January 21st, 2008, 04:59 PM
Darkphibre has updated his Statistics Tracking Utility (http://darkphibre.com/HaloStatTracker/) to work with Halo 3 - it's a client-side tool, meaning you don't have to access a website (other than Bungie.net) to view the stats. It requires the .NET 2.0 framework - not sure which Microsoft operating systems that includes, but it's probably most of them. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:42:35 UTC (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=1&day=21&year=2008&hour=12&min=42&sec=35&p1=0))Just for my own GT, the database turned out to be 18megs :-3
My current friend's GT is 60% done and has been downloading for the past 40mins (he plays way too much as you can tell). I wonder how big of a hit, if any, this tool is taking on their site :v
Its a pretty fucking awesome utility, I give it 5 stars for its functionality and ability to allow the user to create his\her own reports :woop:
My current friend's GT is 60% done and has been downloading for the past 40mins (he plays way too much as you can tell). I wonder how big of a hit, if any, this tool is taking on their site :v
Its a pretty fucking awesome utility, I give it 5 stars for its functionality and ability to allow the user to create his\her own reports :woop: