Originally Posted by
1. What team a player is on be transmitted/tracked by server Method to allow different bipeds (or at least permitations of the same biped) for each team. Also other different traits for each team, such as starting weapons (even more likely to be impossible), sheild strength, speed, jump height etc. UPDATE: You might be able to do some of this (especially starting weapons for each team, maybe not biped perms though) in your project_yelo scenario tag.
3. Ability to move objects without calling them "vehicles" Allow objects such as .scenary tags that have a physics tag asigned to them actually have physics, just the same as vehicle physics. If somebody then wants some scenary without physics, as it is now, they can just leave the physics box in guerila blank. To refrase that, I think there is already a slot for a physics tag in the .scenary tags anyway, but it would be nice if it would work.
6. Walking in/on Vehicles while moving without falling out/off. (Admiral Bacon) Expand accepted tag types in the attachments or widgets section (currently you can only have stuff like antenas) to include stuff like device machines, so you can attach a device machine to avoid falling off. The device machine in most cases would probablly just be a simple col lison-only model. EDIT: As Admiral Bacon said later, it would be nice to be able to attach proximity doors and other vehices too. The slot for attachments is there, but is adding to it's accepted tag types within the scope of open sauce?
9. Enabling more FP animations (HDoan) Look up and look down animations would be good, so sombody can add fp legs. Also somebody suggested an animation to reload the secondary trigger, and as I have suggested full-auto to semi-auto switching during zooming an animation for zooming in, then one for zooming back out, could be useful too (maybe you could even add a scilencer).
16. Recording demos (Napalm) recording the game (saved films) would be nice, playing them back would probablly be even harder though EDIT: Kornman has said it was impossible.
18. Medals. Achievements. (18-23 Advancebo) +1 by Napalm Comments Moved To Section Two.
20. Real Time Reflection Shader enviroments on non-bsp objects, although it's not as simple as that, you can put a shader_transparent_glass with dynamic mirror on a .gbxmodel and it doesn't work (I think), also I think Kornman has now said it cant be done.
22. Zombies (H3 Style) If it can be done, other game varients could be added too, like VIP.
28. Lunge (killa) Didn't The_Arbiter from Sigma find a way to do that with just tags? if not, try to replicate Arbiter's script in C++ code.
33. Permutations (include Item permutations) (Pyong) Do randomly selected model permetations on a gun change when the gun is picked up? if not there shouldn't be any need for the sauce here (unless I mis-understood what you want to do)
34. Able to use AVI files as UI backgrounds +1 by Advancebo Comments Moved To Section Two.