View Full Version : Custom Crosshair/Reticle Tutorial

t3h m00kz
December 19th, 2007, 03:52 AM
I can't find any other really good, in-depth, descriptive tutorials anywhere else online, so... here we go.

First thing you're going to do is start with a bitmap 66x66. You're going to take make a pure blue outline one pixil in width going around the perimiter of the bitmap, leaving the inner area 64x64. Now, fill the area on the inside pure black. It be a black box outlined blue.

Now in the black, start making your crosshair. It's a good idea to use Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop to get good, anti-aliased lines and whatnot.

Here's a very basic example of what a custom crosshair BMP will look like:

baeleted imagery

Once you're done and are satisfied with your crosshair, save it as a BMP somewhere. Now you're going to need to open it in Photoshop (There may be some other programs out there capable of this, but I haven't found any). With your crosshair opened, use the selection tool and copy everything INSIDE the blue area, DO NOT SELECT ANY BLUE.

Once you've selected the 64x64 area, go to the Layers window, and click the Channels tab. Add a new channel (Button on the bottom of the window) and CTRL-V to paste your 64x64 crosshair graphic into it. It should place it in the middle. Save as a .TIF file.

Take your TIF file, put it in Halo Custom Edition/Data/Bitmaps. Use Tool++ to compile bitmaps from that folder. Once your bitmaps are compiled, they'll show up in Halo Custom Edition/Tags/Bitmaps as a .bitmap (Not to be confused with BMP, .bitmap is filled with variables that can be modified in Guerilla) file. they they'll need some tweaking and then recompilation.

In Guerilla, open Halo Custom Edition/Tags/Bitmaps and select your .bitmap file. Set the type (the drop down list) to Sprites, and the format to 32-bit color. Now scroll down to the Sprites portion (the one under Sequences), and hit the Add button next to the empty drop-down box. Set Right to 1, Bottom to 1, and both Registration Points to 0.5.

Now save and exit, and recompile your .bitmap. Make sure you haven't moved the .bitmap file anywhere else before you do this (I made that mistake). If you did it correctly, the tool output will read as something different from before, and your bitmap will be usable in game. You can move it to wherever you want in /tags, keep it in a folder you'll remember it in ;)

To change the crosshair of any specific weapon, you'll want to go into the .hud_user_interface tag of whichever weapon you want to modify, and under it you'll look for the Crosshairs portion. Add a new one, click the ... button, and select your crosshair's .bitmap. Now you'll hit "add" next to the crosshair overlays, and set the colors. The first one, "default color," being the primary color (the light blue usually used in other weapons), and the second one, "flashing color," being the lock-on color. You can set those to whatever you want, or use the default ones.

Set Flash Period, Number of Flashes, and Flash Length all to 1.

The Sequence Index (8 on other weapons) needs to be set to 0 from what I've heard if you're using a custom crosshair.

baeleted imagery

Have fun ;)

December 19th, 2007, 03:58 AM
thank you :D

t3h m00kz
December 19th, 2007, 12:47 PM
thank you :D

No problem, hope you benefit from it ;)