Thanks for taking a look at my ideas, however I am unsure which of your comments relate to which of my ideas, so I don't know which are NFWOS. I think this is because, as you have said: you had written most of this at the beginning of the week so might have missed some things, and I have been adding many ideas for a while. I would also like some comments on sections 1&2 if you can spare the time, so could you take another look at the whole post and comment on each item like I have in section one or using some other method to connect your comment with each of my points please. I can go through myself first and edit the post to add numbering for everything if you would perfer that and/or it would help.
Could playing .bik files (in Full-Screen the same manner as the current ones) by a script command still be possible though?BIK videos played via the bink script functions (the internals anyway) play at full screen. You'd have to configure bink to play back at those demensions plus at the locations defined in the widget tag.
I'm just going throw this out here, I have no idea if it's possible, but I want to make sure it's noted: I want to be able to attach devices and vehicles to another vehicle such that they:
1. Stay still (ie, are actually attached, like the warthog to the Pelican in campaign) and
2. Can still be utilized.
Basically, something along the lines of how Halo 2 does a number of things.
Again, absolutely no idea of how feasible this is, but if it can be done, it will save me a significant amount of work (and allow me to equip my ship with extra turrets)
Yes. The best example is actually straight from H2: There is only one Warthog, and then there are two turrets. The final product is generated by attaching the turret to the warthog at the back. I want to be able to do this, not only with vehicles (ie, drop pods and warthogs and wasps), but proximity doors. The issue right now is that, with the way things are attached, they don't "activate": you can't use them. Ex: In SP when the hog is attached to the pelican, you can't get in it. I've also attached doors to the Draco, they don't open - obviously, I'd like them to.
ha ha proximity doors on vehicles, you're living in fantasy land :P.
but yeh fukin awsome revolutionary idea... just need a coding genious to verify whether its able :P
Id be happy with a weapon spawn on a vehicle, or shit even spawn points like Halo 3 Elephant.
hmmm, If open sauce is how i have skim read it to be, would it be possible to create a 'gubbin' tag type, but in the tag editor have a scroll box to deter what sort of 'gubbin' the attachment is (vehicle, Spawn point, weapon, machine..etc) then for the tag editing options to be made available upon the choice. So you open up the 'gubbin' tag and choose 'vehicle', then in the browse box select 'warthog.vehicle' and tada it loads the data for the vehicle to the attachment node?
somethig like that would blow my pants off.
Shouldnt be a high piority. Still, more feilds on tags, like a checkbox to allow walking on vehicles in the .vehicle tag would revolutionise the game. The amount of possiblities is imense.
And the would be a more enjoyable experience. But Korn said that he cannot add more feilds intags or new tags.
Is it because it takes a long time to research ect..? Or it just can't be done?
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