View Full Version : Halo PC & Custom Edition
Pages :
- HCE Anniversary MCC PC 2000: Now with the same netcode (4 replies)
- Master Chief Collection (With Reach) Coming To PC (9 replies)
- New Halo CE mod (1 replies)
- Alternative Halo CE Forums / Discords (2 replies)
- Halo MCC might be getting Custom Map support (0 replies)
- Halo 1 XBOX version Please convert XBE (System Link Coop Files) (0 replies)
- HCE [VIDEO] My 25 Halo Custom Edition Maps... 10 Years Later (3 replies)
- (3 replies)
- HCE I think I know why bungie contacted buddy on here (5 replies)
- GBFOS Gamenightz (35 replies)
- PM me a halo key please (6 replies)
- HCE Halo 1 Xbox restoration mod by Stuntman (1 replies)
- HCE Request - Mod (A Tool to make communicating easier with the spanish) (0 replies)
- Anyone know how to get in contact with EJBurke? (1 replies)
- HeK+ Blues (3 replies)
- Original XBOX Halo 1,2 MP → SP Converted? (3 replies)
- Halo 2 System Link Campaign Coop Mod? (1 replies)
- Halo Coop File (Original XBOX) Korean Compiler?? (1 replies)
- Original XBOX Halo CE, System Link Complete Campaign Mode (3 replies)
- teamspeak?? (2 replies)
- HALO CE Graphics bugs (10 replies)
- Played some Halo CE last night (5 replies)
- Servers Closing Down Error? (4 replies)
- Audio Hardware Acceleration (0 replies)
- SmG Clan's Halo 1.10 BattleCreek Mods (5 replies)
- Xfire Shutting Down (11 replies)
- Game night? (15 replies)
- HPC, HCE, H2V Gaming Clan (35 replies)
- O bby, Halo: Online Thread (72 replies)
- 343 announces new F2P Halo PC game tailored for Russian audience (46 replies)
- Sapien Issue (0 replies)
- HCE [Q?] Air acceleration and air control (4 replies)
- Old Halo Videos (11 replies)
- HALO EXPOSED - Hardly Lebel, Multiplayer Designer Starts a Blog (4 replies)
- HCE Dynamic Customs Server (35 replies)
- Greatest Map Makers? (52 replies)
- is back online! (6 replies)
- HaloCE 1.10 DevMode (1 replies)
- Halo Flycam (5 replies)
- Thirdperson and FOV for Halo/CE 1.10 (2 replies)
- HCE WIP - Geomar (12 replies)
- Universal UI Version 1.1 Release Thread (8 replies)
- PAX Prime 2014 Video Game Maestros Panel? (7 replies)
- HPC UST (4 replies)
- Concept art for some wierd project called Vindication (why am i here) (0 replies)
- Halo: Composition (7 replies)
- halo poem (12 replies)
- Wow, CE3 2014 actually looks somewhat professional! (7 replies)
- HPC Halo Speed Runs (20 replies)
- 1.10: wow, such servers (6 replies)
- HCE [MAP] 2 to 6 sum (10 replies)
- HCE Mapping Context (5 replies)
- HCE [WIP] Candelabra (45 replies)
- WIP Gridiron (129 replies)
- HCE [release][scenery] H3, Reach, H4 UNSC Fleet ships (0 replies)
- HCE [release][scenery]Halo H3, Reach, H4 Covenant Fleet (0 replies)
- HCE Biped Rigging, Issue with Wrists (2 replies)
- Server Queries with 1.10 and the new master server (1 replies)
- Master server down? (3 replies)
- HCE 3ds max poll (21 replies)
- HCE Halo GUNGAME (72 replies)
- Patch 1.10 has been released (35 replies)
- Official Halo CE File Downloads at 1Gbps (30 replies)
- I Made An Announcement About My New Website ( ) (21 replies)
- Does anybody? (0 replies)
- With all the talk of Gamespy, anyone up for playing some custom maps? (16 replies)
- Does Anyone Have the "ff_landslide" Map Up For Download? (0 replies)
- RIP Halo (142 replies)
- Stretched Custom Edition UI and other small annoyances (5 replies)
- Original HUD in high resolution? (9 replies)
- HALO CE CLAN (11 replies)
- Server Auto Restart? (3 replies)
- MOTD Issue (1 replies)
- HCE CE3 2014 Live (1 replies)
- HCE Takedown: Extermination (1 replies)
- Would anyone want me to release this? (5 replies)
- Memory Leak in Dedicated Server (7 replies)
- Combat Corps clan RECRUITING! (15 replies)
- Everynow and then the time comes. The time to suck dick. (59 replies)
- Corrine Yu leaves 343i (21 replies)
- HCE Hash Verify in PHP (or CLI C++) (17 replies)
- Sup driggers, I'm back, and I'm still slaving away. (53 replies)
- HCE [WIP] halo3 Rats nest remake. (5 replies)
