View Full Version : [CRYSIS] Can't get back up to the flight deck

May 17th, 2008, 04:53 PM
On the level "reckoning", after I get the tac cannon, the door where the admiral dies is permanently jammed and I can't get past it. It's a serious bug and no matter how many times I restart the level it won't work. I got past it once, but I left the tac cannon behind by accident, which is another serious bug, since you can't get back to the armory after going outside. I couldn't defeat the alien ship without it. Now I can't get past the fucking door. This is starting to piss me off.

EDIT: I blew the door closed again with a grenade, then bashed it wide open, which replayed the Admiral's dying scene :3

This topic serves no purpose now. I'll leave it open for comment, though, mods can close it if they like.

May 19th, 2008, 01:01 PM
EDIT: I blew the door closed again with a grenade, then bashed it wide open, which replayed the Admiral's dying scene :3

That's the flowgraph for you. Now go make something with teh sandbox editor.