View Full Version : Feedback/Questions
- New feature for forum?
- Rep System
- Rant time!
- wtf?
- how do u edit profile?!!?!
- suggestion: cod4 section
- Mod for Gmod Section?
- Suggestion: The previous forum theme.
- Bug: Quote Post and Multiple Quote
- HCEL Sub-Forum
- Putting forums under another subforum?
- Update to CSS
- Grammar Error
- You guys need to get these images
- Gmod section renaming?
- Theme for all boards?
- Suggestion : Change the UT section to include all the UT games
- Suggestion: Steam and Xfire support
- Problem.
- Computer Specs
- Google Modacity
- Studio Question
- Halo question
- Underline hyperlinks
- Total Time Online?
- Suggestion: Gears of War PC
- Wiki WTF?
- Question
- Modacity Easter egg?
- The Mods that never sleep.
- Suggestion: Rearranging Sections
- Suggestion : Chatbox
- Forum's broke, fix naow
- NICK3D Banned for no reason
- Gonks replaced with pickleposter!
- Forum Addition
- Ninja tags color is off
- Reputation Levels?
- Please lengthen your message-
- So I've got this donation...
- My avatar keeps going missing...
- Can't seem to find 'The Rules'
- Suggestion: Multi Post automerging
- Modeling Challenge Location.
- Suggestion: Spell Kornman00's name correctly
- New Poll: Which theme are you using?
- Attachments and download center?
- Is this sort of rep allowed?
- Search Feature.
- Request for a shirt
- What was that all about?
- Stop messing with thread titles
- Make hyperlinks in the crysis theme visually different from regular text.
- Why is the Wiki blocked?
- Couple vBulletin questions...
- Vermin
- Suggestion: Longer Log-in time
- Avatar animation
- Audio vB Code
- Steam section in your profile
- AIDS notification under avatars.
- Unbearable
- My latest reputation given menu
- Suggestion: Ban/Detention Petition
- How long is a person got AIDS?
- You just lost the game.
- serious grievances concerning modacity forum
- Modacity accidentally the whole sections?
- Donation?
- My Source Theme...
- Infractions.
- User groups and friends
- ... um ok...
- Thankyou for posting!
- Latest Reputation Given
- Post layout
- Random Title
- Disrespect
- Computer specs
- login problems....
- ??
- Problem updating Avatar
- Suggestion
- Arrange by number of friends
- Computer Specs: Speakers?
- Just Do it.
- Halo CE tutorials link is broked
- Threads must be apporved now?
- Can I have my username changed?
- Something wrong with quick reply text box.
- ? about the rep bar...
- Suggestion:
- Donation Success page
- Text problem
- No.
- Name Change Please?
- New Forum, "The Vent Room"?
- Ignored people, hide thread titles please?
- Where's my...
- Will there be a Halo Wars Forum After it's Release?
- YouTube HD/HQ Embeded Videos?
- Ignore list issue
- Need a dispenser here?
- Profile visitor messages
- Steam profile in posts
- Make Xfire and Gamertags Public!
- Do we have a mobile version of the forums?
- STALKER section?
- Modacity Podcast Crew
- AIM field in profile isn't long enough
- Modacity HCE Dedicated Server?
- Can't disable rep
- List o' Discouraged Memes?
- Piracy discussion rules need to change.
- General FTP for Trusted Senior Members
- Increase maximum sig height
- Rep Broken :O
- ...What the hell
- fix this stupid infraction shit
- Modacity?
- While I was registering...
- Who Broke it.
- Thread RSS Feeds
- REQUEST: Ban anybody with zero posts and an account older than 1 month
- This game is so got damn good....
- Fake new pages: STOP THE MADNESS.
- How to do polls
- Can I has FTP?
- cant log in on my home ip
- New Smiley
- Possible forum add on?
- Banned
- Needs more Team Fortress and Unreal Tournament III theme
- Why Modacity is bad.
- Post Preview
- My Ideas for a Possible Forum Restructure
- Why Modacity is awesome.
- on Google
- what the hell
- why do you guys call me a furry?
- Ignore
- wut.
- Disregard this I suck cocks
- Quick Moderation
- I'm logged in but it says I'm offline?
- Why do I have acess from one computer, but not another?
- Missing borders...
- The "Post smileys for consideration" thread
- Whatever happened to the Modacity Teamspeak server?
- Restructuring "Gaming General Discussion"
- Donating on the 1st
- ????
- My random question was ridiculous.
- New posts/Threads suggestion
- Blocking rep?
- image_hack
- Nice.
- [shadow] bbCode
- Way back when...
- hey. posting from phone
- Around 1:40-2:10 AM, was anyone unable to connect?
- Btw...
- Sex Ed 101: Cascading Style Sheets and You
- Idea - Most Recent Unread Post
- Quick links? Forgot the proper name for them.
- So I heard that ross doesn't like so threads
- New donor power
- hey can admin change forum user name?
- 503: Service not available
- Remove Alt-Text from [youtube] tag
- Guest post?
- how to become a site donor
- embeding youtube here on
- About the site news...
- Please take the porn out of my rep list.
- Completely remove users posts that are on your ignore list!
- 2 questions
- In Modacity's Best Interest
- Holy shit upgrade the site.
- Minor annoyance, probably just nitpicking
- text is smaller?
- Dead tutorial links
- User Details: Steam ID
- what the fuck is going on with the site
- Increase the field size for the AIM username!
- Is it possible to post in another language?
- why is the new section so fucking bad
- Forum index is broken between 12am-1am for GMT+12 (New Zealand) :F
- Name changes - Can we some kind of regulation for these?
- pre-emptive locking
- Some forum topics Not Appearing in "Recent Threads" Section
- personal threads
- Fuck shot tags
- fuck the main page
- The new subforums...
- new themes
- You moderators are out of control!
- Suggestion: rename the site
- Modacity has been hacked.
- Add this emote, it is really important for are forum~
- Add this emote, it is really important for are forum~
- [Rule Suggestion] Ban Drunk/High Threads.
- Shoutbox?
- Ban "ban freelancer" posts/threads/comments.
- Ban Ban Ban Freelancer
- Why do some people have a "+" next to their name?
- What's wrong with the site?
- New Modacity Smiley.
- Is it ok?
- offsite avatar
- Cod4/IW subforum?
- SUGGESTION: put a BBC list somewhere people can find it
- Need more hard drive sections in pc specs page!
- Why was my CoD thread deleted
- Discussion/Debate Subforum
- Menus screwed up?
- watch what the fuck you link to
- vb4 database test
- vB 4.0 Post Your Issues
- Stupid Ideas are Stupid.
- Halo Scripting Bible
- Sup,
- VB4 Functionality Issues, Take 2
- Remove orange box section and merge it with source.
- Hmmm... Maybe...
- [shot]/[img] tags converting to [thumb] when quoted?
- Amendment to the Reputation System
- Add a space!
- ModaWiki aka, ModaWakaWakaWaka
- Valve release section
- Forum collapse buttons
- Users can now edit their threads' titles
- Blag Spam
- What's the point of a "New Posts" button
- Changing title thing (not only my thread?)
- Something's missing....
- Halo Reach forum
- modacity - rep = more public flaming
- [BUG] ATTN Whoever.
- Information about the history of Modding
- Self promotion
- Possible new sub-forum?
- Minecraft Forum?
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