View Full Version : My thoughts on.. life.
May 21st, 2008, 06:28 PM
Recently, if anyone gives a hoodie-doo, I've been just pondering everything about life, religion, personalities, culture, ways of life, how we live, and every time I think about it we're just trying to make us different from the mainstream life (i.e. Birth > Mate / Reproduce > Die) in a more complex way. Sure there is lots of other things we, humans, do such as think and have other ways to solve problems, and aren't considered as 'stupid' as animals. But thats not what I came here to post, what I really meant to question is religion. Not trying to start a war or anything but it's been really bothering me ever since I saw FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) to really realize how stupid religions are, in my eyes.
From what I know, religion is a huge clan that was man-made to follow specific guidelines such as the will of god and other things. In beliefs to god made the earth in a week / 7 days which seems to be stretched out. The bible states that "god" gave us free will and we should all live together in peace and harmony, yet I don't see anybody really doing that. Theres always nice people everywhere, whether your religious or not, and I for one am not. It's just why would you depend on 'god' to blame some problems on you or what really causes you to believe in such things?
Maybe it was the way you were raised but I really don't know, I was raised as an atheist basically. The reason I made this thread and to whomever reads it, is all about why? I dont think anyone will give me a clear answer leading to crazy nonsense.
Another thing, people slyly try to persuade you to pray to god and go to church and it's really getting to be a bother. It's just been laying in my mind for ages and I'm just trying to clear up my mind of the puddle of words swimming in a lake of muck. I for one am atheist, never will or hope to never believe in a greater being such as god. Of course I find the FSM funny to parody the twisted stupidity of religions such as Christianity or Judaism but have people really lost touch from reality? I'm not trying to imply atheism is the way to go, but if other religions can diss on each other its time for everyone else to step in it. I usually get random extremists email / IM or contact me in some way to babble, as what I see, mindless nonsense and complete absurd rudeness. It's really sickening to me to see people taking things such as this to such an extreme level. I mean, same flesh, same blood (maybe not literal, but still), same skin, same organs. Yet why do we differentiate each other in such ways?
I don't think I'll ever find a clear answer to anything that goes on in my mind :(
But mainly to whomever skimmed / skipped through this without thought just to wrong me and try to persuade me otherwise, my question: Is Humanity losing touch from REALITY?
May 21st, 2008, 06:31 PM
reality is: why do we do anything? :suicide:
May 21st, 2008, 06:34 PM
Yeah. Humanity is losing touch with reality. We have been since the beginning. We make better realities and live in them, because living in a worse one isn't as fun.
May 21st, 2008, 08:06 PM
reality is: why do we do anything? :suicide:
Cause we're cool like that :downs:.
May 21st, 2008, 08:21 PM
Every year I get older, I realise how much religion is such as joke. Science is getting more and more advanced, you'd think they would get closer to debunking the whole god thing, its getting ever more further away though.
May 21st, 2008, 08:48 PM
Why don't you go read a book or take a course on world religions/cultures and get educated rather than philosophizing about it on a forum?
May 21st, 2008, 09:23 PM
I agree with Snaf.
about Limited's post, I find it kind of hard to believe in that whole "in the beginning there was nothing, and then it blew up" thing. Ive noticed that the big bang theory is actually very close to parts of the ancient Greek mythology creation theory. "there was just chaos," and then it all exploded and everything was created. i mean, if there was just a bunch of gases and stuff there in the beginning, which eventually reacted and blew up, well where did all that come from? both theories have flaws, so it kinda just boils down to having faith in what you believe in.
May 21st, 2008, 09:42 PM
Why don't you go read a book or take a course on world religions/cultures and get educated rather than philosophizing about it on a forum?
Hey don't tell me what to do :maddowns: I went to church so I am educated.
Caboose O'Malley
May 21st, 2008, 10:38 PM
How do we define reality again?
We take it all for granted; The water we drink, the air we breath, your tiny insignificant existence.
We see the world, our world, through filters. We can't see infrared nor hear ultrasounds, there's much going on that we simply have no clue about. But how do we know if it all is here? We could just simply be like a brain floating in some liquid, getting pumped with electronic impulses that creates images in our mind and feelings. (Or maybe like something in the Matrix... HA!)
I'm an agnostic; I need proof of everything until I'll agree with something, even if someone could prove a higher beings precence, I might still shudder and say "but what if you're the one being fooled here?"
So I'd say that until we fully understand reality, we will never become part of it.
May 22nd, 2008, 12:18 AM
I honestly believe minding my own business. I don't have anything against religion, some of the nicest people I know are the most religious people I know. Its their life and its not up to me to say what they can or can not do. It is not hard to live and let live. And I know alot of people think religion is evil or bad but what they teach are very good human qualities (love thy neighbor, don't judge others, Enjoining to Do Good). Taking religion to the extreme is what angers me, as does taking nearly anything to an extreme.
Humanity on a whole needs to chill, calm down and stop polarizing ourselves over religion, politics, and anything else we can find. However I hate people that oppose the progress of science and technology, they are being backwards and short sighted such is in their opposition to stem cell research.
Religion == Magic and fantasy
Everyone here has read a book where they wished they could be the character or live that life. But the cold hard reality that dragons, magic, etc does not exist. Yet religion offers a hope that such fantastic things can occur. Of course there are other reasons why people turn to religion this is just one way I believe kids can and do get so heavily into religion and blindly believe everything they hear, which is the WRONG WAY TO DO RELIGION and as a result we have people growing up on the extremes thus polarizing them from nearly everyone else.