- Anyone here still mod/target H1X? (11 replies)
- Does Anyone Know What Happened To The Pit? (2 replies)
- Tips for exporting HCE maps to Xbox (0 replies)
- HCE {UHP} Halo Ce Clan Recruitment (4 replies)
- I remember a map... (3 replies)
- Vehicle Floor (3 replies)
- Halo Revolution Beta (6 replies)
- HPC Halo: Revolution Beta (0 replies)
- There was a topic before (2 replies)
- Is there a way for non-admins to cause connection problems with other players? (3 replies)
- Cmt Snow Grove (8 replies)
- Strange Halo Issue (6 replies)
- HCE Just Another Day - SmG Spy [Montage] (0 replies)
- Microsoft confirms Halo 'Bootcamp' for PC! (45 replies)
- HCE Changing announcer sounds (1 replies)
- Arsenic: Single Player Maps Won't Compile (0 replies)
- BluBlaze Conversion Mappack V1: Taking Requests (16 replies)
- down? (15 replies)
- 9 years (28 replies)
- HCE I give mony for any one help me (1 replies)
- When Halo lerps does it herp? (6 replies)
- Halo CE Tournament revival? (12 replies)
- I bring thee not simple rearrangements, but a whole new world of possibilities,,, (183 replies)
- Oculus Rift: What mods would be needed in the halo engine? (12 replies)
- HCE Question on OS/Vehicle limit? (4 replies)
- HCE Buying CE Olnine (2 replies)
- HCE Please help me with this bot/waller (7 replies)
- Deadpoint - A Halo PC Trick Jumping Montage (10 replies)
- HCE [Release] Halo Custom Edition for Mac (44 replies)
- (Utility) Halo Alpha Rescaler (fixes ammo meter gradients) (2 replies)
- HPC Help! Please search your archives - "" (3 replies)
- I would like to mod the campaign. Everything crashes. (0 replies)
- HCE NMT - we are recruiting... It COULD BE YOU!! (21 replies)
- Arsenic (37 replies)
- HCE Phasor (3 replies)
- Fancy schmancy lighting in CE? (2 replies)
- I FIXED "ARSENIC", The XBox Halo Map Tool (18 replies)
- HCE Corrupted player profile (1 replies)
- HCE How to monitor chat (11 replies)
- HCE Timer for VEHICLES (4 replies)
- Gamespy news shutting down, the servers will still run though.. right? (4 replies)
- HCE Animation export script for blender (0 replies)
- Universal UI v1.0 Release Thread (4 replies)
- Universal UI Official Thread (6 replies)
- HCE Open Sauce Compatible Sightjackers? (8 replies)
- HPC Game Day (sunday) (0 replies)
- Challenge Accepted! (11 replies)
- HCE CUSTOM (28 replies)
- Halo O.D.S.T. New Custom Singleplayer series for Halo Custom Edition (3 replies)
- HCE My markers in "INSTANCES". (2 replies)
- Game Night Tonight(again) (76 replies)
- Halo Server Query API (19 replies)
- Modacity Night Before Christmas Game Night? (75 replies)
- Strings.DLL (6 replies)
- HCE Backup Your Custom Edition Stuff (FTP) (16 replies)
- HCE Halo 3 Foundry Port By Jesse & DSalimander. (51 replies)
- HCE Enlist for Project K11 (52 replies)
- Old videos (15 replies)
- Halo 2 Single Player Project (27 replies)
- HPC Animations in UIs (33 replies)
- [WIP] Quickbeam (12 replies)
- I'm making a plugin for blender to export jms. files (17 replies)
- HCE Looking for old render distance changer (2 replies)
- HRT - Halo Racing Tournament. (0 replies)
- Halo ENB, OS, and xfire :( (5 replies)
- How did you find CE? (21 replies)
- Yoyorast Island V1 Videos/Pictures? (10 replies)
- help me fix broken text please and thank you (10 replies)
- Halo CE Mysteries (141 replies)
- What version of tool.exe is everyone using? (3 replies)
- HPC Operation Opensource (10 replies)
- Halo 4 Remix Contest [WIP] (9 replies)
- Some thoughts on the state of CE + A solution (18 replies)
- Getting Started (0 replies)
- Halo CE (19 replies)
- Custom UI Troubles (8 replies)
- HCE Help setting up HaloCEDed (2 replies)
- HCE FraggedNation Ladders and Tournaments (1 replies)
- HCE [App] Adjutant v2 (0 replies)
- HCE how can on join the CMT (custom mapping team) (46 replies)
- HPC Correctly Mod vehicles into a map. (25 replies)
- flag score limit to 100 or more (6 replies)
- Where have all the servers gone? (4 replies)
- HPC Looking for some cool map mods. (17 replies)
