Note: These are quite old and I just did them occasionally with an average camera.'s the Golden Gate Bridge...
...inside a cave. Long time exposure..the reflections is all water...
...yeah no need to explain... photo but 'shopped...
...'shopped as well...
...and my fav beach...
Well some of you know my usual old stuff so I'm gonna skip that and get to some more recent stuff.
A cheating tool for Guild Wars. Has TCP/IP connection and sents mouse click from the server to each connected client (for Spikes and RA syncing).
Explanation for the people that don't play Guild Wars or Memorpagars (Escapist insider):
Spike: Usully 2 teams of 8 people are having a battle. One team on TS/Vent call 3...2...1 and use the same skill on a single target to kill him/her instantly without the opposing team having the chance of healing. Problem is that if there is just lag one one of the spiker that spike fails and the target can be healed in time. This app bypasses that problem since the lag is immensely reduced (since it only sends a 2 byte package which is rather small) and activates the spike on each client and by so performing a perfect spike.
RA syncing: RA = Random Arenas and like the name are randomly matched up. This tool clicks the "Enter Battle" button for 2 or more people at the same time so they have a higher chance of being on the same team.
UPN-Calculator (eng. RPN)
(Reverse Polish notation)
This is pretty cool...
You should check it out...I really like it. Even though it's better it will never be used among people...comparable situation to Mac<->Windows. ^^
I tried to keep the Windows Calculator look and it works flawless.
Quick summary:
To type in an equasion we use the infix notation...e.g:
5 + ((1 + 2) * 4) − 3
In RPN it would need for brackets anymore.
5 1 2 + 4 * 3-+
This is all for now.