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Thread: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

  1. #1
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    Everyday we are getting new users to the forums, and joining up with the
    Halo CE community, so i figured I would make all of you guys who are still
    relatively new to this game, or need help, a complete guide of mapping on this Engine.

    Halo CE Info
    Halo CE was released in May of 2004, unlike the Halo PC, this "Expansion"
    of the game was made for Custom Map Creation, allowing users to create
    their own content and be able to use them in their Halo map.

    Maps get installed to your Halo Custom Edition/maps folder
    (normally C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Halo Custom Edition/maps)

    What you will need to create your own custom map are:

    Auto Desk 3DS Max : 3D modeling program used to create models to put into the game, and you must also have this script to export you map:
    The Reason I tell you to get this is because Blitzkrieg (original exporter)
    does not work with the 3ds max 2000 series.

    Adobe Photoshop : Used to create textures for the game

    Halo Editing Kit : Used to import your content into the format the game
    uses, Tag editing, and Level Population.

    These are just the 3 must have applications to make a fully custom level.

    Running a 3DS Max Script

    Follow the image below.

    Installing the Editing Kit

    Now this is where a lot of people get lost, in fact i got lost for a while here,
    run the .EXE file you downloaded and follow the procedures until it says the
    installation is complete. This is where people get lost. The intallation creates
    3 applications and 2 folders(data and tags).

    Editing Kit Applications

    The Applications that have been installed are now in your
    C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Halo Custom Edition folder.

    Guerilla: Guerilla is the tool used for editing/creating tags in the game.
    EX: Weapons, Vehicles, Characters, ETC.

    Q: What are tags?
    A: Tags are basically the source files that make up the game itself, without
    tags, there would be no game!

    Sapien: Sapien is where you populate your map. It is also used to compile
    scripts, but we'll get into that later.

    Q: What do you mean by "Population"?
    A: Population is where you place the objects in your map that make up
    game play and beauty, like Weapons, Scenery (trees, rocks, etc) and

    Tool: This is probably the application you will be using the most. Using
    this application requires Command Prompt. It converts your creations
    into a file format Halo can read.

    Q: Where is command prompt, and how do I get to Tool with it?
    A: Command prompt can be found when you click start, then go to
    accessories. When you click it, type in
    cd/program files/microsoft games/halo custom edition

    that will take you to the folder that the tool application is in.

    Q: What can I do with tool?
    A: Good question. I will show you the list of commands tool has to offer.

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition>Tool
    Couldn't read map file './'
    usage: tool verb <options..>
      model source-directory
      animations source-directory
      strings source-directory
      unicode-strings source-directory
      bitmaps source-directory
      bitmap source-file
      structure scenario-directory bsp-name
      structure-lens-flares bsp-name
      structure-breakable-surfaces structure-name
      collision-geometry source-directory
      physics source-file
      sounds directory-name platform<xbox,wav,ogg> ogg_only_value_flag<quality or
      sounds_by_type directory-name type <round to 64 samples:yes/no>
      build-cache-file <scenario-name>
      hud-messages <path> <scenario-name>
      lightmaps <scenario> <bsp index> <quality> <stop threshhold>
      process-sounds <root path> <substring> <gain+|gain-|gain=|maximum-distance|m
    imum-distance> <value>
      merge-scenery <source scenario> <destination scenario>
      import-device-defaults <defaults|profiles> <savegame path>
    As you can see, all i did to get this list was type the word Tool.
    Beginner Tutorials

    To create your first map, I will show you the tutorials i followed to
    make my first map. These tutorials will also go over some of the commands above.

    Kirk's Beginner Tutorials

    Kirk's Intermediate Tutorials

    Start from the top and work your way down
    These tutorials are nice and slow for you new Guys.

    Intermediate Terrain Modeling Using Height maps

    Creating your Height Map
    This video is unable to be displayed because the YouTube video tags were used incorrectly. Please review proper use of the tags here.
    ( )

    Using your Height Map to create Terrain

    This video is unable to be displayed because the YouTube video tags were used incorrectly. Please review proper use of the tags here.
    ( )

    For Lesson 3-15 go to Jwenfield's youtube profile

    Bump Mapping
    Bump mapping is what really makes a game come to life.
    An easy way to create Bump maps is by using Crazy. Bump.
    This application can make a 2d surface into a high resolution 3d surface.
    With bump maps you can use low poly meshes and create bumps to make
    them look like they are really detailed models.

