View Full Version : Mother 3 Fan Translation

May 9th, 2008, 01:53 AM

Let me preface by saying that I've always been a fan of EarthBound for the SNES; read about it in Nintendo Power when it first came out, played it briefly as a rental, then played it in ROM form when SNES emulation was all the rage. I loved how it played out as a big satire of the RPG genre and the quirky sense of humor the game put out.

Basically, when I learned that Lucas was a playable character in Brawl, thus learning what game he came from and why his general design was similar to Ness's, I had been looking all over for information on the story and other characters of Mother 3. I bumped into Starmen.net and then this.

I've been following this for a while now, actually, and never saw it brought up on these forums. Basically, these guys are working on extensively hacking the Mother 3 Gameboy Advance ROM. This isn't a simple case of editing strings into broken-assed English scripts and item names and the like so users get a general idea; these guys are going the extra mile, making it into something that looks official, like Nintendo actually did localize the game themselves. I can't wait to see the final product and get the closing of the Mother trilogy.

On another interesting note, the lead hacker guy (Tom Ato, Mato, or Matosan, take your pick) was also working on a project before this that was essentially hacking up the SNES Earthbound ROM to essentially be like a port of Mother/EarthBound Zero from the NES onto the Mother 2/EarthBound engine. I wonder if he'll ever go back to it and finish it... http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p119/p0lar_bear/emotes/emot-aweshmm.gif

May 9th, 2008, 03:35 PM

May as well throw this in here while we're on the subject of epic ROM hacks. It's probably never been discussed here because the subject of ROM hacking is somewhat less than legal. I'll probably try it out though, and play it on my GBA flash cart :awesome:

May 9th, 2008, 05:52 PM
Seeing as how we're a modding website, there are a lot of things done here that are "less than legal." A lot of mods are a result of reverse-engineering, which by most EULAs, is "bad."

Discussion of ROM hacking is allowed. Distribution of patches is allowed. Distribution of ROMs is not.

May 9th, 2008, 10:42 PM
I've been meaning to play EarthBound Zero and then EarthBound afterwards. By the time I do, the Mother 3 project will probably be finished. :eyesroll:

Has anyone played EBZero?

May 9th, 2008, 11:12 PM
I did, briefly. It's a pretty straightforward RPG, but it's got the same sense of humor that EarthBound has.

May 9th, 2008, 11:17 PM
Seeing as how we're a modding website, there are a lot of things done here that are "less than legal." A lot of mods are a result of reverse-engineering, which by most EULAs, is "bad."

Discussion of ROM hacking is allowed. Distribution of patches is allowed. Distribution of ROMs is not.

That's never been made clear before, and I think people would prefer not to test it. But hey that's good to know, I'll be sure to let this site know when interesting ROM hacks turn up :v:

and hey there's this in the same vein http://quake.drunkencoders.com/

Dr Nick
May 10th, 2008, 12:31 AM
Funny, Nintendo Power talked about M3 a while ago, and how the massive amounts of story and narration was the reason it would never be released outside of Japan. Awesome that it is now!

May 10th, 2008, 07:13 AM
I came here expecting it to be finished... ;-; I'm going through it with a translation by my side, unfortunately.

Llama Juice
May 10th, 2008, 07:22 AM
^^ Same. I've been waiting ages for this to come out.

A lot of people play through the game with a translated strategy guide next to em so that they don't have to wait for the game to be finished translating.

Cant wait for it to be finished though... dear god <3'd Earthbound...