involved. In other words, the people here are too stupid to recognize the flaws in this game, and instead think that all those who can't see that H2V is an orgasmic piece of awesome are retarded.

What a great way to make friends :downs:

Having a vendetta against the entire forum is cool

June 7th, 2007, 12:44 AM
Okay, a couple of things.

First off, you're retarded. Halo 2 is not some magical hater-maker.

Second, don't criticize H2V at all. Ever. The people here religious zealots, and of course, you don't ever think when religion is involved. In other words, the people here are too stupid to recognize the flaws in this game, and instead think that all those who can't see that H2V is an orgasmic piece of awesome are retarded.
Please don't tell me you're a member of halo2sucks.com.

June 7th, 2007, 12:59 AM
halo2sucks.com makes me laugh

June 7th, 2007, 01:18 AM
halo2sucks.com makes me laugh


They act like Halo was some girlfriend that dumped them because their e-peen was too small, and Halo 2 is her frumpy sister

June 7th, 2007, 01:01 PM
God the forums are infested with 10 year olds...somone needs to break out the ban hammer.

June 7th, 2007, 01:09 PM
Imagine the 10 year old problem getting worse as more schools are set out for summer, and parents get their kiddys PC's with Windows Vista. And they beg their parents for a mature game that was in the making before they were ever born, and beyond their maturity aspect to the point that they ask us not to curse if we're having fun, or tell us to shut up because we suck.

(Perhaps not in the making, but ideas were probably formed.)

We don't suck, because we're better than kids. We were kids once, and we got here from being kids.

June 7th, 2007, 02:19 PM

They act like Halo was some girlfriend that dumped them because their e-peen was too small, and Halo 2 is her frumpy sister
Oh hey, thanks for generalizing without investigating at all. :awesome:

June 7th, 2007, 02:43 PM
This whole thread is nothing but lulz.

-£§- §age
June 8th, 2007, 12:24 AM
Those kids are funny sometimes.

Halo 2 will be great when all the kids go to Halo 3.

June 8th, 2007, 12:39 AM
Oh hey, thanks for generalizing without investigating at all. :awesome:

Are you kidding me, I read through 8 pages of that shit. Don't tell me what I didn't do.

June 8th, 2007, 01:00 AM
This whole thread is nothing but lulz.

Not really...More like dumb and stupid. Seriously guys grow up.

June 8th, 2007, 02:37 AM
Are you kidding me, I read through 8 pages of that shit. Don't tell me what I didn't do.
I WILL tell you what you have done and you haven't done. I've been there for nearly two years and the only people who say things like that are frothing-at-the-mouth fan boys who do five minutes of investigation, find a member who is just as fanboyish as them in their hate, and then classify the whole site as the same. So, again, stop generalizing.

June 8th, 2007, 10:09 AM
I read





Current Talking Point
Attention Bungie: Make More Money!

I knew that would get your attention. Now, down to business…

It should be clear to you by now that you had a working formula in Halo: Combat Evolved. However accidental this formula was, it worked. If you care to look back at your sales trend data (not lump volume due to brand loyalty and multi-million dollar ad campaigns), you will notice the Halo 1 “formula” was much more effective than that of Halo 2. If, for whatever reason, you find it impossible to utilize the working formula of Halo while constructing Halo 3, you may want to consider one of these two options:

A. Make a version of Halo: Combat Evolved for the Xbox 360 that is set up for Xbox Live play. Now that you have the far superior processing power of the 360, the incredible lag found in online play due to the code structure of Halo C/E should be greatly reduced. In other words, with the inception of the 360, processing demands shouldn’t be considered an issue, and, therefore, you no longer have an excuse for keeping Halo 1 off Xbox Live. Believe it or not, you could take an exact copy of Halo C/E and slap “Now Xbox Live Compatible” on the box and sell it for $50+ a copy. Considering how little time and resources you would expend and how much revenue such a project would generate, as a business, you would have to be foolish not to pursue it.

B. If option A sounds like too much effort (ha) or is simply technologically infeasible, at least consider adding a “Halo 1” option in Halo 3. You could even jazz it up with an option title like “Old School” – make it as adolescent friendly as you want, we just want the content. Include all of Halo 1’s multiplayer maps (you can get rid of Chiron if you want), the same fluid movement, field of view, grenade physics, player physics, hit boxes, glitches, everything down to the t (Why make changes? No one wants them and it costs you money!). Take this option and make it playable on Xbox Live through the Halo 3 disc, and voila! You just tacked on another couple million copies sold. Cha Ching! Cha Ching! I know that’s music to your ears!That.