    Things that Crazy Bump can do
    -Create a Normal Map (Bump map)
    -Create a Specular Map
    -Create an Occlusion Map
    -Create a Displacement map

    Since Halo is an older engine, we can only really take use of the Normal
    Map and some what Specular Map.

    I opened the Beaver Creek Cliff Texture for an example.

    And in seconds I got beautiful results:

    Now I saved my Bump Map and Ran it through tool and plugged it into
    my Shader Environment Tag here

    Now with dynamic lighting you can see your awesome bumps, or without
    dynamics by changing the cube map properties on the bottom of the tag.


    Download Wave Pad

    My Example Sound is gonna be called Bobert.
    Im going to save it to data\sound\Bobert\Bobert.WAV

    I will save the file using these properties:

    As you can see, i made my own format Called Halo CE sound format, you
    can do this by changing an existing setting, and change the preferences to
    match mine, then press Save As.

    Now to get the sound into Guerilla, Open up Tool and type:
    Tool sounds sound\Bobert ogg 1

    We don't have to use ogg but heres why I am for this example
    WAV: doesn't play ingame
    XBOX: The link to the DLL to use this format seems to be long lost,
    but i use this format and recommend it.

    When tool finishes, open Guerilla, in your tags folder, go to sound\Bobert.
    Now click on Bobert.sound, go to the bottom and press play. You have
    just imported your first sound. To hear it ingame, replace it with another
    sound thats ingame, like the Assault Rifle fireing sound for instance.

    For Music Sound, you would do the same thing, except after you compile,
    check off the flag "split long sound into permutations" and recompile.

    In Sapien press ~ for the console.

    Scripting is the main key for single player maps. Single Player maps will
    turn out like garbage without them. You can get the list of script commands
    by going into sapien, opening up console and typing script_doc. This will
    give you a list of script commands in your Halo Custom Edition folder, called
    HS_DOC.TXT. That or just look below.

    The Ghost's: Project BlueStreak
    The Ghost has been nice enough to make some 3ds max scripts to benefit
    the community.

    GBX Model Importer: This Allows us to Import Halo's GBX Models into 3ds Max
    Animation Importer: This Allows us to Import Halo's Animation Graph's into 3ds Max
    JMS Exporter (Region Fix): This allows us to Export any type of model to JMS format and
    import it into Halo. This Also Supports Rigged Bones, and Region, thanks to CtrlAltDestroy

    FireScythe's Aether

    Halo:CE Lighting Helper

    Program Features:
    *Scenario object marker export
    *Perfect bsp extraction including all bitmaps and correct smoothing
    *Perfect bsp lightmap extraction including lightmap bitmaps assigned to the mesh
    *Portal and fog plane extraction
    *Bitmap injection into BSP lightmap

    3ds Max/Maya Script features:
    *Fixes bsp materials to show in viewport and ignore alpha channels (Not in Maya Script)
    *Places marker spheres according to marker positions exported by Aether
    *Instances meshes and places them according to marker positions exported by Aether

    Thanks to FireScythe we can now make lightmaps using 3ds max. Which means
    we could use VRay.
    DeeHunter's Advanced Lightmapping Tutorial:

    List of tags that can be made for Halo CE

    keep note that some of these, like multiplayer map description,shader,
    lightning, and a few others will not work properly, or just crash Guerilla.

    More Tutorials can be found at

    Ok two hours of typing this was not that fun. Anyways, I know Halo CE
    is a relativly oldish engine, but this community is alive, much more then
    Halo 2 PC, I thought i'd be nice and post pointers. If anyone wants to add
    anything, just post it then ill add it in the original post. As you can see there
    is some things i have left out, I will maybe add some more tommorow
    So yeah. Enjoy.

    Last edited by Ki11a_FTW; January 31st, 2009 at 01:35 AM.
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  2. #2
    Next time, we eat Rudolph ThePlague's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    Very nice topic, explains a lot.
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  3. #3
    The Child Pornographer Ki11a_FTW's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    Thanks, i just forgot to add Bluestreak, added now.
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  4. #4

    Re: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    Thanks Ki11a. This guide would have helped me out a lot when I first started. The bump mapping thing IS helping me out a lot now I would +rep you, but I think I have 0 reputation power so... I'll do it if I actually can. Awesome guide.
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  5. #5
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    Nice, but nearly all of it is on the Wiki...

    Also crazy bump only has trial version that lasts 30 days
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  6. #6
    Useless Member jngrow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Halo Custom Edition Mapping Guide

    The wiki is pretty scattered/last time i checked a lot of stuff i needed wasn't there. All I've gotten form the site is Ghost's tutorial list.
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