View Full Version : Compiling Lightmap Errors.

June 26th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Everytime I try to compile lightmaps I get these:

06.26.07 18:56:03.687 tag sharing: loading tag names from shared.map
06.26.07 18:56:04.217 multiplayer/mainmenu map - loading dervish and chief animations, mp models
06.26.07 18:56:08.928 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
06.26.07 18:56:08.944 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
06.26.07 18:56:08.975 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
06.26.07 18:56:08.991 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
06.26.07 18:56:28.272 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_0.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
06.26.07 18:56:28.288 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_1.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
06.26.07 18:56:28.304 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_2.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
06.26.07 18:56:28.319 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_3.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
06.26.07 18:56:28.335 ERROR: shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' failed to postprocess
06.26.07 18:56:28.428 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #0 (skipping validation)
06.26.07 18:56:28.444 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #1 (skipping validation)
06.26.07 18:56:28.460 ### ERROR shader 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor' references invalid template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' (skipping validation)
06.26.07 18:56:28.475 TAG_LOAD: failed to postprocess: 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor.shader'
06.26.07 18:56:29.723 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\smg\garbage\magazine\magazi ne' didn't have begin fade or max draw distances set and we couldn't build defaults
06.26.07 18:56:40.050 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\characters\elite\fp_body\fp_body' shader 'objects\characters\elite\shaders\inset_lights' is opaque but was imported as transparent
06.26.07 18:56:42.219 ### WARNING model 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' variant 'default' cannot find region 'hg_lights'
06.26.07 18:56:43.732 ### WARNING unit 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' does not have both a render model and an animation graph
06.26.07 18:56:46.462 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\multiplayer\flag\shaders\flag' could not resolve bitmap 'base_map'
06.26.07 18:56:51.064 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\tens' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
06.26.07 18:56:51.080 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\ones' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
06.26.07 18:56:55.292 ### WARNING shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\texture_camera\scope' texture #0 (implementation #0) has source extern - ignoring parameter name "scope"
06.26.07 18:57:05.104 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\brute_plasma_rifle\brute_pl asma_rifle' collision model region 'default' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
06.26.07 18:57:07.413 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\weapons\rifle\covenant_carbine\re loading' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:09.519 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' part 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' was not found
06.26.07 18:57:11.812 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' maximum gain is too large: 2.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
06.26.07 18:57:11.843 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' gain bounds clamped to: [-2.00dB, 0.00dB]
06.26.07 18:57:16.820 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' maximum gain is too large: 3.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
06.26.07 18:57:16.820 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' gain bounds clamped to: [-3.00dB, 0.00dB]
06.26.07 18:57:17.007 damage info postprocess: couldn't find a physics model constraint with name: hinge02
06.26.07 18:57:18.177 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\seat\seat' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.364857)
06.26.07 18:57:18.255 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_destroyed_ini tial_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:18.442 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_major_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:18.473 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\l_wing_shell\l_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.080000 vs 0.285048)
06.26.07 18:57:18.504 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\r_wing_shell\r_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.264751)
06.26.07 18:57:19.924 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_hull_majo r' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:19.940 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_driver_ma jor' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:19.971 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_front_tre ad_major' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:20.002 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_back_trea d_major' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:20.080 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_turret_ma jor' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:20.392 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\scorpion_shell\she ll_explosion' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.141 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_hull_destro yed' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.156 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_dest royed' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.188 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_medium _damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.203 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_destro yed' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.219 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_medi um_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.266 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.406 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.422 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_back hatch_major_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:21.546 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\turrets\mortar\wr aith_mortar_explosion' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:22.092 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_minigun_des troyed' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:23.356 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_delayed_hu ll_destroyed_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:23.418 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_med_da mage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:23.434 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_major_ damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:23.840 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\projecti les\flak_projectile' shader 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\shaders\ flak_bolt_luminous' is transparent but was imported as opaque
06.26.07 18:57:24.682 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_hull_destr oyed' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:24.713 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_minor _damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:24.729 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_mediu m_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:24.744 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_major _damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:24.838 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_turret_maj or_damage' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:26.148 ### WARNING model 'objects\powerups\active_camouflage\active_camoufl age' collision model region 'glass' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
06.26.07 18:57:29.206 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\satchel_charge\sat chel_charge_explosion' particle system is invalid
06.26.07 18:57:29.799 failed to load structure bsp #0 (scenarios\multi\Mapname\Mapname)
06.26.07 18:57:29.830 (your disk may be full or you may be out of memory)
06.26.07 18:57:29.830 ### FAILED TO LOAD SCENARIO BSPS.

June 26th, 2007, 10:23 PM
I'm no expert on debug errors, but when you're doing lightmaps and it says you're out of memory, then I think you might have open edges or something else and it's trying to "lightmap infinity" or something that can't be lightmapped. Teh Lag is having the same problem.

June 27th, 2007, 12:14 AM
I'm no expert on debug errors, but when you're doing lightmaps and it says you're out of memory, then I think you might have open edges or something else and it's trying to "lightmap infinity" or something that can't be lightmapped. Teh Lag is having the same problem.
Hmm, also, what does "Unable to find shader "forerunner_blue" imply?

June 27th, 2007, 01:45 AM
doesnt matter. if tool cannot locate a shader it automatically switches to invalid.shader

June 27th, 2007, 02:08 AM
doesnt matter. if tool cannot locate a shader it automatically switches to invalid.shader

Ok, thanks. But I tried just making a simple box and still am having all those problems trying to make a lightmap.

June 27th, 2007, 02:45 AM
If its anything like the problem I faced, you have to either A) disable readyboost, or B) reinstall H2EK exactly 3 times. Donno which solved it as I did both, but it fixed my problems I was having compiling corrupt lightmaps.

June 27th, 2007, 04:32 AM
If its anything like the problem I faced, you have to either A) disable readyboost, or B) reinstall H2EK exactly 3 times. Donno which solved it as I did both, but it fixed my problems I was having compiling corrupt lightmaps.
as for:
A) disable readyboost
I am not working off an external device.
I am making a test map to see how the cyclone in my Hurricane map will look.

Edit: w00t, got it to work, I haven't touched CE map making in awile, I forgot to rename my sky texture. >.>