I got an idea that I wanted to post here, because of it's length. It's a three part idea, and has to do with the server files.
For the first part, what about a feature that allows admins to specify a specific location for the main server files, such as the maps folder, the ipbans.txt file, the locations.txt file, the admins.txt file, etc?
This could be useful for those who have servers hosted by companies that require each instance to have it's own .exe file rather than a shortcut, which makes it so that each server would normally have to have its own set of these files, or for people that do this anyways and want to save hard drive sapce, especially in the case of the maps folder. The files could be accessed from another place on the same hard drive, on a FTP server, or on a network drive.
For example, in the init file:
maps_folder C:\HaloFiles\maps
ipbans_file C:\HaloFiles\ipbans.txt
loc_file C:\HaloFiles\locations.txt
admins_file Z:\HaloFiles\admins.txt (Stored on a network drive example)
The second part of this idea would be the ability to integrate multiple files within each other, such as the init file, the events file, and the commands file. On some servers, these files can get pretty big and unmanageable, and if someone has multiple servers that use the same set of events or commands, or init file settings across them, it can get really tedious to maintain and update them.
For example, this could be an init file:
Init File A - Used by the user for setcmd options - C:\HaloFiles\setcmdinit.txt
setcmd afk -1
setcmd b 4
setcmd unban -1
Init File B - Used by the user for map settings - C:\HaloFiles\votinginit.txt
mapvote 1
max_votes 5
map_skip 55
The Main Init File
afk_kick 600
include_file C:\HaloFiles\setcmdinit.txt
include_file C:\HaloFiles\votinginit.txt
When the server is reloaded, it would create a temporary init file that looks like this:
afk_kick 600
setcmd afk -1
setcmd b 4
setcmd unban -1
mapvote 1
max_votes 5
map_skip 55
The same would go for the events file and the commands files as well.
The third part of this idea is the ability to place comments in these files. So, for example, going off the previous one,
afk_kick 600
// setcmd Options
incl_file C:\HaloFiles\setcmdinit.txt
// Voting Options
incl_file C:\HaloFiles\votinginit.txt
The temp init file would then look like this:
afk_kick 600
// setcmd Options
setcmd afk -1
setcmd b 4
setcmd unban -1
// Voting Options
mapvote 1
max_votes 5
map_skip 55
Again, these ideas would not be just for the init file, but all of the SAPP Files.