View Full Version : Halo 2 Football map?

June 26th, 2007, 01:16 PM
Just wondering what happened to that Halo 2 multi player map that was made by staff working on Halo 2 vista. Were they going to release it to us? Have they? Do you actually know what I'm on about?

June 26th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Just wondering what happened to that Halo 2 multi player map that was made by staff working on Halo 2 vista. Were they going to release it to us? Have they? Do you actually know what I'm on about?

The way the map was designed is unable to be designed again by users because it was apparently designed with an unlocked editing kit. Though, maybe they will release it. Who knows.

June 26th, 2007, 01:33 PM
Just wondering what happened to that Halo 2 multi player map that was made by staff working on Halo 2 vista. Were they going to release it to us? Have they? Do you actually know what I'm on about?
It was soccer D: It didn't look all that amazing, really.

June 26th, 2007, 01:45 PM
Football IS soccer D:

June 26th, 2007, 03:04 PM
That depends on where you live.

June 26th, 2007, 03:23 PM
If had meant American football, I would've said American Football:p

The map sounded like a good idea, and apparently it was a favorite among the staff, so I was kinda looking forward to playing it.

June 26th, 2007, 03:24 PM
If had meant American football, I would've said American Football:p

The map sounded like a good idea, and apparently it was a favorite among the staff, so I was kinda looking forward to playing it.
If you had meant soccer, wouldn't you have said "futbol?"

June 26th, 2007, 04:04 PM
Quoted from the video, "My flag in this particular map is a huge football, umm, soccer ball, whatever you want to call it." Well, as previously stated, this map was obviously created with a fully functional editing kit. It's just kind of sad that this video was even released. I know that they didn't actually promise anything, but what's a guy to think when he sees a flag turn into a soccer ball through the use of H2 Vista's editing kit? I'll give you a hint, it's probably, "Hey, I can turn a flag into a soccer ball."

I had visions of milk and cookies, but all I see is water and bread. But I guess that's just they way the cookie crumbles.

Oh well. To tell the truth, I'm fine with just map construction. (But why settle for fine, when you can have a hecks yes? [or maybe HEKs yes]) Maybe they'll be cool enough the release the map a little farther down the road as a treat for people who actually decided to buy the game.

June 28th, 2007, 09:40 PM
Quoted from the video, "My flag in this particular map is a huge football, umm, soccer ball, whatever you want to call it." Well, as previously stated, this map was obviously created with a fully functional editing kit. It's just kind of sad that this video was even released. I know that they didn't actually promise anything, but what's a guy to think when he sees a flag turn into a soccer ball through the use of H2 Vista's editing kit? I'll give you a hint, it's probably, "Hey, I can turn a flag into a soccer ball."

I had visions of milk and cookies, but all I see is water and bread. But I guess that's just they way the cookie crumbles.

Oh well. To tell the truth, I'm fine with just map construction. (But why settle for fine, when you can have a hecks yes? [or maybe HEKs yes]) Maybe they'll be cool enough the release the map a little farther down the road as a treat for people who actually decided to buy the game.

Wow, I totally love your post.

June 28th, 2007, 10:11 PM
first of all i am saying here that i played that map on halo ce months before that demonstration video came out. it was made anomalously. so when i say the halo 2 hired gun talking about it as if it were they who thought of it and came up with this clever new idea i was kinda surprised. not saying anything here though.
here is the link to the halo ce one:http://www.download.com/Halo-Combat-Evolved-Halo-Ball-map/3000-7453_4-10297370.html
I bet someone can port it over h2v. the only thing is for some reasons the points dont work.

EDIT:If anyone does plan on porting theres a little glitch i found you might want to fix. when you hit the ball some times the hog get attached to it.

June 29th, 2007, 11:42 AM
hm with that map map they obviously had an unlcoked H2EK because the soccer ball was the flag they said in the h2ek teaser