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Thread: Open Sauce Ideas thread

  1. #71
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Regarding the HUD, I have a few things I suggest/wonder if possible.

    Several of these things I have in mind are already displayed somewhere else, such as on the F2 Game Info/MOTD screen.

    The first thing would be an actual game clock that counts down from the start of a game. It would only be displayed if a time limit is specified, and it would basically be a tag or something that you can set the x and y coords for. It could be similar to the timer in The Maw during the warthog run, such as being able to specify an image for the number font, color, and critical warning.

    The second thing is the ability to display the scores of both teams in a two-team game, but only you (and if possible the person in first/second) in a FFA game.

    Third, and I'm not sure if this can be done, but the ability to specify a rotation angle for HUD text would be great.

    I think that's it I have for now. A lot of these things are simply to bring it more up-to-date with Halo 3, though things like the time I would love to have. I'm sure CAD would love them too.


    Also, about that deathcam thing. Yeah, it would be like Halo 3. It would sit on your player until you click a mouse button to cycle forward or backwards. Then, you can use your mouse to rotate around them.
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  2. #72

    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    1. Animated crosshairs.
    2. Crouching improves accuracy, moving/jumping decreases accuracy.
    3. "HEADSHOT!" announcer.
    4. More Double kill! Triple kill! Killtacular! MONSTER KILL! announcer slots
    5. More Killing spree! Running riot! JESUS TITTY FUCKING CHRIST! announcer slots.

    As for the Recoil system, I was thinking something along the lines of.. let's say you start firing. You're aim goes up, and your bullets spread out. Release the trigger, you're aim is back in it's original position, after spraying bullets in a T shape. Honestly though, it seems like it'd be a bit complicated.

    E: Sorry if some are dupes.
    Last edited by t3h m00kz; June 6th, 2009 at 02:23 AM.
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  3. #73
    Untruely Bannable~ Inferno's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Hit detection online so I don't have to fucking lead.
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  4. #74

    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    ^ This times infinity.. Even if it's not possible, I can hold my breath.

    Oh my god please... It would make it so much easier to emulate Halo 3 if the NETCODE worked right...
    Last edited by t3h m00kz; June 6th, 2009 at 02:39 AM.
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  5. #75
    Project Sapphire Modder Rhydgaled's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Section One - Quote With My Comments
    Using the list from the first post, I'm just going to make some suggestions. I have no idea what is possible and what isn't. In many cases I'm just trying to further explain what could be done or a possible back route that might help get it done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    1. What team a player is on be transmitted/tracked by server Method to allow different bipeds (or at least permitations of the same biped) for each team. Also other different traits for each team, such as starting weapons (even more likely to be impossible), sheild strength, speed, jump height etc. UPDATE: You might be able to do some of this (especially starting weapons for each team, maybe not biped perms though) in your project_yelo scenario tag.
    3. Ability to move objects without calling them "vehicles" Allow objects such as .scenary tags that have a physics tag asigned to them actually have physics, just the same as vehicle physics. If somebody then wants some scenary without physics, as it is now, they can just leave the physics box in guerila blank. To refrase that, I think there is already a slot for a physics tag in the .scenary tags anyway, but it would be nice if it would work.
    6. Walking in/on Vehicles while moving without falling out/off. (Admiral Bacon) Expand accepted tag types in the attachments or widgets section (currently you can only have stuff like antenas) to include stuff like device machines, so you can attach a device machine to avoid falling off. The device machine in most cases would probablly just be a simple col lison-only model. EDIT: As Admiral Bacon said later, it would be nice to be able to attach proximity doors and other vehices too. The slot for attachments is there, but is adding to it's accepted tag types within the scope of open sauce?
    9. Enabling more FP animations (HDoan) Look up and look down animations would be good, so sombody can add fp legs. Also somebody suggested an animation to reload the secondary trigger, and as I have suggested full-auto to semi-auto switching during zooming an animation for zooming in, then one for zooming back out, could be useful too (maybe you could even add a scilencer).
    16. Recording demos (Napalm) recording the game (saved films) would be nice, playing them back would probablly be even harder though EDIT: Kornman has said it was impossible.
    18. Medals. Achievements. (18-23 Advancebo) +1 by Napalm Comments Moved To Section Two.
    20. Real Time Reflection Shader enviroments on non-bsp objects, although it's not as simple as that, you can put a shader_transparent_glass with dynamic mirror on a .gbxmodel and it doesn't work (I think), also I think Kornman has now said it cant be done.
    22. Zombies (H3 Style) If it can be done, other game varients could be added too, like VIP.
    28. Lunge (killa) Didn't The_Arbiter from Sigma find a way to do that with just tags? if not, try to replicate Arbiter's script in C++ code.
    33. Permutations (include Item permutations) (Pyong) Do randomly selected model permetations on a gun change when the gun is picked up? if not there shouldn't be any need for the sauce here (unless I mis-understood what you want to do)
    34. Able to use AVI files as UI backgrounds +1 by Advancebo Comments Moved To Section Two.
    Section Two - Extended Elaboration On Other's Ideas
    (2.)A. - Medals. Achievements. (18-23 Advancebo) +1 by Napalm
    More "triple kill", "over kill", "killtacular" slots would be nice (not that I've ever got more than an overkill in HALO 3 matchmaking anyway), and "killing spree", "killing frensy", "running riot" slots too. A "perfection" medal (called out in the same way as double kill, killing spree etc.) could be an interesting medal too, and a new one "Unfreaking Beliveable" which is if you get a perfection with more than 45 kills. As for achivements, maybe you could add new items to the profile's saved game files, like if they have ever achived a killing frensy or a triple kill or saved a particular marine in a certain campaign mod. It would be good if you could add some more settings too, maybe including model permetation selection which would only effect compatable maps. Some of these new settings (model permitations mainly) could be unlocked based on which "achivements" have been completed, a "service record" page could be added to UIs by UI creators which show the player's current level (already shown in-game) and which of the "achivements" have been completed. Unfortunately I can't be of any help implementing any of this, and much of the other stuff too.

