That looked really good, I'm impressed. The idea was well thought out. Most people try to make it so you walk through the wall but it's impossible to do that. Making the gun shoot teleporters was a great idea to me to mimic a portal gun.
Wow sorry I meant something else...I mean the people on YouTube...
"Please just to clear this out this is NOT a portal mod this is simply a map edit that puts invisible teleporters into the places of exaclty where they" - imstopable14
"faker u added a tele then jsut shot the place then walked into it there no way u can do it" - towelieqmn
"About the whole "Portal Gun", its not the gun. Its the MAP. He just put in invisable teleporters in sparkedit and rememebered where they were. Then he justwent in and shot where the tele's were. Notice they do the same teleporter sets every now and then, shooting in the same places. Fake, 1/5 stars" - sliphantom