- HCE Firefight Descent - by MoooseGuy & Pepzee (41 replies)
- HCE need help with a Character and Biped for halo ce (0 replies)
- 0 ping server (13 replies)
- HCE A Halo server request from me to you (1 replies)
- Pablo should get a key! (28 replies)
- Precursor Architecture? (19 replies)
- [Wanted] Skilled programmer who can work with BlamLib (6 replies)
- HCE HMT:Reach (6 replies)
- Paying Money to anyone that can help (33 replies)
- Halo UNITY (3 replies)
- Looking for a really good halo pc modder (1 replies)
- Halo Tablet Companion (10 replies)
- How do I disable the flashing? (31 replies)
- HCE HaloCE Yelo Battery feature? Help plz ;/ (6 replies)
- Low priced game servers (halo, MC, etc) (30 replies)
- Custom Campaign (Yet to be named) (2 replies)
- HCE Interior Lighting issue (21 replies)
- HCE halo CE SAPP server event.txt help (0 replies)
- Phasor App Script Help :( (1 replies)
- HCE Using a function to activate an animation. Help needed. (0 replies)
- Particle Effects - a Reference Guide (0 replies)
- Port Forwarding to Host... (7 replies)
- HCE replace rocket launcher, fuel, flamer, camo and os (18 replies)
- HaloCE won't run on Windows 8 (7 replies)
- HPC The Ghost Froom (50 replies)
- lulz (18 replies)
- Halo CE causing exception on startup (9 replies)
- Looking for HighQuality Multikill and KillingSprees Sounds (Halo 3 and up) (0 replies)
- The Big 8 (Happy birthday CE) (8 replies)
- So ahhh.. (37 replies)
- HCE [MAP] [WIP] Duality (12 replies)
- HCE Halo PC/CE Multiclient (generic) (3 replies)
- HCE Help me think, (statistics system) (5 replies)
- HPC Halo Hash Verifier [Halo PC/Halo CE] (26 replies)
- Yoyorast Island Beta Testing! (23 replies)
- [WIP] Battlefield 3 UI (58 replies)
- Halo CD keys (5 replies)
- HCE Halo CE Zombies? (15 replies)
- Let's have a gameday (129 replies)
- HCE Getting started with Cheat Engine, C++ and Halo [PC/CE] (1 replies)
- Dynamic lighting sapien (2 replies)
- Help making custom detail object collections (0 replies)
- Halo 4 Battle Rifle (92 replies)
- A modest proposal (30 replies)
- HCE For some entertainment (11 replies)
- Wartorn Cove (9 replies)
- So buddies n' I were talkin' (12 replies)
- Delta Halo UI Thread # 30 (93 replies)
- HCE [WIP] Simba (updated) (17 replies)
- First script i've liked from phasor (21 replies)
- HCE CMT I HOPE YOULL RESPOND 2 this (7 replies)
- HCE question (6 replies)
- Know what would be nice? U.S. Citizens Using U.S. Servers. And mods watching for bots (100 replies)
- Searching for files from 06 and earlier. (4 replies)
- How would I edit campaign maps in Sapien? (3 replies)
- HPC [MAP] Halo3 Chopper !!! (3 replies)
- Rendering players (third person camera) (2 replies)
- HCE OpenSauce needs a new logo (26 replies)
- HPC Need help with a Spambot that I'm making in C# (42 replies)
- HCE Halo Server On Windos VPS 2003 (4 replies)
- Let's talk about how much H2V sucks here instead of in the CMT thread :D (32 replies)
- Halo Alive!? (3 replies)
- Issues Installing HEK+ (18 replies)
- Halo CE/PC Extreme Multiplayer lag across all servers (9 replies)
- HCE buy Halo PC/CE Cd keys in bulk? (52 replies)
- HCE HaloCE - OpenSauce - V3.1 Released (233 replies)
- Help Ryx learn CE (1 replies)
- HCE Plasma Launcher (28 replies)
- Tested a skin-mod, now stuck with it. (10 replies)
- Sightjacking manually? (8 replies)
- Alright, I'm a bit confused. Minor Open Sauce issues inside (4 replies)
- Anti-Aliasing in Halo - new method! (60 replies)
- The Halo CE Chronicles – Fearless Part Two (4 replies)
- Halo CE and Crossover Games (10 replies)
- Concept artist in need of work. (1 replies)
- HCE Do you play Halo CE? Want to admin some decent servers? (31 replies)
- HCE CMT's TSC: Evolved - 3/2/2015 - released (564 replies)
- Halo Reach Concussion Rifle (19 replies)
- I'm sorry (28 replies)
- [Petition] Modacity Pro Server (65 replies)
- Please give me feedback on my mod (PLEASE READ BEFORE REPLYING) (82 replies)
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