    (2.)B. - Able to use AVI files as UI backgrounds +1 by Advancebo
    No, I think there's a better way. Instead of .avi files, we need animated .bitmap tags (like animated .gifs), so you can just stick one in the background image slot of the UI_widget_definiton. A special new tool command to take a folder of image files (exported from a video) and turn them into a perfectly set up animated.bitmap tag would be needed (or at least very, very helpfull) for this. A script allowing you to play .bik files (unless ending.bik is called by script anyway) would be a good related addition. (You could save tagspace by screen-recording all cutscenes then replacing them with calls to .bik files or call a .bik file if the user is idle at the main menu long enough (like the trailer thing that shows up in HALO 2 and HALO 3)). NOTE: Note that I have several other posts in this thread disscussing these ideas, this one esspecially.

    (2.)C. - Split-Screen Co-op
    Now, it has been said syncing ai is impossible, but how about re-enabling split-screen co-op. As you may know, two player co-op in campaign was available in the XBOX version of HALO via split-screen (not LAN, AI doesn't sync, as most members know). If possible I would very much like to be able to do this on PC, with a choice of using the keyboard (and mouse) for one player and a gamepad for the other or gamepads for both players. This would probally still be impossible, but is it?

    (2.)D. - Corrolation between first and third person
    There are two parts to this idea, each brought up by different pepole. The first part by KiLLa.
    Quote Originally Posted by KiLLa View Post
    It's possible to make variations(aka permuations) of animations in 3p only currently, but it's not possible in fp, and if it was via OS, it would be nice if both animations matched up when played.
    Also, PwN Lone mentioned a corrolation of fp and 3p models, to avoid playing as an elite or marine and still having Spartan arms. At present though the fp arms model is defined in the globals tag, that would need to be moved to each biped tag or unit_hud_interface tag (which makes me think it wouldn't be possible) if you expect to be able to bump posess other bipeds and see a change in fp arms.
    __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
    Section Three - New (And New-ish) Ideas

