Name:CTF-Sola Gratia Alpha
Version:Alpha 3
Compatibility:All (should be)
Description:Sola Gratia(Grace Alone) is the 3rd in my series named after the 5 solas of the reformation right behind Sola Scriptura(Scripture Alone) and Soli Deo Gloria(To the Glory of God alone). There is a beta of it avalible for Halo but this is the CTF version for Unreal 3.
Comments:This alpha test is purely for gameplay. I was never able to get a good test on the halo version but my testing with bots have been very helpful in UT3. It is important to note that ALL of the visuals are temporary. Currently it's a direct port from the halo version and only a small portion of it is even textured. So please bare that in mind when viewing this.
Credits:Me & Epic.
Download:PC Only for now
Here's a couple shots from max to give you an idea of what the final visuals will look like.