So I know there's tons to go through with familiarizing any one's self with this editing kit. But here I'm going to try to post up information that I find deemend nessecary by the map editor to follow through by. So hopefully this will help anyone new to making maps, find their problem's answer easier.
If anyone else has something they can post, please post it here.
Anything off topic should be deleted.
Starting off with my most recent major problem, and it's fix.
Level Directory Setup;
What you may not do; create your own directory for a map outside of the scenarios directory.
Some problems you might face:
Will see the following, on certain unkown occasions:
### ERROR importing with older tool version 11081 (was 11091)
Tool relaying the message; writing out 0 buckets..., then stops responding and needs to closed.
What you may do; create your map files in the data\scenarios directory. This will allow the map to export correctly, compile correctly, and in the end - light correctly.
Known History: