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View Full Version : [HALO 3] Consequences - Halo 3 Machinima Series : Episode 4 - Insurgent

May 19th, 2008, 12:37 PM
http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6865/consep4mk5.png (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences)
Consequences: Hyperions Vengeance
Created By: FireDragon04
-Episode 4 : Insurgent-

Episode Summery:
Collin and Logan set out for a calm restful journey to the planet the Architect showed
them last time, but it seems not all is right onboard their ship.

Creator Comment:
"This episode dives into a new dimension of Collin, as he is left to fight a new mysterious character without Logan; as they arrive at the location of the Hyperion."

Episode Screenshots:
http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_onethumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_one.jpg)http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_twothumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_two.jpg)http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_threethumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_three.jpg)http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_fourthumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_four.jpg)http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_fivethumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/EpisodeScreenshots/EP4_five.jpg)

Download Links:
High Res DivX : HERE (http://www.firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/Episodes/Consequences_Episode4.divx)
Low Res WMV: HERE (http://www.firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/Episodes/Consequences_Episode4_LOW.wmv)
(Right click save target/link as...)

Streaming Links:
Youtube: HERE (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Spi-MF51Mb8)
Machinima.com : Consequences Website ("]COMING SOON[/URL]

Consequences Forum[/B] (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/forums)
Consequences Blog (http://consequencesseries.blogspot.com/)
Check out the Blog i update it after every filming shoot with lots of interesting lingo-jingo.

[U]Episode - Other Media:

http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/Wallpapers/Jamesthumb.jpg (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/Wallpapers/James.jpg)

James Wallpaper/image


1) How come you decided to add subtitles to the 'Architect'?
He was given subtitles so he is easier to understand, in the past he has said very important things,
but not as important as what it would say in episode 3, so we added subtitles so everyone can understand.

2) I'm not sure about this new character, who is he?
The new character is James, and is seen only in the episode, he really helps the series reach into things
we haven’t previously explored, and also is a dramatic change from the last episode a few weeks back.

3) How come this episode took so long to be released?
GTA4 and Acting shortages made the series suffer a 'break' but its back now.

Help us Out

Go check out the filming times over at the forum (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/forums/showthread.php?t=3) and see if you can come help us out, and star in one of the future episodes of Consequences.

Thanks to:

To Halo.bungie.org for the front page of past episodes.

Alex Ward for his great help and voice acting as a one time character in this episode.

Also, Everyone who joined and helped out.

Past Episodes

EP1 - Pilot (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/forums/showthread.php?t=4)
EP2 - Collisions (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/forums/showthread.php?t=7)

EP3 - Meeting (http://firedragonsmaps.net/Consequences/forums/showthread.php?t=8)

Thanks Again, FireDragon04.

May 19th, 2008, 12:56 PM
Downloading high res now. Really should do work but its for good ol' firedragon so must be watched! :D