This is "one" of my new tools. Since i also have read a thread here, where someone asked on how to get Alt Code (Non ASCII Chars) on server name, i made this tool.
I think HCE Patcher got this feature too, but im not sure atm, and also not most people got it and HCE Patcher will it static on the server.
This tool enable Non ASCII (Alt Codes) on your HaloCE Dedicated Server for Server Name but also for "server Password". You can do it like u want. Simply Enable or just disable it per Hotkeys or buttons. I think its also a good thing for the Password, cuz of protection.
Maybeeeeee bruteforce attacks won't get 8 Lenght Non ASCII Chars Passwords combinations.
It normally should also work on bought servers, since they normally use also the haloceded.exe and there shouldn't be many changes of Adresses etc.
But it will only work on Server Websites where you have also "Access" to the haloceded.exe. As Far as i know, on Gameservers isnt it possible anymore. They changed it, normally u got also access to it there.
Just test it out. Didn't tested on older versions like 1.00, only on 1.09 dedicated server, might it won't work but im not sure .