    Also, I have new ideas, these are the ones that I'm bringing forward, the above were just elaborating on ideas already here:
    1. Checkbox making a projectile with the "giuded angular volocity" (eg. needler) only use that against vehicles, and otherwise act as if it has a "giuded angular volocity" of 0 (or whatever no homeing is). Leave the box unchecked to have it home in on bipeds too. Essentially this is just a method of re-creating the missle pod and HALO 2 rocket launcher (ok you won't have the second recticle that follows the vehicle to show you've locked on, but that's not really needed). Alternativlly, maybe you could have a .vehicle_seaking_projectile tag which does this, and make the projectile slot in .weapon tags able to hold either a normal .projectile or a .vehicle_seaking_projectile.
    2. Extra Grenade Types (up to five or six grenade types maybe). The tag that lists the grenade types (globals?) looks like you could just press the add button and add more, but it won't let you press the add button.
    3. Method to make the UI detect the folder the bsp for the map is in, and if it is the same as an exsisting map make it a varient of the exsisting map. (I didn't put that very well, think HALO 3 Forge varients). This would mean bloodgultch ai and all other bloodgultch mods would appear under the original bloodgultch after you click bloodgultch.
    4. While we're on the subject of the map select screen, can you actually get the game to assign a string list index (and bitmap index) other than the "unknown level" one to custom maps, or would that require Open Sauce? maybe the .project_yelo scenario tag?
    5. Checkbox in a damage effect tag that makes the damage effect stall the engine of any vehicle affected. (HALO 3 Plasma Pistol and Power Drainer), by stall I mean the EMP (or whatever it is) turns the engine off (so there are no engine sounds, but no silly sparks like HALO 3 has) and it is a while before the engine will start again. Again, Sigma may have worked out how to do this all with just tags, if not, open the sauce. EDIT: You say you can't add checkboxes to tags, so maybe you can have a special .vehicle_stalling_damage_effect tag instead (much like I suggested for homing projectiles.)
    6. Somthing to allow re-assignment of the say to vehicle button or the extra weapon pick-up button (you can do it with action button, so you don't need a pick-up button too) (Sigma's equipment is set to replace flashlight, if you could re-assign somthing else instead you could still have your flashlight). (I suggested several alternative buttons to be re-assigned and was told flashlight was the only button that would work, no idea why).
    7. Duel weilding? (VERY much doubt it's possible) with a duel-able checkbox in weapon tags. Maybe if you are holding a weapon with a duel-able attribbute set to true, then it constantly checks any weapons on the ground that you see a pick-up prompt for a duel-able attribbute that is set to true and if it finds one prompts you to press some other button (I suggest the zoom button, as you can't zoom with a duel-weildable weapon) to swap for a weapon with two guns in one. Here's where you get a problem, as you have no idea what weapon to swap to and you also need to pass the current ammo of both weapons to the current ammo of each trigger in the paired weapon. If you can get past that hurdle then re-assign zoom as a second secondary trigger button (so you can press either your zoom button or grenade button and it will fire the secondary trigger) and change melee to a button that drops a weapon and switches yours back to a standard weapon.
    8. Ability to have a different trigger on a weapon when zoomed (allowing single-shot when zoomed, full auto when not zoomed), if this is not already possible with the HEK (if it is possible, could someone expain how please). Also I would like a checkbox in either the .weapon tag or a special .yelo_weapon tag that makes the weapon able to do this, but when you zoom in the magnification doesn't increase and the fp gun and arms remain visible, it just changes to single shot (but recticles and scope masks that are set to show only when zoomed should still show).
    9. Script commands to open and close UI widgets, and to replace a widget with another (<widget tag>replace self with<widget tag>). My UI problem is getting me down a little at the moment, and I think being able to run scripts to replace a bunch of widgets with others at once would help alot.
    10. More Vehicle Types (this might have been mentioned before). At present these include human plane, alien fighter, alien scout and human jeep (maybe more.) I'm not exactlly sure what they do, but some more could be useful (there's a human boat type in there too, if that actually could be used to make boats float it could be useful). This might also be why flying vehicles can't travel sideways (so I'm told, I keep meaning to attempt to prove everyone wrong, probablly to fail spectaculally), so a new vehicle type that allows sideways flying could help with a HALO 3 style Hornet vehicle.
    11. Can you make the HUD show what your secondary weapon is just with HEK? I've never seen it done so I assume not, could this be done with Open Sauce? To explain what I mean, in HALO 2&3 a smaller version of the pickup icon for whatever weapon you have on your back or leg (or in your magic pocket in HALO 2) that is shown on your HUD. Can't really explain it more than that.
    12. Could you implement an overhead map on the F1 or F2 key for campaign (equivelent to the back button on controler), with a system to create your own waypoints and view positions of Cortana's waypoints? I doubt it's possible but after HALO 3: Recon's VISR and mentions of the Cheif setting his own waypoints in the books I had to suggest it when the idea came to me.
    13. Another idea that I doubt would be possible is some kind of sqaud control system, like Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter on the XBOX 360. This would have one button to send your friends to where you are looking (D-Pad up if this was the 360), another to get them to regroup at your current possition (D-Pad down) and one to toggle between control of individual members and being able to give the same order to all commandable troops at once (D-Pad right, flashlight could be on D-Pad left). The control scheme buttons could be set to whatever keyboard or mouse button you want via settings, I was just giving controls assuming an XBOX 360 controler as I haven't played PC games much in a while. You'd have to get new button slots to do it though, you can't re-assign enough of the current commands, just one of many reasons I doubt this idea is possible.
    Last edited by Rhydgaled; June 16th, 2009 at 05:40 AM. Reason: Added new numbering to try and make commenting on it easier for Kornman
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  6. #76
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

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  7. #77
    Senior Member Hunter's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Maybe a particle blur effect for engines heat?
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  8. #78
    Senior Member KiLLa's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    I don't remember adding any ideas XD
    and what the fuck does NFWOS mean anywho?
    My suggestion would be fp animation permutations, that are coordinated with their 3p animation permutation..
    Meaning the permuations match up, in both fp and 3p, so you don't see one fp anim, and everyone else sees a different 3p animation..
    Probally just day dreaming tho..ah well..
    Last edited by KiLLa; June 7th, 2009 at 07:16 PM.
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  9. #79
    I was like Um. Delta4907's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KiLLa View Post
    I don't remember adding any ideas XD
    and what the fuck does NFWOS mean anywho?
    He said in his post that he'd use NFWOS instead of "Not Feasible without Source (Code)" after he mentioned it the first time.
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  10. #80
    Junior Level Designer PwN Lone's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KiLLa View Post
    I don't remember adding any ideas XD
    and what the fuck does NFWOS mean anywho?
    My suggestion would be fp animation permutations, that are coordinated with their 3p animation permutation..
    Meaning the permuations match up, in both fp and 3p, so you don't see one fp anim, and everyone else sees a different 3p animation..
    Probally just day dreaming tho..ah well..

    This please, goddamn it would make things so much better if the fp permutation corrolated with the 3p permutation. Instead of having an elite with spartan arms, talk about off-putting.
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