Oh, really? A gig and a half? I'm willing to bet that with OS, you can have it a gig and a half uncompressed.
"lalalalalalala not listening lalala"
Again, I said you're a fucking retard because you can't fill the holes.
So, because you are mentally incapacitated, I'll fill them in for you:
- He claims that he has had several OS dlls submitted, but they all crashed. Both Kornman and I would absolutely love to know what these are, or even what he was doing to test them. Chances are, they were either shitty coding or Dennis did it wrong (though I doubt the latter is likely). Additionally, why have we never heard about them on Modacity? They surely would have posted it here with a link to an external host. Or if they were having issues, they would have posted about it. But we got neither.
- You have to remember that you have Kornman, the same person who GAVE YOU THE TOOLS YOU HAVE NOW, and the one who made Yelo Battery. How horrific was Battery? It completely killed CE with crashes, right? RIGHT?!? It's not a novice coder who is seeing Blam! for the first time. Hell, he pulled the shared cache files off over the weekened.
- There is no difference between ANY version of Windows or a 32/64-bit system with a DirectX hook. For one, CE runs 32-bit, so that immediately knocks 64-bit out of the picture. Second, it's a HOOK. It loads into memory at the launch of the game. Memory addresses are the same for every computer because it's determed by the app, so there's no chance for it not to work. Also, GOD FORBID there is another CE update, it won't prevent CE from starting - it would just not load into memory (or it will, but it won't do damage). If you don't believe it, then there's no problem with testing from Windows 98 up through Windows 7 x64.
- It's no more difficult to download a DLL than it is to download a map. It would be universally accepted regardless.
- There is a slim-to-none chance that there will be any problems. Halo isn't complex. It has a very small job to do, and it does it right.
- OS IS what we want. It makes it EVEN EASIER AND SIMPLER to play the game. It IS just a download and play, just like a map.
- This isn't an untested and unproven app. This is a solid extension that uses Halo's own ability to open shared cache files. It's taking advantage of something that was previously very very very difficult to do, which zTeam and maybe H2CE had done with their own bitmaps/sounds.map
Also, we already have zTeam using it. They're smart enough to realize its advantages. At least they don't have a shitdick mis"leader".