If there is a god I would find that really awesome, because I would have a whole shit load of questions for him/it. Like wtf was he thinking when he made the platypus and eve (women in general :P).
Oh and I had 3 hot dogs and 2 hamburgers today. Milk and cake. Suck in vegan/vegetarianism week.
Hope some of this makes sense
May 22nd, 2008, 03:05 AM
we all live in the matrix.
also i dont know why you hate these threads snaf. Is it cause it's just Copy and paste from what you said the last couple threads?
I believe these kinds of things are what makes a forum, a forum. last thign we need is another Random Post thread :|
Look people are curious, It's why we evolved to the extent we are, but when things cant be explained and they just have to hear an answer and what better answer is there then a mythical person that watches over and guards you, who invokes happiness, peace and love to others.
The answer Soothes people, informs people comforts them an encourages positive behavior. And when you have a heap of people lashing out at each other and generally terrified of the thing that cant be explained, it's like an instant drug.
It's where it all started and since then people stopped looking at it as a possible answer but as the only answer, which is a flaw we have.
Because if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it. and when those people believe it, so does the next generation thats raised by these people.
People have always had a desire to know the "answer" but somewhere along the line the answer was replaced with Blinded truth.
May 22nd, 2008, 03:21 AM
this is what ive been saying for years.
religion = lol and stupidity.
May 22nd, 2008, 03:36 AM
i dont know why you hate these threads snaf. Is it cause it's just Copy and paste from what you said the last couple threads?
Because it ends up about as intellectual as a gerbil fight...with about 1% of the entertainment.
May 22nd, 2008, 06:58 AM
I don't think I'll ever find a clear answer to anything that goes on in my mind :(
been there done that but the bottomline is, thats the answer to a undefined question.
If you would have REALLY thought your shit through (you know really considering you asumptions and probing them with an open mind), you would hardly be able to formulate a question let alone writing that neat essay. That's called nihilism.
After you realised that indeed ANYTHING is as questionable as it is logical without producing actual questions nor answers, theres just three ways to get out of this philosophical dilemma:
1. Picking up the next best dogmatic religion as it is just as pointless/meaningfull as everything else but at least they offer the security of dogmatic "thruths" i.e. induspitble facts
2.Smoke moar weed and suddenly everything makes perfect sense
3.discrad "concious" philospohy and just let it flow
Tl;Dr: i think you may be on your way to nihilism. i could be wrong though wich is HIGHLY probable. if so, im sorry to bother you, sir.
I went to church so I am educated.
i came lol'd
May 22nd, 2008, 08:09 AM
Why don't you go read a book or take a course on world religions/cultures and get educated rather than philosophizing about it on a forum?
I agree. Not so much about the whole not talking about it on a forum (That's what forums are about), but definitely about the education bit.
May 22nd, 2008, 02:25 PM
3.discrad "concious" philospohy and just let it flow
Thats what I decided to do, as always hah. I guess it'll never makes sense, but thinking more and more you realize the answers unanswerable and you should just live life the way you were supposed to, don't question otherwise. Thats what I decided.
Why don't you go read a book or take a course on world religions/cultures and get educated rather than philosophizing about it on a forum?
Have and almost completed. Also well everyone around where I live doesn't understand anything but 'gods will' so it's been really itching at my skin. Also, it's the off-topic section.
May 22nd, 2008, 05:18 PM
But the way I see it, we're stuck here, we can't get out of life besides death, and, since we don't have any idea what the hell will happen after death (no pun intended), we may as well live it up. Also, I think the Bible is BS. There may be a God, but SURE AS HELL, he's not the one in the Bible. If anything, all he really did is set up and set off the big bang, he doesn't have any control over what we do or how we act. Hell, he may not even be a God at all, really, I'm just referring to him as God for lack of a better term.
May 22nd, 2008, 05:28 PM
But the way I see it, we're stuck here, we can't get out of life besides death, and, since we don't have any idea what the hell will happen after death (no pun intended), we may as well live it up. Also, I think the Bible is BS. There may be a God, but SURE AS HELL, he's not the one in the Bible. If anything, all he really did is set up and set off the big bang, he doesn't have any control over what we do or how we act. Hell, he may not even be a God at all, really, I'm just referring to him as God for lack of a better term.
Maybe you should actually go read through the bible and get educated about things before you talk.
May 22nd, 2008, 05:29 PM
Maybe you should actually go read through the bible and get educated about things before you talk.
If he wanted to get educated about things, why would he read the Bible?
May 22nd, 2008, 05:31 PM
If hes going to talk about the bible, he should read it so he knows what the hell hes talking about.
May 22nd, 2008, 05:59 PM
If hes going to talk about the bible, he should read it so he knows what the hell hes talking about.
Oh, I see how you could have taken that the wrong way; I worded it weird. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, there may be a God, but he isn't the one in the Bible. I think that, if a God does exist, he just set off the big bang, nothing more. He has no influence on our actions.
May 22nd, 2008, 09:28 PM
If he wanted to get educated about things, why would he read the Bible?
never argue with a fool.
People might not know the difference :thumbsup:
He's Quite happy with his circular logic CN :rolleyes:
May 23rd, 2008, 08:34 AM
If hes going to talk about the bible, he should read it so he knows what the hell hes talking about.
If you can "believe" in the shit thats in it without reading it, you can critizise the shit thats in it without having read it. :eng101:
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