And all of these. And the way they're acting, over a fucking GAME, is so stupid it makes YOU look intelligent. Who the shit CARES if they didn't like Halo 2, CERTAINLY not Bungie, who enjoyed a profit for Halo 2 of epic proportions, and certainly not all the people who played and enjoyed Halo 2, like me. If they want to sit there and cry about the fact that theres "no pistol equivalent" and "too much autoaim for the SMG", then they can just go play Halo 1, because nobody else CARES!

June 8th, 2007, 10:33 AM
Bravo, you did exactly as I thought. All you did was read the main page. Did you bother to go to the forum? Because that's where the community is. That article on the front page was written by the web master and the creator of the website and his opinion doesn't reflect the community's at all. Hell, it hardly reflects anyone's opinion on Halo 2. We don't even visit the front page as it hasn't been updated in a year (the web master has been in absentia for God knows how long) GJ though at doing exactly as I thought you would.

June 8th, 2007, 11:28 AM
You're trying to tell me that the site owned wrote all those Halo stories, which were the main focus of what I said? Bullshit. And I stand by what I said before, getting that kind of attitude over a game is just childish. It's funny how you complain about other people's arrogance then post things like that.

Why would I waste my time in a Halo 2 bashing forum, anyway?

You know, for that matter, why did you sign on on a Halo 2-centric forum and spend all that time collecting news about Halo 2 Vista if Halo 2 sucks?

June 8th, 2007, 12:37 PM
You're trying to tell me that the site owned wrote all those Halo stories, which were the main focus of what I said? Bullshit. And I stand by what I said before, getting that kind of attitude over a game is just childish. It's funny how you complain about other people's arrogance then post things like that.

Why would I waste my time in a Halo 2 bashing forum, anyway?

You know, for that matter, why did you sign on on a Halo 2-centric forum and spend all that time collecting news about Halo 2 Vista if Halo 2 sucks?
Again why you are an idiot and again with your generalizations.

Don't call bullshit on the truth; the person who wrote those articles on the main page was one person and ONLY one person. That person, the web creator, hasn't been at that site in ages. As far as the community is concerned, we don't really care.

You don't know the attitude I have towards the game, so why go on the rampage, once again, to denote EVERYONE involved in the community as someone as such? It's not a "bashing" forum as well.

You know, there are a lot of people at this forum that do not like you at all, especially when you proclaimed the only reason you even browse around here is to piss people off, and I for one never paid any attention to it, but I'm now starting to see what people were saying. Seriously, just leave.

June 8th, 2007, 12:42 PM
I believe both of you are over reacting and taking ALOT of stuff out of context. Seriously, its the internet you two, just grow up.

There is a reason why the Ignore List exists.

June 8th, 2007, 02:18 PM
Yes, I made this rule that after 6 posts worth of pointless flame in one thread I'll ignore someone

June 8th, 2007, 03:24 PM
No, you need to do it the moment someone flame baits. :|

June 8th, 2007, 03:35 PM
lol, I love rhetorical questions.

June 8th, 2007, 03:53 PM
You guys are arguing over halo 2. Believe it or not, it's a 3 year old game and whether or not it sucks more than halo 1, has been discussed millions of times before and always ends up the same way. Kind of pointless to even argue about it now.

Ok im posting this because i joined a game and was promptly hit with "You fucking suck" and "your a fucking noob". now that just reminded me of Halo 2 for the X-box.....That just furthers my theory that Halo2 turns even the Happiest of people into Enraged Assholes (myself included) I never thought this would happen because PC gamers tend to be more "friendly". also i havent played 1 good H2V player yet. I mean honestly, am i the only H2X Pro thats also a PC gamer?.....i feel so alone....its so cold here.

Deal with it. There's trash-talking in pretty much every game out there. As long as immature people exist, it will persist.
Also, your theory is ridiculous, I doubt they were "happy people" to begin with.


If the forums needed a spell checker, I'm sure they'd have installed one by now :)

-£§- §age
June 8th, 2007, 06:51 PM
This whole thread is gayness on a bun.
Halo 1 rocks. Halo 2 rocks. Halo 3 will rock.
End of story.

June 9th, 2007, 09:26 PM
No, you need to do it the moment someone flame baits. :|
Flame baits? Maybe you need to go read urban dictionary? If I recall correctly, I'm not the one who generalized a whole forum and called a whole community a bunch of petty names, so how about you stay out of it.