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Thread: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

  1. #211
    Senior Member thehoodedsmack's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    New Pokemon!

    Within the following spoiler is an image depicting all the new Pokemon of Gen. V. If you, for some reason, didn't want to see them, do not open the spoiler.

    Typing and base stats can be found here.

    My opinion on the new Pokemon!

    In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead.
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  2. #212

    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by thehoodedsmack View Post

    In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead.
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    I think these Pokemon look alright, though.
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  3. #213
    Medicine Woman Aerowyn's Avatar
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    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by thehoodedsmack View Post
    Typing and base stats can be found here.

    My opinion on the new Pokemon!

    In my opinion, the majority of these Pokemon, even some of the ones that I thought might be cool, are complete shit. This is an awful set of new Pokemon, I swear to god whoever designed these are retarded. Fuck Gen. V, Pokemon is dead.
    Agreeing with you on this post. There are a few that look worthwhile to have... but an ICE CREAM CONE? A PILE OF GARBAGE?! REALLY?!

    When I saw the ice cream cone pokemon for the first time, I thought it was a joke. Now that I see it is real..... I am starting to worry about humanity. More than that, I am noticing a distinct lack of pure rock type pokemon. I guess I'll end up going with Rhydon again or something. It's just disappointing.

    This is going to be my team, if I were to go off the new pokemon alone:

    Last edited by Aerowyn; September 16th, 2010 at 05:21 PM.
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  4. #214
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Wouldn't u like to know?

    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    The original poketmonsters had simplicity. These are over-detailed pieces of garbage. And I lol'ed at the ice cream cone. Where's the hamburger?
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  5. #215
    Senior Member thehoodedsmack's Avatar
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    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CodeBrain View Post
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    I think these Pokemon look alright, though.
    Hell yeah I'm mad. These are so disappointing. I'm not saying they're all terrible; there are a few good ones. But the majority are just awful.
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  6. #216
    Medicine Woman Aerowyn's Avatar
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    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    Unrelated to Pokemon Black/White, but I thought it was worth sharing.

    I have not played a pokemon game since pokemon gold. I thought that with gold, the magic of blue version had been lost, and I was completely uninterested.

    For some stupid reason, at the advent of the Nintendo Wii, I was so excited for pokemon battle revolution that I bought Pokemon Diamond for DS. The sad thing is, I didn't own a DS. I just used a friend's DS and Action Replay to get the pokemon I wanted.


    Today I went to my local mom-and-pop game store and bought a DSi. And playing pokemon diamond for the first time makes me realize what I was missing out on all these years. FULL COLOUR, DECENT SPRITES AND SOUNDS. Holy crap. Where was I all that time?

    PS: Uh.... I noticed on the Sinnoh pokedex that there's only 151 pokemon.... does that mean that I don't have to catch like 300+ pokemon per game (I genuinely thought you did)? Or does that mean that I can't get charmander, or squirtle, or lapras in these games? or can I get them through trading?

    Help a sister out.
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  7. #217
    Senior Member thehoodedsmack's Avatar
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    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    They split the Pokedex into Regional and National modes. Initially you can only find ones found in the Regional Pokedex, but once you get the upgrade to the National Pokedex, you can find others. Most you'll have to trade in, or transfer in, which requires the Gameboy Advanced versions (Gen 3 and Gen 1 Remakes). But since you bought the DSi, you won't be able to do that, since the DSi has no Gameboy Advanced slot.

    So you'll probably have to rely on people who can trade you the Pokemon you want, buy HeartGold or SoulSilver, or you could get a Gameshark, or whatever the Gameshark equivalent is these days.
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  8. #218
    It Isn't Easy Being Green DarkHalo003's Avatar
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    Re: Nintendo of Japan Announces Pokemon Black/White, also Speculation Thread

    In response to the dilemma of Gen. V:

    It's because you had Nintendo of Japan do an American image for an even popular RPG in Japan than in the U.S.A. There is so much flaw in having Nintendo Japan do what I think should be done by Nintendo America (if it really exists). But you know what they say, people bitch and people complain, so it's fluffy shit that people get instead of the awesome stuff people should see.

    In response to Aerowyn:

    I bought SoulSilver after my Gold wouldn't play anymore and I got horribly awful headaches when playing the originals due to their sounds (my hearing is very strange). I've played this game for about two months. The only thing that I hate about it is the lack of things to do after you've done everything (Except Global Link, which I don't care to do) and that you have to restart your game with all of your transfered Pokemon to have a new game instead of having another game slot (which is probably the only thing that these games have always annoyed me about).
    Last edited by DarkHalo003; September 19th, 2010 at 05:21 PM.
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